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Lake Titicaca is a famous lake in South America. The culture of the ancient people around the lake is thought to be 1. (true) advanced but has long remained a mystery. Recently, however, scientists participating 2. an exploration project there have found what is believed to be 3. 1000-year-old temple under the water.

The temple 4. (build) by ancient people was indeed quite well preserved. The project leaders hope to begin raising important materials from the site in the 5. (expect) that they can solve the mystery eventually.

“Scientists have not yet had the opportunity to study the materials carefully due to a great many 6. (hardship). Yet with our efforts, we are bound 7. (achieve) greater success if we can keep 8. up.” said project director, John Aubi.

Since 2016, divers from the research team 9. (make) over 200 dives into water 30 meters deep. They have kept recording the ancient remains on film. A meeting,10. will start later, is aimed to review the film.


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省南昌市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

Successful female singers tend to have slim figures and pretty faces. But even if British singer Adele Adkins, 27, doesn’t quite fit into this image, it hasn’t stopped her from a smashing success. Adele’s album 25 sold 3.48 million copies in the first week of its release, making it the biggest-selling album of 2015. 1.

First and foremost, Adele’s voice plays the most important part in making her popular.2. As the Chicago Tribune commented, she sings about her personal struggles sincerely with emotional words that invite everyone into her world. The pain and longing in her songs satisfy a universal need for love. It is this sense of ‘we’ve been here before’ that makes Adele.

But music is not all that matters. 3. In a comedy show, Adele was shown to be the one who could make quarrelling relatives at the Thanksgiving dinner table put their differences aside. She collected many life-long fans with her girl-next-door charm.

4.Jillian Mapes wrote about this on the New York magazine site Vulture: “Adele is among the first plus-size(加大码的) female cultural idols(偶像) to reach the highest level of success without having to make herself the butt(笑柄)of fat jokes…She’s shaped like me and like two-thirds of American women.”5.

A. In other words, Adele sends a feminist (女权) message by being who she is.

B. Adele is not just a woman but an everywoman(普通女人).

C. What is behind the soaring popularity?

D. Adele’s hard work also matters.

E. Do you want to know more about the life of Adele?

F. Adele’s easy-going personality is also a plus.

G. She has an awe-inspiring voice that shows her genuine talent.


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省巢湖市2016-2017学年高二下学期第三次月考英语试卷 题型:书面表达


1. 竞赛内容:关于“未来生活”的演讲

2. 时间和地点:下周三上午8:30-12:00;报告厅

3. 选手:每班一名参赛选手

4. 评委:国际部英语教师

5. 要求:欢迎参与,积极交流


1. 词数:100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


We are glad to inform you that_____________________________________________________________










科目:高中英语 来源:江西省2018届高三第一次月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

While beach vacations may be a great way to take your mind off work, lakes surrounded by mountains make for an even grander experience. If you are looking for come peace on your vacation, we have some recommendations for you in the Caucasus (高加索).

Lake Sevan

Lake Sevan is situated in the central part of Armenia, in the Gegharkumk province. It is the largest lake in Armenia, located 6,200ft above sea level. Along the lake shore, there are various accommodations such as resorts and hotels with plenty of activities to partake m such as windsurfing, swimming and sunbathing. While there, do not forget to visit one of the famous cultural monuments, the Sevanavank Monastery, and it offers a great view of the lake as well.

Lake Paravani

Lake Paravani, located at 6,801ft above sea level, is in the south of Georgia, near the Javakheti plateau. At this level, altitude sickness can occur and it is a good idea to be prepared to adapt to it properly, or bring medication for altitude sickness. Being a volcanic lake makes for a more interesting: experience. The lake is best known for fishing. Do not come home during the winter months when the lake freezes.

Lake Cildir

Lake Cildir is located in the Ardahan province. East Turkey, near the borders of Georgia and Armenia. It is the second largest freshwater lake of Eastern Turkey, and many tourists are not aware of this beautiful attraction. Lake Cildir is surrounded by mountains of the Caucasus. The lake freezes during late November. If the winter is not extremely cold, you can try some lake activities like ice skating and ice fishing.

Lake Van

Lake Van is the must visit of all lakes in this list. The largest lake in Turkey. Lake Van is located on the eastern shore of Turkey and is also the most accessible lake here. It’s situated at 5,380ft above sea level, and unique to lakes around the world, the water is high in salt content.

1.If you want to visit some historic sites during your travel by a lake, you can go to .

A. Lake Cildir B. Lake Parvani

C. Lake Sevan D. Lake Van

2.What is special about Lake Van?

A. Its water is high in salt. B. It is a volcanic lake.

C. It is globally the latest lake. D. It is surrounded by mountains.

3.What challenge are travelers most likely to face while visiting Lake Paravani?

A. Lack of medicine. B. Volcano eruptions.

C. Altitude sickness. D. Low temperature all the year.


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省2018届高三上学期开学考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Many editors have a rule that they will not even read stories that are not formatted and presented as requested in their Submission(投稿)Guidelines.Even if this policy is not stated,it affects their decision-making.There are a few reasonable reasons.

A good editor likes to read all stories for the first time in the same format(格式)as the publication standard.A consistent format between manuscripts(手稿)removes distractions like unusual presentation and puts each manuscript on the same starting level,with the focus on content.

Leading publications get thousands of submissions a year.Editor time is extremely valuable.Most editors enjoy finding gems among the manuscripts,but they really dislike reformatting(don't you prefer eating an elegant meal to washing dishes?).When an editor sees he will have to spend an extra half hour of precious time in reformatting,he subconsciously marks that submission down compared to other submissions of equal quality.

Publications need to have consistency in formatting for all their published stories: letterform,type size,spacing, paragraph structure etc.This keeps the reader’s focus on the words and not their structure.Since editors don't have a choice to just accept a weirdly(古怪的)formatted story as it is,they are forced to either reformat or decline the submission.

Publications use different software and other tools in their operations.Editors know what makes their system go smoothly.Many invisible software formatting structures between types of documents create disasters.

Editors are not pedantic(迂腐的).Their job is to find great material and expose those works to appreciative readers.Differently formatted manuscripts steal time away from that responsibility,which is bad for everyone.Editors love nothing more than finishing a read and thinking “Wow.A great story-AND it's cut and paste!"

1.What does the underlined word "gems" refer to in the third paragraph?

A. Precious Jewels. B. Creative formats.

C. Great stories. D. Amazing characters.

2.What kind of manuscript is most likely to be refused?

A. One with no special structures.

B. One with a general letterform.

C. One with attractive plots.

D. One with a weird format.

3.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. How the editors usually work.

B. Why publications need consistent format.

C. Why the manuscript's format can influence the editor's decision.

D. The ways on how to format manuscripts.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省汕头市2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Helen Monson has always been interested in helping her community. Her first volunteer experience was for the American Red Cross when she was in high school. When she was a school teacher, she also found time to volunteer.

After she retired, she started volunteering to help the old. When her father was older, he was not able to see as well as he used to, which made her sad because he had always enjoyed reading.

She decided it would be fun to read to elderly people in her community. She also helped one woman write her stories. Ann was almost 100 years old, and Helen wrote down information about her life when she visited Ann. She put the information in a book and got it published. Ann was very excited to share her life story with her children and grandchildren.

One day Helen read an article in the newspaper about refugees (难民) who needed to learn English. Now, she meets once a week with Sahra, a 38-year-old woman from Somalia. Sahra is learning reading and writing skills. Helen gave Sahra a camera and asked her to take pictures of her daily life. She developed the pictures, and then asked Sahra questions about them. In the end they wrote a book together and used the photos in the book. This helped Sahra learn many new words about her everyday life.

Helen says, “The most rewarding part of volunteer work is becoming friends with the people I help. They enrich my life as well as I enrich theirs.”

1.When did Helen first take up volunteering?

A. After retirement. B. In high school.

C. After work. D. In childhood.

2.In what way did Helen help Sahra?

A. By building her self-confidence. B. By expanding her vocabulary.

C. By giving her financial support. D. By finding her a new home.

3.Which of the following can best describe Helen according to the passage?

A. Brilliant. B. Optimistic.

C. Thankful. D. Devoted.

4.The underlined word “rewarding” in the last paragraph probably means .

A. worthwhile B. convenient

C. extraordinary D. practical


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省六安市2017-2018学年高二上学期开学考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

In a class this past December,after I wrote some directions on the board for students about their final examination,one young woman quickly took a picture of the board using her smart phone.When I looked in her direction,she apologized:"Sorry.Was it wrong to take a picture?"

“I can't read my own handwriting,”the young woman explained."It's best if I take a picture of your writing so I can understand the notes."

That remark started a class-wide conversation about taking a picture instead of taking notes.For those in the photo-taking camp,motivations extended beyond their inability to comprehend their own handwriting.Some took pictures of notes because they knew their phone was a safe place to store material.They might lose paper,but they wouldn't lose their phones.Some took photos because they wanted to record exactly the manner in which I had noted information on the board.Others told me that during class they liked to listen to the discussion attentively.

Yet the use of cameras as note takers,though it may be convenient,does raise significant questions for the classroom.Is a picture an effective replacement for the process of note-taking?

Instructors encourage students to take notes because the act of doing so is more than merely recording necessary information—it helps prepare the way for understanding.Encouraging students to take notes may be an old-fashioned instructional method,but that a method has a long history doesn't mean it's out of date.Writing things down engages a student's brain in listening,visual,and kinesthetic learning—a view supported by a longstanding research.The act of writing down information enables a person to begin committing it to memory,and to process and combine it,establishing the building blocks of learning new concepts.

Taking a picture does indeed record the information,but it deletes some of the necessary mental engagement that taking notes employs.So can the two be equally effective?

I'm not sure how to measure the effectiveness of either method.For now,I allow students to take notes however they see fit—handwritten or photographed—because I figure that some notes,no matter the method of note-taking, are better than none.

1.The woman apologized in the class because she______.

A. took a picture of the board B. missed the teachers' directions

C. had the bad handwriting D. disturbed other students' learning

2.Students refuse to take notes by hand because______.

A. they are unable to take notes

B. they are more likely to lose notes

C. they are interested in using their phones

D. they have a good memory of teachers' instructions

3.According to the passage,taking notes by hand______.

A. requires students to think independently

B. is unsuitable for students to learn new ideas

C. helps students actively participate in learning

D. proves to be an old and useless learning method

4.What's the author's opinion towards taking notes by phones?

A. Supportive. B. Neutral.

C. Doubtful. D. Disapproving.


科目:高中英语 来源:甘肃省天水市2018届高三上学期开学考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Scientists have found that human eyes are more likely to be damaged by UV rays while skiing in the snow-covered areas than sitting on the beach, according to a report by the UK newspaper.

The researchers at Kanazawa Medical University, Japan and American company Johnson conducted the study together. They looked at the effects of light reflection on newly fallen snow on a ski trail in Ishikawa District, northern Japan. They compared the results with the levels of UV rays on a sand beach in southern Japan's Okinawa District.

They found that on the beach, eyes are exposed to a daily 260 kilojoules (千焦耳) of UV a square meter compared to 658 kilojoules in snow-covered areas.

The findings are supported by the Japan Meteorological (气象的) Agency. According to the agency, the reflection rate of UV light on beaches is often between 10 and 25 percent, compared to 80 percent in the new snow areas. The amount of light increased 4 percent with a 300-meter rise in height.

Most of us know that UV rays can harm the skin. That's why we wear sunscreen on our skin before we get out in the sun. But many of us may not realize that UV rays are also harmful to the eyes.

If your eyes are exposed to large amounts of UV radiation over a short period of time, you may experience a kind of sunburn of the eye, which is harmful. Your eyes will become red and feel a strange feeling. They may be sensitive to light. Fortunately, this is usually temporary and seldom causes permanent damage to the eyes.

Long-term exposure to UV radiation, however, can be more serious. Scientific studies and researches have shown that exposure to small amounts of UV radiation over a period of many years increases the chance of eye damage, which could lead to total blindness.

1.You would most likely find the article in ________.

A. a doctor’s diary B. a travel journal

C. a medical magazine D. a physics textbook

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Too much eye exposure to UV rays may cause total blindness.

B. Short-time exposure of the eyes to UV rays doesn't harm them at all.

C. Most people know that UV rays harm the eyes as well as the skin.

D. The study was conducted by researchers from Japan, the USA and the UK.

3.Human eyes are more likely to be damaged by UV rays while skiing in the snow-covered areas than sitting on the beach because ________.

A. snow produces more UV light than water

B. people don’t wear sunscreen while skiing as they do while sitting on the beach

C. the reflection rate of UV light in snow-covered areas is much higher than that on the beach

D. human eyes are exposed longer to UV light in the snow- covered areas than on the beach

4.What will the passage most probably talk about next?

A. Never ski on newly fallen snow in Japan.

B. Go to hospital to have your eyes examined.

C. Wearing a hat can provide protection while skiing in new snow areas.

D. Take some measures to protect your eyes while skiing in new snow areas.


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省2017-2018学年高一上学期入学考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

All these postcards must be mailed at once in time for the Spring Festival.

A. to have received B. so as to be receiving

C. so as to be received D. to receive

