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8.From good reading we can derive pleasure,companionship,experience,and instruction.A good book may absorb our attention so completely that for the time being we forget our surroundings and even our identity.Reading good books is one of the greatest pleasures in life.It increases our contentment when we are cheerful,and lessens our troubles when we are sad.Whatever may be our main purpose in reading,our contact with good books should never fail to give us enjoyment and satisfaction.
With a good book in our hands we need never be lonely.Whether the characters portrayed are taken from real life or are purely imaginary,they may become our companions and friends.In the pages of books we can walk with the wise and the good of all lands and all times.The people we meet in books may delight us either because they resemble human friends whom we hold dear or because they present unfamiliar types whom we are glad to welcome as new acquaintances.Our human friends sometimes may bore us,but the friends we make in books need never weary us with their company.By turning the page we can dismiss them without any fear of hurting their feelings.When human friends desert us,good books are always ready to give us friendship,sympathy,and encouragement.
One of the most valuable gifts bestowed by books is experience.Few of us can travel far from home or have a wide range of experiences,but all of us can lead varied lives through the pages of books.Whether we wish to escape from the seemingly dull realities of everyday life or whether we long to visit some far-off place,a book will help us when nothing else can.To travel by book we need no bank account to pay our way; no airship or ocean liner or stream-lined train to transport us; no passport to enter the land of our heart's desire.Through books we may get the thrill of hazardous adventure without danger.We can climb lofty mountains,brave the perils of an Antarctic winter,or cross the scorching sands of the desert,all without hardship.In books we may visit the studios of Hollywood; we may mingle with the gay throngs of the Paris boulevards; we may join the picturesque peasants in an Alpine village or the kindly natives on a South Sea island.Indeed,through books the whole world is ours for the asking.The possibilities of our literary experiences are almost unlimited.The beauties of nature,the enjoyment of music,the treasures of art,the triumphs of architecture,the marvels of engineering,are all open to the wonder and enjoyment of those who read.
43.Why is it that we sometimes forget our surroundings and even our identity while reading?B
A.No one has come to disturb you.
B.The book you are reading is so interesting and attractive.
C.Everything is so quiet and calm around you.
D.Your book is overdue; you are finishing it at a very fast speed.
44.How would you account for the fact that people like their acquaintances in books even more?C
A.They resemble human friends exactly.B.They are unfamiliar types we like.
C.They never desert us.D.They never hurt our feelings.
45.Which of the following is true?C
A.Your wish to visit some far-off place can be realized through the pages of the books.
B.To escape from the dull realities of everyday life you should take up reading.
C.You may obtain valuable experience from reading good books.
D.Books can always help you to live a colorful life.
46.The word"weary"meansD.
A."to attract someone's attention"B."to distract someone's attention"
C."to make someone interested"D."to make someone very tired"

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了读好书的重要性;一本好书可以使我们的注意力完全吸收,我们暂时忘记我们的环境,甚至我们的身份,帮助我们成长.

解答 43.B.细节理解题.由第一段A good book may absorb our attention so completely that for the time being we forget our surroundings and even our identity可知一本好书可以使我们的注意力完全吸收,我们暂时忘记我们的环境,甚至我们的身份;故选B.
44.C.推理判断题.由第二段By turning the page we can dismiss them without any fear of hurting their feelings可知人们更喜欢书中的熟人因为他们不会抛弃;故选C.
45.C.细节理解题.由第二段第八句One of the most valuablegifts bestowed by books is experience.可知你可以从阅读好书中获得宝贵的经验;故选C.
46.D.猜测词义题.由两个分句的转折关系可知never weary应与bore反义,即weary与bore同义,都是"使人疲倦/厌烦"之意;故选D.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Knowing about yourself not only means finding out what you're good at and what you like,but also means discovering what you're not good at and what you don't like.Both help you to see your aim (目标) in life.
Although most students would be unhappy if they failed a very difficult physics exam,they have in fact learned a lot about themselves.They know that they should not become engineers or physical scientists.So failing can help a student to live a happier life if he learns something from it.They may then decide on their aims and choose the work they like and are fit for.
It is impossible to decide whether you like something until you have tried it.If you decide  to play the piano,you need to take more than one lesson before knowing whether you are really interested in it or able to do well.It is not enough if you want to be a great pianist.You also have to like the hard practice and long training.If you enjoy being a great pianist but hate the work,forget it.
It's a good plan to try as many ideas as possible when you are young.Then you will find out what your true interests are.

59.If you say you really know yourself,D.
A.you know what you don't like             B.you know what you are good at
C.you have no interest in your work         D.you've got the whole picture of yourself
60.Failing can turn out to be something good ifB.
A.you have aim in life    B.you learn something from it
C.you lead a happier life D.your decision is right
61.What can we learn from the second paragraph?C
A.Success is more helpful.
B.No one is fit for the job of a physical scientist.
C.Failure is a better mirror.
D.Physics can help students live a better life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.Another group of Qing Tombs sits about 100kilometres ______ of Beijing.(  )
A.at the westB.the westC.to westD.west


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Spring break is a beloved tradition of the American education system,from Kindergarten through graduate school.But for international students who arrive in America for college,spring break is a big challenge.Here are several ways international students can spend spring break in the United States.
Stay on campus
Honey Lee from Egypt will remain on campus this spring break because she says she has nowhere else to go."A lot of international students stay in the dorms over breaks,but it can still get lonely,"she says.
Some schools have programming for international students over breaks.Vanderbilt University organized a spring break trip for international students to the nearby mountains.Some schools also give away movie passes to international students staying on campus for the break.
Reconnect with high school friends
Chaudhury from India suggests international students look for and find others from their high school that also chose to study in this country."I certainly get somewhat jealous and lonely when I hear of my American friends going back home so often,"he says."Seeing my high school friends isn't like being at home,but it's a good substitute(代替者)."
Visit the homes of friends or family
Breaks can give international students a chance to experience American family life.
Last year Lizzie Ballard from the United Kingdom visited the home of a friend in southern California over Thanksgiving and spent Christmas with another friend's family in Fort Wayne,Ind."I'm never going to get the chance to do Thanksgiving or have an American Christmas again,"she says."It's nice to spend time with a family and see what real life is like here."
Be a tourist
Carlsen from Japan suggests international students make use of the break time to explore this country."That experience is very fun and enriching,"he says.Carlsen will visit San Francisco this spring break,and he has spent previous breaks in New York City,Connecticut,and Hawaii.He says New York City is a popular destination among international students.
56.Some international students have to stay on the campus during spring break becauseD.
A.they don't like the spring break tripB.they can see movies on the campus
C.they like to stay aloneD.they have nowhere else to go
57.From what Chaudhury says we can learn thatC.
A.all the international students feel lonely in America
B.his high school friends all chose to study in America
C.he likes to visit his high school friends in America
D.he likes to see his high school friends at home
58.Living with an American family can help the international studentsA.
A.experience the real life in America
B.spend Thanksgiving Day and Christmas
C.make a lot of new friends
D.find out their high school friends
59.According to what Carlsen says,the place that the international students like most in America isB.
A.San Francisco    B.New York   C.Connecticut   D.Hawaii
60.The main purpose of this passage isB.
A.to introduce spring break in America
B.to offer international students some ways to spend spring break
C.to tell international students how to travel in America
D.to supply readers with college information of America.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Welcome to your future life!
You get up in the morning and look into the mirror.Your face is firm and young-looking.In 2035,medical technology is better than ever.Many people your age could live to be 150,so at 40,you're not old at all.And your parents just had an anti-aging (抗衰老的) treatment.Now,all three of you look the same age!
You say to your shirt,"Turn red."It changes from blue to red.In 2035,"smart clothes"contain particles (粒子) much smaller than the cells in your body.The particles can be programmed to change your clothes'color or pattern.
You walk into the kitchen.You pick up the milk,but a voice says,"You shouldn't drink that!"Your fridge has read the chip (芯片) that contains information about the milk,and it knows the milk is old.In 2035,every article of food in the grocery store has such a chip.
It's time to go to work.In 2025,cars drive themselves.Just tell your"smart car"where to go.On the way,you can call a friend using your jacket sleeve.Such"smart technology"is all around you.
So will all these things come true?"For new technology to succeed,"says scientist Andrew Zolli,"it has to be so much better that it replaces what we have already."The Internet is one example-what will be the next?
56.We can learn from the text that in the futureD.
A.people will never get old           
B.everyone will look the same
C.red will be the most popular color
D.clothes will be able to change their pattern
57.What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?C
A.Milk will be harmful to health.
B.More drinks will be available for sale.
C.Food in the grocery store will carry electronic information.
D.Milk in the grocery store will stay fresh much longer.
58.Which of the following is mentioned in the text?D
A.Nothing can replace the Internet.
B.Fridges will know what people need.
C.Jacket sleeves can be used as a guide.
D.Cars will be able to drive automatically (自动的).
59.What is the text mainly about?B
A.Food and clothing in 2035.
B.Future technology in everyday life.
C.Medical treatments of the future.
D.The reason for the success of new technology.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Little Tommy was doing very badly in math.His parents had tried everything-tutors,cards,special learning centers-in short,everything they could think of.Finally they took Tommy to a catholic(天主教的) school.
After the first day,little Tommy came home with a very serious look on his face.He didn't kiss his mother hello.Instead,he went to his room and started studying.Books and papers were spread out all over the room and little Tommy was hard at work.His mother was surprised.She called him down to dinner and as soon as he finished eating,he went back to his room,without a word.In no time he was back hitting the booksas hard as before.This went on for some time,day after day while the mother tried to understand what was happening.
Finally,little Tommy brought home his report card.He quietly put it on the table and went up to his room and hit the books.His mom looked at it and to her surprise,little Tommy got an A in math.She could no longer hold her curiosity.She went to his room and asked,"Son,what was it?Was it the nuns(修女)?"
Little Tommy looked at her and shook his head,"No."
"Well then,"she asked again,"WHAT was it?"
     Little Tommy looked at her and said,"Well,on the first day of school,when I saw that man nailed(钉) to the plus sign,I knew they weren't joking."
56.Tommy's mother felt surprised that his sonD.
A.was still the same as usual           
B.ate so much at dinner
C.kissed her hello after school           
D.worked hard but said little
57.The underlined phrase"hitting the books"means"A"in Chinese.
A.用功    B.捶书    C.发泄    D.振作
58.The last sentence in the passage shows thatB.
A.Tommy felt sorry for the man         
B.Tommy was afraid of being nailed
C.Tommy didn't like the plus sign       
D.Tommy liked playing jokes on others
59.From the passage,we can infer thatB.
A.teachers should be strict with their students
B.mistakes might do good sometimes
C.a catholic school is much better than other ones
D.nuns are good at helping children with their math
60."Well,on the first day of school,when I saw that man nailed to the plus sign,I knew they weren't joking."We know that"the man"here isD
A.one of Tommy's classmates    
B.a nun     
C.Jesus Christ (耶稣基督)    
D.a teacher.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.-Look  the building ________ top we can see here is our library.
-Oh,it is very beautiful.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Researchers at the University of Kansas say that people can accurately judge 90percent of a stranger's personality simply by looking at the person's shoes."Shoes convey useful information about their wearers,''the authors wrote in the new study published in the Journal of Research in Personality.
Lead researcher Omri Gillath said the judgments were based on the style,cost,color and condition of someone's shoes.In the study,63University of Kansas researchers looked at pictures showing 208different pairs of shoes worn by the study's participants.Volunteers in the study were photographed in their most commonly worn shoes,and then filled out a personality questionnaire.
Some of the results were expected:People with higher incomes most commonly wore expensive shoes,and flashier shoes were typically worn by outgoing people.However,some of the more specific results are strange enough.For example,"practical and functional''shoes were generally worn by more"pleasant"people,while ankle boots were more linked with‘‘aggressive''personalities.The strangest of all may be that those who wore‘‘uncomfortable looking"shoes tend to have"calm"personalities.And if you have several pairs of new shoes or take extreme care of them,you may suffer from"attachment anxiety",spending lots of time worrying about what other people think of your appearance.There was even a political calculation in the mix with more liberal(主张变革的)types wearing"shabbier and less expensive"shoes.
The researchers noted that some people will choose shoe styles to mask their actual personalities,but researchers noted that volunteers were also likely to be unaware that their footwear choices were showing the deep side of their personalities.

32.What does this text mainly tell us?C
A.The richer you are,the more expensive shoes you will wear.
B.Shoes convey false information about the wearer.
C.People's personalities can be judged by their shoes.
D.People know little about their personalities.
33.Which of the results is beyond people's expectations?C
A.Wealthy people often wear expensive shoes.
B.Pleasant people like wearing uncomfortable shoes.
C.Aggressive people are likely to wear ankle boots.
D.Flashier shoes are typically worn by outgoing people.
34.People suffering from"attachment anxiety"tend toB
A.wear strange shoes      B.worry about their appearance
C.have a calm character   D.become a political leader
35.The author wrote the text in order toA
A.inform us of a new study    B.introduce a research method
C.teach how to choose shoes   D.describe different personalities.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.There is a Malay saying:"It is easier to teach a stupid person than a ______ one".(  )

