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Strawberries can, of course, be frozen but they taste best when bought and eaten _____.

A. fresh                 B. freshly                     C. more freshly              D. fresher



科目:高中英语 来源:山西省忻州市20092010学年高一下学期期末联考试题(英语)B类 题型:阅读理解




It is a beautiful day in June. The sun is hot. It's time to harvest strawberries (草莓),and the strawberry fields are full of people. These people are picking strawberry. They are not farmers, and they are picking fruit for fun. They can buy strawberries in a supermarket but it is cheaper to pick their own fruit. Strawberries from the farm are also flesher (更新鲜的). Most people also like to pick their own fruit because it is a pleasant way to spend the afternoon.       

One little boy is walking between the rows of plants. He is picking the strawberries and eating them as fast as he can. Two young women in pretty dress and high-heeled shoes(高跟鞋)are getting out of their car.  Now they are taking off their shoes. These women are taking a break from their work. They want to pick fruit and enjoy the sunshine.

56. What time of the year do the people in the passage pick strawberries?

A. Early spring.        B. Early autumn.     C. Early summer.  D. Early winter.

57. The people in the passage are picking fruit because they are ________ .

A. farmers working all day in the fields

B. looking for a pleasant way to spend the afternoon

C. poor and need the money

D. stealing the fresh fruit

58. The story implies (暗示)that strawberries in the supermarket are ______.    

A. larger            B. less fresh    

C. cheaper                 D. better for your health



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年湖北天门市高考模拟英语试题(三) 题型:单项填空

Tom accumulated a grate deal of knowledge about plants and agriculture in growing strawberries, he went back to the abandoned          of spreading straw under the fruit to reduce the necessary amount of watering.

A. custom           B. approach          C. practice        D. principle



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年辽宁省高一10月月考试卷 题型:阅读理解

     One woman in nine will develop breast cancer (乳腺癌) over her lifetime. However, a healthy diet can reduce your risk of developing the disease by 40 to 60 percent.

Generally speaking, eating more vegetables can reduce your risk of developing breast cancer by 60 percent. Vegetables like cabbage are rich in fiber (纤维), can lower your risk of developing breast cancer. To get the most from their goodness, it's recommended that you eat at least three to four cups of these vegetables per week.

It's the oleic acid (油酸) contained in olive oil. American scientists conducting laboratory research have observed that oleic acid has a beneficial effect on breast cancer cells. Olive oil is the richest source of this acid, so whenever possible, use it in place of butter.

Eating fruit is another excellent way to help prevent the development of breast cancer. In fact, women who do eat fruit are six percent less likely to develop the disease. The American Institute for Cancer Research considers berries (浆果类) (blueberries, strawberries, etc.) to be powerful for breast cancer fighters.

It's the lycopene (番茄红素), found in great quantities in tomatoes, that can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. The lycopene found in canned tomatoes is more readily absorbed by the body than that contained in fresh ones, so add tomato juice, paste, and sauce to your diet.

As a result of various studies, the American Institute for Cancer Research has concluded that components (成分) found in green tea can help halt the development of cancerous tumours (瘤) and even prevent them from appearing in the first place. Three cups a day will help you get the benefits of green tea.

1.What does the author mainly tell us?

How to cure breast cancer by eating healthy foods.

Healthy diets help fight against breast cancer.

Proper fruits, vegetables and drinks keep you fit.

Breast cancer is the most terrible killer for women.

2.We learn from the passage that ________.

eating more fruit and vegetables can stop your risk of developing cancer

olive oil can help breast cancer cells develop

women eating tomatoes won't suffer from breast cancer

components found in green tea can reduce the risk of developing cancer

3.What does the underlined word "halt"in the last paragraph mean?





4.According to the passage, the author may agree that ________.

A.Ten percent of women suffer from breast cancer

B.Berries are the richest source of the oleic acid

C.The lycopene found in olive oil has a good effect on breast cancer cells

D.Drinking green tea properly can help you keep healthy



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年四川省高一上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Ever thought you’d get to experience the smell of ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra’s hair, or the scent(气味) of the sun? Visitors to the Reg Vardy Gallery will soon be able to do just that.

The gallery, at Sunderland University, England, is holding a new exhibition “If There Ever Was”. It focuses on scent rather than sight.

The innovative(创新的) idea is the brainchild of curator(馆长) Robert Blackson. His inspiration came from reading the book Fast Food Nation. The book discussed the use of artificial chemicals to flavor things such as milkshakes, making them smell and taste like strawberries, when they’re not actually made from them.

A smell can often conjure up(召唤) memories such as school dinners or a childhood holiday by the sea, but the smells on display, will allow visitors to experience smells their noses won’t have been able to pick out before.

“There’s a whole variety of different smells, including some extinct flowers,” explains Blackson. “Some have been gone for hundreds of years.”

One extraordinary fragrance(香气) is the aftermath(灾难的后果) of the first atomic bomb, dropped on Japan on August 6,1945.

There is also the smell of Clepatra’s hair, based on incense(熏香) that was popular among ancient Egyptians.

The Soviet Mir space station, which burnt up in the atmosphere in 2001, smells of charred(烧焦的) material (the space station caught fire).

Among the stranger smells is the “surface of the sun”.

“It is hard to sum up. It is an atmospheric smell, like walking into a room when the sun has been pouring in” says Blackson. “It gives a freshness, a sun kissed feel with a bit of metal. If you can say something smells hot, this is it.”

A team of 11, including perfume designers, have been working on recreating the smells for the exhibition. James Wong, a botanist(植物学家)at Botanic Gardens Conservation International, UK, helped in the recreation of the smells of four extinct flowering plants.

He did this by closely linking the extinct flowers with the smells of existing ones. With the help of historical reports of how the extinct flowers smelled, he was able to remix the aromas(芳香).

The exhibition runs until June 6.Fourteen extinct and impossible smells are on display.

1.What might be the best title of the passage?

   A. The Reg Vardy Gallery       B. Egyptian queen Cleopatra’s hair

   C. A visit to a new exhibition     D. The scents of ancient Egypt

2.Visitors can enjoy all of the following scents at the Reg Vardy Gallery EXCEPT   .

   A. the scent of ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra’s hair

   B. the smells of charred material of the Soviet Mir space station

   C. the scent of having a childhood vacation by the sea

   D. the smell of the aftermath of the first atomic bomb dropped on Japan

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. Visitors go to Reg Vardy Gallery to enjoy beautiful sights.

   B. James Wong managed to remix the aromas by referring to some historical reports.

   C. The exhibition will last until July 6.

   D. The scents visitors will smell are found in the tomb (坟墓) of the ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra.

4.In which session are you likely to read the passage in a newspaper?

   A. Science       B. Education      C. Entertainment      D. Economy



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届云南省高一上学期期末考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

It’s 2035. You have a job, a family and you’re about 40 years old. Welcome to your future life.      Getting ready for work, you pause in front of the mirror, “Turn red,” you say. Your shirt changes from sky blue to deep red. Tiny preprogrammed electronic(智能电子元件) is rearranged in your shirt to change its color. Looking into the mirror, you find it hard to believe that you are 40. You look much younger. With amazing advances in medicine, people in your generation may live to be 150 years old. You’re not even middle-aged.

   As you go into the kitchen and prepare to pour your breakfast cereal into a bowl, you hear: “To lose weight, you shouldn’t eat that,” from your shoes. They read the tiny electronic code(电 子源码)on the cereal box to find out the nutrition details. You decide to listen to your shoes. “Kitchen, what can I have for breakfast?” A list of possible food appears on the counter as kitchen checks its food supplies.

  “Ready for your trip to space?” you ask your son and daughter. In 2005 only specially trained astronauts went into space—and very few of them. Today anyone can go to space for day trip or longer vacation. Your best friend even works in space. Handing your children three strawberries each, you add, “The doctor said you need these for space travel.” Thanks to medical advice, vaccination shots(防疫针) are a thing of the past. Ordinary foods contain specific vaccines. With the berries in their mouths, the kids head for the front door.

   It’s time for you to go to work. Your car checks your fingerprints and unlocks the doors. “My office. Autopilot,” you command. Your car drives itself down the road and moves smoothly into traffic on the highway. You sit back and unroll your e-newspaper. The latest news downloads and fills the viewer. Looking through the pages, you watch the news as video films rather than read it.

1. What changes the color of your shirt?

A. The mirror.     B. The shirt itself.      C. The counter.        D. The medicine.

2. How do the shoes know that you shouldn’t eat the breakfast cereal?

A. By pouring the breakfast into a bowl.   

B. By listening to the doctor’s advice.

C. By testing the food supplies in the kitchen.  

D. By checking the nutrition details of the food.

3.  The strawberries the children eat serve as ______.

A. breakfast     B. lunch                C. vaccines          D. nutrition

4. How is the text organized?

A. In order of time                   B. In order of frequency.

C. In order of preference(偏爱).      D. In order of importance



