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Dear Susan,










Li Mei

【答案】Dear Susan,

I’m sorry to hear that you are having trouble adapting to your new school life in America, but this situation can be easily changed if you take my advice.

Firstly, why not make some new friends? They can help you to know more about America, and friendship can help you to forget your loneliness. Secondly, you should work hard at English, which can give you more opportunities to communicate with others. Thirdly, it would be a good idea if you travel a lot in your spare time, which will make your life more interesting and colorful as will as broaden your horizons. By doing these, you will be happier with your new life soon.

I hope you will find these suggestions will be of great help to you.


Li Mei


本文是写给前不久随父母去美国的好朋友苏珊,对于她在美国的生活学习不顺心的状态,给她一些建议。成文时应注意以下几点:(1) 内容完整,陈述写信背景以及完整表述给苏珊的建议。(2)人称使用要恰当。(3)时态:一般现在时为主。(4)适当使用一些连词和插入语,使文章自然、流畅。(5)恰当使用一些高级词汇和句型,以增加文章的档次。根据题目的要求和我们上面提到的注意点,列出提纲:第一部分:写作目的(知道她在美国生活学习不顺心很难过;给她鼓励);第二部分:给她建议Firstly,Secondly,Thirdly使表述流畅);表达期待(给她鼓励,告诉她一切都会好起来的)


1.使用高级句型:宾语从句的使用I’m sorry to hear that you are having trouble adapting to your new school life in America;多次使用非限制性定语从句Secondly, you should work hard at English, which can give you more opportunities to communicate with others.;Thirdly … ,which will make your life more interesting and colorful as well as broaden your horizons.。2.使用了过渡词语:Firstly,Secondly,Thirdly等。3.使用了重要短语:adapt to适应;make friends交朋友;as well as以及


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








Childhood is a time when there are little duties. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after, and loved no matter when he may do. It's impossible for him to be given such much again in his later life. But a child is not so free to do as he wishes it. He is continually being told not to do this, not to do that, or being punished for what he had done wrong. When he starts to make their own living, he becomes free from the rules of school and parents. Therefore, he can no longer expect others to pay his food, his clothes, and his room. He has to work hard to live comfortable. If so, he can have the great happiness of build up his own position in society.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


The Science of Risk-Seeking

Sometimes we decide that a little unnecessary danger is worth it because when we weigh the risk and the reward, the risk seems worth taking. 【1】 Some of us enjoy activities that would surprise and scare the rest of us. Why? Experts say it may have to do with how our brains work.

The reason why any of us take any risks at all might have to do with early humans. Risk-takers were better at hunting, fighting, or exploring. 2 As the quality of risk-taking was passed from one generation to the next, humans ended up with a sense of adventure and a tolerance for risk.

So why aren’t we all jumping out of airplanes then? Well, even 200, 000 years ago, too much risk-taking could get one killed. A few daring survived, though, along with a few stay-in-the-cave types. As a result, humans developed a range of character types that still exists today. So maybe you love car racing, or maybe you hate it. 3

No matter where you are on the risk-seeking range, scientists say that your willingness to take risks increases during your teenage years. 4 To help you do that, your brain increases your hunger for new experiences. New experiences often mean taking some risks, so your brain raises your tolerance for risk as well.

___【5 For the risk-seekers, a part of the brain related to pleasure becomes active, while for the rest of us, a part of the brain related to fear becomes active.

As experts continue to study the science of risk-seeking, we’ll continue to hit the mountains, the waves or the shallow end of the pool.

A. It all depends on your character

B. Those are the risks you should jump to take.

C. Being better at those things meant a greater chance of survival.

D. Thus, these well-equipped people survived because they were the fittest.

E. This is when you start to move away from your family and into the bigger world.

F. However, we are not all using the same reference standard to weigh risks and rewards.

G. New brain research suggests our brains work differently when we face a nervous situation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Running a few kilometers each day is good for our health. However, new research says running too much could be bad for us. Running long distances 1 (regular) for many years could make our life 2 (short), not longer. The study is from the Minneapolis Heart Institute. A researcher said too much running can created plague() inside your heart, 3 can lead to heart disease. He wrote that running too much for many years takes away the good things from exercise. He 4 (add) that the risk of heart disease could be 5 same as someone who never exercised.

Researchers looked 6 the health and training of 3,300 runners over the age of 35. 70% of them ran over 30 kilometers a week. Men who ran marathons for 25 years had 62% more plaque in their heart than men who did little 7 no exercise. Another doctor said he felt cheated. He started running marathons in 1967. He used 8 (run) 60 kilometers every week. He said, “I thought I was out there exhausting 9 (me), building an absolutely strong heart.” The doctor advised 10 (exercise) frequently but not to overdo things.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





1There was a time that this singer was popular with the young men.

2It was a fun to play football after class.

3I am determining to change my job. No one else can change my mind.

4He insisted that the problem discussed at the meeting was carried out right away.

5Shall we go straightly to the hotel or have a rest first?

6Although I try to talk to my classmates. I still find it hard make good friends with them.

7Now they make up their mind to go and settle in the countryside.

8Parents should actively urge their children to take advantage with the opportunity to join sports teams.

9She insisted that I went to the prison to visit her brother with her.

10It’s no pleasure look through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Today is Sunday. I’ve been in Canada for two months. This is the first time that I’ve been away my family for such a long time. With the help of Katia, a roommate of me, I’ve soon got used to live without my parents around. Katia, like many other Russian girls, are nice and lively. We became friends shortly after we meet each other. Although her English is a little hardly to understand, we enjoy chatting and we usually talk a lot about our own family. We’re both surprised that Chinese culture or Russian culture are so different. Now we are planning a small party for the next Sunday. There, Katia will introduce me to some of her friends, one of who has been to China several times. I just can’t wait.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1After each exam, our English teacher shows us a PPT to present some badly w________ compositions with typical mistakes.

2Since you're busy, I won't waste any more of your v___________ time.

3She got great ___________ (满足) from helping classmates to learn.

4My mum became a teacher because she ___________ (更喜欢) books and children.

5Walmart has a v___________ of goods(商品).

6It is ___________ (建议) that sunscreen be applied every one to two hours in a sunny day.

7Food is a basic n___________ of life.

8Since I was born, I have never l___________ my parents down, who both feel proud of me..

9It is the ___________ (好胜的) nature of all of us that drives us to push harder, dig deeper and become stronger.

10As your teachers, should we be ___________(考虑周到的) to all the students in class?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Breakthroughs in science and technology are paving the way for modern cities to support bigger populations. Now, we see the most exciting urban innovations to show you exactly how theyll improve your citys infrastructure(基础设施).

Lighting Up The Night

Anthony Di Mari dreamed up an electric tree to help irrigate public parks and light them at night. These electric trees contain a special infill (填充物) that collects water from rainfall. The water is then distributed through a shallow underground irrigation system with the help from the trees’ swaying movement. An electric motor turns energy from the waving of the artificial trees into electricity, which is used to light up the trees’ outer LEDs.

Thinking Outside The Box

As more people flock to urban areas, city planners will need to get increasingly creative about how to satisfy residents’ health and transportation needs within decreasing available space. One way to achieve this is by updating infrastructure to support biking and walking by building suspended(悬浮的) roundabouts like hovering in the Netherlands. By lifting bicycle and pedestrian traffic above busy roadways, cities can significantly decrease over-crowded traffic condition.

Waving Hello To Clean Energy

Cities that dont receive enough sunlight may find an attractive alternative in wave power. Since ocean waves rarely experience disruption(中断), electric engines driven by their clockwork push-and-pull can reliably provide power throughout the year. Further, thanks to advances in wave power technology, engineers have been able to move wave power engines farther offshore, where the waves pack the most punch, making the engines extremely efficient. So in the future, heavily populated coastal cities may use wave to meet their energy needs.

【1】What is the special infill used to do?

A. To make the trees beautiful.

B. To produce electricity.

C. To help the trees’ swaying.

D. To collect water from rainfall.

2】How do the Netherlands improve the city traffic according to the text?

A. By updating the city roadway condition.

B. By building walking passages underground.

C. By creating suspended roundabouts above roadways.

D. By supporting more biking and walking.

【3】What does the author mainly tell us in the last paragraph?

A. The advantages of wave power.

B. The ways to use wave power.

C. The future of wave power.

D. The advances in wave power technology.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Everyone knows that the Frenchmen are romantic, the Italians are fashionable and the Germans are serious. Are these just stereotypes(刻板印象) or is there really such a thing as national character? And if there is, can it affect how a nation succeed or fail?

At least one group of people is certain that it can. A recent survey of the top 500 entrepreneurs (企业家) in the UK found that 70% felt that their efforts were not appreciated by the British public. Britain is hostile (敌意的) to success, they said. It has a culture of jealousy(嫉妒).__【1】_ Jealousy is sometimes known as the green-eyed monster and the UK is its home.

Scientists at Warwich University in the UK recently tested this idea. They gathered a group of people together and gave each an imaginary amount of money. _ 2_ Those given a little were given the chance to destroy the large amount of money given to others but at the cost of losing their own. Two thirds of the people tested agreed to do this.

_3__ But there is also opposite evidence. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development recently reported that the UK is now the world's fourth largest economy. That is not bad for people who are supposed to hate success. People in the UK also work longer hours than anyone else in Europe. So the British people are not lazy, either.

It is not really success that the British dislike, says Carey Cooper, a professor of management at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. Its people using their success in a way that seems proud or unfair or which separates them from their roots.

_4__ They set out to do things in their way. They work long hours. By their own efforts they become millionaires.__ 5__ It hardly seems worth following their example. If they were more friendly, people would like them more. And more people want to be like them.

A. This seems to prove that the entrepreneurs were right to complain.

B. The one who owns most money in the end is the winner.

C. As a result, the survey said, entrepreneurs were unloved, unwanted and misunderstood.

D. It is not true that British people are born jealous of others` success.

E. Some were given a little, others a great deal.

F. But instead of being happy they complain that nobody loves them.

G. Perhaps it is the entrepreneurs who are the problem.

