精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

      Mary and Peter were having a picnic with some friends near a river when Mary shouted, "look! That's a
spaceship up there and it's going to land here."
      Frightened by the strange spaceship, all the young people got into their cars and   1   as quickly as
possible   2   Peter and Mary. They were more curious than frightened. They watched the spaceship land
and saw a door open, but nobody came out, so they went to look into it. In the center of the floor, there was
a lot of food. Peter   3   Mary into the spaceship and didn't hear the door close behind. The temperature fell
in no time and very soon the two young people didn't know anything.
      When they came to, they were   4   to see that they were back by the river again. The spaceship had gone.
Their car was nearby.
      "What happened?" asked the Mary.
      Peter scratched (抓) his head, saying slowly,"Don't ask me. Perhaps we had a dream. Come o n. it's time
to go home."
      After driving about fifty meters, they found a thick wall made of something like glass stood   5  . On the
other side of the wall, a few strange aliens (外星人) were   6   the wall and reading a notice which, translated
into English, said:"New comers at the zoo: a pair of earth villagers in their field with their house on wheels."

1._______________________ 2._______________________ 3._____________________
4._______________________ 5.________________________ 6._____________________
1. drove away  2. except  3. followed  4. surprised  5. in their way  6. looking through
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