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you’d better ________ his telephone number , his name and address in your notebook before you forget them.

A. hold on B. set down

C. come to D. pick up





科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏宿迁剑桥国际学校高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mo Yan, many of _____ works were based on his experience in his birth place, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

A. who B. whom

C. whose D. which


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏东台三仓中学高一12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

In the activity, a few hours of “disability” gave us only a taste of the _______ both physically and mentally the disabled people should overcome.

A. weakness B. challenges

C. anxieties D. illness


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北黄石第三中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The Premier showed his sorrow to the dead and ordered that the necessities should be ______ as soon as possible.

A. imitated B. conveyed

C. collected D. constructed


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北长阳第一高级中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

You probably know that frogs hop ( 双足跳 ). But did you know that there’s a small frog in the Pacific Northwest that bellyflops(肚子先着水)? It’s called a tailed frog.

Dr.Rick Essner, who has been studying tailed frogs for the past few years, says, “ I’ve looked at thousands of jumps and have never seen them land on their feet like other frogs.” Most of the time, tailed frogs land on their stomachs and then bring their back legs in to prepare for another jump.

Essner forst noticed these frogs because of the way they swim. Other frogs kick both of their back legs at the same time. But when a tailed frog swims, it pushes first with one leg and then the other.

To try to find out why tailed frogs bellyflop, Essner and other scientists collected and filmed different kinds of frogs. They found that all of the frogs start their jumps the same way: they hold out their legs. The change comes in the landing. Tailed frogs can't move their back legs as quickly as other frogs do. Maybe they don’t need to. Tailed frogs live around water and quickly jump into the water to escape danger.

Early frogs developed around watery areas and could jump quickly into the water to escape danger. Scientists think those frogs blended in with (与…融合在一起) the green plants on the side of the rocky rivers, just like today’s tailed frogs. “Iwould guess that other animals would have problems detecting them, ” explains Essner. When other animals find those early frogs, the frogs could jump into the river. They didn’t need to continue hopping.

Tailed frogs and other kinds of frogs went their own ways about 200 million years ago. Tailed frogs stayed by rivers. Other kinds of frogs moved to places where new hopping skills allowed them to survive.

1. What’s special about the detailed frog ?

A. It has a long tail

B. It jumps on one foot

C. It stars its jump differently

D. It lands differently from other frogs.

2. Why do tailed frogs bellyflop?

A. They have never left the water to live .

B. They have trouble in holding out their legs

C. Their back legs can’t catch up while jumping..

D. Their front legs develop better than the back ones.

3. The underlined word “detecting” in Paragraph 5 means “______”.

A. eating B. killing

C. using D. discovering

4. When they are in danger, the detailed frogs would _________.

A. jump into the water for protection

B. hop around quickly

C. hide in the green plants near the river

D. jump into the rock


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北长阳第一高级中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It is said that sandstorms will become more________ as a result of global warming.

A. frequent B. fluent

C. gradual D. ordinary


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年河南淅川第二高级中学高二上第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1.5分,满分30分)


One evening, I was resting in a cafe. I a pair of newly bought white leather(皮革 )shoes, which were rather expensive. Then a boy came to me.

He was in a(n) shirt, looking pale and about eleven. No sooner had I begun to speak than he opened the in his hand and took out the tools of shoe-polishing. He down, took off my leather shoes, and began to shine them. He was busy doing his work heavy rain began to pour down. People rushed to the café for from the rain. More and more people crowded and gradually separated the boy from me.

Hours passed, and it turned I had no shoes on my feet and where the boy had been. I thought he would not my shoes, and I would have to go home on my bare feet.

When it was near midnight the ended, and there were fewer and fewer people in the café.

The café was to be . I had to move to the door, head . just as I went to the gate, I found that a boy of about eleven, looking very familiar, was sleeping at the with his head leaning against a box and his upper body being he held a package made of his shirt tightly in his arms. I shook him slightly and woke him up. He up and rubbed his eyes for a while before he recognized me. Then he opened the package , gave me my leather shoes, and apologized to me shyly. I him and wrapped him with his unfit shirt, which had wrapped my leather shoes. On my way home, the of the boy stayed in my mind.

1.A. took B. wore C. mended D. owned

2.A. old B. unfit C. small D. dirty

3.A. bag B. package C. box D. suitcase

4.A. seated B. bent C. put D. looked

5.A. when B. after C. because D. since

6.A. protection B. rest C. hide D. preparation

7.A. out B. away C. in D. off

8.A. dark B. light C. dim D. bright

9.A. thought B. wondered C. guessed D. imagined

10.A. shine B. keep C. return D. carry

11.A. rain B. coffee C. time D. work

12.A. opened B. locked C. stopped D. closed

13.A. lowered B. dropped C. raised D. held

14.A. shortly B. surprisedly C. sadly D. immediately

15.A. table B. door C. bed D. cafe

16.A. wet B. bare C. pale D. cold

17.A. stayed B. as C. jumped D. got

18.A. finally B. suddenly C. unfriendly D. hurriedly

19.A. recognizedB. forgave C. paid D. inspired

20.A. feature B. shirt C. image D. form


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年河南扶沟高级中学高二上第一次考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

A young man went to visit a wise man who lived deep in the mountains. He wanted to ask1. the widsom of life.

“Excuse me! Could you tell me what is 2. most important day in our lives? Is it the day we were born or the day we die? Is it the day we achieve success?” the young man asked.

“None. The most important day in our lives is today,” the wise man replied 3. (calm).

“Why?” the young man was very surprised. “Is it because there are some unusual events 4. (take) place today?”

“No. Nothing has happened today. It’s 5. today is the only wealth 6. actually belongs to us. No matter how important yesterday is, it has gone 7. ; no matter how wonderful tomorrow will be, it hasn’t come; no matter how ordinary and boring today is, it is in our hands.”

The young man still wanted to ask 8. , but the wise man stopped him and said, “When we are talking about the importance of today, we have wasted a lot of it. That is to say, part of today 9. (pass).”

Having understood this, the young man nodded and then went down the mountains.

Actually today is the only wealth and chance we have. Therefore, 10. we should do now is to forget yesterday and tomorrow and catch hold of today!


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建闽清高级中学等四校高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It was because of his kind nature _______I fell in love with Peter.

A. before B. when

C. that D. since

