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Life is to be lived. No excuses. No reservations (保留). No holding back.

A story about the violinist Fritz Kreisler tells how he once _________ a beautiful instrument he wanted to acquire. When he _________ raised the money for the violin, he returned to_________ it and learned that it had already been sold to a(n) _________.

He went to the new owner’s home in order to try to _________ him to sell the violin. _________, the collector said it was one of his prized possessions and he could not let it go. Kreisler felt _________ and turned to leave, but then asked a favor, “May I play the instrument once more _______ it is put away?”

_________ was given and the great musician began to play. The __________ sang out a quality of music which was so beautiful that the collector himself could only listen in __________. “I have no __________ to keep that to myself,” he said after the musician finished. “The violin is yours, Mr. Kreisler. Take it into world, and let people __________ it.”

You and I are excellent violins—our __________ is meant to be heard.

I want to live my ________ that way—to take it into the world and live it fully. I’d rather burn out than rust out. I’d rather be__________ than die not having done whatever I could.

I’m not talking about __________ ourselves by doing too much. Happiness is never found in overmuch busyness. But it is found in investing our lives in others. Say yes when asked for a hand. __________ to work for a worthwhile organization. Spend an hour with a ________ relative.

In the end, I know that my happiness is not about by my ability or my inability. It is about how much I ________ to others.

1.A. found out B. came across C. came to D. picked out

2.A. slowly B. actually C. eventually D. regularly

3.A. buy B. play C. pick D. get

4.A. musician B. performer C. player D. collector

5.A. force B. persuade C. advise D. ask

6.A. Therefore B. Besides C. However D. Otherwise

7.A. disappointed B. angry C. helpless D. desperate

8.A. unless B. after C. until D. before

9.A. Judgment B. Permission C. Award D. Appreciation

10.A. violin B. musician C. singer D. collector

11.A. amazement B. agreement C. puzzlement D. embarrassment

12.A. freedom B. right C. interest D. money

13.A. play B. know C. feel D. hear

14.A. story B. sound C. music D. message

15.A. life B. dream C. hobby D. reality

16.A. hung up B. put up C. used up D. dressed up

17.A. exhausting B. requesting C. fighting D. changing

18.A. Struggle B. Volunteer C. Manage D. Promise

19.A. special B. close C. tired D. lonely

20.A. turn B. treat C. give D. adapt


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省赣州市2017届高三英语周考试卷二 题型:完形填空

I was in desperate need of a break. The “witching hour” was upon us once again, dinner was burning on the stove, and fights were _________ between my two children. The crying was never- ending and I was _________ the end of my rope. But I was holding down the fort until way after bedtime.

I _________ a friend who has four children the same ages as mine, and she was in a similar_________. Our husbands were _________ the same meeting that night. I could hear the screaming in the _________, interrupted by Jen’s shouting. She kept _________ the phone to pick up the baby because he was crying. It seemed as if we were all suffering _________. Couldn’t there be a way for us to break up the sameness? _________!

The first play date was at Jen’s house the following Wednesday at 4:00 pm. My daughter________ into the basement playroom with the other children. Jen and I sat just __________ some adult company.

We ordered a pizza and salad, and all of the children actually ate their dinner. My kids aren’t big salad fans, but if other kids are eating it, __________ it’s cool. The entire large pizza was eaten up rapidly. Jen and I did the __________ together. When we were done, we invited them back and they all danced to a music DVD __________ it was time to go. My kids went __________ to bed when we got home. I felt rejuvenated(恢复活力的). The e-mail from Jen the next morning __________ her similar feelings. We were on to something and it had to __________.

The following Wednesday play date was at my house, and it was __________ the same. The kids had a great time __________. Watching kids play together without fighting is a truly great thing. Wednesday night gives me a chance to sit and really __________ my children as little people.

1.A. breaking up B. breaking out C. fading away D. dying down

2.A. on B. in C. at D. by

3.A. met B. called C. invited D. visited

4.A. situation B. condition C. consideration D. stage

5.A. attending B. holding C. participate D. join

6.A. environment B. atmosphere C. consequence D. background

7.A. throwing B. holding C. dropping D. talking

8.A. differently B. regularly C. equally D. slightly

9.A. Surprisingly B. Absolutely C. Perhaps D. Maybe

10.A. hid B. fell C. disappeared D. dragged

11.A. appreciating B. expecting C. imaging D. enjoying

12.A. apparently B. surprisingly C. similarly D. oppositely

13.A. cleaning B. washing C. cooking D. dancing

14.A. when B. unless C. until D. after

15.A. slowly B. actively C. unwillingly D. right

16.A. announced B. explained C. confirmed D. brought

17.A. improve B. start C. stop D. continue

18.A. usually B. exactly C. generally D. accurately


A. making themselves up B. wearing themselves out

C. setting themselves apart D. giving themselves away

20.A. understand B. notice C. observe D. realize


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省龙岩市毕业班教学质量检查英语试卷 题型:书面表达

假如你是李华,3月1日在英国某网站购买了一本英文原版小说Pride and Prejudice。收到货后,你发现书封面破损并存在缺页现象,请你就此向网站客服写封电子邮件投诉。



Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm sorry to trouble you but

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省2017届高三9月质量检测英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

This year marks 45 years since Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon,taking“one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind.”Overall,12 American astronauts have walked on the lunar landscape,the last doing so in 1972.

Enthusiasm for space travel has always increased and decreased.In 2010,President Barack Obama cut funds for a NASA mission that would haveput humans back on the moonby 2020.“I understand that some believe that we should attempt a return to the surface of the Moon first,as previously planned.But I just have to say here:We’ve been there before,”said Obama.NASA Administrator Charles Bolden has alsothrown cold wateron the idea of a return mission to the moon.

But others believe there are benefits to going back to the moon.“It’s the closest future body to us,making it the least challenging to explore all the planets,moons and asteroids(小行星)in our solar system,”wrote Gene R.Grushfrom NASA Johnson Space Center.Richard Vondrak,deputy(代理的)director of the Solar System Exploration Division at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center,said,“Astronauts can accomplish scientific exploration that is beyond the capability of robotic explorers.”

And then there’s the private sector.In the last few years,several private companies have launched rockets of their own,ending the public sector’s monopoly(垄断)on space flight.Meanwhile,Buzz Aldrin,the second person to walk on the moon,believes that there’s amuch better goalfor exploration:Mars.“We’ve walked on the moon,so we understand it better than anything else,”Aldrinsaid.“We’ve got to start thinking of long-term investments.”

1.What can we know about Neil Armstrong’s walking on the moon?

A. He stepped on the moon in 1972. B. It is highly thought of in the world.

C. It took astronauts 45 years to do that. D. He did it together with 11 astronauts.

2.What can we learn about Gene R.Grush?

A. He hopes to use robots to explore the moon.

B. He thinks the moon is the easiest to explore.

C. He thinks we should explore all the stars.

D. He’s the deputy director of NASA.

3.Who supports exploring the Mars?

A. Charles Bolden. B. Richard Vondrak. C. Buzz Aldrin. D. President Obama

4.What can be the best title of the text?

A. Should we go back to the moon? B. How can we return to the moon?

C. What can we find in the universe? D. Should we do a research on space?


科目:高中英语 来源:广西玉林市毕业班质量检测英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

While dog keepers realize their dogs can read their moods accurately, scientists have always been a little doubtful. Now thanks to some researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna, Austria, we finally have some convincing evidence.

For their study, biologist Corson Miller and his team exposed eleven selected dogs to digital images of women that were either angry or happy. Half the dogs were rewarded for touching the screen when shown a happy face, while the other half got their treat for selecting those that appeared angry.

Interestingly, the dogs were not provided with the entire face. Some dogs were shown only upper halves while the others observed lower halves. That’s because the scientists believe humans show their emotions on their entire face.

After some training like how to recognize small differences like the wrinkles between the eyes or the changes in their shape that accompany the happy or angry expressions, the dogs were mostly able to identify the correct expression not only on a familiar face but on a strange face. The researchers concluded the dogs were smart enough to read human emotions.

They also found those being trained to read angry expressions took a longer time to learn. They guess it may be because dogs find angry faces disgusting, causing them to withdraw quickly. However, once the smart dogs realized they were getting rewarded, the trepidation seemed to disappear. In fact, the dogs had such a good time playing the computer "game" that scientists had a hard time keeping them away from the touch screens after the study was completed.

The researchers also noticed only dogs with a male owner had a harder time understanding the expressions correctly. Since the touchscreen models were all females, this confirmed what has been observed in previous studies—dogs are more efficient at reading facial expressions of people that are the same gender as their owner.

1.How did the scientists conduct the experiment?

A. By mixing the selected dogs together.

B. By leaving dogs to women who are either happy or angry.

C. By showing digital pictures of women’s happy or angry faces.

D. By rewarding only half of the dogs touching the screen.

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the dogs in the study?

A. The dogs were not all provided with the entire face.

B. The dogs couldn’t read strangers facial emotions.

C. According to their size, the dogs were given either upper or lower halves.

D. The dogs could make out small changes accompanying facial expressions.

3.The underlined word "trepidation" in Paragraph 5 probably means ________.

A. curiosity B. horror C. excitement D. doubt

4.How might the results change if the dogs with female owners are shown pictures of male faces?

A. They would be scared away at the sight of the pictures.

B. They found it easy to tell the emotions on the entire face.

C. They could only tell emotions on partial faces rather than on entire faces.

D. They found it hard to tell the moods on the faces of a different gender.


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省石家庄市2017届高三下学期模拟联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

At the end of every year, Time picks the best 25 inventions that are “making the world better and smarter”. Here we have picked three of this year’s inventions that could be a part of your life in the near future.

The levitating(悬浮的) lightbulb

This special lightbulb was invented by US artist and scientist Simon Morris. He got the idea of making a lightbulb float from hoverboards(悬浮滑板),which he used to dream of having as a kid.

But the floating is not the most amazing part. The rejection force between the opposite ends of the magnets(磁铁),which were put in the bottom of the bulb and in the wooden base, does the job. What’s new here is a technology called induction (电磁感应). It allows the lightbulb to get power from the base even they are not in contact.

Shoes that tie themselves

They’re not what you think-shoelaces that tie themselves in the way we tie them. Instead, the new shoes have small motors that control their laces. When you step in them, your feet will hit a sensor(传感器)in the shoes and the motor will automatically tighten the laces.

But the shoes weren’t just designed for lazy people’s needs. They could actually give athletes an advantage during competition. They are also useful for people who cannot move their arms or fingers easily.

The no-touch thermometer

Taking your body temperature usually means putting a thermometer (体温计) in your armpits (腋窝) and staying still for minutes. It may be easy for you, but it’s an impossible task for little kids.

Now, with the new thermometer, users can simply put it 2.5 centimeters from a patient’s forechead and press the button, and it can get the reading in two seconds.

1.The levitating lightbulb is special in that ________.

A. floating is the most amazing part of the levitating lightbulb

B. the inventor of the levitating lightbulb is more than a scientist

C. it makes use of the rejection force between opposite ends of magnets

D. induction allows the lightbulb to get power even when unconnected with the base

2.How is the no-touch thermometer different from other ones?

A. It makes it easier to take kid’s temperature.

B. You need wait two minutes for the reading.

C. You don’t need to press the button.

D. It should be put in one’s armpit.

3.In which part of a newspaper can you possibly read this text?

A. Education. B. Sports. C. Science. D. Entertainment.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省佛山市2017届高三上学期第二次大考英语试卷 题型:单词拼写

In the camp, we’ll teach you ________ skills. (生存)


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省佛山市2017届高三上学期第二次大考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

British Women Writers in different periods of time

The English Renaissance

The English Renaissance began in the later part of the fifteenth century and lasted until the 1660s. Among the most famous women writers of this period is Aphra Behn, who is seen as the first professional woman writer in English. Aphra Behn's works include also the plays The Amourous Prince, The Town Fop, The Dutch Lover and her only tragedy, Abdelazer.

The neoclassical period

Among the well-known women in British literature during the neoclassical period, from 1660 to the end of the eighteenth century, is Anne Finch. She wrote poetry and tried to express all that she saw and experienced. Another woman was recognized for her contribution to neoclassical British literature: Mary Astell. Mary Astell was a philosopher and a feminist writer. She is best known now for her theories on the education of women.

The Romantic period

Jane Austen is one of the most famous women writers that worked during the Romantic period (1798-1832). Her works include several novels, most of which focus on marriage as a way for young women to secure social standing and economic security. Her most famous novels are Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and Emma.

The Victorian period

The Victorian period, between the 1830s and 1900, was the time when the Bronte sisters, George Eliot and Elizabeth Gaskell lived and wrote. Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte and Anne Bronte produced many British literary classics. Mary Anne Evans adopted the male pen name George as she wanted to set herself apart from the feminine genre(女性主义流派) of cookbooks and domestic moral tales. Her most famous novel is The Mill on the Floss published in 1860.

1.According to the passage, Aphra Behn was famous for ________.

A. novels B. poetry C. plays D. cookbooks

2.According to the passage, why did Mary Anne Evans publish her stories under the name of George Eliot?

A. Women were forbidden to write novels then. B. Her works would be different.

C. It helped promote her works. D. It sounded more popular.

3.If a reader is interested in women’s education, whose works can be the best choice?

A. Anne Finch’s. B. Mary Astell’s.

C. Mary Wortley Montagu’s. D. Mary Shelley’s.


科目:高中英语 来源:吉林省长白山市2017届高三第二次模拟考试英语试卷(有答案) 题型:阅读理解

You have never seen him,but they're with you every time you fly.They record where you are going,how fast you're traveling and whether everything on your airplane is functioning normally.Their ability to withstand(经受得住)almost any disaster makes them seem like something out of a magic book.They're known as the black box.

When planes fall from the sky,as a Yemeni airliner did on its way to Comoros Islands in the India ocean June 30,2009,the black box is the best bet for identifying what went wrong.So when a French submarine(潜水艇)detected the device's homing signal five days later,the discovery marked a huge step toward determining the cause of a tragedy in which 152 passengers were killed.

In 1958,Australian scientist David Warren developed a flight-memory recorder that would track basic information like altitude and direction.That was the first mode for a black box,which became a requirement on all U.S.commercial flights by 1960.Early models often failed to withstand crashes,however,so in 1965 the device(装置)was completely redesigned and moved to the back of the plane-the area least affected bu impact-from its original position in the landing wells(起落架舱). The same year, the Federal Aviation Authority required that the boxes,which were never actually black,be painted orange or yellow to aid visibility.

Modern airplanes have two black boxes: a voice recorder,which tracks pilots' conversations,and a flight-data recorder,which monitors fuel levels,engine noises and other operating functions that help investigators reconstruct the aircraft's final moments.Placed in an insulated ( 隔绝的) case and surrounded by a quarter-inch-thick panels of stainless steel,the boxes can withstand massive force and temperatures up to 2,000℉.When in deep water,they're also able to emit signals from depths of 20,000 ft.Experts believe the boxes from Air France Flight 447,which crashed near Brazil on June 1,2009,are in water nearly that deep,but statistics say they're still likely to turn up.In the approximately 20 deep-sea crashes over the past 30 years,only one plane's black boxes were never recovered.

1.In Paragraph 1,the author wants to say the black box_________.

A. comes from a comic book B. is an necessary device on an airplane

C. can prevent disasters D. can control the function of an airplane

2.From the black box on the Yemeni airliner _________ could be found.

A. the scene of the crash and the degree of the damage B. the total number of passengers on board

C. homing signals sent by the pilot before the crash D. data for analyzing the cause of the crash

3.Why was the black box redesigned in 1965?

A. The early models often got damaged in the crash. B. New materials became available by that time.

C. Too much space was needed for its device. D. The early models didn't provide the needed data.

4.What do we know about the black boxes from Air France Flight 447?

A. They have stopped sending homing signals. B. There is an urgent need for them to be reconstructed.

C. There is still a good chance of their being recovered. D. They were destroyed somewhere near Brazil.

