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Instead£¬how a student performs in class£¬and how he takes notes and does his homework £¨1£©are also taken into account£¨2£©£¬each part of which£¨3£©makes up 20%£®Ïà·´µØ£¬Ñ§ÉúµÄ¿ÎÌñíÏÖ¡¢ÈçºÎ¼Ç±Ê¼ÇÒÔ¼°ÈçºÎ×ö¼ÒÍ¥×÷ÒµÒ²±»¿¼ÂǽøÈ¥£¬Ã¿Ò»²¿·Ö¸÷Õ¼20%£®
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Only by putting the system into practice£¨1£©£¬can we£¨2£©students fully develop our abilities as well as potential on our way to adulthood and truly make preparations for our future life£®Ö»ÓаÑÕâÖÐÆÀ¼ÛÌåϵ¸¶ÖîʵʩÎÒÃÇѧÉú²ÅÄÜÔڳɳ¤µÄµÀ·Éϳä·Ö·¢Õ¹ÄÜÁ¦ºÍDZÄܲ¢Îª½«À´µÄÉú»î×öºÃ×¼±¸£®
£¨1£©put¡into practice°Ñ¡¸¶Öîʵʩ£»
½â´ð The New Grading System in Our School
In order to help students develop their abilities in all fields£¬our school now has asked the teachers to make some changes in the grading system£®This chart shows how it works£®
Students'test results£¬which used to be the only way to evaluate a student in school£¬make up only 30% of his final score£®Instead£¬how a student performs in class£¬and how he takes notes and does his homework are also taken into account£¬each part of which makes up 20%[¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»]£®Besides£¬teamwork in class is also important£®If you want a higher score£¬you should be good at working together with your classmates£¨Í¼±íÖеÄÐÅÏ¢£©£®
I'm all for the new grading system£¬which evaluates us students in all fields£¨¿´·¨£©£®Only by putting the system into practice£¬can we students fully develop our abilities as well as potential on our way to adulthood and truly make preparations for our future life[¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ]£¨ÔÒò£©£®
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