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20.______ I toured Lushan Mountain,I was deeply impressed with its beautiful scenery.(  )
A.The first timeB.For the first time
C.At firstD.It was the first time

分析 第一次去庐山旅行的时候,我被它的美景深深的打动了.

解答 答案:A.
根据句式分析可知"I toured Lushan Mountain"是主句的时间状语从句,而四个选项中,只有 the first time 能引导时间状语从句表示"第一次做某事的时候",而其他选项中B只做时间状语,不能引导句子,C表示"首先",用于列举;D做主句,后面用that引导的句子,表示"是某人第一次做某事",事业答案是A.

点评 考查时间状语从句.英语中一些表示时间的名词短语或副词都可以充当引导词,来引导时间状语,例如本句中的the first time,又如the minute;imediately等等.
He put away his toys the minute his father came in.他爸爸一回来他就收起来玩具.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.-Why are you crying?Today is your birthday!
-____________.I am so excited with so many friends surrounding me.(  )
A.Just can't help itB.Don't mention it
C.None of your businessD.That's all right


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.A1l flights _________ because of the heavy storm,so we decided to take the train.(  )
A.have canceledB.have been canceled
C.had canceledD.had been canceled


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Google,the leading company in self-driving technology,has completely renewed its development program.Previously,Google had cars built by other companies,but now it will start building its own cars.
      For the past four years,Google's technicians had been working on a way to return control to the human driver's steering wheel (方向盘) in a dangerous situation.However,Google now says that the switch from automation to human control will not be possible anytime soon.Google's heads realized that relying on a human that may be reading,working,or sleeping to take over in an emergency wouldn't work.So what's the solution?
      Google has started to build a series of 100 experimental electric cars that look like a Smart car or Fiat 500.The only difference?There is no steering wheel,gas pedal (油门) and brake (刹车).The only things a human passenger controls are a red"e-stop"button for panic stops and a start button.The car's face is designed to make it seem friendly and help people accept self-driving te chnology.
      Google employees had taken part in a long experiment,in which they used self-driving vehicles to work every day.There were no crashes.This is a major change from competing self-driving projects.Mercedes Benz,BMW and Volvo have all developed some self-driving cars,but none completely eliminate  the driver.For example,the Mercedes Benz cars will stop if the driver takes his hands off the wheel for over ten seconds.
      Google will limit its early cars to a top speed of 25 miles per hour for safety reasons.These cars are designed to drive in or around cities,not on highways.However,a Google engineer commented that once their safety has been proven,there will be no limit to the speed.In the near future,Google's self-driving cars may make our roads much safer,and of course drivers may feel more relaxed on the way.
32.Unlike a Smart car,Google's electric carsC.
A.can run not only on land but also under water
B.are equipped with an unusual steering wheel
C.just offer two control buttons for a passenger
D.are environmentally friendly and run faster
33.The underlined word"eliminate"in Paragraph 4 can best be replaced by"C".
34.We can infer from the text that GoogleB.
A.will change the top speed of cars completely
B.may bring about a big change in transport
C.has made great progress in improving road safety
D.gives more attention to the experiences of drivers
35.What would be the best title for the text?A
A.Driverless cars:closer to reality
B.Crash testing & highway safety
C.How do self-driving cars work?
D.The future of Google Search.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

15.Dear Ms.Smith,
I appreciate your help very much.On the first day of camp,you came up to myself while I was sitting alone.After that,you always gave me specially attention and encouraged to me to join in activities.As the result,I gradually got to know the other campers.Because the help you gave me that summer,my life changed.I gained so much confidence that I go back to school as a new person.My grades improved.I became very active but made new friends.Today,I got a letter that said I had been admitting into a college.I am proud of it.I just want to thank you for helping me becoming a different person.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Can playing cell phone apps actually make you healthier?The answer to this question is usually no,but the Apps For Healthy Kids contest now makes this possible.
Winners of a competition sponsored (发起) by First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move!campaign to end childhood obesity were announced at the White House recently.Apps For Healthy Kids called for game designers to come up with phone applications focused on how to teach kids to make healthy eating choices.
"This competition allows us to harness (利用) the combined creativity of game developers,local youth,and adults to work collaboratively (合作地) to produce fun,innovative (革新的) games and tools that promote healthy lifestyles,"said Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack."Today,we are honored to award the talent of our nation's innovators while encouraging nutritious food choices and physical activity."
The competition began in March.Software developers,families,universities,teachers and companies submitted 95apps and tools to help kids and families make healthier choices.
One entry includes a game called Smash Your Food,where you guess the sugar levels of foods,then check the correctness of your guess.In the game Fitter Critters,you choose different foods that make your virtual (虚拟的) animals fitter and healthier.In Hungry Hiker,you build a meal to fuel your hiker to the top of a mountain.Food Buster,which gets the Most Popular Award,asks you to carefully stack food items so you don't break the scale.
The grand prize goes to a group of college students from University of Southern California who create Trainer,a game that challenges kids to train alongside their virtual pet.

21.According to the text,Michelle's Let's Move!campaign aims toD.
A.keeps kids from playing cell phone apps
B.teach kids how to have a happy childhood
C.have kids learn how to design games and play well
D.help kids prevent themselves from being overweight
22.Which game won is a prize winner?D
A.Smash your food.
B.Fitter Critters.
C.Hungry Hiker.
23.The purpose of the text is toB.
A.encourage kids to play games and cell phone apps
B.introduce the Apps For Healthy Kids contest
C.teach kids ways to deal with problems in school
D.warn parents not to let their kids play cell phone apps.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.I'll makearrangements(安排) for somebody to meet you at the airport.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

10.I am looking forward to receive your letter.(改错)

