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14.Last summer I went through a training program and became a literacy volunteer.The training I received,though excellent,didn't tell me how it was to work with a real student,however.When I began to discover what other people's lives were like because they could not read,I realized the true importance of reading.
My first student Marie was a 44-year-old single mother of three children.In the first lesson,I found out she walked two miles to the nearest supermarket twice a week because she didn't know which bus to take.When I told her I would get her a bus schedule,she told me it would not help because she couldn't read it.She said she also had difficulty once she got to the supermarket because she couldn't always remember what she needed.Also,she could only recognize items by sight,so if the product had a different label,she would not recognize it as the product she wanted.As we worked together,learning how to read built Marie's self-confidence.She began to make rapid progress and was even able to take the bus to the supermarket.After this successful trip,she reported how self-confident she felt.At the end of the program,she began helping her youngest son,Tony,a shy first grader,with his reading.I found that helping Marie to build her self-confidence was more rewarding than anything I had ever done before.
As a literacy volunteer,I learned a great deal about teaching and helping others.In fact,I may have learned more from the experience than Marie did.

54.What did the writer do last summer?B
A.She worked in the supermarket.
B.She helped someone to learn to read.
C.She helped some single mothers.
D.She was trained by a literacy volunteer.
55.Why didn't Marie go to the supermarket by bus at first?D
A.Because she liked to walk to the supermarket.
B.Because she didn't have a bus schedule.
C.Because she couldn't afford the bus ticket.
D.Because she couldn't find the right bus.
56.How did Marie use to find the goods she wanted in the supermarket?C
A.She knew where the goods were in the supermarket.
B.She asked others to take her to the right place.
C.She managed to find the goods by their looks.
D.She remembered the names of the goods.
57.Which of the statements is TRUE about Marie?A
A.She could do many things she had not been able to before.
B.She was able to read stories with the help of her son.
C.She decided to continue her studies in school.
D.She helped to build up my self-confidence.

分析 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了去年夏天,作者经历了一个培训计划,成为了一个文化志愿者.当他开始知道其他人因为不能阅读生活是什么样时实现了真正意义的阅读.作为一个文化志愿者,他学到了大量的有关教学和帮助他人的知识.

解答 54.答案:B.细节理解题.根据"Last summer I went through a training program and became a literacy volunteer.The training I received,though excellent,didn't tell me how it was to work with a real student,however.When I began to discover what other people's lives were like because they could not read,I realized the true importance of reading."可知,去年夏天,作者经历培训成为了一名文化志愿者,帮助他人学习阅读.故选B.
55.答案:D.细节理解题.根据"I found out she walked two miles to the nearest supermarket twice a week because she didn't know which bus to take."可知,我发现她每周两次步行两英里去最近的超市,因为她不知道乘哪辆公交车.故选D.
56.答案:C.细节理解题.根据"she could only recognize items by sight"可知,她只能通过看来辨认出货物.故可知她是通过物品的外表来找自己想要的东西的.故选C.
57.答案:A.推理判断题.根据"I found that helping Marie to build her self-confidence was more rewarding than anything I had ever done before."及上文Marie如今可以做的事,可以推测出她可以做许多原来不会做的事情.故选A.

点评 本文是一篇记叙文,题目涉及多道细节理解题及推理判断题,做题时应结合文章上下文内容,仔细阅读原文,并根据所给选项的含义进行分析,从而得出正确答案.切记胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

4.About 45% of the people surveyed say their workplace is the hardest place to sell a good idea.The next largest group,21%,say home is.Here Mattson offers 5 ways of outing an idea across so that the right people will listen.
1.Don't take rejection (拒绝) personally."One of the major blocks for people trying to sell a concept is that,if the idea is rejected,they take it as a rejection of them personally-and they stop trying,"Mattson says.(36)E.Most major-league players strike out far more than they hit.Even so,they keep trying.
2.(37)B.Many of us (especially the shy) use email to put our best ideas forward,but that's not nearly as effective as doing it in person or,if necessary,on the phone."You have your voice working for you,and you can be far more responsive(回应) to any questions the other person may have,"Mattson says.
3.Listen 70% of the time,and talk 30%."In the sales world there's a saying:(38)F."Mattson says."Top salespeople don't persuade others.Instead,they listen,which forces you to focus on the other person--what their position is,and why they're responding the way they are."
4.Practice.(39)G.He or she will help you improve.Mattson recommends repeating your idea six times before presenting it to decision-makers."The first one or two times,you'll still be figuring out how you want to put it,"he says."By the sixth time,you're usually speaking with certainty and confidence."
5.Get others to weigh in."Successful selling isn't‘I',it's‘we',"Mattson says."(40)CSo include their suggestions in your idea."Not only will that probably make the idea even better,but you'll still get the credit for having gotten the ball rolling.

A.Never buy what you don't need
B.Use your voice,rather than email
C.People want to be part of a solution
D.Talk on the phone in an effective way
E.Take baseball athletes as your role model
F.Everybody hates to be sold but loves to buy
G.Find someone you trust who will hear you out.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Dear editor,
I'm a senior high school student named Li Hua.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.In my opinion,Tom is such ____ sportive boy that he ______ strong of the two brothers.(  )
A.a; aB.the; theC.a; theD.the; a


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.In 1291,after 17years of service to the Emperor,Marco returned to Italy.He was now a very (56)wealthy man.Not long after his return,a (57)local war broke out near his town.During the war,Marco was the (58)captain of a warship but was caught by the enemy and put into prison.However,Marco was lucky enough to meet another prisoner who enjoyed listening to his stories about China.The prisoner was an (59)author.He took (60)dictation while Marco told all his stories to him.The prisoner then wrote a book called The Description of the World,which became one of the (61)best-selling books in Europe.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Read the following reviews for movies that are showing at the moment.And then answer questions.
Happiness tells the story of two people(Lisa Turbot and Danny Roy)who work for different advertising companies.They talk on the phone all the time and don't like each other.But then they correspond by e-mail and fall in love.This movie will be very popular with teenagers and people who like romances.It also has beautiful music.
I Scream(Thriller)★★
In I Scream,Paul(Colin Jacks)is a young man who joins a thriller club.Each of the members tries to frighten the others.Paul is told to stay in an old house for the night.Everyone who has tried to stay in the house before has died.This movie is very frightening but also quite silly.It doesn't make sense for Paul to stay in the house when things start to go wrong.Only for people who like thrillers.
Paul's Heroes(Comedy)★★★
This is a very funny war movie set in World War Two.Six soldiers(including Sammy Turblow)have to get to Italy to take secret messages to the American army there.During the movie,they dress up as women and fight with Italian workers.You can guess the ending,but it's great fun getting there.
This is a very good drama with Jack Ross,who plays a hard-working truck driver.His wife becomes ill and he has to find a doctor who can help her.In his travels he meets Dr.Lloyd(Phil Driver)who has found the cure for the illness,but Jack Ross has only twelve hours to get the medicine back to his wife on the other side of America.This is an excellent movie,which is very exciting.

54.Which of the four movies is the least popular with people?B
A.The 1st one.  B.The 2nd one.  C.The 3rd one.  D.The 4th one.
55.The underlined word"correspond"can be replaced byD.
A.date     B.exchange        C.write      D.communicate
56.A thriller is most probably a film which tells somethingA.
A.frightening     B.instructive        C.humorous      D.interesting
57.Which of the following is the best title for the fourth film?D
A.A Hard-working Truck Driver          B.Medicine
C.A Strange Illness                    D.Twelve Hours.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.What ___________ pleasant surprise!I'll tell Richard about it ___________ minute he comes home.(  )
A.a; theB.a; aC.a;/D./; the


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.Though they hadn't met for many years,they  recognizedeach other at first sight(第一眼).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.People think that writing short stories is easy because they are short.But in fact they are hard to write well.There are only a few writers of good short stories and the American writer O.Henry is one of them.
His real name was William Sydney Porter and he grew up in North Carolina.He was not very successful at school but he loved reading.When he was about twenty years old he left North Carolina and moved to Texas.He thought there would be more opportunities for work there.At first he worked on a newspaper but as this did not provide enough money he changed his job.He decided to work in a bank.All went well until some money went missing.William was believed to have stolen it and was sent to prison.Although this was a horrible experience it helped in one way because he realized that he could write well.William began writing short stories and O.Henry  was born!When he left prison he began writing as a career and published many of his stories.They were mostly about the people that he met or he knew in New York and they had interesting or surprising endings.People enjoyed reading them.His life,however,was not a happy one.He drank too much and died in 1910 in New York but he left behind stories that are still read and enjoyed by millions of people.
66.In which order did O.Henry do the following things?B
a.Lived in New York.b.Worked in a bank.
c.Travelled to Texas.d.Was put in prison.
e.Had a newspaper job.f.Learned to write stories.
A.e,c,f,b,d,a                   B.c,e,b,d,f,a    
C.e,b,d,c,a,f                   D.c,b,e,d,a,f
67.People enjoyed reading O.Henry's stories becauseA.
A.they had surprise endings     
B.they were easy to understand
C.they showed his love for the poor
D.they were about New York City
68.O.Henry went to prison becauseA.
A.people thought he had stolen money from the newspaper
B.he broke the law by using violence
C.he wanted to write stories about prisoners
D.people thought he had taken money that was not his
69.What do we know about O.Henry before he began writing?D
A.He was well-educated.
B.He was not serious about his work.
C.He was devoted to the poor.
D.He loved reading.
70.Where did O.Henry get most material for his short stories?C
A.His life inside the prison.
B.The newspaper articles he wrote.
C.The city and people of New York.
D.His exciting early life as a boy.

