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  Surprisingly,at our last night in Florence,Italy,we ate at a Mexican restaurant. We packed our bags and the next morning we headed to Rome. Along the way,we stopped in San Gimignano and Siena. San Gimignano was a hilly town with beautiful scenery. We walked along the streets,took pictures,and headed to Siena. Wc found that Siena was the most beautiful place we had visited. Besides the beautiful scenery,the town offered many restaurants and handmade pottery (陶器) .Siena proved to be one of the best places to buy gifts for family members at home.

  We arrived in Rome late that night and started the next morning with a full-day tour of the city. Our guide was a local who knew about everything there—everything about Rome and its history. We hit all the major sites―the Coliseum,the Trevi Fountain,the Pantheon* the Vatican-.- and were attracted by all of them. The history of Italy was much more obvious in Rome compared to the other cities we had visited.

  After our long day in Rome,we headed back to the hotel and left for America at 5 : 30 the next morning. Our homecoming was both bitter and sweet―we all missed our families and friends,but Italy had become a second home. We loved everything about Italian culture and history,and truly enjoyed every minute of our trip. It was an enriching experience. Though it was an art trip,we gained much more knowledge. Our job now is to use what we learned and the photographs we took to create an art project for the spring art show.

1. What is the CORRECT order of the following places that the writer visited?        a. San Gimignano b. Siena c. Rome d. Florence 

  A. a-d-b-c   B. d-b-a-c   C. d-a-b-c   D. d-a-c-b

2. When the writer was travelling in Siena,he       .

   A. was disappointed at its scenery

   B. found there were few restaurants

   C. found it was a good place to buy gifts

   D. showed no interest in handmade pottery

3. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

   A. The guide didn't know much about Rome.

   B. Rome is a good place to learn the history of Italy.

   C. The writer didn't like some of the major sites of Rome.

   D. The writer and his friends hadn't planned to travel to Rome.

4. When the writer said his homecoming was also bitter,he meant that       .

   A. he was tired after travelling in Italy

   B. he didn't want to see his family

   C. he felt sad to leave his friends

   D. he felt sad to leave Italy

5. What was the main purpose of the writer's visit to Italy?

   A. To know about the history of a foreign country.

   B. To prepare an art project for the spring art show.

   C. To taste all kinds of Italian foods in different cities.

   D. To buy some special gifts for his family and friends.


1. C推理判断题。―第一段的"Surprisingly,at our last night in Florence,Italy,we ate at a Mexican restaurant. We packed our bags and the next morning we headed to Rome. Along the way, we stopped in San Gimignano and Siena."可知应选C.

2. C细节理解题。根据第一段的"Siena proved to be one of the best places to buy gifts for family members at home.” 可知,作者认为Siena是一个给家人买礼物的好地方,故


3. B推理判断题。根据第二段的"The history of Italy was much more obvious in Rome compared to the other cities we had visited."可推断罗马是一个了解意大利历史的好地方。

4. D推理判断题。根据末段的"…but Italy had become a second home."可知,作者说离开意大利很难受是因为他舍不得离开那里。

5. B细节理解题。根据末段的"Our job now is to use what we learned and the photographs we took to create an art project for the spring art show."可知,作者他们去意大利主要是为了准备一个艺术方案来参加一个春季艺术展。

题目来源:2015年全品作业本高中英语必修1外研版 > Module 3 My First Ride on a Train


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear editor,

  There are two special teachers who teach at Richardson Elementary School in North Delta. They are Madam Romans and Madam Tayob. These two teachers have gone above and beyond their teaching duties. They need to be praised.

My daughter was lucky enough to have been taught by these wonderful teachers for Grades 6 and 7.Their class was different from any other class. The teachers and children had such a special bond (关系) with one another.

  On the last day of Grade 7 in 2007,I heard the song Time of Your Life by Green Day playing on the school speakers as I walked down the hallways to pick up my daughter. As I entered the classroom,all that I remember seeing was a classroom of children and two teachers crying. In fact,they were crying and hugging. It brought tears to my eyes. It was their last day together as most of the children were moving to different schools for high school. My daughter still tells me it was one of the saddest days of her life.

  I Now,five years later,all of those students have graduated. This year is that Grade-7 class' graduating year!Knowing this,these two special teachers invited this class to meet them for dinner the other day at Earls.

  I always hear about special athletes or businesses that give back to the community. These are two great teachers who care so much. They've taken time out of their busy schedules to organize a dinner for a group of students whom they taught.

These kids will never forget how special these two teachers are,and how much they care,and I think the community shouldn't,either.

Sincerely,Lynda Mulder

1. Lynda Mulder writes this letter to the editor most probably to      .

   A. look for two special teachers

   B. introduce two special teachers

   C. explain why one school is great

   D. prove that she cares about teachers

2. The writer thinks the two teachers' class was different because      .

   A. the teachers taught the students in a very lively way

   B. the students had a very strange relationship with each other

   C. the teachers taught the same class for both Grades 6 and 7

   D. the teachers and students had a special bond with each other

3. Why were the teachers and students crying that day?

   A. Because they felt sad about leaving each other.

   B. Because one of the two teachers had become ill.

   C. Because something terrible had happened to a student.

   D. Because the students were afraid of going to high school.

4. What do we know about the students in that Grade-7 class?

   A. They have a busy schedule every day.

   B. They have graduated from high school.

   C. They often have dinner together at Earls.

   D. They want to give back to the community.

5. What does the writer think of the teachers' organizing a dinner for the students?

   A. She thinks it's useless.

   B. She thinks it's strange.

   C. She thinks it's harmful.

   D. She thinks highly of it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. The faces of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a       (distant) of 60 miles.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. ―Mum, I woke in       middle of the night and heard noises in garden. ―It must be cats again.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

13. He gave up smoking for a while but soon        ( return) to his old ways.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8. For many years,trained camels carried food and other supplies,and returned with wool and other        (产品) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. In the past some people used       (train) monkeys to make money,travelling from one place to another.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. In the museum 1 saw a lot of paintings painting by some famous painters.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. Danny,stop b       me while I am working.

