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Network With Ease

Networking is very important in our daily lives. Often the best jobs and opportunities are not advertised but filled by word of mouth. With this in mind, a good idea is to go and find them yourself. How is this done? By the simple process of networking. A number of people feel networking is a waste of time and it has no effect on personal relationships or being successful in your business. __1.___ Relationships and business have been built via the networking process for hundreds of years.

Networking is not about meeting hundreds of people, communicating with them and then never meeting them again. It’s about getting to know each other and finding out if you are able to make the relationship beneficial for both of you. If you aren’t able to — then see if you can introduce them to someone more well-matched to their business.

__2.__ One day she decided to donate one of her articles to the local newspaper so it could be published and people around the world could have the chance to read it. The article focused on an event, which was coming up and was hosted by a woman’s publishing group. The group not only liked the article, but also appreciated what she had done, so they recommended her to a national magazine. _3.__ This example shows how networking can be done easily, if well thought out. Touching base with a few people can in fact lead to reaching many.

___4.___ I heard a story of someone recommending a friend for a teaching position with a nonprofit organization. Interestingly enough after getting the position, he returned the favor by referring his friend into a job he had heard about. How funny things work out!

When looking for a new job, it may be worth joining a networking group focusing on the sector of business you are interested in. It’s a great way to meet people, do research into companies by asking questions of those people who work there. __5._

The examples above show that in order to network effectively and in an efficient manner, you do not need to be outgoing or know a lot of people. All it requires is being creative, listening well, asking relevant questions and developing a good reputation with others. You would be amazed at how many doors will open for you.

A. This concept is completely incorrect.

B. Family and friends are the easiest and best way to increase your network.

C. Often the opportunity may just be within that particular networking group.

D. So now, not only does she get to write regular articles, she also gets paid for it.

E. Getting in touch with your friends and your colleagues often helps you build a larger network.

F. A simple example of how easy networking can be is the example of a woman who used to love writing articles.

G. By referring your friends or relatives whom you think are well suited for a job is another way to network.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届黑龙江哈尔滨六中高三上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Being physically active three times a week reduces the odds of being depressed by about 16%, according to new UCL research carried out as part of the Public Health Research Center.

The study, published in JAMA Psychiatry, found a two-way relationship between depression and physical activity. People who increased their weekly activity reported fewer depressive symptoms but those with more depressive symptoms were less active, particularly at younger ages.

Researchers followed 11,135 people born in 1958 up until the age of 50, recording depressive symptoms and levels of physical activity at regular intervals in adulthood. They found that each additional activity period per week reduced odds of depression by 6%. In England 19% of men and 26% of women are currently classed as “inactive”, and this study suggests that activity could significantly improve their mental as well as physical health.

“Assuming the association is causal, physical activity has a protective effect against depression. If an adult between their twenties and forties who isn’t physically active became active 3 times per week, they would reduce their risks of depression by about 16%.” says Dr Snehal of the UCL Institute of Child Health, lead author of the study.

Professor Mark, Director of the Public Health Research Center, said, “Many people are already aware of the benefits of physical activity on their general health, but now we are seeing more evidence that suggest it also has a positive effect on a person’s mental well-being. The latest research highlights just how important it is to ensure that people are working and living in environments that allow them to be both physically active and mentally healthy.”

1.What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A. To tell us a fun story about how to protect us against depression.

B. To introduce a research on the link between activity and depression.

C. To persuade readers to increase their weekly activity.

D. To describe the disadvantages of physical activity.

2.According to the second paragraph, if people increase their weekly activity, ________.

A. their depressive symptoms will be fewer

B. their depressive symptoms will be more

C. they will become much younger

D. they will become more depressive

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Dr. Snehal thinks it important to be both physically and mentally healthy.

B. The research shows men are more active in physical activities than women.

C. Adults who insist on physical activity will reduce depression completely.

D. Increasing physical activities can free people from depression in a way.

4.The author shows his view mainly by ________.

A. doing research

B. comparing and contrasting

C. trying on himself

D. discussing and summarizing


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届北京西城区高三上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Bob checked the equipment thoroughly, only ________ the power was not set.

A. findB. foundC. findingD. to find


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届北京市海淀区高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Beijing’s new international airport ________ into use in 2019, according to the spokesperson.

A. was putB. will putC. has putD. will be put


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届北京市海淀区高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The 24 solar terms(二十四节气) ________ a great effect on Chinese people’s lives for thousands of years.

A. have hadB. hadC. haveD. had had


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届北京东城区高三上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

When I was young at school, I loved to talk, a characteristic not always appreciated by Miss Jordan, my tenth-grade English teacher.

She was a teacher no one wanted because she was so ________. She stood about five-foot-five, was very thin and wore her hair pulled back in a way that gave her a horsy ________. She wore those half-circular reading glasses. Whenever she got upset, she would lower her head and look at you over the top of her glasses.

One day in her class I was busy talking. I didn’t ________ she had stopped teaching and was ________ straight at me. “Young lady, I would like to see you after school.”

Later Miss Jordan ________ in a low, but very firm voice that showed she expected me to listen when she was talking. For ________ she told me to write a thousand word essay on education and its effect on the economy(经济). She wanted it in by the following Wednesday.

Well, I met my deadline. I was ________. It was a good paper. And I expected a sign of ________ from her. The next day in class, ________, she was looking at me over her glasses. She called me forward and ________ my paper. “Go back and rewrite,” she said. “Remember, each paragraph is supposed to begin with a topic sentence.” When she gave my paper back a second time, she ________ the grammar. The third time, the spelling. The fourth time, it was punctuation. The fifth, it wasn’t neat enough. I was ________!

The sixth time, I rewrote the whole paper ________, in ink, leaving generous space. When she saw it, she removed her glasses and smiled. She finally ________ the paper. After that, I put the whole thing out of my ________.

Two or three months passed. One day Miss Jordan came into the class and said to us: “Class, do you still ________ an essay contest held citywide? They’ve announced the ________. I am happy to inform you that Mary has won third prize in the essay contest —‘On the Impact of Education on the Economy’.”

I was amazed and ________. It was the first time I had ever won a prize. Years later, I told a reporter that story, and my comments—including my unfriendly ________ of Miss Jordan’s appearance. Miss Jordan wrote me, and said that her appearance wasn’t what was important. What was important was the ________ I had learnt. When I wrote and rewrote that paper for her, I began to learn how to discipline myself.

1.A. open-mindedB. strictC. carefulD. cold-hearted

2.A. lookB. shapeC. styleD. character

3.A. guessB. believeC. imagineD. realize

4.A. wavingB. laughingC. staringD. running

5.A. complainedB. whisperedC. explainedD. apologized

6.A. objectionB. motivation

C. punishmentD. encouragement

7.A. confidentB. concernedC. nervousD. helpful

8.A. suggestionB. approvalC. commentD. respect

9.A. otherwiseB. moreoverC. howeverD. therefore

10.A. changedB. toreC. openedD. returned

11.A. masteredB. correctedC. taughtD. identified

12.A. relievedB. gratefulC. relaxedD. sick

13.A. carelesslyB. eagerlyC. vaguelyD. slowly

14.A. publishedB. acceptedC. finishedD. studied

15.A. mindB. listC. questionD. sight

16.A. rememberB. enterC. expectD. organize

17.A. plansB. winnersC. participantsD. names

18.A. curiousB. anxiousC. thrilledD. enthusiastic

19.A. conclusionB. reaction

C. recommendationD. description

20.A. lessonB. meaningC. skillD. result


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届北京东城区高三上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

________ the weather improves, we will have to cancel the game.

A. ThoughB. UntilC. UnlessD. Since


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届安徽江南十校高三下期开年第一考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

How did the ancient Chinese keep food warm in winter?

Facilities like electric rice cookers, microwaves, and electric kettles, make it easy for people to keep food warm and enjoy a comfortable winter. So how did Chinese people in ancient times keep food warm in winter without these? In fact, ancient Chinese people used their own methods of heat preservation as early as the Shang and Zhou dynasties.

● “Wen Ding”, ancient rice cooker

One of the major functions of an electric rice cooker is to keep food warm. The “Wen Ding”, an ancient cooking container, served the same purpose, but instead of using electric energy, the ancient cooking container, served the same purpose, but instead of using electric energy, the ancient cooking container preserved heart by burning fuels like charcoal.

The “Wen Ding” unearthed in Nanjing in 1989 is thought to be the oldest of its kind discovered in China, dating back to the Stone Age, The craftsmanship of making the “Wen Ding” was developed in the Bronze Age. The bronze Ding from Shang and Zhou dynasties took on different shapes and structures.

● “Ran LU”, ancient small hot pot

The “Ran LU” is a small size cooking vessel(器皿) made of bronze, which can be divided into three parts. A charcoal stove forms the main structure, with a bottom tray to hold charcoal ashes, and a movable cup at the top. Some experts have concluded that the vessel’s structure suggests it may have been used as a small hot pot and that these vessels became popular in the Warring States Period(475—221 BC)

●Bronze You, ancient kettle

The Bronze You was one of the most common wine containers during the Shang and Zhou dynasties. The Bronze You can also be used to warm wine. For example, the Bronze You with beast mask design, unearthed in Jiangxi province, has an opening where charcoals could be placed. Just as people today can’t do without an electric kettle, the Bronze You allowed people to enjoy a hot drink.

●Bronze Yan, ancient steamer

Although the “Wen Ding” was effective at keeping food warm, the ancient Chinese people later found that its burning produced pollution. As a result, the Bronze Yan was made with a two-tier structure and used to steam rice and other grains. After the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 25-AD 220), further improvements to the Bronze Yan led to the modern-day steamer.

1.When did the “Ran LU” become popular?

A. In the Zhou Dynasty.

B. In the Warring States Period.

C. In the Eastern Han dynasty.

D. In the Stone Age.

2.The Bronze You, unearthed in Jiangxi province, has an opening to ________.

A. store wineB. pour water

C. place charcoalsD. hold charcoal ashes

3.What is the unique advantage of the Bronze Yan?

A. It is warm.

B. It is convenient.

C. It is environment-friendly.

D. It is useful.

4.Among the following products, which one may have the longest history?

A. The “Wen Ding”.B. The “Ren LU”.

C. The Bronze You.D. The Bronze Yan.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届江西新余市高三上期第二次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Americans are obsessed (着迷的) with telling their life stories. This phenomenon isn’t simply the product of the technological world. 1._________ People are eager to tell stories and are fascinated by those of others. Even at preschool, “sharing time” is a common Monday-morning activity where the teenagers will sit in a circle and take turns telling a story about something they did over the weekend.

2.___________ In many Asian countries, talking about and drawing attention to oneself can be seen as socially inappropriate. People are often unwilling to share their life stories and do not encourage others to do so. But there are also times Asians do share their stories. 3.___________ Asians believe that a person is largely decided by his or her social status and relationships, leaving little reason to broadcast detailed and revealing personal stories to establish a unique self.

Ironically, the more unique Americans strive to be, the greater their need to feel connected with others. In their culture of individuality, relationships are highly mobile and can be easily formed or dissolved(破裂).

Sharing personal stories brings them closer through the exchange of thoughts, feelings and desires. 4._________ But this motivation is not nearly as strong among Asians, for whom social relations are generally unconditional, obligatory(义不容辞的) and stable, and therefore require little maintenance(维护).

5.__________ American parents encourage children to share their stories and create opportunities to re-experience the past with children. Asian parents, by contrast, engage their children in telling personal stories less frequently. When they do talk about a child’s experiences, they are not particularly concerned with parent-child bonding but tend to focus on disciplining the child.

A. They tend to focus more on outer facts than personal details.

B. It helps them shape their “selves” and makes them who they are.

C. Interestingly, this obsession is not necessarily shared in other cultures.

D. Talking about personal stories is to cheer people on with positive feelings.

E. It connects them like many different points, holding their society together.

F. Sharing personal stories is also an essential part in everyday conversations.

G. Parents in America and Asia differ in how they share memories with children.

