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12.Homework will not be a concern for pupils attending a pioneering new secondary school in Norfolk.Instead,the  l,100 children will stay longer at school,doing extra study at school as part of the extended (延长的) school day,which could last until about 5 pm.
     Rather than setting homework that pupils could struggle with at home,where there may be limited access to computers,they will do that as independent study in the day.When they go home they should enjoy quality family time.That has been really well received by parents who respect the fact that family time will be family time.But the school would still expect youngsters to study at home ahead of important exams.
     Independent learning at school would ensure equality because kids who get help with homework from parents might rely on others too much.
     Peter Devonish.a teacher at the school,said,"Having the children at school a bit longer to strengthen their learning is a really good idea,because they can have their time with the family."But he warned."A disadvantage is that our school is in the countryside,which means it's not so perfect to get children home at that time."
     Mr.Devonish said they also set pupils project-based homework,such as looking at an energy-efficient house,which allowed them to combine independent study with working with their parents.
     Craig Morrison,another teacher,said,"A large problem with homework has been that not enough is done with it.With homework.a lot of effort can go into it,so it's about celebrating what children do rather than processing it in terms of marking it and handing it back."
56.How will students spend their longer days at school?C
A.They will prepare their lessons for exams.
B.They will do homework with their teachers.
C.They will study all by themselves.
D.They will do homework on computers.
57.Why is the new idea well accepted by some parents?B
A.Because it helps kids with their homework.
B.Because kids will enjoy quality family time.
C.Because kids will be educated equally at school.
D.Because it can make houses more energy-efficient.
58.What is Mr.Devonish worried about?D
A.The students may dislike the idea.
B.No staff will agree to stay until 5:30 p.m.
C.More teachers will be needed.
D.The students may get home late.
59.According to Mr.Morrison,the'problem with homework isA.
A.what effort children make to do it
B.how teachers mark it and return it
C.how much homework should be set
D.that parents may object to the plan
60.The passage is mainly aboutB.
A.teachers who are asked to stay at school longer
B.a school where children stay longer for homework
C.homework which students have to deal with
D.students who like quality school time with teachers.

分析 本文介绍了美国的一所学校的学生们可以不做家庭作业,而只是花更多的时间呆在学校里学习的情况.

56.答案 C 从第二段的they will do that as independent study in the day可知,在学校里的时间,他们将独立自主地学习.故答案为C
57.答案 B 根据第二段的That has been really well received by parents who respect the fact that family time will be family time可知,这些家长欢迎这个想法,是因为孩子们可以享受和家人在一起的时光了.故答案为B
58.答案 D 结合第四段的One is that our school is in the countryside,which means it's not so perfect to get children home at that time可知,这所学校是在乡村,孩子们在这个时间回家可能有点晚,故选D.
59.答案 A 根据最后一段的With homework,a lot of effort can go into it,so it's about celebrating what children do rather than processing it in terms of marking it and handing it back可知,他认为家庭作业应该关注的是:学生们在上面付出了多少的努力,而不是老师对它的批改和重新发给学生们.故答案为A
60.答案 B 本文主要介绍了美国的一所学校的学生们可以不做家庭作业,而只是花更多的时间呆在学校里学习的情况,故B项符合主旨.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

2."Leave me alone!"I shouted as I walked out of the garden gate and saw two strong boys pushing a kid around.I did not know the kid (16)A but I knew that we were about the same age because of his  (17)B.The bigger of the two(18)C the kid down on the ground.The other ran around behind the kid and kicked him as(19)D as he could in the back.The kid's body started shaking all (20)D and he curled up in a ball trying to (21)A his face.He looked like he was(22)填答案 to cry.
I uncovered my home-made bow with four arrows (23)A hand.The two boys kicked the kid hard and then ran out of arrow(24)B.The kid then made a(25)C that I will never forget for as long as I live.It was the sound like a whale makes when it has been attacked and knows that it is about to die.I (26)D all four of my arrows at the two boys as they (27)B laughing about what they had done.
I helped him back to his house.(28)D we reached his home his sister told me that her brother was (29)A.He was very smart but could not say or hear anything.The kid made one of those (30)C signs at me as I was about to leave.His sister told me that he was saying that he loved me with his hands.I didn't say anything back to her at all (31)B I didn't believe her.
The next day in the (32)A I was being chased by several boys.I saw the deaf kid sitting there just looking (33)D me as they held me by my hands,screaming and shouting.All I could hear the entire time was the sound of that (34)C being attacked again.That is when I realized that he probably really did (35)B me.
16.A.at allB.in allC.a littleD.a bit
27.A.showed offB.ran awayC.walked roundD.passed by


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.I like the English songs and they        many times on the radio.(  )
A.have been taughtB.have taught
C.had been taughtD.had taught


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.I'm afraid we have to accept the fact that criminals are getting younger all the time,but unfortunately the crimes are becoming more serious.I only wish we didn't have to admit this but,in doing so,we must first ask ourselves what's wrong with our society,or else our children clearly couldn't care less about law and order.
The days of the sneak thief who stole a couple of apples or a packet of sweets from a chain store are actually over.I had a chance to say this to a young offender the other day,"Sweets from a chain store?"He said,"You must be joking.That's what kids do."I may add that he was aged 11.In other words,today's young criminals would find it laughable to risk being caught for petty theft of this description.They've got enough money in their pockets to buy the sweets they want,anyway.I think it's all too easy to put the blame on anyone but ourselves.
Faced as they are with a society that frequently gives them up on the grounds of color,race or low learning ability,these children turn to crime as a means of showing off their self-respect.Nurtured on films and TV glamorizing (美化) the role of the criminal,they are quick to copy these anti-heroes.It is a matter of increasing concern to the police and government that the Children and Young Persons Act,1969,is becoming improper to deal with the rise in young criminals.Because the emphasis has been placed on the cause and gentle treatment of their crimes,rather than on old-fashioned methods of punishment,the children themselves know well that there is very little that can be done to prevent them continuing to steal,damage and in some case even cause the death of those they choose to terrorize (恐吓).I don't like the look of this situation any more than you do.In our own interests and in those of our children and grandchildren,we cannot continue to take the"it's nothing to do with me"attitude we have used for so long.We must unite in a common demand for harder and stricter methods against these young criminals.
66.By raising the question"Sweets from the chain store?",the writer was asking the boy whetherC
A.he wanted some sweets from a chain store
B.stealing sweets from a chain store was illegal
C.he was caught while stealing from a chain store
D.the days of stealing sweets from a chain store were over
67.Psychologically speaking,the reason why some youngsters commit crimes is thatB
A.they want to take revenge on society
B.they think it a way of showing their self-respect
C.they are good at imitating the criminals in the films
D.they don't know what they are doing is against the law
68.In dealing with young criminals,the writer is obviously in favor ofA.
A.severe punishment once used in the past
B.showing great concern about our children
C.more patient methods in educating young criminals
D.treating every young criminal as our own child
69.In the writer's opinion,who should be blamed most?D
A.TV and films.B.Young criminals.C.Police.D.Society.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Hi guys!I'm Lucy the Ladybird and while I'm very much of a lady,I'm not actually a bird but a glowing red beetle(甲虫) with decorative black spots.
    I'm a friendly little bug,to be honest,and simply like to be close with my pals as long as they handle me very gently.I don't bite humans but I do sink my teeth into mean beasts like aphids (蚜虫) which,unlike me,are very harmful to all the plants.I milk the aphids just like people do with cows and I milk them dry of all the sap (汁) they have got from your poor plants.I'm a real gardeners'friend and love helping out around the place by pollinating flowers,tidying up plants'fallen leaves and helping to turn them into nice rich fertilizer to feed everything both above and below the soil,and naturally,being so attractive to look at,we are perfect living garden decorations.
   One thing I can not tolerate is all that poisonous pollution from vehicles,garbage burning and other un-environmentally friendly acts that occur in the cities every single minute of the day and night.Pollution of any kind really chokes me to death,so these days,I only live in clean countryside areas,particularly cool ones where it rains and everything grows fresh and green from spring right through to autumn.In winter,when the weather is too cold for me to bear,then I find a nice place to sleep until the snow has gone and I can come back out to play.
   Oh!I almost forgot to tell you that although I am not a bird I do have wings and can fly for short distances.So if you pick me up and let me run up and down your hands and arms,then please don't frighten me by screaming if I suddenly secede to take off!
21.What threatens Lucy the Ladybird most?C
A.Heavy rains.B.Cold weather.C.Air pollution.D.Aphids.
22.From the second paragraph we can learn that Lucy thinksD.
A.ladybirds are the best living things in the garden
B.ladybirds are the most honest living things in the garden
C.the garden is a perfect place for ladybirds to live in
D.ladybirds add beauty to the garden naturally
23.What do we know about the ladybird?A
A.It belongs to the insect family
B.It does harm to all growing plants.
C.It lives on the liquid of plants
D.It can fly a long distance.
24.How many aspects about the ladybirds are talked about in the passage?C
a.its appearance      b.its influence on plants
c.its habitat         d.its food         e.the origin of its name 
A.2          B.3                C.4                D.5.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Back in the 1860s,a British scientist named Henry Walter Bates noticed something interesting in the animal world:some harmless animals change the color or patterns of their skin to pretend to be deadly.For example,a kind of butterfly,Common Mormon,can change the pattern on its wings so that it looks like another butterfly species,the Common Rose,which is poisonous for birds to eat.
    Bates argued that animals develop this ability to protect themselves from being eaten.This theory had been widely accepted by scientists.But one question remains:how do these animals manage to do that?
    After more than 150 years,scientists are finally able to answer that question-it is all down to a gene called"doublesex",according to a study published on March 6 in the journal Nature.
    In fact,scientists have long known that genes are responsible for this useful ability.Just like your hair color and the shape of your eyes are determined by your genes,the patterns on a butterfly's wings can be explained similarly.But until the new study,scientists hadn't been able to find out which genes in particular were responsible.
    Encouraged by the development of new technologies for studying genes,scientists at the University of Chicago,US decided to give it another try.They compared the genetic structure of the Common Mormons that changed their wing patterns with those of ones that did not.And all the results pointed to a single gene,"doublesex".
This was much to the scientists'surprise.They used to expect that something as complex as this would be controlled by many different genes.For example,one gene would control the color of the upper part of the wing,one would do so for the lower part and one would control wing shape.
    However,the"doublesex"gene doesn't quite do everything by itself.Instead,it acts like a switch-it"tells"other genes to change the wing patterns.Isn't that clever?
    Scientists believe that this special ability of the"doublesex"gene was developed throughout the long history of evolution."The harmless species gains an advantage by resembling something predators (捕食动物) avoid,"Sean Carroll,a scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison,US told Nature."It was obvious evidence for natural selection."
63.What was newly discovered by scientists at the University of Chicago?D
A.Some animals can change their skin color.
B.Some butterflies can disguise themselves as other species.
C.Genes are responsible for the change in animals'skins.
D.Common Mormons change their skin patterns due to a certain gene.
64.What surprised scientists in the study?C
A.So many genes are involved in the change of patterns.
B.The genetic structure of the butterflies is so complex.
C.A single gene determines the change of patterns.
D.The gene"doublesex"singlehandedly changes the wing patterns.
65.Which of the following is the best title?B
A.A new discovery                  
B.How butterflies stay safe
C.A gene called"doublesex"
D.Natural selection.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.When students arrive on campus with their parents,both parties often assume that the college will function in loco parentis(处在父母位置),watching over its young charges,providing assistance when needed.Colleges and universities present themselves as supportive learning communities-as extended families,in a way.And indeed,for many students they become a home away from home.Ideally,the college nurtures(养育)its students,guiding them toward adulthood.
Lifelong friendships are formed,teachers become guides,and the academic experience is enriched by social interaction.For some students,however,the picture is less beautiful.For a significant number,the challenges can become overwhelming(压力过大).
In reality,administrators at American colleges and universities are often forced to focus as much on the new generation of students.Public institutions in particular are often faced with tough choices about which student support services to fund.Private colleges are feeling the pinch(棘手)as well.Although tuition and fees can increase as much as 6.6percent in a single year,as they did in 2007,the high cost of doing business at public and private institutions means that students are not necessarily receiving more support in return for increased tuition and fees.To compound the problem,students may be reluctant to seek help even when they desperately need it.
Just as colleges are sometimes ill equipped to respond to the challenges being posed by today's students,students themselves are sometimes ill equipped to respond to the challenges posed by college life.Although they arrive on campus with high expectations,some students struggle with shyness or perfectionism,learning disabilities or eating disorders•Still others experience failed relationships; some suffer from acute loneliness,or mental illness.
Unfortunately,higher education is sometimes more of an information delivery system than a
responsive,collaborative(合作的)process.We have created cities of youth in which students can pass through unnoticed,their voices rarely heard,and their faces rarely seen.As class size grows in response to budget cuts,it becomes even less likely that troubled students,or even severely disturbed,will be noticed.When they are not,the results can be tragic.
As a teacher of creative writing who has worked with many overwhelmed students,I have found that there are ways to communicate more effectively.Most students have stories they want to share,and students in trouble can be desperate to find someone who will listen to them.Parents,as their children's primary listeners,have a key role to play.Some young people are unable to find their own way out of the dark,and a meaningful dialogue can become a light for them to see by.That is not to say that writing can be used to identify mental illness; rather,I think some of the approaches writing teachers use to enter into a reflective dialogue with students can be adopted by parents and students who want to learn more about each other.Having witnessed what can happen when a student communicates with himself,I believe this kind of responsive,one-on-one communication is more important than ever.Students in creative writing classes may have no idea that they have revealed so much about themselves because,for them,writing is like speaking inside the pages of a journal.In fact,all of us who write reveal more than we imagine.This is one of the reasons why writing,even more than speaking,can provide us with important insights into ourselves and others.
Many of us don't know our students as well as we should,yet it can be easier than we imagine to begin these necessary dialogues.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.When a magazine for high school students asked its readers what life would be like in twenty years,they said:Machines would be run by solar power.Buildings would rotate(旋转)so they could follow the sun to take maximum advantage of its light and heat.Walls would"give light"and"change color with the push of a button."Food would be replaced by pills.School would be taught by electrical impulse(电脉冲)while we sleep.Cars would have radar(雷达).Does this sound like the year 2000?Actually,this article was written in 1958and the question was,"what will life be like in 1978?
The future is much too important to simply guess about,the way the high school students did,so experts are regularly asked to predict accuately.By carefully studying the present,skilled businessmen,scientists,and politicians are supposedly able to figure out in advance what will happen.But can they?One expert on Cities wrote:Cities of the future would not be crowded,but would have space for farms and fields.People would travel to work in"airbuses",large all-weather helicopters carrying up to 200passengers.When a person left the airbus station he could drive a coin-operated car equipped with radar.The radar equipment of cars would make traffic accidents"almost unheard of".Does that sound familiar?If the expert had been accurate it would,because he was writing in 1957.His subject was"The city of 1982".
If the professionals sometimes sound like high school students,it's probably because future study is still a new field.But economic forecasting,or predicting what the economy will do,has been around for a long time.It should be accuate,and generally it is.But there have been some big mistakes in the field,too.In early 1929,most forecasters saw an excellent future for the stock market.In October of that year,the stock market had its worst losses ever,ruining thousands of investors who had put their faith in financial foreseers.
One forecaster knew that predictions about the future would always be subject to significant error.In 1957,H.J.Rand of the Rad corporation was asked about the year 2000,"Only one thing is certain,"he answered."Children born today will have reached the age of 43."

36.How many examples does the author offer to describe the future lifeB?
37.The high school students'answers to"What would life be like in 1978?"soundB.
38.In the second paragraph,the writer gives examples to showD.
A.predicting about the future can be done in a humorous way
B.no predictions are based on careful research
C.experts are always better than others in figuring out what the future will be like
D.forecasting the future is not an easy job even for experts in this field
39.From the third paragraph we can learn thatC.
A.economy forecasting is rather a new field
B.experts began economy forecasting in 1929
C.the predictions about economic situation caused the investors to lose lots of money
D.good,accurate forecasting helped the stock market overcome the difficulties
40.H.J.Rand's prediction about the year 2000shows thatB.
A.it is easy to figure out in advance what will happen
B.it is difficult to figure out in advance what will happen
C.only professionals can figure out in advance what will happen
D.very few professionals figure out in advance what will happen.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.Many young people in our country spend more money than they have by using credit cards,so   they are always       .(  )
A.in peaceB.in debtC.in reliefD.in danger

