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More and more farmers are moving to live in cities, so cities are becoming larger and larger. The farmers have chances in cities as well as difficulties.
I hope the farmers will be able to overcome their difficulties and live happily in cities.
More and more farmers are moving to live in cities, so cities are becoming larger and larger. The farmers have chances in cities as well as difficulties.
Of course there are more opportunities in cities so most of them can find jobs to earn a lot of money and live a happy life. Their children can go to school and study together with those in cities. Therefore, they are sure that their children will have a brighter future with the help of good education. But at the same time, they have a lot of challengers. For example, too many people come to cities looking for jobs, but here are not enough for them. These people then remain unemployed, and can not afford to buy houses in cities. They have to pay more for education and medical treatment. And finally many of them end up living in poverty.
What can be done to help them? I think the government can do a lot to improve their conditions. More houses should be built and sold to them cheaply. Or they may rent houses instead of buying. Their children¡¯s tuitions should also be reduced. Besides, they should enjoy equal medical insurance.
I hope the farmers will be able to overcome their difficulties and live happily in cities.
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In China, more and more farmers are moving to live in cities, so cities are becoming larger and larger. The farmers have chances in cities as well as difficulties.
I hope the farmers will be able to overcome their difficulties and live happily in cities.
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In China, more and more farmers are moving to live in cities, so cities are becoming larger and larger. The farmers have chances in cities as well as difficulties.
I hope the farmers will be able to overcome their difficulties and live happily in cities.
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In China, more and more farmers are moving to live in cities, so cities are becoming larger and larger. The farmers have chances in cities as well as difficulties.
I hope the farmers will be able to overcome their difficulties and live happily in cities.
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In China, more and more farmers are moving to live in cities, so cities are becoming larger and larger. The farmers have chances in cities as well as difficulties.
I hope the farmers will be able to overcome their difficulties and live happily in cities.
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In China, more and more farmers are moving to live in cities, so cities are becoming larger and larger. The farmers have chances in cities as well as difficulties.
I hope the farmers will be able to overcome their difficulties and live happily in cities.
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