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Dear Jack,

I’m sorry to hear that you feel lonely in the new school, because you find hard to make friends. Now, I’d like to offer you any advice.

Firstly, it’s normal for you to feel lonely because you were living in a new environment. Secondly, you should greet your classmates when met them on campus. Thirdly, it will be a good idea if you take an actively part in class activities, what can help them learn more about you. I believe you will be able to make new friends soon unless you’re friendly to the others.

I hope the suggestion above will be helpful to you and everything will be fine with you for the future.


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:内蒙古2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

Don’t eat too much fat, or you will _______.

A. put on weight B. lose weight

C. watch your weight D. improve weight


科目:高中英语 来源:吉林省梅河口市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Once when I was a teenager, my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus (马戏表演). One family between us and the ticket counter made a big impression(印象) on me. There were eight children, all probably under the age of 12. Their clothes were clean. The children were well-behaved, all of them standing in line, two-by-two behind their parents, holding hands.

The ticket lady asked the father how many tickets he wanted. He proudly said, “Please let me buy eight children’s tickets and two adult tickets so I can take my family to the circus.”The ticket lady told him the price. The wife’s head dropped, and the man’s lip began to quiver (抖动). The father asked, “How much did you say?”

The ticket lady told him the price again.

The man didn’t have enough money.

Seeing what was going on, my dad put his hand into his pocket, pulled out a $20 bill and dropped it on the ground (We were not wealthy either). My father reached down, picked up the bill, tapped the man on the shoulder and said, “Excuse me, sir, this fell out of your pocket.”

The man knew what was going on. He wasn’t begging for money but certainly thanked the help in a difficult, embarrassing situation. He looked straight into my dad’s eyes, took my dad’s hand in both of his, and with a tear streaming down his cheek, he replied, “Thank you, sir. This really means a lot to me and my family.”

My father and I went back to our car and drove home. We didn’t go to the circus that night, but we didn’t go without.

1.Why was the writer impressed by(留下深刻印象) the family?

A. Because the family was very poor.

B. Because the family was very happy.

C. Because the family was very noisy.

D. Because the family was very large.

2.When the ticket lady told them the price, the wife .

A. hardly heard B. hardly understood

C. felt disappointed D. felt confused

3.Which of the following words can be best used to describe the writer’s father?

A. Honest. B. Kind. C. Patient. D. Careful.


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省抚州市等七校2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试(B卷)英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Something about the four World Famous Statues

The Little Mermaid

The statue The Little Mermaid sits on a rock in the Copenhagen harbor at Langelinie in Denmark. Tourists visiting for the first time are often surprised by the relatively small size of the statue. The Little Mermaid is only 1.25 meters high and weighs around 175kg. designed by Edvard Eriksen, the statue was erected in 1913 to commemorate(纪念)the fairy tale The Little Mermaid. The poor lady has lost her head several times but each time it has been restored. Copenhagen officials announced that the statue may be moved further out in the harbor, as to avoid further vandalism(故意破坏)and to prevent tourists from climbing onto it.

David Statue

David is a masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture sculpted by Michelangelo from 1501 to 1504. The 5.17 meter marble statue portray the hero after his victory over Goliath, Michelangelo chose to represent David before the fight contemplating(沉思)the battle yet to come. To protect it from damage, the famous statue was moved in 1873 to the Accademia Gallery in Florence in Italy, where it attracts many visitors. A replica was placed in the Piazza della Signoria, at the original location.

Great Sphinx

Located at the Giza Plateau near Cairo in Egypt, the Great Sphinx is one of the largest and oldest statues in the world, but basic facts as who was the model for the face, when it was built, and by whom, are still debated. It is the largest monolithic(独块巨石的)statue in the world although it is considerably smaller than the pyramids around it. Despite conflicting evidence and viewpoints over by the years, the traditional view held by modern Egyptologists at large remains that the Great Sphinx was built in approximately 2500 BC by the Pharaoh Khafre, the supposed builder of the second pyramid at Giza.

Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty, a gift from the people France to celebrate the centennial of the signing of the United States Declaration of Independence, stands upon Liberty Island and is one of the most famous symbols in the world. It represents a woman wearing a stole, a radiant crown and sandals, trampling a broken chain, carrying a torch her raised right hand and a tabula ansata tablet in her left hand. The construction of the statue was completed in France 1886 until the jet age, it was often one of the first glimpses of the United States for millions of immigrants.

1.Which description is about “The Little Mermaid”?

A. It has lost its head several times.

B. It is a gift from the French people.

C. It is the largest monolithic statue in the world.

D. It is designed by Michelangelo from 1501 to 1504.

2.What do we know about the Great Sphinx from the passage?

A. It located at Cairo in Egypt.

B. It was Pharaoh Khafre’s tomb.

C. It was built by Egyptian designer—Edvard Eriksen.

D. It is the largest monolithic statue in the world.

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A. The passage is a health report.

B. The passage is a science report.

C. The passage is most probably taken from a travel magazine.

D. The passage is most probably taken from a fashion magazine.


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省临沂市2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

There’s a trend that more city people decide that they want to grow crops and raise some live-stock (家禽). After all, there are few things more satisfying than biting into a bunch of tender, red carrots you grow yourself, or a fresh egg from the backyard.

Most gardeners understand that the soil in big cities is often polluted with lead and know to get their soil tested. But most are pretty clueless about how to prevent other types of pollutants, like heavy metals and asbestos(石棉)from getting into their vegetables.

Part of the problem is that “there might be pollutants that gardeners can’t test for,” says Brent Kim, a program officer. Most soil tests look for lead, cadrniunt(镉)and arsenic(砷). But they don’t test things like chemicals left behind by cars, which might have escaped into the soil.

So if you’re thinking of staring an urban garden, Kim says, once you’ve found a plot of land, you should learn what’s now an empty plot or a backyard might once have been a parking lot, a gas station or a chemical ground. “Knowing its past will give you some idea about what might be in that soil,” he says.

“People tend to think raised beds are going to solve their pollution problem,” Kim says. But polluted soil could easily kicked onto your plants, especially if the beds are low to the ground.

“Another consideration is that you have to be careful about the materials that you’re using to build a raised bed,” Kim says. Recycling wood from an old construction site might seem like a good, eco-friendly idea. But that wood could be treated with chemicals you don’t want touching your fruits and veggies, Kim says. And it’s always a good idea to use gloves while gardening, and wash all your produce thoroughly.

“I see these urban growing spaces as these oases(绿洲)in the middle of these urban environments,” Kim says. “They bring communities together, and they help people save money on fresh produce. Urban growing spaces are amazing. Let’s keep doing this, but let’s do it safely.”

1.What does the underlined word “clueless” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. unaware B. careless

C. helpless D. considerate

2.What should you do when starting an urban garden?

A. Build it on a parking lot B. Keep it low to the ground

C. Know the history of the ground D. Use recycled wood to build it

3.What do we know about the raise beds from the text?

A. They are free from some tests B. Their plants can be poisoned

C. They are environment-friendly D. Their materials are all recycled

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A. More fresh vegetables are produced by urban gardeners

B. Growing vegetables become a fashion in big cities

C. Big cities are short of soil for growing fresh produce

D. Urban gardeners may not realize the seriousness of polluted soil


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省2017届高三考前模拟英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Facing increasing pressure to raise students’ scores on standardized tests,schools are urging kids to work harder by offering them obvious encouragements.Happy Meals are at the low end of the scale.With the help of businesses, schools are also giving away cars,iPods,seats to basketball games,and—in a growing number of cases—cold,hard cash.The appeal of such programs is obvious,but the consequences of tying grades to goods are still uncertain.It’s been a common tradition in middle-class families to reward top grades with cash as a way to teach that success in school leads to success in life.But for many disadvantaged minority children,the long-term benefits of getting an education are not so clear,according to experts.

No one knows for sure how well cash and other big-ticket rewards work in education in the long run.But there are plenty of concerns that this kind of practice could have negative effects on kids.Virginia Shiller,a clinical psychologist,says that it’s worth experimenting with cash encouragements but that tying them to success on a test is not a worthwhile goal.“I’d rather see rewards based on effort and responsibility—things that will lead to success in life,” she says.

Even if rewards don’t lead to individual achievement on a test,they could have a meaningful effect in the school.Charles McVean, a businessman and philanthropist(慈善家),started a tutoring program,which pays higher-achieving students $10 an hour to tutor struggling classmates and divides them into teams.During the course of the year,students bond and compete.The team posting the highest math scores wins the top cash prize of $100. McVean calls the combination of peer(同龄人)tutoring,competition,and cash encouragements a recipe for “nothing less than magic”.[

For its part,the Seminole County Public Schools system in Florida plans to continue its report card encouragement program through the rest of the school year.The local McDonald’s restaurants help the poor district by paying the $1,600 cost of printing the report card.Regina Klaers,the district spokeswoman,says most parents don’t seem bothered by the Happy Meals rewards.“There are many ways we try to urge students to do well,and sometimes it’s through the stomach,and sometimes it’s the probability of students winning a car,” she says,“One size doesn’t fit all.”

1.According to the text,it is a common practice for schools to________.

A. offer free meals to students with high scores

B. educate students to form a business sense

C. cooperate with business to improve teaching

D. tie students’ grades to material rewards

2.According to the text,the long-term results of giving students cash as rewards in education are_____.

A. negative B. optimistic

C. uncertain D. disappointing

3.The tutoring program run by Charles McVean_______.

A. hires some excellent teachers to teach the struggling students

B. has a meaningful effect in inspiring students’ enthusiasm on study

C. is a program combining tutoring,competition and future job offers

D. rewards the student with the highest scores with cash prize of $100

4.We can learn that in Seminole County_____.

A. there are various ways to inspire students to study hard

B. many parents are not satisfied with the Happy Meals rewards

C. the local McDonald’s restaurants provide the rewards for poor students

D. people are searching for a good-for-all method to urge students to do well


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省2017届高三下学期二调考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Imagine that you’re looking at your company-issued smartphone and you notice an e-mail from Linkedln: “These companies are looking for candidates like you!” You aren’t necessarily searching for a job, but you’re always open to opportunities, so out of curiosity, you click on the link. A few minutes later your boss appears at your desk. “We’ve noticed that you’re spending more time on Linkedln lately, so I wanted to talk with you about your career and whether you’re happy here,” she says. Uh-oh.

It’s an awkward scene. Attrition (损耗)has always been expensive for companies, but in many industries the cost of losing good workers is rising, owing to tight labor markets. Thus companies are intensifying(增强)their efforts to predict which workers are at high risk of leaving so that managers can try to stop them. Tactics (策略)range from electronic monitor to sophisticated(复杂的)analyses of employees’ social media lives.

Some of this work may be a reason to let employees to quit. In general, people leave their jobs because they don’t like their boss, don’t see opportunities for promotion or growth, or are offered a higher pay; these reasons have held steady for years.

New research conducted by CEB, a Washington-based technology company, looks not just at why workers quit but also at when. “We’ve learned that what really affects people is their sense of how they’re doing compared with other people in their peer group, or with where they thought they would be at a certain point in life, says Brian Kropp, who heads CEB’s HR practice. “We’ve learned to focus on moments that allow people to make these comparisons.”

Technology also provides clues about which star employees might be eyeing the exit. Companies can tell whether employees using work computers or phones are spending time on (or even just opening e-mails from) career websites, and research shows that more firms are paying attention to these things. Large companies have also begun tracking badge swipes(浏览痕迹)---- employees’ use of an ID to enter and exit the building or the parking garage---to identify patterns that suggest a worker may be interviewing for a job.

1.From the first paragraph, we can infer Linkedln is___________.

A. an e-mail B. a job from the Internet

C. a professional social network D. a world-famous company

2.What’s the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The cost of losing good workers is rising.

B. Companies are stricter with workers than before.

C. Measures have been taken to find the potential workers who want to quit.

D. Finding new jobs has been a trend for most workers.

3.According to the research by CEB, which of the following might be the most probable reason for workers to quit their jobs?

A. They don’t like their bosses. B. Workers are always doing comparisons.

C. Not seeing opportunities for promotion. D. To find a higher-paid job.

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To make a review on a phenomenon. B. To tell us the leader’s concerns.

C. To show a new trend in the job market. D. To stress the role of new technologies.


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省太原市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Tu Youyou, born in December, 1930, is a Chinese scientist and educator. She is best known for discovering artemisinin (青蒿素) used to treat malaria (疟疾), which has saved millions of lives. For her work, Tu received the 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Scientists worldwide had tried over 240, 000 medicines to treat malaria without success. In 1969, Tu Youyou, then 39 years old, decided to turn to traditional Chinese herbs(草药) for possible solutions. She looked into the Chinese medical classics in history, visiting traditional Chinese doctors all over the country on her own. She gathered her findings in a notebook, in which she recorded 640 methods of treating malaria. She and her team also experimented with over 2, 000 traditional Chinese herbs.

During this time, her husband was forced to work in the countryside, and their young daughter had to take care of herself in Beijing.

Years of research all came down to one type of herb named qinghao. The animal tests showed it was completely effective in mice and monkeys, So Tu volunteered to be the first human subject. “As head of this research group, I had the responsibility’ she said. It was safe with, her; so she continued to try it out with more human patients.

In 2007, her office was in an old apartment building in Beijing. Before 2011, Tu Youyou had been described as “almost completely forgotten by people1”, Yet in 2015, the Nobel Prize committee said her discoveries had given the world powerful new ways to fight a powerful disease which affected hundreds of millions of people every year. In terms of improving human health and reducing suffering, Mrs. Tu’s contribution is beyond words.

1.How did Tu Youyou find qinghao as a treatment?

A. By testing it on children. B. By researching for years.

C. By reading foreign books. C. By asking malaria patients.

2.What does the underlined word “effective” mean in Paragraph 4?

A. Successful. B. Useless. C. Unclear. D. Normal

3.What can we infer from the last paragraph about Mrs. Tu?

A. She couldn’t afford an apartment in Beijing.

B. She didn’t want her findings to be known.

C. She didn’t care much, for fame while researching.

D. She wasn’t able to describe her findings dearly


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省汕头市2016-2017学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达

假如你是李华,是高三某班班长。为了丰富同学们的课外生活,班级准备成立一个自行车俱乐部(cycling club)。请你根据活动的背景及下面的提示,用英语写一则口头通知。




注意:1. 可适当增加细节以使行文连贯;

2. 词数100 左右(不包含已给的开头和结尾)

Attention, please, everyone. Ever since we entered Senior 3, _____________________________________







That’s all. Thank you.

