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14.Steven Jobs was born in 1955.He was an American businessman and inventor.He was the co-founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of Apple Inc.In the late 1970s,Steve,with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak,Mike Markkula,and others,designed,developed,and marketed one of the first successful lines of personal computers,the Apple II series and later,the Macintosh.
Steve was among the greatest of American inventors-brave enough to think differently,and believed he could change the world and in fact,he had the power to change the whole world.By making computers personal and putting the Internet in our pockets,he has brought joy to millions of children and grownups.
Steve was fond of saying that he lived every day like it was his last.He changed the way each of us sees the world.Steve's brilliance,passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives.The world is much better becaus of Steve.On October 5,2011,Steve died of cancer.The world has lost a visionary.We all feel sad about it.
13.Where can we find this passage?D
A.In a science book.
B.In a science fiction novel.
C.In a dictionary.
D.In a newspaper.
14.From the passage,we can know thatA.
A.It is cancer that took the Steve's life
B.Steve's brilliance,passion and energy enrich and improve all of our lives
C.Apple II series and the Macintosh have made computers personal and  put the Inernet in our pockets.
D.Steve was a businessman but not an inventor
15.What would be the best title for this passage?C
A.Steve Jobs'death                     
B.Our loss of a great CEO
C.A great inventor,Steve Jbs           
D.The great changes in our lives.

分析 本文是人物传记,讲述伟大的发明家乔布斯,他的聪明才智改变人们的生活.

解答 13.D 细节推断题.本文是篇人物介绍,乔布斯的简历,苹果创始人,故这篇文章来自报纸,故选D项.
14.A 细节理解题.根据最后一段提到On October 5,2011,Steve died of cancer.2011年十一月5日死于癌症,故选 A项.
15.C 主旨大意.根据第一段提到Steven Jobs was born in 1955.He was an American businessman and inventor.乔布斯是美国商人也是发明家,故选C项.

点评 故事类文章在阅读过程中,我们一直在某个线索的引导下,随着作者的思路去了解一个故事或一件事情的始末,因此会感到比较轻松.命题往往从故事的情节、人物或事件之间的关系、作者的意图和态度、故事的前因和后果等方面入手,考查学生对细节的辨认能力以及推理判断能力. 阅读故事类文章时,应注意把握主旨大意,弄清主要情节,立足文章的内容揣摩作者的态度和意图,根据文章的情节展开合理的想象,从而达到解题的目的.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.To be punctual is important for us because people rather expect us to be on time for appointments.But it seems not easy to be on time every time.Here are some useful methods to help you be punctual.
Plan your route.If your destination(目的地) is unfamiliar,go online the night before to map out your route and see how long it's going to take.Then you will know when you have to leave the house.
Do as much as possible the night before.Make your mornings less stressful(有压力的) by doing what you can the night before to make your time enough.Get your clothes ready.Set the breakfast table.Make your lunch if you need to take it.
Make a time table.You need to make a time table if you have lots of things to do in a day.For example,the time you get up,the time you leave the house,and the time you wait for the bus.You also need to estimate(估计) how long it takes.
Give yourself a gift of being early.If you plan to get to your destination 15minutes early,you'll probably never be late again.Being early seems a waste of time.But you can do something you love.Read the newspaper,read your favorite blogs and even call a friend.It really can be a gift.
8.The underlined word"punctual"probably meansA.
A.on time
B.at work
9.You need to plan your route whenD.
A.you are busy in the morning
B.you have to take your breakfast
C.you have lots of things to do
D.you are unfamiliar with your destination
10.What don't you need to do to make your mornings less stressful?C
A.Get your clothes ready.
B.Set the breakfast table.
C.Make a time table.
D.Make your lunch.
11.From the passage,we can know thatD.
A.being early is a waste of time
B.your friends will give you a gift if you're on time
C.being late sometimes is good
D.doing something you love is a gift sometimes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.On a cool November afternoon in Fleming Island,Florida,Melissa Hawkinson,41,was driving her five-year-old twins home from school when she saw a sudden splash in Doctors Lake just ahead.What was that?She thought.As she drove up to the scene,she saw a half-submerged car sinking about 30 yards offshore."It was going down pretty quickly,"Hawkinson recalls.She stopped the car near the boat ramp and ran toward the water.Water is going to be cold,she thought.
     She took off her vest and leather boots,got into the icy water,and swam to the car,where she found Cameron Dorsey,five,trapped into his car as the swirling water rose around him.
     Hawkinson tried to open the door,but it was locked.So she pushed and pulled hard on the partially open window until she could reach through and unlock the door.She pulled the boy free,swam to shore,and handed him off to onlookers who were only watching them on a dock.The driver,the boy's suicidal father,swam back to land on his own.Afterward,Hawkinson sat on the shore wrapped in a blanket."For ten or 15 minutes,I couldn't stop shaking,"she said.
     There's nothing visibly extraordinary about Melissa Hawkinson,an energetic stay-at-home mom with brown hair and a sweet smile.Yet something made her different from the dockside onlookers that day.Why do some people act quickly,willing to take a risk for a stranger?What makes them run toward danger rather than away from it?Hawkinson,the Granite Mountain Hotshots (能手,高手)---19 of whom lost their life this past summer in Arizona---every hero who puts his or her life on the line to save another:what makes them brave?
     Moreover,can bravery be learned,or is it a quality with which you are born?The answer is complex.Bravery taps the mind,brain and heart.It comes from instinct,training and sympathy.Today,neurologists,psychologists and other researchers are studying bravery,trying to uncover the mystery.
21.It can be learned from the passage thatB.
A.Melissa Hawkinson was a 41-year-old nurse
B.Melissa Hawkinson was kind and courageous.
C.Melissa Hawkinson was picking up her five-year-old son
D.it was spring when the accident happened
22.What conclusion can we draw from the third paragraph?D
A.No one else was available except Melissa Hawkinson.
B.The father committed suicide because of the divorce.
C.The father was saved in the end by Melissa Hawkinson.
D.Not everyone was ready to risk saving the five-year-old boy..
23.How does the writer find other people on the dockside?C
A.Warm and ready to help            
C.Kind of cold-blooded             
D.Not skillful at swimming
24.What is the writer's purpose of writing this passage?A
A.To set us thinking what makes people brave.
B.To call on us to learn from such people as Hawkinson.
C.To remind people of risk while saving others.
D.To show people bravery can be learned.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

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Quickeats are reasonably priced and ready to eat.Take the coupon(优惠卷)below to a participating store to receive a free Red Hot or Cool Blue container that will fit neatly in your backpack,briefcase,or shoulder bag and keep your Quickeats meal hot or cold until you're ready to eat it.Each container holds up to 4Quickeats.
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√One Free container for Quickeats with the purchase of one Quickeats meal.
25.This advertisement is designed especially for those whoB.
A.like eating in restaurants                   
B.have little time
C.prefer home-cooked meals                 
D.want to save money
26.What information CAN'T we get from the advertisement about Ouickeats?C
A.Different kinds.   
B.High quality.     
C.Exact prices.     
D.Good taste
27.Which of the following can be cooled in a refrigerator before eating according to the ads?A
A.Pasta Salad        
B.Dried Fruit.      
28.The underlined word"hectic"in the passage meansC.
A.full of freedom  
C.full of activities 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Facial expressions carry meaning that is determined by situations and relationships.For example,in American culture the smile is in general an expression of pleasure.Yet it also has other uses.A woman's smile at a police officer does not carry the same meaning as the smile she gives to a young child.A smile may show love or politeness.It can also hide true feelings.It often causes confusion (困惑) across cultures.For example,many people in Russia consider smiling at strangers in public to be unusual and even improper.Yet many Americans smile freely at strangers in public places although this is less common in big cities.Some Russians believe that Americans smile in the wrong places; some Americans believe that Russians don't smile enough.In Southeast Asian cultures,a smile is frequently used to cover painful feelings.Vietnamese people may tell a sad story but end the story with a smile.
Our faces show emotions (情感),but we should not attempt to"read"people from another culture as we would"read"someone from our own culture.The fact that members of one culture do not express their emotions as openly as do members of another does not mean that they do not experience emotions.Rather,there are cultural differences in the amount of facial expressiveness permitted.For example,in public and in formal situations many Japanese do not show their emotions as freely as Americans do.When with friends,Japanese and Americans seem to show their emotions similarly.
It is difficult to generalize about Americans and facial expressiveness because of personal and cultural backgrounds in the United States.People from certain cultural backgrounds in the United States seem to be more facially expressive than others.The key is to try not to judge people whose ways of showing emotion are different.If we judge according to our own cultural habits,we may make the mistake of"reading"the other person incorrectly.
28.What does the smile usually mean in the U.S.?A
29.The author mentions the smile of the Vietnamese to prove that a smile canD.
A.show friendliness to strangers      
B.show personal habits
C.be used in the wrong places        
D.be used to hide true feelings
30.What should we do before attempting to"read"people?A
A.Understand their cultural backgrounds
B.Learn about their relations with others
C.Find out about their past experience
D.Figure out what they will do next
31.What would be the best title for the test?D
A.Cultural Differences                        
B.Smiles and Relationships
C.Habits and Emotions                        
D.Facial Expressiveness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

19.Light traveled faster than sound.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

6.My suggestion is that we should be set off early tomorrow.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.As I sat beside the window of our classroom that afternoon,my heart sank further with each passing car.This was a day I'd looked forward to for weeks:Miss Pace's fourth-grade,end-of-the-year party.
I had happily volunteered my mother when Miss Pace looked for cookie volunteers.Mom's chocolate chips were well-known,and I knew they'd be a hit with my classmates.But two o'clock passed,and there was no sign of her.Most of the other mothers had already come and gone,dropping off their sweet offerings.
The three o'clock bell soon took me away from my thoughts and I took my book bag from my desk.
I decided I would slam the front door,and refuse to return her hug.But when I arrived,she wasn't at home.
I was lying face-down on my bed upstairs when I heard her come through the front door.
"Robbie,"she called out a bit urgently."Where are you?"
I could then hear her rushing anxiously from room to room,wondering where I could be.I remained silent.Coming through the door,she said:"I'm so sorry,honey,"she said."I just forgot.I got busy and forgot."
Then my mother did something completely unexpected.She began to laugh!How could she laugh at a time like this?I rolled over and faced her,ready to let her see my rage (愤怒).
But my mother wasn't laughing at all.She was crying."I'm so sorry,"she said."I let you down.I let my little boy down."
I was moved by her tears.
I tried to remember her kind words from times past when I'd skinned knees or cut myself,times when she knew just the right thing to say.
"It's okay,Mom.We didn't even need those cookies.There was plenty of stuff to eat.Don't cry.It's all right.Really."
We didn't say another word.We just held each other.When we came to the point where I would usually pull away,I decided that,this time,I could hold on,perhaps,just a little bit longer.
52.The author was pretty down becauseB.
A.he couldn't go to the party he had been looking forward to
B.his mother didn't turn up at the party as she had promised
C.his mother had refused to make chocolate chips for the party
D.the cookies his mom made was not popular at the party
53.When the author returned home,D.
A.he was so angry that he slammed the front door
B.he was silent and refused to return his mother's hug
C.he rushed from room to room looking for his mother
D.he was disappointed that he his mother wasn't at home
54.We can tell from the story thatC.
A.the mother didn't get to the party because of the traffic jam
B.the mother was sorry for her absence and laughed at herself
C.the author was a caring and thoughtful boy
D.the author was overcome with anger
55.The article conveys the message thatC.
A.it is silly to be angry with your family
B.everybody should keep his or her promises
C.true love is based on understanding
D.understanding how to comfort people in low spirits is a true skill.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Influenced by their families and society,many youths are infatuated with expensive famous brands.But not every youth is as rich as a millionaire and people are getting worried about this.
According to a recent survey,one out of five pupils wears clothes of well-known brands,including a belt worth 560 Yuan,more than a half of an ordinary worker's salary.Among the 100middle school students surveyed,as many as 70own famous-brand clothes,60have famous-brand watches and 45possess famous-brand bicycles.Two of them even wear over 1500Yuan worth of suits.
Most young people who come from ordinary families will try to steal money to have better food and clothing if their parents don't satisfy their needs.A boy named Chen even killed another boy simply for 500Yuan and was sentenced to nine years'imprisonment.
People wonder how these teenagers can be independent in the future,while parents are calling for help from schools,governments and the society.
32.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?D
A.More than 50percent of the students surveyed possess things of famous brands.
B.An ordinary worker earns less than 1120Yuan each month.
C.Suits may cost as much as 1500Yuan.
D.Young people now are as rich as millionaires.
33.What does"be infatuated with"mean according to the context?B
A.be anxious about
B.be filled with a strong unreasonable feeling of love for
C.have a strange and unusual way of
D.be low in spirits; be sad for
34.As a result,the boy mentioned in the passage willC
A.steal money for better food and clothing  
B.kill another boy for 500Yuan
C.stay in prison for nine years 
D.ask his parents to satisfy his needs
35.The best title for the passage would beA
A.Youths Run After Famous Brands.
B.Youths Should Own More Money
C.Youths As Rich As Millionaires
D.Youths Must Be Taken Good Care of.

