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 They peasants did what they_______the crops, but failed.
A. could save      B. could saving         C. could to save   D. could saved

【解析】C 考查句子结构。从句what they could(do)作动词did的宾语,不定式to save the crops作全句的目的状语。防止误选A.    


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省成都市七校协作体09-10学年度高一第二学期期中联考英语 题型:阅读理解

The repairman told me, “No charge, Professor Pan! We’re friends.” “I’d rather pay,” I replied. “If it’s free, I can’t afford it!”
Chinese often refuse payment for professional services, insisting, “We’re friends now!” But then they show up later to ask me to tutor them in English, or get them into an American university, and I wish I’d have just paid the 30 yuan I owed them in the first place!
According to the Americans “There’s no free lunch.” meaning, there’s a price for everything, and I’m always looking around to figure out what this means.
Many of our neighbors have given us fruit or flowers or costly teas, never asking anything in return. For years, a bicycle repairman has repeatedly refused to let me pay him. “Wait until you have something major to fix!” he insists.
I mentioned to a peasant friend that I wished I had a stone mill to grind (磨) flour for bread. A month later he showed up with a beautiful mill that he’d had his uncle in the countryside carve from a solid block of granting (花岗石).
Chinese generosity is a real education for Americans like me, who would rather avoid social entanglements (纠纷) and just hand over the money. But cash can’t compensate (补偿) for the greatest gift—friendship.
When an American saw some of my friends sitting on bamboo stools under the trees, sipping tea, he said, “They must have nothing better to do.” “Actually,” I said, “they are professors, with plenty of to do. But probably you’re right in saying that, at this moment, they have nothing better to do. And neither do I”
And I joined the group. We chatted about tea and Chinese cooking and how much my boys have grown since we arrived. One man said, “They were pocket-sized when you came here. Now they’re taller than you. How time flies!”
How time flies. And Chinese are smart enough to share what they know, which they cannot keep. They freely give off their time, never too busy to help a friend. And they are teaching me, slowly, to both give and receive.
So the next time someone says, “No charge. We’re friends!” I will thank them heartily. But if they show up later asking me to tutor them in English, I’ll make sure they tutor my son in Chinese as well, because there’s still no free lunch.
69.Why did the author insist paying the repairman when he was offered free repairs?
A. Because he was an upright (正直的) man.
B. Because he didn’t know the repairman.
C. Because he thought it natural to pay for others’ service.
D. Because he didn’t want to help others in return.
70. Generally, the author thinks that _____ .
A. Chinese are generous and always ready to help their friends
B. Chinese are good at exchange of equal values
C. Chinese are free enough to drink tea and chat with their friends
D. Chinese are helpful but don’t treasure time
71. The best title of the article should be _____ .
A. Still no free lunch
B. A good lesson from the Chinese
C. True help or not
D. Learn to both give and receive        
72. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Chinese seldom refuse payment for professional services.
B. When a peasant knew the author needed a mill, he made one for the author himself
C. The author thinks that Chinese are wise enough to enjoy their life.
D. Finally, the author changed his mind and decided to do as the Chinese do.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建省晋江市养正中学高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Molly was a peasant girl. Her parents did not have much money and Molly did not have many nice clothes.
One day Molly’s father said to her, “Molly, take this pot of milk to market and sell it. You may keep the money.”
Molly was very happy. She put the pot of milk on her head and started her journey to market. While she was walking alone she began to think. “I will get quite a lot of money for this milk,” she thought. “What will I do with the money? I will buy a lot of eggs. I will take the eggs home with me. One of our hens will sit on them. Then there will be lots of little chickens. I will not sell the chickens. They will grow into hens. Then there will be more eggs. And these eggs will give me still more chickens. Soon I will have hundreds of hens. Then I will sell them all. They will bring me a lot of money. I will be rich. I will buy lots of new clothes. I will always wear nice clothes. Then a rich man will marry me. We will have a beautiful house, a big car and nice children...”
Molly was very happy. She jumped into the air. The pot of milk fell from her head onto the road. And that was the end of all her dreams.
In English there is a proverb. It says: Do not count your chickens before they are hatched(孵化).
【小题1】Molly was happy to go to market because ________.

A.she liked to go thereB.she wanted to buy nice clothes
C.she could have the money of her ownD.she wanted to buy some eggs
【小题2】On her way to market, Molly began to________.
A.count her eggsB.have a happy dream
C.think of her happy family lifeD.think how to sell the milk
【小题3】What was the end of all Molly’s dreams?
A.She jumped up and fell onto the ground.B.She was happy about her house.
C.She woke and found the milk on the road.D.She married a rich man.
【小题4】The proverb: “Do not count your chicken before they are hatched.” means ____.
A.one must count his chicken after they are hatched
B.it is foolish to make plans
C.one must depend more on what is in real life
D.one must make plans before they begin to work


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年山西省山大附中高二3月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Jean—Francois Millet (October 4,1814----January 20, 1875) was a French painter and one of the founder of the Barbizon School in rural France. Born of a peasant family, Millet was encouraged by his father to study art in Cherbourg, France. He can be categorized as part of the movement called “naturalism”(自然主义). His understanding of the peasant’ hard life was perfectly expressed in his choice of subject and natural preference for powerful but simple drawing and coloring.
One of the most well—known of Millet’s paintings, The Gleaners(《拾穗者》),first came in a vertical composition(垂直式构图) painted in 1854,and then there came the horizontal version in 1856, which is now preserved in the Musee d’Orsay. It depicts women bending over in the fields to collect the leftover’s from the harvest, and it is a monumental composition devoted to the working class.
Previously, servants were depicted in paintings as obedient to a noble or a king, and picking up what was left of the harvest was regarded as one of the lowest jobs in Millet;s times. However, Millet offered these women as the heroic focus of the picture. Besides, in the painting, light lights up the women’s shoulders as they carry out their work. Behind them, the field that stretches into the distance is bathed in golden light, under a wide , magnificent sky. The forms of the three figures, standing against the lighter field, show balance and harmony.
【小题1】According to the passage , we can know that Millet________.

A.was born in rural France
B.belongs to neither naturalism nor realism
C.became famous for his love of the countryside
D.received his high school education in Barbizon
【小题2】As for the painting The Gleaners, ________.
A.it is originally a horizontal composition
B.it is based on the effort of Musee d’Orsay
C.it presents women in the field as the chief focus
D.it shows how women are stopped from working in the field
【小题3】In the painting, the viewer can appreciate Millet’s_________..
A.crazy interest in blue color
B.strong focus on the city life
C.absolute respect for the king
D.particular choice of main characters
【小题4】In which of the following books can we probably find this passage?
A.Kings and Nobles in France
B.A Guide to French Painting
C.French Agricultural History
D.The Founder of Musee d’Orsay


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年安徽省高三最后一卷英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Researchers found that walking around with a forced smile and fake (假的) happiness simply leads to people feeling unhappier. So, putting a brave face on your sadness could be harmful. The research also found that women suffered more than men when pretending to be happy.

    Dr. Brent Scott, who led the study, said employers should take note because forcing workers to smile when dealing with the public can result in bad outcomes. He said, “Smiling for the sake of smiling can lead to emotional tiredness, and that’s bad for the organization.” He also said the research showed customer-service workers who had “fake smiles” throughout the day fell into a bad mood and didn’t want to work, so their productivity dropped.

    The study is one of the first of its kind to examine emotional expressions over a period of time and compare the different effects on men and women. Dr. Scott’s team examined the effects of “surface acting”, or fake smiling, compared to “deep acting”, or making people smile by thinking of peasant memories.

    Dr. Scott said, “Women were harmed more by surface acting, meaning their moods worsened even more than men’s. However, they were helped more by deep acting, which means their moods improved more by thinking of pleasant memories. ”

    According to Dr. Scott, women tend to suffer more when pretending to be happy because they are expected to be more emotionally expressive than men. Therefore, forcing a smile while feeling down is more likely to go against their normal behavior and cause more harmful feelings.

    Although deep acting can improve moods a little in the short term, Dr. Scott says, it’s not a long-term solution to feeling unhappy. “There have been some suggestions that if you do this over a long period you start to feel unreal. You’re trying to develop positive emotions, but at the end of the day you may not feel like yourself any more.”

1.According to the passage, Dr. Scott’s study ______.

    A. is supported by some big employers in the USA

    B. is meaningful as there haven’t been many similar ones

    C. examined more women than men for a long time

    D. aimed to make the employees more productive

2.Women suffer more from fake happiness mainly because ______.

    A. they usually turn up shy in public places

    B. they should be more emotionally expressive

    C. they are often treated in a terrible way

    D. they like thinking of pleasant memories

3.It is implied in the passage that deep acting _____.

    A. doesn’t have any effect on men         

B. cannot improve our moods in any case

    C. harms our feelings in the long run      

D. pleases people by feeling like another person

4.What is the best title for the passage?

    A. Fake smiling makes people unhappy.  

B. Women shouldn’t be forced to smile.

    C. An important suggestion for workers.

D. Why people don’t want to work.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年湖北省武汉市武昌区高三上学期元月调研测试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

There was once, in a little market-town not far from Upsala (瑞典一城市), a peasant who lived there with his family, digging the earth during the week and singing in the choir on Sundays. This peasant had a little daughter to whom he taught the musical alphabet before she knew how to read. Daae was a great musician, perhaps without knowing it. Not a violinist in Scandinavia played as he did. His reputation was widespread and he was always invited to set the couples dancing at weddings and other festivals. His wife died when Christine was entering upon her sixth year. Then the father, who cared only for his daughter and his music, sold his land and went to Upsala in search of fame and fortune. He found nothing but poverty.

He returned to the country, wandering from fair to fair, playing his Scandinavian music pieces, while his child, who never left his side, listened to him in delight or sang to his playing. One day, at Ljimby Fair, Professor Valerius heard them and took them to Gothenburg. He insisted that the father was the first violinist in the world and that the daughter had the making of a great artist. Her education and instruction were provided for. She made rapid progress and charmed everybody with her prettiness, her grace of manner and her real eagerness to please.

When Valerius and his wife went to settle in France, they took Daae and Christine with them. "Mamma" Valerius treated Christine as her daughter. As for Daae, he became ill with homesickness. He never went out of doors in Paris, but lived in a sort of dream which he kept up with his violin. For hours at a time, he remained locked up in his bedroom with his daughter, playing and singing, very, very softly.

Daae seemed not to recover his strength until the summer, when the whole family went to stay at Perros-Guirec, in a far-away corner of Brittany, where the sea was of the same color as in his own country. Often he would play his saddest tunes on the beach and pretend that the sea stopped its roaring to listen to them. And then he persuaded Mamma Valerius to allow him to leave for a while. At the time of the "pardons," the village festivals and dances, he went off with his violin, as in the old days, and was allowed to take his daughter with him for a week. They gave the smallest villages music to last them for a year and slept at night in a barn, refusing a bed at the inn, lying close together on the straw, as when they were so poor in Sweden. At the same time, they were very neatly dressed, refused the halfpence offered to them; and the people around could not understand the behaviour of this country violinist, who walked heavily on the roads with that pretty child who sang like an angel from Heaven. They followed them from village to village.

1. When he was in the countryside, Daae did NOT __________.

A.work on his land

B.sing in the choir on Sundays

C.make a fortune at weddings and festivals

D.teach his daughter how to sing

2.The 3rd sentence “He insisted …” in the 2nd paragraph showed Professor Valerius’ ______.

A.hope for Daae and Christine

B.appreciation of Daae and Christine

C.sympathy for Daae and Christine

D.love for Daae and Christine

3. While Daae was in Paris, he never went out of doors because he was ________.

A.always sleepy

B.so homesick that he fell ill

C.too busy teaching his daughter

D.willing to be locked up with his daughter

4. What made people curious about the father and daughter was that _______.

A.the father made very good music

B.the daughter sang like an angel from Heaven

C.the father walked strangely with his daughter

D.they appeared to be badly off but refused money offered


