精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

【题目】My Aunt Fannie wasn't really my aunt and, out of fear, I never called her that to her face. I only______to her as "My Aunt Fannie" because the name always made my father laugh and gave my mother cause to look seriously at both of us—at me for being ______ of my elder and at my father for_____my bad behavior. I enjoyed both_____so I looked for every opportunity to work the name into as many conversations as possible.

As a young woman, my mother had worked in the kitchen of a large farmhouse owned by Fannie Cratty and helped Aunt Fanny make the _____ blueberry cobbler jam ever tasted by anyone in Glenfield. She was known for her tasty jam and for never sharing the recipe with another living soul. ____my mother knew the recipe by heart, she never made the jam without Ms. Cratty in our kitchen to direct the process and ____ the secret.

One year, after I had been particularly helpful with the jam process, as a reward, Aunt Fannie gave me a quarter and then made me ____ that I would never spend it. "___ this quarter," she said, "and some day you will be rich. I __ keep my very first quarter given to me by my grandfather." It had obviously worked for her. __ I put the 1938-quarter into a small box, put it away in my dresser drawer, and waited to become rich.

I now have the blueberry cobbler jam recipe and the quarter from Aunt Fannie. In people's eye Aunt Fannie's success owed to that___ recipe. But to me, it was just a common recipe. Neither have contributed to my net worth, but I keep them as ___ to get hold of the valuable things in life. Money can make you feel rich for a while, but it is the relationships and the ____ of time spent with friends and family that truly leave you wealthy. And that is a ___ that anyone can build.

【1A. responded B. announced C. referred D. reacted

【2A. disapproved B. tired C. disrespectful D. convinced

【3A. agreeing B. encouraging C. praising D. criticizing

【4A. expressions B. reactions C. manners D. emotions

【5A. most B .first C. best D. least

【6A. As long as B. Now that C. As if D. Even though

【7A. find B. preserve C. observe D. steal

【8A. promise B. recognize C. realize D. accept

【9A. Accept B. Pass C. Keep D. Sell

【10A. still B. thus C. merely D. even

【11A. However B. Somehow C. Therefore D. Besides

【12A. expensive B. secret C. useful D. valuable

【13A. warnings B. fortunes C. possessions D. reminders

【14A. value B. experiences C. memories D. loss

【15A. secret B. fortune C. relationship D. success


















【1C考查动词。A. responded 反应;B. announced宣布; C. referred指的是; D. reacted 反应; refer to sb as 称呼某人……,句意:出于对她的恐惧,我从没当面这样称呼过她。

【2C考查动词。A. disapproved 反对;B. tired 累的;C. disrespectful不尊敬的;D. convinced说服;对芬妮姨妈的称呼以及后面母亲认为父亲纵容我可知:——瞪着我是因为我对长辈不尊,瞪着父亲是因为他纵容我的不良行为

【3B考查动词。A. agreeing 同意;B. encouraging鼓励; C. praising 表扬;D. criticizing 批评;从上文父母对这种称呼的反应可以判断,选B。

【4B考查名词。A. expressions表情; B. reactions 反应;C. manners行为,举止;D. emotions情感;从上文内容可作出判断,此处指母亲和父亲对这种称呼的两种反应都让我感到有趣。

【5C考查形容词。A. most 最多;B .first第一;C. best最好;D. least 至少;根据下文她因美味的蓝莓酱而闻名判断:那些年里,我母亲帮芬妮姨妈做出整个格兰菲尔镇公认最为美味的蓝莓馅饼酱。

【6D考查连词。As long as 只要;B. Now that 既然; C. As if 仿佛;D. Even though即使;由前后句内容判断是让步关系:尽管那个秘方我母亲早已背得滚瓜烂熟……

【7B考查动词。A. reserve 保存;B. preserve保存;C. observe 观察;D. steal偷;从上句内容推断:没有克瑞蒂女士在我们厨房里指挥整个制作流程以此来守住这个秘方,母亲绝不会私下做那种蓝莓酱

【8A考查动词。A. promise许诺;B. recognize认可; C. realize意识到;D. accept接受;根据空后内容判断:芬妮姨妈给了我一枚价值25分的硬币,并要我承诺决不会花了它。

【9C考查短语。Accept 接受; B. Pass传递;C. Keep保持;保留; D. Sell卖掉。从空前内容可知本句意思是:保存好这枚硬币,有一天你就会变得富有。

【10A考查副词。A. still 仍然;B. thus因此;C. merely 仅仅; D. even甚至;根据句意判断芬妮姨妈仍收藏着自己拿到的第一枚硬币,她的爷爷的。

【11C考查副词。A. However 然而;B. Somehow 不知怎得;C. Therefore 因此;D. Besides此外;从前句内容判断此处是表示结果:因此,我把那枚1938年制造的硬币塞进一个小盒子里,把盒子放进我的梳妆台抽屉里,等着变成有钱人。

【12B考查形容词。A. expensive昂贵的;B. secret 秘密的;C. useful 有用的;D. valuable 有价值的;根据上文内容判断:在人们眼里,芬妮姨妈的成功归功于那个秘方。

【13D考查名词。A. warnings 警告;B. fortunes财富;C. possessions财产;D. reminders提醒;根据下文内容判断作者不认为那枚硬币对成功起作用:只想借其提醒自己把握住人生中那些珍贵的东西。

【14C考查名词。A. value 价值;B. experiences 经验,经历;C. memories 记忆;D. loss损失;据情理推测作者珍惜的是和亲人朋友一起度过的美好时光和记忆:唯有和他人的关系以及和朋友家人一起度过的那些日子的回忆才会真正让你变富有。

【15B考查名词。A. secret秘密;B. fortune财富C. relationship 关系; D. success 成功;据前面内容判断:那是每个人都可以创造的财富。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The new restaurant, ______ painted light pink, is really a comfortable place for us, especially after hard work.

A. whose walls B. the walls of it

C. it’s walls D. the walls of which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】________ the global economy is showing signs of recovery, many developing countries are still suffering.

A. As B. Where C. How D. While


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Why are you crying? Today is your birthday!

—_______. I am so excited with so many friends surrounding me.

A. None of your business B. Don’t mention it

C. Just can’t help it D. That’s all right


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—What kind of party is it? Need we __________?

—Yes. It's a very formal occasion.

A. give up B. dress up

C. mix up D. turn up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


That evening Holmes and I drove across the moor until we could see the lights of the Stapletons' house in front of us. Then we got out and began to walk very quietly along the path towards the house. When we were very close, Holmes told me to stop. He took his revolver from his pocket, and I did the same.

'We shall hide behind these rocks, ' he whispered. ' Watson, you know the house, so I want you to go forward and look through the windows. I want to know where the Staple tons and Sir Henry are, and what they are doing. Take great care, because they must not know that somebody is watching them. '

Very carefully and quietly I moved towards the house. I looked first into the dining room window. Statleton and Sir Henry were sitting and smoking their cigars, but there was no sign of Miss Stapleton. I moved round to the other windows, but I could not see her in any of the rooms.

I went back to the dining room window, and as I looked in again, Stapleton left the room and came out of the house. He went to a hut beside the house, and unlocked the door. I heard a strange sound coming from the hut, but I could not think what was making the noise. Then Stapleton locked the door, and went back into the house and into the dining room.

I went back to Holmes and told him what I had seen. He wanted to know where Miss Stapleton was, and I had to tell him twice that there was no sign of her in the house.

The moon was shining on the Great Grimpen Marsh, and a fog was rising from it Holmes watched the fog and began to look worried The fog was creeping up from the marsh towards the house. We were hidden near the path, which was on the far side of the house from the marsh.

'The fog is moving towards us, Watson, and that is very serious, ' said Holmes. ' It is the one thing that could make my plans go wrong. '

As we watched, the fog, which had crept as far as the house, began to flow round it. Angrily Holmes hit the rock in front of us with his open hand.

'If Sir Henry doesn't come out in the next quarter of an hour, the path will be covered by the fog. In half an hour we shall not be able to see our hands in front of our faces. We must move back to higher ground above the fog.'

We moved away from the house and out of the fog, which was creeping slowly along the ground and hiding the path from our view.

'We must not go too far, ' said Holmes. 'If we do, Sir Henry may be caught before he reaches us. '

Holmes went down on one knee, and put his ear to the ground. ' Thank heaven, I think I hear him coming. '

Then we heard quick footsteps on the path. After a few moments, Sir Henry appeared out of the fog and walked on in the clear moon light. He came quickly along the path, passed close to where we were hidden, and began to walk up the hill behind us. As he walked, he looked over his shoulder again and again, like a man who is worried that something is following him.

'Listen! ' said Holmes sharply. 'Look out! It's coming!'

I heard him make his revolver ready to fire, and I did the same.

There was a sound of quick, light footsteps from inside the curtain of fog. The thick cloud had crept to within fifty metres of where we were hidden. We tried to see into it, and wondered what horrible thing would appear. I looked at Holmes. His eyes were fixed on the place where the path disappeared into the fog. He was pale, but his eyes were bright. He looked like a man who was going to win the most important game of his life. Then suddenly his eyes nearly jumped out of his head, and his mouth opened in frightened surprise. I looked away from him to see what his eyes were fixed on. When I saw the awful shape that was coming towards us out of the fog, my blood turned cold. The revolver nearly fell from my hands, .

The huge, black, burning hound ran quickly and silently after Sir Henry, who was near to death, and we were helpless with fear.

【1】It can be concluded that Sir Henry .

A. was the master of the hound

B. sensed he was in danger when escaping.

C. was clear where Miss Stapleton was

D. was finally killed by the fierce hound

【2】The strange sound coming from the hut was most probably made by .

A. Mr. Stapleton B. Miss Stapleton

C. Sir Henry D. the hound

【3】Why did Holmes hit the rock angrily?

A. Because Watson failed to find any sign of Miss Stapleton.

B. Because something was wrong with their plans.

C. Because the fog might well ruin their plans.

D. Because Sir Henry hadn’t appeared so far.

【4】Which of the following is the correct order according to the passage?

a. The fog was rising and moving towards Holmes and Watson.

b. Holmes saw a burning hound coming.

c. Mr. Stapleton went to a hut beside the house and unlocked the door.

d. Holmes and Watson hid behind the rocks.

e. Sir Henry appeared out of the fog.

A. a, d, c, b, e B. d, c, a, e, b

C. c, b, e, a, d D. d, c, e, a, b

5Which of the following is the most suitable for the blank in the last paragraph but one?

A. and I could hardly stand it

B. and I was ready to fire

C. and inside I was filled with anger

D. and my whole body froze with fear


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】One day my 13-year-old daughter told me that she was going to spend the afternoon at her friend Jesse’s house. I didn’t doubt it until I called Jesse’s number to remind Liz that it was her turn to walk the dog, and Jesse’s mom picked up the phone and said, “I thought she and Jesse were planning to be at your house.” It turned out that the two of them had decided to hang out at a coffee shop instead. When I questioned my daughter, she replied coldly, “What’s the big deal? You’re such a psycho(精神变态者).”

Can you say it is right or wrong for them to behave like that? Their changeable personalities leave you feeling angry and guilty at the same time. In fact, if your kids don’t annoy you from time to time, you’re not doing your job.

“There’s nothing wrong about being angry with your child,” Says Laurence Steinberg, Ph.D., author of The 10 Basic Principles of Good Parenting. “Conflict is natural when your innocent, lovely child turns into an adolescent who can hardly tolerate (忍受) you. It’s part of the process of separation.” Kids insisted on their individuality with behavior to purposely drive you crazy. It’s their way of saying, “I am my own person” -- but doing it in a context that’s safe and that has clear limits.

So when your little darling changes into a silent person who still expects meals, clothing, and transportation, don’t panic. Here’s how to handle some common problems without losing your temper or your self-respect.

【1It can be learned from the first paragraph that ________.

A. Jesse’s mother told a lie

B. the writer was too sensitive

C. Liz told a lie to her mother

D. the writer’s daughter stayed at Jesse’s house

【2By saying “In fact, if your kids don’t annoy you from time to time, you’re not doing your job”, the writer probably means that _________.

A. when you are doing a job, your kids shouldn’t annoy you

B. parents should be responsible for children’s bad behavior

C. parents shouldn’t tolerate their children’s bad behavior

D. it’s understandable for kids to annoy their parents

【3What’s the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. It’s right for parents to be angry with their children.

B. It’s allowed for children to do anything as they like.

C. It’s bad behavior for children to drive their parents angry.

D. It’s normal for adolescents to go against the wishes of their parents sometimes.

【4What would the writer state in the following paragraphs?

A.How to be good parents.

B.How to be good children.

C.Rules for children to follow.

D.How to deal with adolescents’ common problems properly.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Because of my ______ English, I can't make myself ______.

A. broken; understand B. broken; understood

C. break; understood D. breaking; understanding


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Having Fun "Growing" and "Stealing"

Recently, an Internet game has become a new fashion among young office workers and students. People can "farm" on a piece of "land" and "grow", "sell" or "steal" "vegetables", "flowers" and "fruit" on the Net. They can earn some e-money and buy some "seeds ", "pets" and even "houses".

Joyce interviewed some young people. Here are their opinions.

Harold: I don't quite understand why they are so mad about the childish game. Maybe they are just not confident enough to face the real world.

Allan: I enjoy putting some "bugs" (小虫子) in my friends' gardens and we've become closer because of the game. Having fun together is the most exciting thing about it.

Laura: You know, people in the city are longing for (渴望) the life in the countryside. It reduces my work pressure; besides, it gives me the exciting feeling of being a "thief".

Ivy: Well, it's just a waste of time. Teenagers playing the game spend so many hours on it that they can not pay more attention to their study.

【1】According to the passage, people can't __________ things in this game.

A. grow B. borrow C. steal D. sell

【2】Among the people Joyce interviewed, __________ likes the game while __________ dislikes the game.

A. Laura; Allan B. Allan; Harold

C. Harold; Ivy D. Ivy; Allan

【3】From Laura's words, we can guess that she's most probably __________.

A. a student B. an office worker

C. a farmer D. a thief

【4】Which is NOT the reason why people like the game?

A. span>They are longing for country life.

B. They can have fun with friends.

C. The game can relax people and give them a new experience.

D. They are confident enough to face the real world.

