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        Looking for a book to read? Here is a list of books you can choose from.

Breakfast Served Anytime by Sarah Combs 

        Breakfast Served Anytime is a must read. Gloria lives in Kentucky,recently lost her beloved grandma,and has to spend the summer before her senior year at a camp for gifted and talented kids. There,she meets a boy named Mason and some other new friends. Gloria and her new friends develop relationships,plan on their futures,and face childhood demons (恶魔) during one Kentucky summer.

How to Say Goodbye in Robot by Natalie Standiford 

       Beatrice and Jonah are two strange ducks at a Baltimore private school. They make a connection with each other that they can't seem to make with anyone else. When Jonah discovers a family secret,Beatrice helps him deal with it. When Beatrice's home life starts to fall apart,Jonah is there for her. While not a romantic love story,this novel is all about love. The bond between Beatrice and Jonah is beautifully described.

Beware the Wild by Natalie C. Parker

       Set in the tiny town of Sticks,Louisiana,it follows a teenage girl named Sterling whose brother Phineas disappears into the mysterious local swamp that all the townspeople fear. Not long after,a young woman named Lenora May appears and claims to be Sterling's sister. The only trouble is,Sterling is the only one confused by the story and the only one who can remember Phineas.

OCD (强迫性精神错乱)Love Story by Corey Ann Haydu

       The novel follows Bea and Beck. When the two meet at a support group for teenagers with OC   D. romance begins. But how will they fall in love when they have to use so much energy to fight off their cowpw&zo/is (强迫性冲动) ?Haydu handles the tricky topic cleverly and delivers a hopeful ending.

13. What is the book Breakfast Served Anytime mainly about?

   A. A girl's love for her grandma.

   B. Tips on developing new friendships.

   C. Problems some students have to face.

   D. A girl's time with others at a summer camp.

14. How to Say Goodbye in Robot would most probably attract those who want to read a story about .

   A. detection    B. adventure

   C. friendship   D. romantic love

15. Which book sounds full of mystery?

   A. OCD Love Story.

   B. Beware the Wild.

   C. Breakfast Served Anytime.

   D. How to Say Goodbye in Robot.

16. Whose book is a love story about two people with a rare disease?

   A. Natalie Standiford’ s.  B. Sarah Combs’.

   C. Natalie C. Parker's.     D. Corey Ann Haydu's.

13. D 14. C 15. B 16. D



13. D. 细节理解题。根据Breakfast Served Anytime by Sarah Combs 部分中的 Gloria ... has to spend the summer before her senior year at a camp for gifted and talented kids 和 Gloria and her new friends develop relationships,plan on their futures,and face childhood demons…可知,这本书是关于一个失去奶奶的女孩怎样和别的小朋友一起共度夏令营的故事。

14. C. 推理判断题。根据Hoe to Say by Natalie Standiford 部分中的 While not a romantic love story,this novel is all about love. The bond between Beatrice and Jonah is beautifully described可推知,这个故事是关于友谊的。

15. B. 推理判断题。根据Beware the Wild by Natalie C. Parker 部分中的 Phineas disappears into the mysterious local swamp that all the townspeople fear. Not long after,a young woman named Lenora May appears and claims to be Sterling's sister可推知,这本书充满神秘。

16. D. 细节理解题。根据OCD Love Story by Corey Ann Haydu 部分中的 When the two meet at a support group for teenagers with OCD.

romance begins 和 But how will they fall in love when they have to use so much energy to fight off their compulsions 可知,Corey Ann Haydu 的这本书是关于两个患有强迫性精神错乱症的年轻人的爱情故事。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课程 > 第29期 2015-2016学年高二新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


                           ★★ ★ ★★

          Many authors Have become masters of a particular genre (类型) of fiction,but very few can claim to have had such an effect that they created a genre themselves. One such author is J. R. R. Tolkein. He created not only Middle Earth,the stage for his giant fantasy The Lord of the Rings,but also a whole genre of fantasy fiction.

          Tolkein's distinctive contribution was to create a wonderful world and populate it with wise wizards,bold (大胆自信的) knights,and a lot of other characters,including dwarfs. He also created his own contribution,the hobbit. Hobbits were small people,who had distinctive hairy feet. They were characterized by honest common sense and rather complex social lives. In his work,it is evidently the hobbits with whom Tolkein sympathized the most.

           What made Tolkein's  work so fascinating was that it was a perfectly realized work of fantasy. Every detail in his stories rang true. This is because Tolkein spent so much time working and thinking about Middle Earth. His later books showed clearly to what extent he had created this entire world,complete with detailed maps and even the languages of the main characters.

           It must be remembered that Tolkein was writing in a time when the First World War had just finished,and another was about to begin. In his book,he stressed the bravery and determination of the small people without whom victory was impossible. This was the lesson that Tolkein felt had to be learned from the horrors of the First World War 一 the decisions which shaped the fate of nations were made by the ruling class,but they were implemented (实施) by the common people of the country.

            Though his book brought him worldwide fame,Tolkein continued to live modestly at Oxford University,where he worked. He was a close friend of another great writer of his day,C. S.Lewis,who also taught there. However,while Lewis was more relaxed about his fame,Tolkein never really got used to it,and he was quite embarrassed by the admiration of many tourists who came to see him. 

9. What do we learn about ToIkein's  work?

   A. It was created in a hurry.

   B. It was part of his scientific research.

.   C. It was written to create new languages.

   D. It showed a complete period that seemed true.

10. What does Tolkein believe in?

   A. The great effects of war.

   B. The certainty of victory. 

   C. The decisions of the ruling class.

   D. The power of the common people.

11. What was the difference between Tolkein and Lewis?

   A. They had different opinions about travel.

   B. They worked at different universities.

   C. They responded differently to fame.

   D. They looked at modesty differently.

12. What is the main purpose of the text?

   A. To introduce Tolkein's work and life.

   B. To show Tolkein's important influences.

   C. To explain the concept of Middle Earth.

   D. To discuss the genre of fantasy fiction.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。  

       People used to write a lot of letters, 21 they hardly write letters today. Instead,they write e-mails,send text messages and chat online 22 (communicate) or keep in touch with each other. But I love writing letters,which is 23 great way to store our memories.

       Before my grandmother died,she left all the letters between her and my grandfather to me. She also wrote me a letter.24 (grandmother) letter began, “Dear David,I am leaving you one of my most precious treasures — my memories. These memories 25 (be) the letters your grandfather wrote to me when he was away. Please read them. To me,they are priceless and you may find them 26 (value)...”

       I started reading the letters one by one. after the funeral of my grandmother. Through the letters,I learned about their lives and their thoughts. Their letters 27 (teach) me many good life lessons. After 28 (read) the letters,I decided to write letters instead 29 sending e-mails or text messages to keep in touch with my family or friends. One day I want to leave my memories to my grandchildren,too.

       Do you like writing letters? If you don't,30 not consider  making a change?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



        Like many boys of my age,I have a box filled with sports cards. But my brother,younger by ten years,is different from me. He was unwilling to go into the sports card shop with me. I couldn't   believe the shocked look on his face when he saw some of the expensive offerings in the window display. He just couldn 51 appreciate the history behind the cards and the care taken to preserve them over the decades. For him,no piece of cardboard was worth any sum of money. He would rather have a video screen to distract him.

        I appreciate the arguments in favor of television,computer games,and other electronic entertainment. The technology is dynamic and entertaining. There's indeed something for everyone. I also believe,however,that these new forms of entertainment have taken time away from “unplugged” fun. Instead of simple storybooks,young children have interactive learning computers that read for them. When children aren't watching satellite television,they have computer games to entertain them. It seems to me that more and more of the joys of childhood are being lost to the appeal of the video screen.

        Building up a sports card collection is a rewarding hobby for children and adults alike. It teaches quality lessons,such as patience and organization. For children,it develops a careftil mind. I remember how hard I tried to slide each card into a plastic sleeve without damaging their delicate comers. Nearly every weekend,there was a card show at the local mall where I learned to bargain and trade for cards. Collecting cards is a social activity too,encouraging young and old to swap cards and stories.

         Today's electronic entertainment,however,keeps people apart and does little to benefit developing minds. I am concerned that this trend toward electronics will lead to less physical activity and less communication time. The younger generation needs to know that pleasure can also come from a simple hands-on hobby.

13. By saying “There's indeed something for everyone”,the author means .

   A. everyone is able to enjoy “unplugged” fun

   B. electronic entertainment is partly useful

   C. technology is very important to everyone

   D. new hobbies must be entertaining

14. The author finds that tdday's  children .

   A. have more “unplugged” fim

   B. have more and more hobbies

   C. spend too much time on screens

   D. value their pocket money very much

15. Why does the author mention how he slid each card into a plastic sleeve?

   A. To show how such a hobby can make children more careful.

   B. To express his great interest in showing his cards.

   C. To explain the difficulties of collecting cards.

   D. To prove sports cards are very valuable.

16. What is the author worried about?

   A. The fall of electronic entertainment.

   B. The younger generation's challenges.

   C. The negative influence of electronics.

   D. The rising cost of the sports card collection.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        During a recent trip there was a hold on trains and many people were (滞留) and had to arrange hotels for the night. I was traveling alone and like everyone else I had to 21 in a very long queue.

        I had queued for about 40 minutes and was looking around 22 I saw a lady with a small child in her arms near the back of the queue. I knew she had at least another 40 23 to wait just to 24 my position but I was quite close to the 25 of the queue. I could also see that she was quite 26 and the child was heavy and asleep on her shoulder.

        I looked back until I got her 27 . Once she noticed me I 28 her forward and asked the people who were 29 me whether they minded if I 30 positions in the queue with this lady. Then I let the lady take up my position and went to the back of the queue myself.

        At  first she said 31 as I knew she was very

surprised by the gesture,but when she got to the front of the queue and had 32 her hotel room she looked back and found me in the queue. Her look of 33 and gratitude made the rest of my 34 very easy indeed as I felt very good for the little 35 I had made.

        What touched me too was that other people in the 36 close to me had seen what I did and 37 me for doing such a nice thing. I thought I had inspired in them the idea to do something 38 for others.

        But I knew I had made that lady's  day just a tiny bit 39 and allowed her to get her child to a bed sooner and that was 40 enough for me.

21. A. sit   B. stand   C. hide   D. search

22. A. if   B. unless   C. when   D. until

23. A. minutes   B. seconds   C. months   D. days

24. A. need   B. change   C. lose   D. reach

25. A. back   B. front   C. middle   D. right

26. A. angry   B. tired   C. disappointed   D. excited

27. A. interest   B. respect   C. support   D. attention

28. A. placed   B. watched   C. limited   D. waved

29. A. like   B. over   C. behind   D. against

30. A. exchanged   B. occupied  C. defended   D. improved

31. A. nothing   B. something  C. anything   D. everything

32. A. left   B. shared  G.  booked   D. cleaned

33. A. fear   B. relief   C. alarm   D. surprise

34. A. work   B. action   C. life   D. wait

35. A. light   B. gesture  C. measure   D. progress

36. A. train   B. shop   C. queue   D. hotel

37. A. advised   B. praised  C. complained   D. ignored

38. A. familiar   B. risky   C. similar   D. strange

39. A. longer   B. easier   C. quieter   D. busier

40. A. more than   B. other than  C. rather than   D. less than


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除 或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ ) 划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

           Mr and Mrs Smith are my neighbors. They lived in the neighborhood for over twenty years. Therefore,yesterday they told me they were moving. I was really surprised and immediate asked them why we wanted to move. Mr Smith said, uGina and I all have hobbies we want to work on them. But we were so busy at our work that we didnt have time for them. We used to living our life doing what we have to do/ But now we have decided to work on 'what we want to do.’ ” After hear what he said,I thought they have made the right decision.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Dad,what are you going to do with these (stone) ?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



66. Both Mr,Miller’s and Mr. Brown’s(wife) are teachers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



          The playground game of hg (捉人游戏) was temporarily banned at a Washington elementary school,but the ban was met by parent protests at a time when school recess (休息) is considered by many educators as one of the keys to better test scores.

          Parents,at Lakeridge Elementary School protested when they learned that the school's new “hands off’policy designed to reduce injuries during recess — also forbade tag. 

         “While at play,especially during recess and unstructured time,students are expected to keep their hands to themselves. The reason behind this is to^ ensure the physical and emotional safety of all students,Mary Grady of the Mercer Island School District said.

          Many Mercer Island parents protested that an exciting recess game of chase and touch was not only safe,but also healthy. ”Our kids need some unstructured playtime,” a concerned mother Kdsey Joyce said. “I totally survived tag."

          After further pushback,the school district finally gave up the ban and announced tag was back. Many schools tried to improve standardized test scores  by cutting recess time several years ago,but elementary principals(校长) reafized that playtime had actually helped students’ test performance. More than 80 percent of principals said recess improved academic achievement,according to a survey.

         Rather than banning tag,a non-profit organization called Playworks suggests using the game to teach conflict resolution,or even just for fun. u\ think a game like tag is wonderful/' Playworks Director Jonathan Blasher said. “It's important for kids to have that free-range play.^ Playworks was started in 1996 to prevent fights at recess that led to the ban on tag at Lakeridge Elementary School. Rather than forbid eertain;games,the group places coaches in schools during recess to suggest new ones. The idea was to both free teachers from breaking up fights and help children return to class

refreshed and with a few life skills.

9. Why was tag banned at the elementary school?

   A. It led to kids’ unhealthy habits.

   B. It was considered dangerous.

   C. It met with parent protests.

   D. It made the school noisy.

10. The underlined word “pushback” in Paragraph 5 probably means .

   A. resistance   B. discussion

   C. research     D. development

11. What did most elementary principals agree with?

   A. Recess time should be shortened.

   B. Playtime helps improve test scores.

   C. Standardized tests are difficult for students.

   D. Students,academic achievement has improved.

12. What can we learn about Playworks?

   A. It promotes playground games at recess.

   B. It offers teachers free lessons on life skills.

   C. It was started by Lakeridge Elementary School.

   D. It trains teachers to solve conflicts between kids.

