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1. He didn’t really lose his wallet — that's just a trick.

2. Telling someone his shoe is untied is an old April Fool ’s trick.

3. John taught me the trick of pouring wine without dropping any.

4. The magician performed some clever tricks.

5. She tricked Jim into marriage.

6. The man tricked her into marrying him by pretending he was rich.


作名词时,意为:①诡计,计谋,花招(句1);② (句2) ;③窍门(句3) ;④戏法,把戏(句4)

作动词时,意为“欺骗,欺诈”常用于trick sb. into (doing) sth.结构(句5、句6)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



          Do you think we can understand people's characters from the way they write? Many people would disagree with the idea. However,some business leaders and a group called “graphologists(笔迹学家)”believe our personalities are revealed in our handwriting.

           Graphology is a term used to describe the practice of analyzing people's  handwriting to determine what kind of personalities they have. It's  thought that certain letter formations and patterns in wnting reveal personality types.

           Many organizations in France invite graphologists to help with the selection of employees. Applicants are required to submit a handwritten letter so that graphologists can determine if they have the right personality for the job. Handwriting that is big and carefully planned is thought to indicate that the writer is outgoing and confident. Thus,jobs that require such a personality would be given to people with this type of handwriting. People with plain handwriting who use small letters would be thought to be shy and thus not suitable for the job.

           The slant(倾斜) of a person's handwritjng is ajso thought to reveal something about his character. Writing with a slant to the right、vShows that the person thinks about the future,while writing with a slant to the left reveals a tendency to be stuck in the past. A person whose letters are round rather than (有棱角的) would be thought to be friendly.

Though graphology is widely used,it is not supported by scientific evidence. The reason it seems to work is that the personality descriptions revealed are highly generalized. It is much like a horoscope(占星术) or palm reading,which describes personalities using very general terms. And people tend to notice the parts of the description that are true while ignoring the parts that are not true.

5. Applicants* handwriting is analyzed mainly to find out whether they .

   A. have the ability to handle the job

   B. can devote themselves to the job

   C. were good students in the past

   D. have big plans for the future

6. Which of the following about graphology is mentioned in the text?

   A. The size and angle of letters.

   B. The space between letters or words.

   C. The scientific evidence of graphology.

   D. The speed and pressure of the writing.

7. What do we know about a person by his handwriting according to the text?

   A. A person who writes round letters is silent.

   B. Angular writing shows someone is easy-going.

   C. A person who has a right slant in his writing is future-oriented.

   D. Large writing shows someone likes to live in the past.

8. The text is mainly about .

   A. what helps graphologists analyze handwriting

   B. what people's  handwriting reveals about them

   C. how graphology is used to predict people's future

   D. how we can improve our handwriting with practice


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




          I want to go to grm/wfl纪 sc/wo/ (研冗生院) ,but it seems really expensive. What's the best way to pay for it?


Pick a school you know you can afford

       A big part of your decision will depend on the graduate programs available to you. I had thousands of dollars in student loan debt freim being an w/2办rgradwafe (本科生) at New York University when I made the decision to go to graduate school for journalism. So I searched for a program that wouldn’t  cost a lot. Looking back,I'm  glad I chose to go to the City University of New York,a public school,because I graduated with almost no debt at all.

Exhaust scholarships and grants before you take out loans 

       You probably remember hearing this when you applied to college,but there's a huge number of scholarships available,some of which don't get a lot of applicants. Search for professional organizations focusing on the field you* re interested in,for example,and see if they offer graduate scholarships.

Borrow only the amount you need 

       When you* re accepted to graduate school,you 11  get a financial aid award letter,which will include federal and private loans to cover the cost that scholarships and grants won,t. But you don't need to take the full amount of loans your school offers you. Reduce the amount of loans you take on io the smallest by graduating on time,so you don't have to borrow additional money,and by paying the interest on your federal loans while you* re in school.

Pick the right student loan repayment strategy 

      When it's  time to pay back your graduate school loans,there are lots of ways to make your monthly bills manageable. If you have federal loans,you can choose from six repayment plans,some of which tie your monthly payments to your income. If you don't earn enough to afford the 10-year standard repayment plan,you can pay up to 10% of your income on income-based repayment or the Pay As You Earn plan instead.

13. The author mentioned his experience mainly to show that it's  important to .

   A. go to a public school

   B. choose a good university

   C. graduate without any debt

   D. pick an affordable graduate school

14. What does the underlined part “Exhaust scholarships and grants” in the text mean?

   A. Use all scholarships and grants.

   B. Apply for all scholarships and grants.

   C. Leam.about all scholarships and grants.

   D. Apply for the biggest scholarship or grant.

15. In the author's  opinion,graduate school students should .

   A. avoid some extra expense

   B. cover all costs with scholarships

   C. avoid getting too high loans

   D. choose federal loans instead of private ones

16. What is mainly suggested in the last paragraph?

   A. Finding a well-paid job. 

   B. Paying back your loans wisely.

   C. Paying off your loans in ten years.

   D. Refusing the Pay As You Earn plan.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

        There are many kind-hearted people in the world. They make our world a much better place to live. 

        When I was around seven years old,one day I felt pain in my chest and 21 (take) to hospital. After some examinations,my mother was told by a doctor 22 (call) Dr. Johnson that I had a serious heart problem. “Your daughter needs heart surgery. 23 it'she wouldn't  live to be twelve years old,” Dr. Johnson said.

        My mother became 24 (concern). She wanted me to have heart surgery. The problem was that she couldn't afford it. Back then my father was 25 only breadwinner of the family and he didn't make much money. Tears filled my mother's eyes.26  (lucky) Dr. Johnson was kind-hearted. He asked my mother if she was worried about the expenses. My mother 27 (nod) . After 28   (know) my mother couldnt afford the heart surgery for me,Dr.   Johnson decided to help.

        Dr.Johnson took quick action. He contacted several 29 (organize) and finally found one that agreed to help me out.

        I had heart surgery about two weeks later. The surgery was extremely painful 30  successful. After I recovered,I gave Dr. Johnson a big hug and sincerely thanked him. Now I also like helping others.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Task II. Read the text and find the supporting information for each of the topic sentences.

             Topic Sentences Supporting Information

1. Some festivals are held to honour      A. Dragon Boat Festival honours the ancient Uead Chinese poet,Qu Yuan.

2. Some festivals are held to honour      B. Chinese people held carnivals and the famous people. whole family celebrate the Lunar New Year


3. Harvest festivals are happy events.     C. They light lamps and play music,expecting

                               to lead their ancestors back to earth.

4. Spring Festivals arc the most ener-      D. People might get awards in form produce getic and                                                 important ones. competitions.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



1. The new factory w'Hl be a great benefit to the town.

2. I get no personal benefit from the business. 

3. The system mainly benefited people in the south of the country.

4. Thousands of households could benefit under the plan.

5. Patients have benefited greatly from this treatment.

6. We benefited greatly by this heart-to--heart talk.


★作名词时意为利益好处,既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词(句1 句2)


益”(句3) ;作不及物动动词时意为得意(句4-句6),后常跟介词 (句5句6)。


be of benefit to…对…有好处

for the benefit of...为了 的好处

beneficial adjyou 有益处,有好处

即学即练 根据汉语意思补全下面句子(每空一词)

1. 众所周知,运动有益于我们的健康。

As we all know,exercise .

2. 我们得益于每天做à。

We  daily exercises.

3.畔待车国外因生病而未 得釗乡大好处。

Because of illness,she didn’ t   

her stay abroad.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. She refused food and wanted to s herself to death. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. They apologized for the late (arrive) of the train.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. She (might / should) be his wife,but she looks too young.

