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【题目】We appeal to all countries to __________ cooperation on climate change, food security and the prevention of natural disasters.

A. attach importance to B. lay stress on

C. put value for D. hold up to


【解析】句意:我们呼吁所有国家在气候变化、粮食安全和自然灾害的预防方面重视合作。attach importance to重视,认为……很重要。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Four teams of mountaineers set out on a race to conquer (征服) an unclimbed mountain peak in the Himalayas. The Canadian team chose a long, but safe route, while the British, Chinese and Russian teams chose a faster but steep and dangerous route up the mountain.

When night fell, the teams made camp on the mountainside. But the next morning, the sun rapidly rose air temperature and the strong wind caused a heavy snowfall, which led to a terrible avalanche. The disaster struck and some members of the British, Chinese and Russian teams were swept away and killed. But the Canadians didn’t know what had happened.

It was an hour after the disaster and there was no hope of finding any survivors. The leaders of the British, Chinese and Russian teams, met to discuss how to successfully keep all the survivors alive.









1 two-man


1 four-man

Sleeping bags





25 metres

50 metres



1 person for 3 days

2 people for 4 days

2 people for 2 days





The table above was a summary of what they could collect. The leaders made a final decision that they had to find a way to conquer the mountain and put their flags on the peak.

假设你是领队之一,请你联系加拿大领队David,告知你们的遭遇和决定,并向对方求助。内容包括:1. 你们的遭遇及目前的困难;2. 你们的决定及理由;3. 向对方求助。

Dear David,





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Animals in Antarctica

There are no land animals that actually live in AntarcticaHoweverthe surrounding oceans are rich in living creaturesIt’s just too cold to support very many life formsNow let’s meet some of the Antarctica’s animals.

Weddell Seal

They are the southernmost pinniped(鳍足类的)in the world. Males are generally smaller than females. Interestinglya newborn pup has a coat of long hairwhich they will shed(脱落) within the first month as the protective layer of their body is developed.

Blue Whale

Named for its bluegray colorthis huge animal may grow to be roughly 100 feet long and weigh more than 120 tonsA blue whale eats about 4 tons of krill(磷虾)per day during the feeding seasonThis means that about 40 million krill are eaten every day for six months by a blue whaleThe tongue of the blue whale can be as big as a VolkswagenThe blue whale is the loudest animal on earth!

Rockhopper Penguins

One of the more beautiful penguinsthe Rockhopper shake their heads and cause their yellow eyebrows to fly into a “halo”in order to attract a mate!

Wandering Albatross

This species of albatross wanders the oceans for months at a time searching for food. It sleeps on the ocean surface at night and drinks sea water.The Wandering Albatross is the largest bird in the world in terms of wing span—11 feet!

Ross Seal

Ross Seals are very rarely seen because they live deep within the packice. It is believed that Ross Seals feed mainly on squidfish and krill. They were named after the British polar explorer Sir James Rosswho first discovered them in 1840.

Emperor Penguin

Emperor Penguins are the biggest of the 17 penguin species. They are flightless birds. They are the only living species to reproduce during the harsh Antarctic winter. Without a nestthe father Emperor Penguin keeps the egg warm by holding it on his feet for 23 months until springduring which the father doesn’t eat anything and he just eats a little snow for moisture. UnbelievableWhat a Dad!

1We know from the 5th paragraph that the Wandering Albatross ______.

A.never touches the landB.is a good swimmer and flyer

C.drink fresh waterD.sleeps on boats

2According to the last paragraph ______.

A.there are 18 penguin species on earth

B.Emperor penguins spend most of their time on land where they find food

C.penguins are birds with no wings

D.the mother Emperor penguin lays one egg during the winter

3We know from the reading that ______.

A.a male Weddell Seal is larger than a female

B.Rockhopper Penguins is the most beautiful penguin

C.it is hard to see a Ross Sea

D.a blue whale eats about 4 tons of krill every day


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Prices are often higher in Hawaii than in the __________ United States.

2The 1950s were the decade of Hong Kong's _________take-off.

3He was __________ to lose in the final round

4The river has been _________ with toxic waste from local factories.

5This _______ town is really beautiful.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Half of __________ surveyed in 16 countries say they go first to their closest friend to share their deepest wishes and darkest fears.

A. these B. some

C. ones D. those


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】New technologies have made __________ possible to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost.

A. that B. this

C. one D. it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1The Greens live in an old house_________by a lot of tall trees.

2One of the most_______things is how people in ancient times could move the huge stone by hand.

3His plan of going swimming with his friends_______by his mother, which made him very happy.

4With the rapid development of medical science, the lifespan may one day_______in centuries, rather than in years!

5The famous actor glanced at the audience and______his wife and daughter in the second row.

6The naught boy is fond of_______his classmates, which often makes them annoyed.

7I hope that my sister who just returned home from abroad will______her friend at her birthday party this weekend.

8We have to_______at dawn so that we could get to the coast before lunchtime.

9You should have attended the important meeting, why didn’t you_________?

10We all don’t like the people who always________, so please be an honest person.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Petrol prices have been climbing these years.

Yes. It’s for this reason we’ve given up the plan to buy a new car.

A. that B. why C. what D. which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Population Change

Why is the world's population growing?The answer is not what you might think. The reason for the explosion is not that people have been reproducing like rabbits, but that people have stopped dropping dead like flies. In 1900,people died at the average age of 30.By 2000 the average age was 65.But while increasing health was a typical feature of the 20th century, declining birth rate could be a defining one of the 21st.
Statistics show that the average number of births per woman has fallen from 4.9 in the early 1960s to 2.5 nowadays. Furthermore, around 50% of the world's population live in regions where the figure is now below the replacement level(i.e.2.1 births per woman)and almost all developed nations are experiencing sub-replacement birth rate. You might think that developing nations would make up the loss(especially since80% of the world's people now live in such nations),but you'd be wrong, Declining birth rate is a major problem in many developing regions too, which might cause catastrophic global shortages of work force within a few decades.
A great decline in young work force is likely to occur in China, for instance. What does it imply? First, China needs to undergo rapid economic development before a population decline hits the country. Second, if other factors such as technology remain constant, economic growth and material expectations will fall well below recent standards and this could invite trouble.
Russia is another country with population problems that could break its economic promise. Since 1992 the number of people dying has been bigger than that of those being born by a massive 50%,Indeed official figures suggest the country has shrunk by 5% since 1993 and people in Russia live a shorter life now than those in 1961.Why is this occurring? Nobody is quite sure, but poor diet an above all long-time alcoholism have much to do with it. If current trends don't bend. Russia's population will be about the size of Yemen's by the year 2050.
In the north of India, the population is booming due to high birth rates, but in the south, where most economic development is taking place, birth rate is falling rapidly. In a further twist, birth rate is highest in poorly educated rural areas and lowest in highly educated urban areas. In total,25% of India's working-age population has no education. In 2030,a sixth of the country's potential work force could be totally uneducated.
One solution is obviously to import foreign workers via immigration. As for the USA, it is almost unique among developed nations in having a population that is expected to grow by 20% from 2010-2030,Moreover,the USA has a track record of successfully accepting immigrants. As a result it's likely to see a rise in the size of its working-age population and to witness strong economic growth over the longer term.

