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Welcome to our class and to our evening party.Here we feel
greatly________(荣幸) to have a good chance to be
with you.First of all, let me say a few words a________
our class.There are 45 students in our class.32 of us are boys,
________the rest are girls.Most of us are studying
English, and we________(通常) spend much
time on it.We often read English________(杂志),
newspapers and watch English programs on TV in our spare
time.We are________(决心) to learn English
well so________to have a better job in the future.
In our program tonight, t________are cross talks,
short plays, group singing, popular songs and so on.I hope you
will enjoy them and________a good time.And of
c________your participation would be appreciated.

1. honored  2.about  3.and  4.usually  5. magazines  6.determined  7 .as  8.there   9. have 10.course
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    科目:高中英语 来源:福建省龙岩市2011届高三一级达标学校联盟高中毕业班联合考试英语试题 题型:053


      Ladies and gentlemen,

      Welcome to our village! This village is a small one with nearly ________(家庭)Daiid about 500 people.It used to be very poor.However, it has ________(变化)a lot during the last ten years and has been developing very f________.People here are ________ living a much b________ life than before.They have moved into new

    and big houses.Now the whole village is t________ on a new look.

      ________ the past, the school here was very small and most children couldn't a ________ to go to school.But now it has been rebuilt and ________ of the school-aged children in the village can study in the, newly-built teaching building, ________ has four floors.What's more, they enjoy free ________(教育).May you have a pleasant time here! Thank you!


    科目:高中英语 来源:福建省福州八县(市)一中2011-2012学年高二上学期期中联考英语试题 题型:053


    Ladies and gentlemen,

      Welcome to London!I feel greatly honored to be your g ________ here.Please allow me to briefly i________ the city.

      London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom.With its museums, art ________(珍藏品), theatres, parks and buildings, it is the greatest historical treasure.It is also the c________ of national government and its administration.________ is known to all, it is the host city of the 30th Olympic Games.

      Being an international modern city, London has many places of interest, which ________(深深地)attract thousands of tourists from all over the world.Walking along the beaches and s ________ in the sea are the best choices to relax after having a good view of those ________(壮丽的)buildings.All in all, you must keep your eyes ________ if you are going to make your trip ________ London enjoyable and worthwhile.

      Thank you for listening.Enjoy yourselves.


    科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年福建省高三第三次月考英语试题 题型:其他题

    短文填词(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)  阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语境提示,在每个空格内填人一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在右边相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。

    Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! I’m Sue                  

    Allow me, first of all, on b        of my teachers and classmates1.      

    to give you a warm welcome to all of you c         from London. 2.     

    It really gives us a great           (快乐)to have you in our school3.       

    for a           (短暂的)visit. I believe that you will be glad to 4.     

    see how well we Chinese students are          along with our English5.        

    learning. We think it a bridge to the        (友谊)between us and6.    

    the people throughout the o        world. But, you know, there are still7.      

    some students, most of         are boys of science, learning English with8.      

    much trouble. So, we hope you would give us some a         on the9.     

    language sudy. Finally, let me wish you a pleasant        (停留)here. 10.         



    科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


    Good morning, ladie s and gentlemen! I’m Sue                                    

    Allow me, first of all, on b        of my teachers and classmates         1.        

    to give you a warm welcome to all of you c         from London.        2.        

    It really gives us a great           (快乐)to have you in our school  3.        

    for a           (短暂的)visit. I believe that you will be glad to         4.        

    see how well we Chinese students are          along with our English       5.        

    learning. We think it a bridge to the        (友谊)between us and  6.       

    the people throughout the o        world. But, you know, there are still      7.       

    some students, most of         are boys of science, learning English with  8.       

    much trouble. So, we hope you would give us some a         on the 9.       

    language sudy. Finally, let me wish you a pleasant        (停留)here.    10.      

