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5.For centuries,in the countries of south and Southeast Asia,the elephant has been an important part of the culture,economy and religion.And nowhere more so than in Thailand.Unlike its African cousin,the Asian elephant is easily domesticated(驯化).The rare so-called white elephants have actually lent the power of royalty to its rulers,and until the 1920s the national flag was a white elephant on a red background.To the early Western visitors,the  country's romantic name was"Land of the White Elephant".
Today,however,the story is very different.Out of work and out of land,the Thai elephant   struggles for survival in a nation that no longer needs it. The elephant has found itself more or less deserted by previous owners who have moved on to a different economic world and a society in  the western part.And while the elephant's problems began many years ago,now it has a very low  national advantage.
How does the national symbol turn into ignored animals?It is a story of worse environment and the changing lives of the Thais themselves.According to Richard Lair,Thailand's expert on  the Asian elephant and author of the report Gone Astray,at the turn of the  last century,there may well have been as many as 100,000 national elephants in the country.
In the north of Thailand alone,it was estimated (估计) that more than 20,000 elephants were employed in transport,1,000 of them alone on the road between the cities of Chiang Mai and Chiang Saen.     
This was at a time when 90 percent of Thailand was still forest--a habitat that not only supported the animals but also made them necessary to carry goods and people.Nothing ploughs through thick forest better than lots of sure-footed elephants.
By 1950 the elephant population had dropped,but still to the number of 13,397.However,today there-are probably no more than 3,800,with another l,350 wandering free in the national parks.But now,Thailand's forest covers only 20 percent of the land.This deforestation(采伐森林) is the central point of the elephant's difficult situation,for it has effectively put the animals out of work.This century,as the road network grew,the elephant's role as a beast of Burden decreased.
41.What can we know about African elephants from the passage?B
A.It is easy to domesticate them.
B.It is hard to domesticate them.
C.They are living a better life than Asian elephants.
D.Their fate is quite similar to that of Asian elephants.
42.Thailand was once called"Land of the White Elephant"becauseA
A.white elephant was a national symbol until the 1920s
B.white elephant is rarely seen and thus very special
C.white elephant has helped kings to gain the ruling authority
D.this name was so romantic that it was popular among visitors
43.Why is the Thai elephant"out of work",according to the author?D
A.Because there are too many elephants but too few jobs.
B.Because the elephants can't do labor work any longer.
C.Because the government pays little attention to the problem.
D.Because the elephants are no longer useful to their owners.
44.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the elephant population at various times?D
A.There were 100,000 domesticated elephants at the turn of the last century.
B.20,000 elephants were employed in transport in Thailand at the turn of the century.
C.By 1950 the elephant population in Thailand has been quite small.
D.Today the elephant population is estimated at 5,150.
45.The passage is most probably fromC
A.a travel magazine                                      
B.a history book
C.a research report                    
D.an official announcement.

分析 文章介绍了亚洲象的现状.在泰国,亚洲象在历史上有很高的地位,曾经是国家的象征.但现在,因为很多原因,亚洲象的数量急速下降,大象作为最能负重的动物形象渐渐消失在人们的印象里.

解答 答案:41.B 推理判断题.文章第一段说Unlike its African cousin,the Asian elephant is easily domesticated和非洲近亲不同,亚洲象很容易驯化.可以推断出非洲象不容易驯化.故选B.
42.A 细节判断题.根据文章第一中的"until the 1920s the national flag was a white elephant on a red background."可知当时白象是泰国的国家象征.故选A.
43.D 细节判断题.文章有几处解释了大象失业的原因,如第二段中的"a nation that no longer needs it (Thai elephant)"及最后一段的最后一句"the elephant's role as a beast of burden declined".故选D.
44.D 事实细节题.此题考查的是大象数量变化的情况.四个选项中的数字惟有选项D没有直接出现,但根据第四段很容易推算出来(3800+1350).故选D.
45.C 推理判断题.从本文所用的大量客观的数据和数字可以推断这是一篇研究报告.本文趣味性不足,因此不能选A.选项B不能选,是因为历史书不可能如此大篇幅的描述大象的问题.选项D也不是正确答案,因为政府公告通常是一些规定,而不是客观的陈述.

点评 阅读理解是考查语篇理解能力.常考的题型有:推理判断题;主旨大意题;细节理解题;猜测词意题.近几年又出现了两种新的考查方式:写作态度判断题和文章结构题.解题时,在读懂文章的基础上,还有特别注意掌握题型的特征,尤其是细节题和推断题不可混淆:细节题是文章信息的再现;推断题是文章信息的提取.本题是广告类文章,考查主要是以细节题为主,细节题要注意常用的出题陷阱有:夸大,缩小,张冠李戴,偷梁换柱,无中生有等,做题时要看清看准.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.The runway for jet planes isfourtimeslonger than the one constructed 15years ago.(long)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.-I feel like going for a drink as it's been a long day.
-Peter,I'd like to have a drink,too.(  )
A.No way!B.What for?C.So what?D.Great idea!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.---May I move your bag a little and take this seat?
---__________.(  )
A.It doesn't matter.B.Go ahead.
C.It's your turn.D.You've got it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.Until recently daydreaming was viewed as a waste of time or it(61)was considered(consider) an unhealthy escape from real life and its duties.But now some people are taking a fresh look at daydreaming.Some think it may be a very (62)healthy(health) thing to do.Some researchers are finding that daydreaming may be important to mental health.Daydreaming,they tell us,(63)isa good means  of relaxation.But its benefits go(64)beyondthis.A number of psychologists have conducted experiments and have reached some(65)surprising(surprise) conclusion.
Dr.Joan T.Freyberg has concluded that daydreaming contributes growth.It also improves(66)concentration(concentrate),attention span,and the ability to get along with others.Industrialist Henry J.Kaiser believed that much of his success was due(67)tothe positive use of daydreaming.Florence Nightingale dreamed of becoming a nurse.The young Thomas Edison picture(68)dhimselfas an inventor.
For these notable achievers,it appears that their daydreams came(69)true.Dr Harry Emerson Fosdick offered this advice:"Hold a picture of yourself…in your mind's eye,and you will be drawn toward it.Picture yourself (70)vividly(vivid) as defeated and that alone will make victory impossible.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

10.One of my next-door neighbor is a sweet 92-year-old Polish lady.A few days ago,I came back from a trip.As I was(16)C.my clothes in my room,I heard a(n)(17)A,frantic(发疯的) knock on the door.It was 10:30 pm,and I wasn't sure who it could be.I went downstairs and (18)A the peephole,and saw that it was our sweet next-door neighbor.
I quickly (19)D the door,and she seemed really distressed and kept(20)
B,Please help me.I need your help.The fire alarm won't go off.Please help me."I (21)C told her that everything would be okay,and (22)B her to her house to see what was going on  (23)Dthe fire alarm.
She (24)C that the alarm had been going on and off inconsistently(反复无常的) for the past two hours,and that her (25)A to call her daughter to come and fix it was fruitless.So I took a chair from her dining room table,(26)Dit,and looked at the tire alarm.
After twisting the fire alarm off,I blew into it,because sometimes  (27)Bcauses it to make strange noises.She seemed (28)C but was literally shaking out of fear.I asked her (29)D she was okay,and she said she was (30)A,so I gave her a hug.I felt her shaking in my embrace,and held her (31)
B for a few minutes until she stopped shaking and sighed a breath of relief.
We then (32)Cand talked for ten minutes,until I felt that she was okay.and safe to sleep.She was so generous with  (33)Dfor being with her,but I thanked her for (34)B me that hugs are indeed good tools!So,sometimes,a(n) (35)A hug is a good and powerful way to hold someone going through a difficult period.

18.A.looked throughB.made outC.cut offD.turned to
32.A.broke downB.sped upC.sat downD.turned around


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.Last Sunday I went to do some reading in your library.
Over the time I was there,I found s(76)something unpleasant.Therefore,
I'd like to voice my opinions,(77)which,I hope,would be of help for  you to (78)create(创造)a more comfortable place for readers.First,there are  few new books on the shelf.Second,most books are not sorted in p(79)proper order,making it difficult for readers to find (80)whatthey want quickly.Third,the librarians didn't offer good service.I(81)Instead,they were         chatting.In (82)addition,they took no notice of the fact that a light             wasn't (83)on.Leave this state of affairs to stay the same,and I'm        afraid there will be fewer and fewer (84)readers.So,I suggest your (85)changing (改变) all these as soon as possible for the sake of readers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.Paul Lucas can often be seen walking around the city of San Francisco.Sometimes people are surprised to see him walking(16)withoutany shoes or socks,(17)butLucas doesn't mind at all.(18)Helikes to walk barefoot,and so do 640 other members of Dirty Sole Society,the club that Lucas(19)started(start) years ago.Lucas'idea for this is to encourage others to live(20)freely(free)---free of shoes.
According to Lucas,the barefoot life has many advantages.(21)Themost important is simply that it feels good.He also says(22)thatwalking barefoot allows you to experience the world directly by touching it with your feet.(23)Inaddition,the feet do not smell so much because they stay dry,(24)walking(make) it hard for bacteria to grow.And,of course,walking barefoot keeps your feet in good shape,so it's actually(25)healthier(healthy) than wearing shoes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.---Do you know how to learn English well?________.
---Why?Don't you think English is quite interesting?(  )
A.It can't be too interesting.B.I just can't help it.
C.It's my favorite subjectD.It's killing me.

