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Reading and learning new words is about finding their meaning and use within a passage. The meaning of unknown words which you ________ in your reading sometimes can be known by their ________ , that is, their contexts. The context of the sentence can tell us the part of speech(词性) of the ________ word. Using the context of the paragraph to define unknown words can also be ________ .

Readers often have trouble because they understand the sentence word by word but ________ meaning of a word, when they should identify the way it has been used in the passage.

One consideration in using the context is to determine the unknown word's part, of speech. The words around the unknown word can give you ________ . Once you know if the word is a noun or an adjective, it is often enough for you to ________ reading without having to stop to look up the meaning of the word. After coming across the word a few more times, you will know its meaning more ________ than if you had just looked it up.

Comparison clues indicate that two or more things are ________ .A comparison is possible because the known and unknown words have ________ .Words likewise show you that comparisons can be made.

________clues tell you that an example of an unknown word follows. Example clues are usually ________ by the following words and phrases: such as, such, other, for example, and like.

To find meanings from text -based clues, you should look for clues in the sentence. A second kind of clue does not ________ on specific words to indicate meaning. This kind of context clue is called frame-work -based clue. Your knowledge of the meanings of surrounding words ________ you discover the meaning of a word or sentence. Common ________ and your knowledge of the parts of speech also help in defining unknown words. For example: The angry driver shouted vehemently during his fight with the other driver. What does vehemently_________? You know what ________ means, and you know how people ________when they argue. From this, you can ________ out that vehemently has something to do with strong ________ or intense feeling.

1.A. take down B. look up. C. come across D. pick out

2.A. sentences B. words C. topics D. surroundings

3.A.unknown B. abnormal C. familiar D. negative

4.A. unique B. natural C. helpful D. common

5.A. incorrect B. inconvenient C. different D. satisfactory

6.A. cases B. reasons C. effects D. clues

7.A. translate B. interview C.continue D. examine

8.A. strangely B. uncertainly C. potentially D. firmly

9.A. alike B. meaningful C. proper D. great

10.A. properties B. similarities C. possibilities D. personalities

11.A. Popularity B. Consideration C.Example D. Comparison

12.A. affected B. adjusted C. changed D. introduced

13.A.focus B. spend C. carry D. rely

14.A. prevents B. helps C. tells D. displays

15.A. point B. taste C. awareness D. sense

16.A. mean B. use C. contain D. complete

17.A. angry B. grateful C. happy D. anxious

18.A. act B. say C. take D. think

19.A. come B. figure C. feel D. set

20.A. demand B. ambition C. attitude D. emotion


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃天水第一中学高二上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



One day I was in a parking lot when a sincere man came to me asking for help with directions. He had a printout of Google maps from the airport to a ________ on the main street, but couldn’t ________ it. He clearly didn’t have a phone, so after confirming his written directions, I mapped it on my ________ and showed him exactly where he needed to go.

He mentioned that he had ________ going there, but there was no such street number and he couldn’t locate his hotel. I ________ it again for him, he thanked me with a big ________, shook my hand, and took off. I got into my car and he got into his, and we ________ ways. As I drove to the next store and went in, I found something wasn’t right about the ________ so I Googled again and ________ that he was looking for the right ________ but in a city a half hour away!

Unfortunately it had been several minutes, and in the peak rush hour time, the ________ o f finding him was slim to none. But I decided to give it a ________ and took off in that direction. I had barely ________ what his car looked like, and was just about to________ . I parked my car and wa________ what else I could do when the man drove right by and ________ over into a nearby parking spot, still ________ about where he was.

When I pulled in next to him, he couldn’t believe it. “________ did you find me? ” he asked. “ I’m not sure, but I ________that you are in the wrong city! ” I showed him the right directions, and after more smiles, laughs and a handshake, we parted ways again. Probably we’ll never ________ again, but that makes it all the more sweet.

1.A. hotel B. bank C. school D. store

2.A. reach B. find C. catch D.check

3.A. car B. phone C. computer D. map

4.A. failed B. succeeded C. stopped D.tried

5.A. explained B. provided C. confirmed D. reminded

6.A. voice B. surprise C. smile D. praise

7.A. drove B. passed C. lost D. parted

8.A. direction B. conduction C. solution D. transportation

9.A. decided B. expected C. forgot D. realized

10.A. message B. number C. address D. condition

11.A. chance B. time C. courage D. idea

12.A. try B. hand C. look D. speed

13.A. guessed B. pointed C. cared D. noticed

14.A. set out B. give in C. put off D. give up

15.A. remembering B. considering C. believing D. concluding

16.A. left B. rushed C. headed D. pulled

17.A. worried B. confused C. excited D. crazy

18.A. How B. Why C. Where D. When

19.A. made up B. took in C. figured out D. kept off

20.A. move B. recognize C. know D. meet


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西吉安一中高二上第一次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Black has long been praised for its ability to better women’s figures and suit every occasion. But the color has a side-effect—it ages the face.

While black does give the appearance of a slimmer figure by making the shadows less visible, wearing it next to the face brings out a negative effect. Black clothing can highlight (突出) dark lines under the chin, shadows around the eyes and wrinkles on the face. The effect can be as serious as making women feel exhausted, self-conscious and upset. Wrinkles and sunken areas appear deeper and more pronounced, meaning the effect is more obvious in older women.

Dark scarves, hats and high-collared coats are apparently particularly likely to emphasize aging features of the face. But fear not. The effect can be tempered by a splash of color around the neck—in the form of a scarf or a piece of jewelry—or a low neckline.

Famous actress Joan Collins is among the few who can get away with the side-effect. But those who should consider changing their dresses include many European stars. The majority of women who have what is known as a “warm” skin tone, based on yellow and gold colors, will not look young and healthy with black against their faces. Warm skins do not match well with black against their faces as it takes away all the golden glow that they have as a basic skin tone. Black looks for dark things on the face and highlights them, particularly as women age.

The good news for those who like black dress is that a simple test can help determine whether they can wear black well: Hold the color up against your face, stand in front of the mirror and look for dark lines under the chin, shadows around the eyes or lines on the face that are highlighted. If there are no dark areas or shadows, you can probably wear black close to your face and look great. Otherwise, change your ways.

1.According to the passage, wearing black clothes probably ________________.

A. makes the wearer less energetic

B. gives away the wearer’s age

C. darkens the wearer’s skin tone

D. makes the wearer feel confident

2.The underlined word “tempered” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by _______________.

A. observed B. ignored C. weakened D. measured

3.We can infer from the passage that _______________.

A. high-collared coats are not suitable for warm-skinned women

B. a woman from eastern Asia may not look young with black against her face

C. men with deep wrinkles would look unhealthy in black

D. Joan Collins has a warm skin tone

4.The black dress will be probably suitable for you on condition that there are no ___________.

A. wrinkles on your face

B. dark circles around your eyes

C. sunken areas that are highlighted

D. dark areas or shadows on the face


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西康杰中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology so rapidly.

A. is changing B. will have changed

C. has changed D. will change


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江齐齐哈尔实验中学高一上期中英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---Sorry, I’ve got an important appointment at 9 o’clock and I can’t _______ to miss it.

A. manage B. help C. wait D. afford


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖南省邵阳市高三上学期第五次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

My mother got divorced when I was 5 and was left to raise me and my two younger brothers. She didn’t have a formal education, so she had to work two full-time jobs to make ends meet.

One day several years later, I was determined to help. I told the manager of the Don Carlos Motel in Nana Point that I was 15, so I could get a work permit to work as a maid.

Since then, I’ve started to work alongside some of America’s top leaders, written books, and achieved financial independence. It took a lot of hard work and sacrifices.

But what if I was 15 years old today? Would I be able to accomplish the same things in this new, highly competitive world with so many global challenges? It seems hard work and sacrifices aren’t enough anymore.

Today, you need to be extremely adaptable. To progress in your career, it’s not enough to know one thing well. As my friend Sean Harvey, product manager at Google put it when we were speaking to students, “Today, companies aren’t hiring people for a specific position but rather people who are smart and flexible. The way you prove that is by showing you can do multiple things well.”

People need to take more risks to succeed now than ever. The combination of unemployment and slow wage growth means that we are not only at greater financial risk, but we have to take more risks to succeed.

Luckily, the new Internet world of all-the-time connectedness means that anyone with a hot idea, product or service can create a business out of almost nothing. And success can be quick and big. But that success demands more “out of the box” thinking.

And what about our kids? It makes me think a lot about the future that my 3-years-old daughter faces. But no matter what the future brings, I think the best message I’ll give her is to believe in herself. Life won’t get any easier, but the opportunities will come — as they always have — to those who work hard, adapt as they need to, and trust their abilities.

1.We can infer that the author had _________.

A. a difficult childhood B. a lonely childhood

C. a normal childhood D. a happy childhood

2.The author achieved financial independence when she was 15 largely due to ______.

A. her strong leadership

B. her boss’s help

C. her hard work

D. her competitive spirit

3. Compared to the past, people who want to succeed now need __________.

A. more time B. more money

C. to work harder D. to be more creative

4. The author writes the text mainly to __________.

A. describe her childhood

B. give some suggestions about success

C. tell a story about her mother

D. share some useful parenting skills


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆三峡推荐高二12月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错







2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

As your Chinese friends, I would like to give you a briefly introduction to it. Taiwan Island, the largest island in our country, which lies west of the Pacific Ocean, with the East Sea surrounded its southeast. In the west of the island is Fujian, other province of China.

Taiwan has an area of about 3600 square kilometers and the population of over 20,000,000. The scenery is such beautiful and the climate is so pleasant what travelers come in a continuous stream for a visit from all over the world, I am sure you will have a lot fun there.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年安徽省宣城市三校高二上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入的最佳选项。

It has been about forty years since the invention of post-it notes (便利贴). These sticky notes, as people often________ them, can be used to mark a ________ in a book. They can be used to ________ a note to a report turned in to a teacher. They can even be used to post a reminder note in a place where it will be . Many people question how they were invented. The is surprising because the discovery was actually a(n) .

In 1968, Spencer Silver was working with different types of adhesives (胶). He was trying to develop new for a company that created and sold clear tape. One particular adhesive just would not for long periods of time, it could be peeled off easily. He passed the around the company to see if anyone could find a(n) for it. Nobody could imagine a way to use an adhesive that did not stick to a permanently.

Six years later, Art Fry, another scientist with the same company, became frustrated while ________ with his choir (唱诗班). The piece of paper he used to mark his place on his music kept . Fry wished he had something that would make the paper stay in place. , he remembered the________adhesive Dr. Silver had passed around. Fry wondered, “Would it be possible to use the adhesive?”

It turned out to be quite ! Applying the adhesive to the back of a piece of paper made the paper stick wherever it was placed. , it didn’t stick permanently. The paper could be easily . Thus, the sticky note was born.

1.A. make B. suspect C. prove D. call

2.A. secret B. character C. place D. plot

3.A. lift B. attach C. introduce D. carry

4.A. filled B. caught C. noticed D. repaired

5.A. answer B. evidence C. result D. method

6.A. mistake B. accident C. difficulty D. assumption

7.A. scientist B. manager C. reporter D. businessman

8.A. customers B. habits C. plans D. products

9.A. wait B. exist C. stick D. behave

10.A. if B. though C. as D. so

11.A. tool B. invention C. tape D. equipment

12.A. use B. explanation C. cover D. name

13.A. book B. surface C. door D. company

14.A. competing B. traveling C. singing D. standing

15.A. coming back B. falling out C. breaking down D. rolling up

16.A. Surely B. Naturally C. Frequently D. Suddenly

17.A. unusual B. hard C. cheap D. effective

18.A. possible B. horrible C. funny D. quick

19.A. Again B. Later C. However D. Besides

20.A. returned B. found C. read D. removed


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届重庆第一中学高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I never knew how amazing it would feel to help a family 4,560 miles away from my home. I never knew how great an effect I could have on that single family.

From the moment I walked into French class, I knew almost instantly that I belonged there. My teacher, Madame Weiser, is a kind and caring woman, and is the person who started the interest within me to help a family abroad, no matter how many miles apart.

Back in 2011, my teacher traveled as a tourist to Maxi, a country settled in West Africa with a large French-speaking population. She didn’t expect to adopt an entire family, but fate had other plans. Madame met a nice man named Monsieur Diarra, a driver who had shown her the way through the dry lands of Mali.

Mali is now a war-torn country and unsafe for tourists to visit, leaving little work for taxi drivers. Madame Weiser realized how Monsieur Driarra’s family struggled on a daily basis, for he had a wife and four children to support as well as their grandmother, so she made a final decision to send the family as much money as she could raise every month.

Now, three years later, Madame Weiser has still kept up her fund, collecting money from family and friends as well as students to support the cause. It has become more than just my teacher donating to her adopted family abroad.

As president of French Club at my high school and a French Honor Society member, I decided that our club should work to raise money for the family in need. By washing cars, we raised over $1,000.

From my experience, I’ve learned that making an effort is worth more than anything. Its effect is priceless!

1. Why do taxi drivers have difficulty finding work in Mali?

A. People don’t like taking a taxi.

B. Tourists visiting Mali are few.

C. Mali is very unsafe for them.

D. Public transport is enough.

2. What does the underlined expression “the cause” refer to?

A. Teaching Trench in West Africa.

B. Looking for jobs for the drivers in Mali.

C. Helping the homeless as much as possible.

D. Donating money to the adopted family abroad.

3. What did the writer think of her experience?

A. Boring B. Puzzling

C. Satisfying. D. Relaxing.

4. What is the best title of this passage?

A. The Love for Africa. B. A Kind Foreign Driver.

C. My Helpful Teacher D. My Unforgettable Class

