精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

【题目】 The United States Capitol Dome in Washington, D.C., is recognized around the world as a symbol of the U.S. government. Since last November, the dome has been surrounded by metal poles, or scaffolding(脚手架), and heavy cloth as part of a repair project.

The last major repair work on the U.S. Capitol took place in 1960. Since then, the dome has become weathered and worn. The Architect of the Capitol group reports the dome has more than 1,000 narrow breaks in its surface and other damage.

The dome was completed around 1863. U.S. Senate Historian Don Ritchie says the dome’s cast iron frame(铸铁钢架) is at special risk of weathering. “The capitol dome, being cast iron, has been hit by lightning countless times. And so the present construction(=building) is to repair the leaks, to fill in the cracks, to take off unnecessary layers of paint.”

Workers are removing old paint. They covered a large part of the building in plastic and a special cloth to protect workers from the wind and other elements. Much of the work is done at night, when lawmakers are not in the building.

Some recent visitors to the Capitol were unhappy about its present appearance. They had hoped to get a picture of the usually shining dome. Joyce said, “It was dramatic, and very fantastic, and all white, but when I come here today, it is under construction so my family cannot see it clearly. It is kind of a disappointment.”

Others were more understanding of the repairs. Rick Jones, another visitor, said, “It’s a little inconvenient for us not to see the dome but you have to think about the future and the people will be coming to this place for centuries...and you know, there just needs to be preventive maintenance(保养). I am not upset with that at all.”

The project is expected to take more than two years to complete. The dome should be ready for the inauguration of a new president in January 2017.

1We can learn from the passage that the United States Capitol Dome is ______.

A.worn by exposure to the weather

B.surrounded by many repair projects

C.well kept and in excellent condition

D.regarded as a symbol of the U.K. government

2According to Don Ritchie, the present repair work involves ______.

a. stopping the leaks

b. changing the frame

c. removing the old paints

d. replacing the lights e. filling the narrow breaks



3Which of the following can describe the recent visitors to the Capitol Dome?

A.They could get a clear look at the dome.

B.They were impressed by the white dome’s fantastic beauty.

C.They held different views on the Capitol’s current appearance.

D.They were all disappointed at the sight of the Capitol building.

4The underlined word “inauguration” in the last paragraph most probably means _____.

A.tourB.taking office

C.interviewD.taking photos








1细节理解题。根据第二段中Since then, the dome has become weathered and worn. The Architect of the Capitol group reports the dome has more than 1,000 narrow breaks on its surface and other damage.可知从那以后,圆顶就风化了。国会大厦集团的建筑师报告说,圆顶表面有1000多个狭窄的裂缝和其他损坏。由此可知,美国国会大厦因日晒雨淋饱经风霜受损严重。故选A

2细节理解题。根据第三段中And so the present construction(=building) is to repair the leaks, to fill in the cracks, to take off unnecessary layers of paint.可知所以现在的建筑是修补漏洞,填补裂缝,去掉不必要的油漆层。由此可知,根据Don Ritchie的说法,目前的修复工作包括修补漏洞、清除旧油漆和填补裂缝。故选D

3推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段中Some recent visitors to the Capitol were unhappy about its present appearance.可知最近到国会大厦参观的一些人对它现在的样子不满意。以及倒数第三段中Others were more understanding of the repairs.可知其他人则更理解维修情况。由此可推知,最近参观国会大厦圆顶的游客对国会大厦目前的外观有不同的看法。故选C

4词义猜测题。根据文章可知该建筑是government building, 结合后文a new president in January 2017可推知穹顶应为20171月新总统就职做好准备。故划线单词意思是新总统“就职”。故选B


定义猜词,可以根据定义信息和举例猜测词义。如文中常用refer to,be calledthat's to say,such as等。

逻辑猜词可以根据同义词、反义词、因果关系词等猜测词义,例如,similarly, the same as, but, however, while, on the other hand, since ,because等,所猜词与这些提示词前/后面部分的含义一样、相反或是前因后果。




如第四小题,根据文章可知该建筑是government building, 结合后文a new president in January 2017可推知穹顶应为20171月新总统就职做好准备。故划线单词意思是新总统“就职”。故选B


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下列句子,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式或根据首字 母提示完成句子。

1Redford wanted to expose the public to films ______(make) outside of the Hollywood system that ordinary people might have no access to otherwise.

2This film is made_______ to show off the special effects than to help the film’s plot.

3The skill_______which these three young actors become their characters is one of the film's main attractions.

4At our festival, Hollywood films are in the minority, while films that are likely _____(overlook) at other festivals have a real chance of becoming champions.

5Calgary first became a settlement in the 1870s.Back then, it was little more than an army camp_____(protect) hunters and merchants.

6The sport that most of the world calls football is known as soccer in Australia, to d_____ it from Australian rules football.

7Canada has vast areas of _______ (wild), from the Arctic north to the 8,892-kilometre-long border with the USA to the south, which is the longest border in the world not defended by an army or the police.

8That is an occasion_____ model planes and model rockets arc flown over the school grounds.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Large meals make people full and sleepy. 1 We want our children to learn, not falling asleep at their desks , so lets keep those lunch on the lighter side. You can do this if you provide them with a good breakfast.

By working beside your children and discussing what they eat for lunch, you are helping them understand the importance of whole foods and the avoidance of junk foods. 2 As they get older these good habits will stay with them. They will learn that these types of food will help them feel better and look better ; give them more energy. Try to let them see that the food choices they are making will help them feel so much better .

3 I know of one family that actually had the food pyramid on the wall of their kitchen and it helped their children pick out what foods they wanted . Everyone got a chance to decide what to eat , but they had to pick protein , vegetables and fruit. In addition , the mother had a book with recipes for healthy foods. 4 So children knew what healthy foods they should choose.

Unlike today , when we grew up we played outside, rode our bikes , ran around , skated , and the list goes on and on. 5 So in addition to the above healthy eating choices, you need to plan some activities for your children today other than the television or video games.

A. We didn't have TV or video games.

B. How are children helped to choose their food?

C. You are helping them make smart informed choices .

D. Think what large meals do to your children at school.

E. What adults eat daily has a great effect on their children.

F. All of the recipes had pictures of what the food looked like.

G. The recipes for children should mainly include healthy foods.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Frances Stevens Reese Wooldland Trail Guide

The Woodland Trail was opened to the public on October 21, 1997. Boscobel’s Board of Directors adopted a formal decision of naming the Woodland Trail in honor of former Boscobel board member, Fances Stevens Reese (1917-2003), one year after his death.

The trail(小径) is approximately 10 miles in length, leading down to Constitution Forest. When the West Point Glass Factory was operating during the Civil War, trees for miles around were cleared to provide firewood. Walking out of the forest, you will find a large mass of native hard rock about three billion years old.

Throughout this country path, you will find picture boards identifying birds and plants local to this region. You will also find signs with historic and environmental information written by area specialists.

When you take a walk through this “undiscovered” forest land, please be a considerate guest.

Before walking the trail, please purchase a pass in the Carriage House. Plan ahead, so you will be back by closing time.

Follow the trail markers and remain on the trail. Besides protecting the fragile forest ecosystem, you will reduce the risk of poison plants and snakes.

Leave rocks, plants, animals and art works where you see them so that the person behind you can have the same experience.

Carry out whatever you carry in because there are no rubbish containers on the trail. If you happen to see a piece of litter, be a good guest and pick it up.

1When was the trail named to honor Frances Stevens Reese?

A. In 1997.B. In 1917

C. In 2003D. In 2004

2What can you see along the trail?

A. An old battle field.B. A glass factory.

C. Information signs.D. Rock houses.

3What should you do as a thoughtful visitor?

A. Leave the wildlife undisturbed.

B. Throw the rubbish into the dustbins.

C. Make reservations in the Carriage House.

D. Protect the markers of the Woodland Trail.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1How long was the baby elephant trapped in the well?

A. For 8 hours. B. For 9 hours. C. For 11 hours.

2What did the villagers do when they first arrived there?

A. They stood watching.

B. They cut some bananas.

C. They removed some of the soil.

3What did the villagers do next?

A. They removed some of the soil.

B. They pulled the baby elephant out.

C. They frightened the mother elephant away.

4What was the ending of the story?

A. No efforts paid off.

B. The mother elephant made it.

C. The villagers drove away the mother elephant cruelly.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Rumors (摇言) are not always nasty, but they can be especially annoying when the rumormonger spreads something against you. Unfortunately, you can’t just stop nasty rumors just by telling one person it isn’t true. 1 However, there are better ways to handle rumors. Simply apply the tips below and see which ones suit you best:

Clear the air

Set things straight.2 That is definitely more effective than just telling one person about it.

Confront the source

Go after the rumormonger in the first place. Most gossip starters don’t really expect people to come after them, so you’ll have the element of surprise. However, don’t attack that person physically or otherwise. Simply approach that person and tell him that he has it all wrong. It’s best to do this when you’re in a room full of people.3.

Ignore it

4 Rumors come and go. Most of the time, it dies down and a new issue takes its place. If the rumor isn’t all that bad and doesn’t really affect you in any way, perhaps it’s better to let this one slide.


If you find yourself battling with a rumor in the workplace, it’s important to tell your boss about it. Rumors, especially nasty ones, can make an influence on your work performance and how other people think of you.

A. Tell your boss

B. Turn to your best friend

C. If it were that easy, rumors wouldn’t be such a problem

D. You should do something to make the situation better for you

E. Some people simply choose to ignore the rumor spread about them

F. Arrange a formal meeting to address the issue with many more people

G. Thus, others will also hear the truth and the rumor starter won’t go on


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


I used to live in San Paulo, Brazil. It is a huge city with more people 1 (live) in it than in my own country. I rented a flat in a 2 (wealth) community, but there was a favela(贫民窟)quite near. For several months I didn’t have a car, so I used public transportation to go to the city centre.

Once, 3 my way back, I had to wait for a long time at a bus stop. I was alone, except for a woman 4 was apparently very poor. She carried a small paper bag of popcorn.

While we were waiting, she walked over and offered 5 (I) some popcorn. I thanked her, 6 I didn’t want to help myself to it. she repeatedly 7 (insist) that I take some from the paper bag.

I was so moved by that woman’s kindness that day. I clearly had more than she did, but she naturally and joyfully shared 8 she had with me.

I think about how poor people are sometimes able to share the little things more 9 (easy) than those who own a lot. I wonder if it’s true that the more you have, 10 more difficult it is for you to share anything with others.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 推荐一种美食;

2. 简要介绍其特色;

3. 邀请他来华品尝。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Jonah,



Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

毕业在即,你班将举行一次慈善义卖会活动,目的为云南贫困地区地拉那小学(The Primary School of Dilana Yunnan Province)的阅读室更新最新书籍。班委号召全班同学出谋划策为本次慈善义卖活动设计方案,方案中必须包含以下内容:





Dear Monitor,

I have read the suggestion of designing a charity activity for the pupils of the Primary School of Dilana Yunnan Province to provide their reading room with the latest edition books. I think the activity is meaningful. Now I have finished designing my plan and thank you for taking time to read my following plan.


Yours sincerely


