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The Red Cross is an international organization whose task is to stop suffering. They don't care about people's race,nationality,religion or political beliefs. They help anyone who 1        help.

The story of the Red Cross begins with Henry Dunaut,a Swiss businessman who2       (see) a battle in1895 in Italy. After the battle,40,000 soldiers were dead 3        injured,but there was no one to take care of them. Dunant worked for three days helping them.

When he returned to Switzerland,he wrote a book about his experience. The leaders of many countries read his book and wanted to do something. As a result,the Red Cross4       (establish) in Geneva,Switzerland in1863. It was an organization 5        would help all the people affected.

Later in another Red Cross meeting in Geneva,an American woman named Clare Barton wanted the Red Cross to help people in peace time 6        in wartime. She wanted the Red Cross to get7 (involve) in disaster relief. Since then,the Red Cross8 ( help) millions of victims of earthquakes and other disasters all around the world.

The Red Cross 9        works worldwide at big disasters,but also works in the community,helping victims at small accidents or fires. The Red Cross is clearly fulfilling its task10         (stop) suffering in this world.

1.         2.         3.                  4.        5.       

6.         7.                8.                  9.          10.       

1. need   2. saw   3. or   4. was established   5. that/which   6. as well as/and (also) 7. involved   8. has helped   9. not only   10. to stop

题目来源:高考英语组合训练(阅读七选五+短文填词+短文改错) >


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Sometimes,you'd better use pen and paper than open up your mouth to convey just the right emotion. Margaret Shepherd,author of The Art of Civilized Conversation,shares these proper occasions.

* Condolences (吊唁) At first,everything is a blur (模糊不清) for the bereaved (死者的亲友) so it's comforting to have notes to read later at their own pace. I       For instance, "I know you're going to be busy with family right now,but in a few weeks,Fm going to call you so we can have coffee together."Then do it.

*  2       An apology is easier to put on paper―you're calmer and you can choose better words and take more care with what you say. Apologize very clearly and don't use weasel words (推诿词) like "I'm sorry if you were upset by me." 3      

* Praises If you compliment people to their face,they often feel they should be modest,but a written note can be savored (品味) in private. For example, "I really appreciate your patience as I learn to stop drinking."

氺 4      

A request to work on a campaign,help out a fundraiser―put them all on paper to avoid putting people on the spot.

* Thank You Most of us think we're covered if we've verbally thanked someone or sent an email,but if the person put effort into a gathering or a gift,you should put effort into making a thankyou note. I am strongly agreed that people should hand write a thankyou note for a hand cooked dinner rather than call the next day and talk about how fun it was. They just saw you the night before!5      

   A. And remember to use your pen instead of words always.

   B. Finish with something appreciative,such as "Thanks for putting up with me."

   C. Make an Offer

   D. A Request for Help

   E. Give them something to look forward to.

   F. Apologies

   G. And there isn't a person on earth who doesn't appreciate a thankyou note.

1.         2.       3.                  4.          5.       


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Australia is the only country that it is also a continent. It is the sixth largest countries in the world and is in the smallest continent―Oceania. It is a main dry country with only a few costal areas that have adequate rainfall to support large population. Approximately 80% of Australians live in the southeastern costal area,which include Australia's two largest cities― Melbourne and Sydney. The centre of a continent,that is mainly desert and dry grassland,has few settlements.

Australia is famous for its huge,open space,bright sunshine,enormous number of sheep and cattle or its unusual wildlife,including kangaroos and koalas. Australia is a popular destination with tourists from all over the world who came to experience its unique ecology.

It is made up with six states. Like the states in America,Australian states are autonomous in some areas. However,Australia has a federal government responsible for matters that affect people all over the country,such as defence,foreigner policy and taxation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Wife: It's Friday today. How do you want to spend the evening,darling? Husband:Well,why not go 1      (dance) ?

We haven't done that 2       a long time. Wife: Oh,to tell the truth,I don't really feel like going dancing tonight. I had a hard day and I'm sort of tired. What's more,I     3        ( suppose) to go rock climbing with my colleague Dorothy tomorrow morning. Husband:Well,in that 4      ,we could go to the new movie Life of Pi,by that worldfamous director Ang Lee. I really like his work,5       will stop showing the day after tomorrow.

Wife: Oh,we go to the movies 6        much. Can't we do something different for a 7       ,honey?

Husband:Well,do you have any suggestions?

Wife: Let me see. How do you feel about asking some friends over to play cards? Husband:It's OK with me,8       we don't have any beer or anything to eat at home. Wife:Well,9       is better to call Juliet and ask her and that neighbor of 10      ,David,to come over,and I'll go to the store and buy some food and drinks. Husband:OK. That's a good idea.

1.         2.         3.                  4.          5.      

6.                  7.         8.         9.          10.       


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I prefer my English classes to be taught in English only. What we all know,a good learning environment is of greatly importance if we want to study English well. Classes teaching in English provide students for a better environment. When English is an only language in class,students will have more opportunity to practise listening and speaking. However,there were problems to this method. Sometimes we may find difficult to follow the teacher and some slow learners may even give up learn English. In spite of these difficulties,I still believe the practice makes perfect. With enough practice,we can overcome the difficulties and benefit from English classes in the long run.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Your children are watching you. 1       According to the Health Program,developing healthy habits is an important part for your children. And when it comes to developing healthy habits,parents influence their children more than anyone else.

2       What happens during those early years can influence children for the rest of their lives. This includes some eating and exercise habits. Children are very careful,even at a young age. Children watch what others do carefully and imitate the behaviors of those closest to them. As parents,you should do the following: 3       If you do that,your children are more likely to be enthusiastic about developing theirs.

Let your children see you taking care of your own physical health by eating fruits and vegetables. Talk to them about healthy habits in appropriate terms and at a proper time.4      

5       Computers,televisions and other forms of technology are a major part of life in the 21st century. Unfortunately,as the use of technology in the home increases,so does the time spent watching TV or playing on the computer. So as parents,you should also arrange the time for your children wisely.

   A. Take part in physical activities and exercise regularly.

   B. Don't get rid of technology,but use it wisely.

   C. Be enthusiastic about developing healthy habits of your own.

   D. Your actions are speaking to them louder than your words will.

   E. Children prefer to imitate their parents rather than listen to them.

   F. This can be helpful to teach your children to form good eating habits.

   G. It's easy for children to form their healthy habits when they are young.

1.                  2.         3.                  4.          5.         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Rachel:We will go on an outing next weekend. Would you like to go with us? Michael:I will be free then. 1       are you going?

Rachel:I think we'll go to the Western Hill. You see,it's spring now. There are wild flowers everywhere.

Michael:Good idea. That's a2         (love) place. We can also enjoy fresh air there. There is a beautiful river. And I hear there are a lot of fish in it. It will be a nice place for 3       (fish) , Rachel:So you can go fishing 4        you get there. Michael:Wonderful idea!

Rachel:By the way,5       do you think we should go there?

Michael:I think we'd6       (good) go there by bike so that we can relax better. You know we are7       (stress) all the time. When shall we start off? Rachel:    8         (person) ,I think we should set out at half past seven on Saturday morning if the weather is fine.

Michael:I'll tell 9        whole class about it this afternoon so that more classmates will join 10       .

Rachel:Good idea. I think many more students would love to go. Michael:I think so.

1.                  2.                  3.                  4.          5.         

6.         7.         8.                  9.          10.         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

           C    ★★★★★

    What if software could get a car back on track if the driver changes direction suddenly on ice? Or help a stroke (中风) patient smoothly lift a cup?

    Bioengineers have developed a mathematical program for a robot that can “see” your intention while performing an ordinary action,like driving straight up a road or reaching for a cup — even if the action is interrupted (打断) . 

    “Say you’re reaching for a piece of paper and your hand is in mid-reach — your nerves take time to respond to what has happened,” said Justin Horowitz,first author of the study. So,when something unexpected happens,the signal going to your hand can't change for at least a tenth of a second."

    In the test,Horowitz employed exactly the situations he described. He analyzed(分析) the movement of research subjects as they reached for an object on a desk,but had their hand pushed in the wrong direction. He used the advanced mathematical program to analyze the action and examine the subjects’ intent,even when there was a disturbance.

    The program has extra sensors and deals with information so much faster than people can react. It can predict the way you wanted to move,according to your intention. The car’s artificial intelligence would use it to bring the car’s course more in line with what the driver wanted to do. aIf we hit a patch of ice and the car starts changing direction,we want the car to know where we meant to go ,” he said. “It needs to correct the car's course not to where I am now pointed,but to where I meant to go."

9. The mathematical program can be used to.

   A. prevent cars from speeding

   B. help the disabled learn to drive 

    C. predict people’s intended acts   

    D. warn drivers of possible dangers

10. The underlined part “mid-reach” in Paragraph 3 refers to the time when .

   A. the brain sends signals

   B. your body reacts to something

    C. you react to something unexpected   

    D. the brain is stuck in a dangerous situation

11. What is stressed about the program in the last paragraph?

   A. Its cost.   B. Its future,

    C. Its function.   D. Its structure.

12. Where can we probably read the text?

   A. In a car review.   B. In a business ad.

    C. In a research plan.   D. In a science report.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


In this classroom,laughing is encouraged. In :fact,learning a hearty ho-io-hi cAwcA:/e (fe 笑) is;required. Best Santas,a program in Denver,teaches men and women to become the best Mr. and Mrs. i Clauses possible. “We teach our Santas that being Santa is so much more than putting on a red suit and making sure your beard is white/' Jim Coleman,the owner of Best Santas,said. “Their focus must be on serving children and sharing the magic of Christmas — happiness."

Coleman started the school after receiving professional Santa training in Canada. Wanting to spread the cheer,he founded ^est Santas and shared his ideas with a fresh new team of hopeful Santas. aWe wanted to teach Santas how to do things differently than they,re usually done/' -Coleman said. “In so many cases you’ 11 find Santas who sit on their chair,half asleep. That's no fun and most certainly not magical!We knew there had to be a better way."

After program participants complete a full background check,the schooling begins. The Denver Clau? course includes CT?rá加i c?r?/s (圣诞颂歌) and jingles,developing a perfect,hearty chuckle aná learning cookie recipes. ^SanHa must learn how to walk,gesture,control his body language,project his voice,and read the crowd. Above all,he can engage the crowd immediately with his bigger-than-life presence and delighted ho-ho-ho!” Coleman said.

Once the characterization is complete,and graduates receive their Bachelor of Santa diploma (-^ 业证书) ,the Santas will be sent out on various special events including holiday parties. They are booked at a rate of $195 per hour. Some Santas are even coupled with assistants that help with face painting and balloon art.

“There is just something so completely magical about Santa Claus,” Coleman said. “And it's not just for the children. Adults light up at the site of Santa just as much as the children do. I think it reminds them of those warm memories of their childhood."

9. What's the purpose of Coleman's program?

   A. To teach Santas how to dress.

   B. To train Santas to spread the joy of Christmas,

    C. To help Santas with face painting.

   D. To tell children how to celebrate Christmas.

10. In Coleman's opinion,Santas should

   A. help those in need

   B. be hopefill about life

    C. follow the latest fashion   

    D. act differently from usual ones

11. After attending Coleman’s course,students might

   A. get a high-paid job

   B. be invited to Canada

    C. become famous in a short time   

    D. receive further professional training

12. Which word can best describe Coleman?

   A. Generous.  B. Creative.

    C. Optimistic.  D. Determined.

