精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情


文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。





2.允许修改10 处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分。

Dear Sally,

It feels such a long time since last time I see you. So far my summer in Xiamen has been great! I spent all my weekends at the beach. I am getting a nice tan(黝黑) and you can not longer say I am paler than you . I’ve been playing lots of beach volleyballs, and just this passed weekend I got the first place in a match! On weekends I work in a club which I teach kids to draw. Although the pay isn’t high, but I love the job very much, because I like drawing and I love kids a lot. I hope the summer’s been going good for you too. There is only one month left in the summer vacation and after that it’s time to school. Would you like to meet up some time before school starting? I want to share with you the photos I’ve taken. I’ll give you call when I return home. See you soon!
















【1】see改为saw 考查时态。句意:自从上次见到你到现在似乎已经很长时间了。since引导的时间状语从句叙述的是过去发生的事情,所以使用一般过去时。

【2】not改为no 考查固定结构。短语no longer不再,相当于not...any longer。

【3】volleyballs改为volleyball 考查名词单复数。名词短语beach volleyball沙滩排球,这是一个运动项目,不要使用复数形式。

【4】passed改为past 考查形容词。形容词past过去的,在句中充当定语修饰名词。短语this past weekend意为在过去的这个周末。句意:在过去的这个周末,我在比赛中赢得了第一名。

【5】which改为where 考查定语从句。本题定语从句的先行词是a club,后面的定语从句句子结构很完整,所以使用关系副词where引导这个定语从句,where在句中充当地点状语。

【6】删除but 考查连词。连词although和but是不能连用的,因为这两个词都属于从属连词,都要引导从句。

【7】good改为well 考查副词。本句中副词well充当状语修饰谓语动词have been going,而形容词在英语中是不能做状语的。

【8】to改为for 考查固定句式。句式It's time for ...是....的时候了;还可以写成It's time to do sth是做某事的时候了。

【9】starting改为starts 考查时态。本句是before引导的时间状语从句,从句中使用一般现在时代替将来时。所以把starting改为starts。

【10】you后加a 考查冠词。本句中的call是一个名词,give sb a call给某人一个电话。句意:当我回家的时候,我会给你一个电话。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



Are you new to experiencing relationships? Well, let me give you advice on having a healthy and possibly long-term relationship.

1_. Do not hide things from them, do not lie. Don ' t be afraid to say things that isn't very flattering about yourself. Getting them to trust you is the most important element in any relationship. If there ' s no trust, there ' s nothing there. So please be honest and they'll learn to . open up to you.

Make sure you give them respect. Now respect isn't just simply treating her or him nicely. There' s a lot more to it. You have to learn to adjust to their liking. 2 Don ' t just think about yourself ,think about what your partner needs out of it as well.

3. Always be willing to help them and give them honesty and positivity at the same time. Make them feel you are someone they can really count on and build a future with. This is an important step in a relationship. Your partner has to be able to count on you when needed.

Make sure you have a good sense of humor with them. Laughter is the key to happiness. Laugh a lot with them ,joke with them. Laughter may seem silly ,but it' s the secret to a lot in life. It will keep the sparks alive. 4.

Make sure the communication is good. This goes along with trust, but always communicate how you feel, even if it ' s somethig that upsets you. Instead of screaming, talk to them.5.It' s important to communicate this to them , not keep it bottled up.

A.Show them your personality.

B.Be an honest person with them.

C.Make sure you are encouraging to your partner.

D.Laughter keeps the relationship strong and lasting.

E. Don' t start to neglect them and make them feel unwanted.

F. Basically , learn to study your partners ' moods, wants . and needs.

G. If they did something that made you unhappy, tell them about it in a respectful manner.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The hero said he didn’t think twice ____ diving into the freezing river to rescue that child.

A. before B. after C. until D. when


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


exam help mistake progress

内容: 1. 自己或他人的经历;

2. 你的感受。

注意: 1. 必须使用所给的4个关键词语;

2. 词数不少于120个。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文, 文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处, 错误涉及一个单词的增加、删减或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词。


修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


2.只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

The teacher I loved most was my English teacher at senior high.She was one of those strict teacher but she was very patiently with us and cared about each one of us.Thus we guys all respected for her.She told us many stories about English history and spent a lot of time teach us literature and how to write.She always writes helpful suggestions for writing, organizing and presented better work.She encouraged us to read and write for pleasure, that gave us confidence.She always made us to feel happy in his class.She made big difference to our lives.That’s why I teach now.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



增加: 在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。


修改: 在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。



As we all know, everyone has a dream. Since I enter the primary school I have dreamed of being a doctor. Nowadays with our modern life go rapidly, many people suffer from different kinds of diseases, both mentally and physically. As a result, doctors are in great need at home and abroad. My dream is to become successful doctor, helping to save people’s lives. Although to be a good doctor is very difficult, but I will do whatever I can to keep everyone healthy. To make my dream come true, I have told me over and over again that I’ll pay more attention to studies. After all, only by working hard can one succeed.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】French lessons in France

Whatever your level is, choosing to take French lessons in France is the best way to learn French. Place yourself in the local culture and practice your newly found skills in your free time.

You will be taught by native (本地的) French speakers who have a love for teaching and use excellent teaching techniques. Lessons are interesting and you will speak French on the first day both inside and outside the classroom.


● Suitable for all levels from beginners to advanced (高级的)

● Over 18 years old

Class Schedule (课表)

● Classes start on Mondays and run throughout the summer.

● Please arrive at the school by 815 am on your first day for a short level test. It will help to place you in the right class.

● Classes run from Monday to Friday each week.

● Classes start at 845 am each day depending on your level.

● You will have 3 classes per day lasting 55 minutes each.

● You will have a short break between classes.

Free Time and Tours

● The school offers a lot of cultural activities throughout the week. These activities can include cooking lessons, wine and cheese tasting, visits to Paris, cycling, movies and much more.

● You will have plenty of free time to explore (探索) the local area and practice your newly found language skills or just relax on this learning holiday with a difference.

Other Information

● You should bring a small dictionary, pens and paper with you.

Get more from your holiday, have fun, meet new people and take home a new language skill that will stay with you forever.

1What is special about the French courses?

A. They are taught in small groups.

B. The teachers are young French speakers.

C. People learn French in and out of class.

D. They will offer a wine tasting license.

2On the first day, the students should ______.

A. take a language test B. pay for their study

C. do a survey D. introduce themselves to the class

3How many lessons are there in a week?

A. 21. B. 30. C. 15. D. 12.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


A good book can be satisfying. If reading is a habit you’d like to get into, there are some ways to develop it.

Realize that reading is enjoyable if you have a good book. If you have a difficult book and you are forcing yourself through it, it will seem like a task. ___【1】__

Set time. You should have some time during every day when you’ll read for at least 5 to 10 minutes. ___2___ For example, make it a habit to read during breakfast and lunch and even dinner if you eat alone.

Always carry a book. ___3___When I leave the house, I always make sure to have my car keys and one book at hand. The book stays with me in the car, and I take it into the office and to appointments and pretty much everywhere I go.

___4__ Find a place in your home where you can sit in a comfortable chair. Don’t lie down unless you’re going to sleep. There shouldn’t be a television or a computer near the chair, and no music or no noisy family members/ roommates. If you don’t have a place like this, create one.

Reduce television/ the Internet. If you really want to read more, try cutting back on time on TV or the Internet. __5___But remember: every minute you reduce of the Internet/ TV, you could use for reading. This could create hours of book reading time.

A. Wherever you go, take a book with you.

B. Go to bookstores.

C.Have some good tea or coffee while you read.

D. Find a quiet place.

E. This may be difficult for some people.

F. If this happens, give up the book and find another one that you’ll really love.

G. It means you will read no matter how busy you are.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 假如你叫李华,是校报的英语小记者。校报英语园地本期的话题是Festivals and Holidays。你打算以My Favorite Festival为题进行演讲,请根据写作提纲,介绍你最喜欢的传统节日——春节。

内容包括:1. 春节的重要性;2. 主要庆祝活动; 3. 你喜欢的原因。


参考词汇:对联couplet 压岁钱lucky money




