精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

The taxi had to        because the traffic light turned red.

A.pull outB.pull downC.pull upD.pull through


科目:高中英语 来源:活题巧解巧练·高一英语(下) 题型:001


Part 1

A newspaper reporter is speaking to a lady who escaped from the fire .

1.Listen to the whole tape. Write down the four questions that the newspaper reporter asks.

1)What ________

2)What ________

3)How ________


2.Listen to the tape again. Tick the sentences which are correct.

1)She was having lunch when the fire started.

2)Someone was making coffee.

3)Flames came out of the ceiling.

4)She was planning to go to the bank later that day.

5)The fire happened at a weekend.

6)She was planning to go away for the weekend.

7)She thought it wasn't going to be a big fire.

8)The fire started quickly.

9)The fire started far away.

3.How do you think the story ended? Give reasons for your answers.

[  ]

A.She had to walk home because she had no money.

B.She had to borrow some money and rake a taxi home.

C.She drove home in her own car.

D.She got home, but couldn't get into her house .

Part 2

Six friends are having a discussion about smoking.

1.Listen to the tape. Are the speakers “For” or “Against ”smoking? Tick the correct column for each speaker.

2.Listen to the tape again. What reason does each speaker give for being “For” or “Against” smoking? Write a reason in the space. You can use your own words.

3.Listen to the tape again. Choose the sentences which you hear on the tape.


A.It helps me study better.

B.It helps me to study better.


A.My grandma has smoked thirteen cigarettes a day.

B.My grandpa has smoked thirty cigarettes a day.


A.The rooms smell of smoke.

B.The room smells of smoke.


A.It's a simple pleasure.

B.It's simply pleasure.


A.People think it clever to smoke.

B.People think it's clever to smoke.


A.The doctors couldn't do anything to save her.

B.The doctors couldn't anything safer.

Part 3

Terry is from the USA and she is visiting England. In this dialogue, Did asks her how she find England. Terry talks about some of the difference between the USA and England .

1.Tick the things which Terry talks about.

(  )A.English language

(  )B.Touching

(  )C.Pronunciation

(  )D.Saying Hello and Goodbye

(  )E.Words

(  )F.Buses

(  )G.Spelling

(  )H.Driving

(  )I.Parties

(  )J.manners

2.Listen to these sentences from the dialogue. Write down the words in the spaces.

1)________'s ________ ________ living in England, Terry?

2)A woman said she would ________ me the next day .

3)What's ________ about that ?

4)Well, we say, “I'll________ you tomorrow. ”

5)Now that sounds ________ to me .

6)So I have to ________ not to touch people when I'm in________.


科目:高中英语 来源:快客英语学习手册高一年级上必修①② 题型:022

Using words

Match the words and phrases in Box A with their meaning in Box B.


1.transport  6.stubborn

2.fare    7.insist

3.graduate  8.proper

4.cycle    9.determine

5.persuade  10.familiar


a.having a good knowledge of

b.take sth. /sb. from one place to another in a vehicle

c.decided not to give way; strong-willed

d.demand forcefully

e.suitable; correct

f.cause sb. to do. sth by giving reasons

g.complete an educational course

h.ride a bicycle

i.money charged for a journey by bus, ship, taxi, etc



科目:高中英语 来源:福建省师大附中2012届高三上学期期中考试英语试题(人教版) 人教版 题型:053


Mr.Brown's wife was a nurse.One day he was driving her home ________ a green taxi traveled crazily close to his and sped by.The taxi driver was in such a h________ that he didn't see a huge truck just in front of him.In order to a________ hitting it, the taxi changed direction suddenly and ________(不幸)slid off the road in an uncontrolled way.The driver and his ________(乘客)were injured.They were badly cut by glass from the b________ window screen.Mr.Brown's car quickly p________ over.His wife got out of the car to help the injured.The truck driver also stopped to help, c________ the first aid center.About 20 minutes later an ________(救护车)arrived.The injured were taken to hospital.The Browns offered to report the deaths ________ the accident to the police station.


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省同步题 题型:填空题

Mr Brown's wife was a nurse.One day he was driving her home
________a green taxi traveled crazily close to his
and sped by.The taxi driver was in such a h________
that he didn't see a huge truck just in front of him.
In order to avoid h________it, the taxi changed
direction suddenly and________(不幸) slid off the
road in an uncontrolled way.The driver and his
________(乘客) were injured.They were badly
cut by glass from the b________window screen.
Mr Brown's car quickly________over.His wife
got out of the car to help the injured.The truck driver
also stopped to help, c________the first aid center.
About 20 minutes later an ambulance
________(到达). The injured were taken
to hospital.The Browns offered to report the details
________the accident to the police station.

