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Seventeen-year-old Randy Waldron, Jr., was shocked when he applied for his first credit card and was denied. He was even more shocked by the reason: He failed to repay thousands of dollars in debt.

Waldron's identity had been stolen by his father, who left when Randy was learning to walk. From 1982 to 1999, Randy Waldron, Sr., used his son's Social Security number to obtain credit from various merchants and lenders, then racked up tens of thousands of dollars in debts. He declared bankruptcy in his son's name, which resulted in default judgments against the younger Waldron. It has taken Randy Jr., now a 24-year-old flight attendant, years to untangle the mess.
Waldron isn't alone. Identity theft is this country's fastest-growing crime -- and, increasingly, ID thieves are targeting children. Their clean credit and absence of criminal histories make them ideal victims.
    Linda Foley, co-executive director of the Identity Theft Resource Center in San Diego, estimates that at least 400,000 children had their identities stolen in 2005, more than double the number in 2003. Waldron's case is typical: The resource center estimates that two-thirds of child ID thefts are committed by family members.
    Some dishonest persons use children's names and Social Security numbers to ring up massive debts; others use children's identities in place of their own when caught committing other crimes; still others sell identification information on the black market to illegal immigrants, fellow criminals or even terrorists. The theft brings its victims enormous financial and emotional trauma创伤, in part because the identity abuse often goes undetected for years.
    Dealing with child identity theft after it happens is extremely difficult. Laws in many states are insufficient to handle the crime's complexity, and financial institutions are often less than helpful. Randy Waldron, Jr., has worked tirelessly for eight years to straighten out his credit record, and he continues to deal with the fallout. "It's been a very long and arduous battle," he says. "Recovering my identity was really the absolute hardest part. I think a lot of victims assume the problem will go away."


63. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A. Child Identity Theft           B. How to Avoid Identity Theft

C. Recover My Identity          D. Look out for Family Members

64. Why do children easily become the targets of identity theft?

A. Because they cannot read or write at a young age.

B. Because they have empty credit and criminal records.

C. Because they are too young to protect themselves.

D. Because identity theft can’t be found in time.

65. With the help of the child’s identity, the criminals can do the following except ________.

A. obtain credits from various merchants and lenders

B. substitute for their own identities when caught committing crimes

C. straighten out their own credit record

D. sell identification information on the black market

66. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A. New laws should be made to help the identity theft victims

B. Children should never trust their family members

C. Financial institutions should be responsible for the identity theft

D. Identity theft is the fastest-growing crime in the country


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


61.A young mother raising her first child,Cathy tries to spend as much time as she can playing with her baby girl.She is eager to get more knowledge of child development and to better understand how young children look at the world.

62.Jason is a successful young businessman.He travels widely and enjoys adventures and challenges.Having been to many different countries,Jason is still looking for new places to visit.His biggest dream is to see every corner of the world before he retires.

63.Smart and pretty,Kate is very popular among her friends.She takes great care of how she looks and has a great interest in fashion and the lifestyle of famous people.Besides,she also enjoys reading articles written specially for young girls.

64.Wayne teaches science in a middle school.He not only wants his students to know more about modern science,but also tries hard to develop a curiosity about nature among his students.He is gathering materials for his students to read.

65.Frank is the father of a 10-year-old boy.He believes that in this fast-developing world parents should prepare their children for lifelong learning at an early age.Therefore,in his opinion,the most important skill for children to learn is to discover things on their own.He is looking for a magazine for his son.



Seventeen provides advice and encouragement for masses of young girls.Although its primary focus is fashion and famous people,this teen magazine offers more.Mixed among the latest styles,you’ll find short but interesting articles.Topics range from beauty to the risks of drinking.




Muse seeks to stimulate,delight,and challenge every curious child between the ages of 13 and 16.Produced by the editors and publishers of Cricket,Muse features articles on space,genetics,lasers,rain forests,computers,physics,math,earth sciences,and almost everything else in the universe.




WONDERTIME is a new magazine from the editors of FamilyFun,devoted to helping parents develop children’s love of learning.A blend of how and why,WONDERTIME inspires parents to see the world through the eyes of their children.WONDERTIME mixes playful activities with scientific knowledge about how children develop physically,socially,intellectually,creatively,and emotionally.



National Geographic Adventurer

A new magazine from National Geographic,National Geographic Adventurer is intended for a generation of active men and women who seek new & challenging ways to explore and experience the world.The magazine offers an exciting mix of great photography and interesting articles.Features focus on best adventure stories,travel destinations,sports and more.




What does family fun mean to you?Crafts?Recipes?Party ideas?FamilyFun magazine dishes up these and more interesting activities in over 180 colorful pages.Aimed at parents with young children,this energetic magazine promises to enrich the lives of families.Reviews of computer games,books,videos,and DVDs,written by experts,help parents feel up to the minute.



Kids Discover

To help children aged 6 to 12 become lifelong learners,each issue of Kids Discover looks into a single topic in science or social studies which children of this age group have a great interest in.The combination of exciting color photography,lovely pictures and informative kid-friendly text engages readers with attractive content.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建省高一下学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Many people say pennies are not worth saving. After all, a penny is only worth a cent. But one unusual penny turned out to be worth a lot more when a coin collector paid $1.7 million for it earlier this month.

The coin is one of a kind. It is the only penny that the Denver mint(铸币厂) made out of copper, instead of steel, in 1943. Because it is unique, it is also very valuable. No penny has ever sold for so much money.

The Changing Penny

The Lincoln penny first appeared in 1909. For 34 years, the one-cent coin was made out of copper. Then, in 1943, the penny changed. World War II was going on, and copper was needed for equipment. So for one year, pennies were made out of steel instead. At least most of them were.

Only a few coins were made out of unused copper. There are three main mints, or places where coins are made, in the United States. Of the known copper pennies from 1943, twelve were made in the Philadephia mint, and five were made in the San Francisco mint. Only one was made in the Denver mint.

Nobody knows for sure why a copper penny was made at the Denver mint in 1943, coin dealers Andy Skrabalak told Time for Kids. “There is a rumor that a mint employee made the coin in the middle of the night.”

A Special Set

The coin collector who bought the $1.7 million penny wants to remain unknown. But the reason for the trade is known. He already had two copper pennies from 1943 – one from the San Francisco mint and one from the Philadephia mint. To complete the set, he needed the Denver penny. The three coins will go on display at a coin exhibition in Tampa, Florida.

The collector who sold the penny is also keeping his name a secret. It took four years to convince him to give up the rare coin. Now that he has finally donating all of the money to charity.

1.Why is the Lincoln penny worth over one million dollars?

A.Because it has a history of thirty-four years.

B.Because it was made out of a rare material.

C.Because it was made on one night of 1943 by the Denver mint.

D.Because it was the only coin Denver mint made out of copper in 1943.

2.Before the Lincoln penny was sold, people thought one-cent coins __________.

A.were worth collecting for selling later

B.were surely valuable if not made out of steel

C.wouldn’t be sold for large amounts of money

D.were only useful for some coin museums

3.At least how many copper coins were made in 1943?

A.Five              B.Twelve            C.Seventeen         D.Eighteen

4.What can we learn about the collector who sold the penny?

A.He already had two copper pennies from 1943.

B.He wanted to complete the set of copper pennies.

C.He didn’t want to sell his penny in the beginning.

D.He was a well-known coin dealer in Tampa, Horida.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届福建厦门大学附属科技中学高二下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A new United Nations report shows that fish farming may soon be the world’s most important provider of fish. The Food and Agriculture Organization says fish farming is growing at a rate of 6.6 percent a year.

Fish farming now produces forty-six percent of the world’s supply of fish. That represents a forty-three percent increase from 2006. The report also said fish farming earned more money in 2008 than traditional fisheries.

In fish farming, fish are raised in tanks or small bodies of water called ponds. They are also raised in cages or nets in oceans, lakes and rivers. The report says increased fish farming has helped people around the world eat record amounts of fish. The FAO says each person ate an average of almost seventeen kilograms of fish last year.

However, the FAO says the current yearly wild-fish harvest of ninety million tons shows no improvement. Decreasing numbers of fish and stronger catch limits have reduced the possibilities for catching wild fish. The FAO report says about thirty-two percent of world supplies are overfished. It says these supplies of fish need to be rebuilt at once.

Some scientists have criticized fish farming. They say the nets and cages permit fish diseases and pests to spread. Some fish farming critics doubt whether fish farming can keep growing at the current rate. But Wally Stevens of the trade group Global Aquaculture Alliance says the industry must continue developing to feed growing populations. Mr. Stevens says a one hundred percent increase in fish farming over ten years is necessary to keep providing for people at the current level. He notes that fish farming creates jobs and wealth, especially for people in coastal areas of China.

1.We learn that since the year 2006, fish farming has been ______.

A.earning more money than traditional fisheries

B.developing rapidly around the world

C.growing at a rate of 6.6 percent each day

D.producing 46% of the world’s supply of fish

2.According to Paragraph 3, thanks to fish farming, people around the world are able to ______.

A.buy more kinds of fishes                  B.eat more fish than before

C.eat much healthier fish                   D.eat much bigger fish

3.What is implied in Paragraph 4?

A.it is harder to catch wild fish than before.

B.It costs too much to rebuild supplies of fish.

C.There is no future for the market of wild fish.

D.Catching wild fish no longer brings benefits.

4.What does Wally Stevens think of fish farming?

A.It doesn’t have disadvantages at all.

B.It cannot keep growing at the current rate.

C.It is not a good way of raising fish.

D.It must develop fast to supply a growing population.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届四川攀枝花米易县米易中学高一上第一次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

You Mi, a lovely and confident 17-year-old student, is the first Chinese high school student to appear on the cover of the popular young adults’ fashion magazine Seventeen.

“You is IN,” said Wang Lihua,Editor-in-Chief of Seventeen. “She is active and mature (成熟) because of her knowledge on everything from academic studies,to books on art,to movies. We find she’s the very style we’re looking for to represent young people’s attitudes.”

You also impressed Wang with her fluent English when they first met last year. As the hostess of an English broadcasting program at the High School Affiliated to Renmin University(人大附中), You is always praised for speaking English almost like a native speaker. “I’ve built up my English by watching thousands of English DVDs since I was 10,” she explained.

But for You,watching isn’t enough. Last year,while in Senior 1, she met a talented (有才能的) boy who showed self-made DV movies at the English Corner in her school.

“I thought it was so cool and I knew that I should start making my own films,” she said. So she wrote a campus (校园) story, persuaded schoolmates to star in it and then began shooting a 30-minute DV movie,all in English. “I played one of the leading roles,actually I was everything in my film. I worked on it every day during the holidays,” she recalled. The movie finally became a big hit on campus,earning You a strong reputation(名气) as a DV movie director.

But this is not the only field she wants to master. Though a science student, You likes art, literature and fashion design very much.

“There are people who can be artists,there are people who edit books, and there are people who become film producers. But I just hope to mix all the things up!” she said. “There is an old saying I believe:Chances favor only the prepared mind.”

1.You Mi was chosen to be a cover of Seventeen, mainly because she _____.

A.is beautiful

B.she is lovely and full of confidence

C.is active and mature

D.has rich knowledge

2.You Mi’s fluent English is based on _____.

A.her chance to host an English broadcasting program

B.the influence of her parents

C.her deep interest in it

D.her making DV movie

3.The author mentioned a talented boy to show _____.

A.the great influence he had on You Mi

B.he was admired by his schoolmates

C.the young can do things as well as the adults do

D.DV movies are popular at school

4.In the 30-minute DV movie,You Mi didn’t act as a(n) _____.





5.We can learn from the passage that _____.

A.You Mi hopes to be a mixed talent.

B.the success of a 30-minute DV movie surprised You Mi.

C.You Mi dreams of becoming a scientist.

D.You Mi doesn’t like to study during holidays.



科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省2009-2010学年度高一下学期期中考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Guangzhou (Xinhua)——12 people were killed and 20 injured early yesterday morning when they jumped from a burning train car into the path of an oncoming goods train in Southern China. When No. 247 Wuchang——Guangzhou passenger train was passing the Dayaoshan Tunnel in Guangdong Province, South China at 00 :17 yesterday, a fire caused by passengers' smoking broke out on No. 17 car. They wanted to extinguish fire. As the train stopped some frightened passengers jumped from windows. 12 people were crushed to death and 20 others injured by a northward passing goods train(No. 1766)。

1. In which direction did the passenger train travel?

A. Northward. B. Southward. C. Eastward. D. Westward.

2. When did the accident happen?

A. At 00:17 am.           B. At 00:17 pm.

C. At seventeen past one.  D. At seventeen to one.

3. Where did the accident happen?

A. In Wuchang.  B. In Guangzhou.

C. In Hubei.   D. In Guangdong.

4. What was the cause of the fire?

A. A heavy rain.   B. High temperature. C. Carelessness.   D. Fear.


