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【题目】Cuba's former leader, Fidel Castro,died at the age of 90,according to a November 25 announcement on Cuban state television. The death marks the passing of a controversial figure who made a major impact on international affairs during his long rule.

The Cuban government declared nine days of official mourning. On Monday, thousands of Cubans lined up near Havanas Plaza of the Revolution to pay their final respects to their leader. On Wednesday,Castro’s ashes will begin a three-day journey across Cuba to Santa Ifigenia cemetery in Santiago de Cuba.

Castro was born into a middle-class family on August 13 1926. He spent his childhood alongside the laborers on his father’s plantation (种植园). In 1945, Castro entered the University of Havana as a law student. He later joined groups that sought to end dictatorships in Latin-American countries.

On July 26. 1953,Castro staged an unsuccessful revolt(叛乱) against Batista’s government. He and his brother Raul were captured and imprisoned for two years. After they were freed, the brothers went into exile in Mexico, On November 25, 1956,Castro set out once again to overthrow Batista. His revolution grew in strength. On New Year s Day 1959, Batista fled from Cuba. Castro took absolute power on January 8.

The U.S. viewed Castro's relationship with the Soviet Union as a threat. In 1961,President John F. Kennedy approved the invasion of Cuba by 1,500 Cuban exiles. They landed on April 17 at the Bay of Pigs, but with little U. S. military support. Cuban troops smashed the attack within a few days.

In October 1962,Castro confronted Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis, during which he allowed the Soviet Union to place nuclear-capable missiles in Cuba. By that time, the U. S. had cut all relations with Cuba.

After the Soviet Union collapsed(崩溃)in 1991,Cuba lost its economic support. To fuel the economy, the Cuban government allowed outside investment in hotels and resorts, but that created inequality. Meanwhile, Castro continued to crack down on any opposition. After undergoing intestinal surgery in 2006,Castro handed Cuba's presidency to Raul. The transition of power became official in 2008.

【1】Where did many Cubans line up to pay their final respects to Fidel Castro on Monday?

A. In Cuban Television Station.

B. Near Havana’s Plaza of the Revolution.

C. In Santa Ifigenia cemetery.

D. Along the streets of Santiago de Cuba.

【2】When did Fidel Castro control the power of Cuba completely?

A.In 1956.B. In 1959.C. In 1991. D. In 2008.

【3】What did the Cuban Missile Crisis result in directly?

A. Batista fled from Cuba.

B. The U. S. cut all relations with Cuba.

C. The U. S. viewed the Soviet Union as a threat.

D. President John F. Kennedy approved an invasion of Cuba.

4】What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A. The end of Fidel Castro’s Era.

B. The transition of power in Cuba.

C. Fidel Castro’s economic policies.

D. The collapse of the Soviet Union.







试题分析:古巴前领导人Fidel Castro去世,本文介绍这位有争议的人物的生平以及他所发生的重要事件

【1】B 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句On Monday, thousands of Cubans lined up near Havanas Plaza of the Revolution to pay their final respects to their leader.可知,在Near Havana’s Plaza of the Revolution表达他们最后的敬意,故选B。

【2】B 细节理解题。根据第四段最后两句On New Years Day 1959, Batista fled from Cuba. Castro took absolute power on January 8.可知,是在1959年卡斯特罗完全掌控了古巴,故选B。

【3】B 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段By that time, the U. S. had cut all relations with Cuba.可知,古巴导弹危机导致美国切断了与古巴的所有关系。故选B。

【4】A 段落主旨题。最后一段主要讲述了菲德尔卡斯特罗逐渐退出政治舞台,将权力交给他弟弟,故AThe end of Fidel Castro’s Era.为正确答案。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Customer service refers to the way that companies behave towards their customers. 【1】 However, many a time organizations don’t focus on customer relationship management, and that’s what makes customers angry, which is one of the reasons why companies lose their customers. 2

First of all, you need to realize the great value of the customers. It’s they who are the boss, and it’s because of them that you get your pay checks. So do take your customers seriously.

3】You need to ask the customers the right kind of questions and think of the possible solutions which you can provide. Understand how they feel according to a particular situation, their body language, tone of voice and words they speak. Never make assumptions (臆断)and think that you know what the customers want.

4】 Treat customers as individuals and the best way to do that is using their first name and finding ways of praising them in a sincere way.

In addition, there are some other skills which will help you in serving your customers better. For example, once you finish solving the problem for the customers, before ending the call, always remember to ask if there is anything else you can do for them. End the call with a “thank you”. If the customers are angry, let them express their anger completely. 5】Once they’ve finished speaking, try to calm them down by apologizing.

In a word, always remember that if the customers remain happy, you’ll be in business.

A. Never interrupt or start speaking until they’ve finished.

B. You can bring in as many new customers as you want.

C. So customer service is important and you should know how to improve it.

D. Finding out the needs of the customers is another important customer service tip.

E. Making customers feel they are important is an excellent way to serve them better.

F. It’s the quality of service that determines whether the customer remains with the company.

G. More companies are finding that their customer service should not be limited to stores.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假如你是学生会主席李华,为了让外国人了解中国传统文化,学生会将进行唐诗吟大赛”(Tang Poetry Recitation Contest),特邀请学校国际部学生参加,请你根据提示写一则通知。



2.主办方:校学生会。时间:2017210日。地点:校报告厅(assembly hall);

3.范围:唐诗三百首(Three Hundred Tang Poems)。




Do you want to have a further knowledge of Chinese culture?











科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








Dear Editor,

I’ve read your discussion on how to behave properly while traveling, ________________________





Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








A little kid fell into a lake while she was playing with her little friends. They were too frightening to know what to do next. Unfortunately, a pretty lady and a man passed by and saw the drowning girl. The man immediate dived into the water and took the girl to the bank and at a same time, the lady called the ambulance on time. Before the ambulance came, the lady, who proved to be a nurse, performing first aid to the kid. A few of minutes later, the kid sent to the nearest hospital and finally saved. The story is a good example where first aid can make a lot of differences. From it, we know it is necessary to know basic first aid skills so that we can be better preparing for an emergency.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








Born in Oct. 28, 1955, Bill Gates grew up in Seattle with his two sisters. Bill Gates attended public elementary school or the private Lakeside School, there he discovered his interest in software and begin programming computers at the age of 13. In 1973, Gates entered into Harvard University as a freshman. In her junior year, Gates left Harvard to devote himself to develop Microsoft, guiding by the faith that the computer would be a tool of great valuable on every office desktop. He proved to be success in the IT field.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








Dear Sir or Madam,

I am Li Hua, a student in Class 1, Grade 2. I have read the notice










Li hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


高中生挑战北大教授,你真觉得好吗?请以李华的名义给高泽林同学写一封信表达自己的看法。(提示词:四大名著:four great classical novels)







Dear Zelin Gao,

I am a high school student of the same age with you.

Yours truly,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Americans are obsessed (着迷的) with telling their life stories. This phenomenon isn’t simply the product of the technological world. 【1】_________ People are eager to tell stories and are fascinated by those of others. Even at preschool, “sharing time” is a common Monday-morning activity where the teenagers will sit in a circle and take turns telling a story about something they did over the weekend.

2】___________ In many Asian countries, talking about and drawing attention to oneself can be seen as socially inappropriate. People are often unwilling to share their life stories and do not encourage others to do so. But there are also times Asians do share their stories. 【3】___________ Asians believe that a person is largely decided by his or her social status and relationships, leaving little reason to broadcast detailed and revealing personal stories to establish a unique self.

Ironically, the more unique Americans strive to be, the greater their need to feel connected with others. In their culture of individuality, relationships are highly mobile and can be easily formed or dissolved(破裂).

Sharing personal stories brings them closer through the exchange of thoughts, feelings and desires. 【4】_________ But this motivation is not nearly as strong among Asians, for whom social relations are generally unconditional, obligatory(义不容辞的) and stable, and therefore require little maintenance(维护).

5】__________ American parents encourage children to share their stories and create opportunities to re-experience the past with children. Asian parents, by contrast, engage their children in telling personal stories less frequently. When they do talk about a child’s experiences, they are not particularly concerned with parent-child bonding but tend to focus on disciplining the child.

A. They tend to focus more on outer facts than personal details.

B. It helps them shape their “selves” and makes them who they are.

C. Interestingly, this obsession is not necessarily shared in other cultures.

D. Talking about personal stories is to cheer people on with positive feelings.

E. It connects them like many different points, holding their society together.

F. Sharing personal stories is also an essential part in everyday conversations.

G. Parents in America and Asia differ in how they share memories with children.

