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9."We Chinese people always put emphasis on the friendly relationships ______ the people of all countries."said the Ambassador.(  )

分析 大使说:我们中国人总是强调和世界各国的人们之间的友谊.

解答 答案是D.本题考查介词辨析.A随着;B在…下面;C到达;D在…之间,根据句意和介词搭配,"和…之间的关系"用"the relationship between",所以答案选择D.

点评 介词辨析要在掌握各介词的基本用法和固定搭配的基础上结合语境做出符合逻辑、常理的推测.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.The day when the jobs were handed out was one of the most exciting moments for all the children in the class.It took place during the first week of the term.Every kid was given a job for which they would be responsible for the rest of that school year.
Some jobs were more interesting than others,and the children were eager to be given one of the best ones.When giving them out,the teacher took into account which pupils had been most responsible during the previous year.During the previous year Rita had carried out the teacher's instructions perfectly.All the children knew Rita would be given the best job.
But there was a big surprise.Each child received a normal job.But Rita's job was very different.She was given a little box containing some sand and one ant.Though the teacher insisted that this ant was very special,Rita felt disappointed.Most of her classmates felt sorry for her.Even her father became very angry with the teacher and he encouraged Rita to pay no attention to this insignificant pet.However,Rita preferred to show the teacher her error by doing something special with that job of little interest.
Rita started investigating all about her little ant and gave the ant the best food,and it grew quite a bit bigger.
One day,a man,who looked very important,came into their classroom and declared,"Your class has been chosen to accompany me,this summer,on a journey to the tropical rainforest,where we will investigate all kinds of insects.Among all the schools of this region,your class has best cared for the little ant."
That day the school was filled with joy and celebration.Everyone thanked Rita for having been so patient and responsible.And many children learnt that to be given the most important task you have to know how to be responsible even in what are the smallest tasks.
26.What did the teacher base her decision on when giving out jobs to the children?D
A.Their ability of managing their accounts during the previous year.
B.Their characters and interests.
C.Their class performance during the previous year.
D.Their working performance during the previous year.
27.What does the underlined sentence"But there was a big surprise."mean?A
A.The most responsible student got the job of least interest.
B.Each child got an important job.
C.Each child got an interesting job.
D.The perfect student got the job of everyone's preference.
28.What is Rita's attitude to her father's suggestion?B
A.Acceptive.B.Negative.C.Uncertain.D.Totally positive.
29.We can infer that the man who made the declaration is aD.
A.principal            B.hunter       C.director         D.biologist      
30.What would be the best title for the passage?C
A.Responsibility And Intelligence Bring Good Luck 
B.Never Complain About Life
C.Small Tasks Can Lead To Fortunes    
D.Men Are Best Known By Their Friends.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.Growing up in a tough environment,the brothers went_________ thick and thin together.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.It all started when I was 11 years old.I had just moved schools.Everything was all right at the beginning.I even made a few friends.
A few months later,however,the school decided to make a completely new class in order to make the classes smaller,because it helped with learning and avoiding bullying(恃强凌弱).Then I was chosen to be moved from my old class to the new one.At first,it was fine.Everyone ignored me,but I was happy to be left alone.Then it started.One day after school,a few people from my new class came up to me.
"Hi,"a girl called Molly said,"Wanna be friends?"
I said,"Yes."She laughed and told me that she was sorry but she and her friends couldn't be friends with loners like me.
A few more situations like that followed.For a few weeks I was beaten up almost every day after school.When I told the teacher,she said I couldn't move classes and that was final.I started cutting myself and cried myself to sleep every night.But after a few more months of putting up with that,I decided to tell my family.They didn't do anything at first,but after a while they got tired of my complaining about how I hated school and talked to the head teacher.A week or so after that,I was moved to another class and avoided my bullies during break.They soon forgot about me.I'm perfectly fine now.I hardly ever cry.
56.The writer's trouble began.B
A.as soon as she moved into a new school
B.soon after she moved into a smaller class
C.before she got to know a girl called Molly
D.when she was about to move into a new school
57.What do we know about the writer's new school?C
   A.There are more girls than boys.
B.The students are from the local area.
C.Bullying is common among students.
D.It is set up not long before she moved in.
58.When Molly said"Wanna be friends?.A
A.she was trying to make fun of the writer
B.she was trying to be friendly with the writer
C.she was interested in making friends with the writer
D.she was trying to get more information about the writer.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.My husband had just bought a new washing machine for me.I decided to use it the other day and I washed a lot of things.
Everything worked well,but I found one of my husband's socks missing.I looked everywhere for it,but I couldn't find it anywhere.The next morning,I got ready for school as usual.When the bell rang,the students came in,I greeted them and told them what we were going to do that day.
When I turned around to write on the blackboard,the class burst out laughing.
They laughed and laughed.They laughed so much,in fact,that I was afraid the headmaster would be in and see all this.I asked the class to stop,but the more I talked,the more they laughed.I decided to pay no attention to them and continued to write on the blackboard.When I did this,they laughed even more.Finally,the teacher who was in the next room came in to see what all the laughter was about.When he came in,he started laughing,too!
"Good heavens,"I said."Will someone please tell me what is so funny?"
"Oh,God,"said the teacher."You have a brown sock stuck to the back of your skirt!"
So that's how I found my husband's missing sock."Oh,well,"I said to the class,"Let's just say you have had an unforgettable lesson on static electricity(静电学)."
71.What was the writer?C
A.A washer.B.A student.C.A teacher     D.A headmaster
72.What happened when the writer turned around to write on the blackboard?B
A.The class stopped laughing and talking.
B.The class began to laugh loudly.
C.Another teacher came in.
D.There was a loud noise outside the room
73.Why couldn't she find one of her husband's socks?D
A.Because some students had hidden it.
B.Because her husband had taken it away
C.Because she had left it in the classroom 
D.Because she never expected that it would stick to her skirt
74.What did the writer do when she got to know why her students laughed?A
A.She explained the matter in a clever way
B.She got angry with the class.
C.She was angry and left the classroom suddenly.
D.She did nothing but laugh and laughed.
75.The underlind"did this"meansC
A.paid no attention to the students        
B.continued my explaining
C.write on the blackboard again         
D.became angry.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.To pay to see that movie seems foolish         you can see it on television for free.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.-Peter looked tired and a little absent-minded at the meeting.
-He _____ up too late.(  )
A.may stayB.could stay
C.should have stayedD.must have stayed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

We lived nearby a hospital and rented the upstairs rooms to the patients from the hospital.
As I was preparing supper one summer evening,there was a knock at the door.I opened it to see a truly terrible-looking man--no taller than my eight-year-old son.But the shocking thing was his face-twisted from swelling.He told me he'd been hunting for a room since noon but with no success."I guess it's my face…,but my doctor says with a few more treatments …"
I told him we would find him a bed.When I had finished the dishes,he told me he fished for a living to support his daughter,her five children,and her husband,who was hopelessly disabled from a back injury.He didn't tell it by way of complaint; in fact,every other sentence began with a thanks to God for a blessing.He was grateful that no pain accompanied his disease,which was apparently a form of skin cancer.
Before he left for his bus the next day,he asked if he could come back and stay the next time he had a treatment.I told him he was welcome to come again.In the years he came to stay overnight with us,there was never a time that he did not bring us fish or oysters or vegetables from his garden.
When I received these little gifts,I often thought of a comment our neighbor made after he left that first morning."Did you keep that terrible-looking man last night?I turned him away.You can lose roomers by accommodating such people!"Maybe we did lose roomers once or twice.But oh!If only they could have known him,perhaps their illnesses would have been easier to bear.I know our family always will be grateful to have known him; from him we learned what it was to accept the bad and the good as well.

58.When I met the man for the first time,C.
A.he needed something to eat          
B.my kid was frightened by him
C.he wanted a place to stay overnight   
D.I thought he was 8years old
59.The man was refused by the neighbor becauseB.
A.the man was not rich              
B.he might lose roomers
C.he had no empty room             
D.the man didn't bring him gifts
60.Which of the following is NOT true about the man?B
A.He had skin cancer.
B.God helped him to recover.
C.He supported a large family by fishing.
D.He didn't complain about his difficulties.
61.The man feltC to life.
62.What might be the best title of the passage?B
A.Never judge a book by its cover     
B.Give others a hand
C.Accept the good and the bad        
D.Be the architect of life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.France is a main destination for U.S.travelers,_______ second only to the United Kingdom,according to _______ Commerce Department report.(  )
A.不填; aB.不填; theC.a; aD.the; the

