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20.She was seated quickly at the desk,her attention ______ on the smartphone.(  )
A.fixedB.fixingC.to fixD.to be fixed

分析 她迅速地坐在桌子旁,注意力集中在手机上.

解答 答案:A
分析句式可知,主句为"She was seated quickly at the desk",后面的是表示伴随状况,"attention"与"fix"之间表示被动关系,此处构成一个独立主格结构,即主语+现在分词(主动)或过去分词(被动).

点评 考查过去分词.考生需对过去分词的用法熟悉,即与所修饰的名词之间表示被动关系.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Yesterday I was in Milwaukee visiting my family,and while I was there I stopped at a café on a particular street corner.It was a corner that brought back a specific(特别的) memory.I had been on this street corner long before.
It was a very cold night in late January,1978.I was halfway home that night after working the evening shift (夜班) at the shopping mall,and I had to change buses.I stood at the bus stop waiting for the bus and just shivered(颤抖)."Gosh,this is terrible,"I thought."I need to get out of this."
I also thought about my young life at the time and where I was going.I felt very upset,because I was not satisfied with it.There was something asking me to make a change.I had just heard of a scholarship opportunity at a small university in San Antonio,Texas the week before,and it really got me thinking.But it was 1,200 miles away from my family and friends     But I sensed (感觉到) that if I stayed where I was,I wouldn't be really happy with myself.I felt like there was something missing.And yes,I was really cold,too.I thought of warm days in January in South Texas.That would be nice.
I was at a fork(分叉,岔路口) in the road that night,and little did I know what that decision would mean to me.As the wind rose and my shivering worsened,my mind suddenly cleared and the path became clear-I had to leave.I was going to San Antonio.Even though I wouldn't know a person,I decided to take the risk and do it,and start over.
    The bus finally came and as I finally could feel my face again I looked out of the window of the bus and dreamed about the new horizons that were in front of me.That day,at that moment,at that fork in the road,I made the most important decision of my life-going to university.And thankfully,it was the right one.What an important fork in the road!
46.The writer stayed on that street corner on a very cold night becauseB.
A.he had come out for a walk
B.he was waiting for a bus at the nearby bus stop
C.he had to work at a café till the morning
D.he had to buy something
47.What did the writer think of his life that night?D
A.He was happy with it
B.He thought it was exciting.
C.He thought it was full of hope
D.He was not satisfied with it.
48.For the writer,a disadvantage (不利,劣势) of going to San Antonio was thatA.
A.it was far away from his hometown        
B.it was colder than his hometown
C.it was smaller than his hometown             
D.it was poorer than his hometown
49.That night,the writer decided toC.
A.stay with his family                         
B.find a new friend
C.go to university                         
D.move to Milwaukee
50.What would be the best title for the passage?A
A.Fork in the road
B.Don't make decisions too quickly.
C.It's never easy to make changes
D.Accept your life as it is.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.Students taking the course _____to finish their homework with the help of computers.(  )
A.are encouragedB.have encouraged
C.are encouragingD.had been encouraged


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Over the past ten years,the E-commerce revolution has transformed the way we shop to the point where you don't even have to get dressed and make contact(接触) with another human to find a great deal!Although the amount of time and money we spend online grows every year,the E-commerce experience has changed very little since its beginning.
In the beginning,E-commerce was expected to transform the way we shop.In many ways it has lived up to that expectation,but still lacks many of the basic virtues like those in-store shopping experience.For instance,if you shop regularly at your favorite chocolate,or fitness equipment store,it is likely that the employees or owner will get to know you.They will remember what you have purchased,become familiar with your particular taste or workout preference,and suggest items that may be of interest to you.
Although many websites do remember your name,the last item you purchased,or suggest additional items you may want,the experience as a whole is still somewhat predictable,cold and calculated.Completely lacking is the human element,the element that sells to you,or convinces you to change your mind.There is no bargaining and there are no surprises.In this regard,E-commerce has been unable to provide the same experience that shoppers take delight in.Thanks to some dynamic web technologies,all this is due to change in the near future.
Imagine visiting your favorite online store and coming across all kinds of devices.This is something you have been dreaming about for the past three weeks,so you read all about it,examine every photo,and experiment.Then after twenty minutes of consideration,you decide not to buy it,and return to your Facebook page.Had you been in an actual store talking to a live person,that individual may have been able to convince you to make the purchase by sweetening the deal or lowering the price.You would have been transformed from an observer to the proud new owner.But because you're shopping online,a situation which would normally have been an easy sale has become instead,a missed opportunity for both you and the merchant.
21.Which of the following is True about in-store shopping?D
A.Shoppers don't bargain with the merchant.
B.Shoppers make less contact with another human.
C.Store owners are unfamiliar with shoppers'preference.
D.Store owners may convince you to make the purchase.
22.What does the underlined word"calculated"mean?C
23.What's the writer's attitude towards E-commerce?B
24.What can we infer from the text?A
A.More human elements need to be added to E-commerce.
B.Too much time and money is spent on E-commerce.
C.E-commerce experience has changed a lot.
D.E-commerce provides more products than in-store shopping.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.The slogan (口号)"a dog is for life,not just for Christmas"has been going strong for 27years now.Dogs and cats have been popular Christmas gifts in the UK and Europe for many years.But some people still haven't quite got the message.
The slogan still holds good.Some 105,000dogs were rounded up by local government last year because they had been abandoned (遗弃),many of them shortly after the festival season.
The main reason given by owners for handing their dogs over to the Dogs Trust is that the dogs need more attention than they can give; behavioral problems and moving home are also reasons given.
But Eleanor Silk,the Trust's communications director,says,"It's often four or five months after Christmas,in early summer,when owners find that the dog has got too big and too active,or it hasn't been trained properly and has caused damage around the home."
In any case,some organizations that help pets are quick to point out that if you are serious about getting a puppy (小狗) as a pet,Christmas is not the time to do it.Puppies need to get used to their new surroundings,to be introduced to a routine (惯例),and to be looked after like small children.It's hard to meet any of these needs at Christmas.What's more,pulling a puppy out of a Christmas stocking in itself sends the wrong message to children:it encourages children to think of the puppy as a toy,rather than a responsibility.
Appreciating what you're taking on with a dog can be a sobering (清醒的) realization."For life"means thinking about the effect they will have on your life.It also infers you will need to care for the dog for its entire life.

43.What would be the best title for the passage?D
A.Dogs and cats--the most popular Christmas gifts.
B.A pet is for life,not just for Christmas.
C.How to take care of your pets over Christmas.
D.Let's help those abandoned pets.
44.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT a reason for pets to be abandoned?A
A.Pets spread some diseases.
B.Pets damage some things in the house.
C.The owners can't take good cam of the pets.
D.The owners have to move to other places.
45.The underlined words"rounded up"in Paragraph 2mean"D"
A.given out as gifts            
B.thrown away
C.raised to make money        
D.gathered into one place
46.The fifth paragraph mainly tells usC.
A.bow to take best care of Christmas'pets
B.the right time to have a puppy as a pet
C.the reasons why Christmas is not the time to get a pet
D.the worries about Christmas pets from organizations that help pets.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.-What do you think the Spring Festival is?
-Well,it is a time for family reunion,______ people reunite with their families and friends after a long time,even an entire year.(  )
A.whereB.whenC.on whichD.that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.Don't be _____ by her beautiful appearance,as a matter of fact,she is very cruel.(  )
A.brought inB.taken upC.picked upD.taken in


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.Economic growth in the world remains weak throughout 2014and it is hoped that it will _____ gradually in 2015.(  )
A.break upB.make outC.pick upD.work out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.---What time is it?
---I have no idea.But just a minute,Iwill check(check) it for you.

