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2.[1]When I was young,I wondered why neighborhoods didn't plant fruit trees to build community.Later,my husband and I decided the right way to answer this question was to do itourselves,so we transformed our front yard with fruit trees,such as strawberries,pomegranates (石榴),and oranges.
[2]Every crop brought us closer to neighbors and strangers.The food was an excuse to communicate.Kids in the neighborhood including our sons learned patience and gentle timing.When we had extra,we'd share it.Then,we received a powerful lesson:a gift hidden as a loss.Our first-ever crop of pomegranates had ripened.But at harvest,they       ,stolen in the middle of the night.We were shocked,sad and angry.One of my friends had fun suggesting we post a sign to curse(诅咒)thieves who stole our fruit.
[3]And suddenly,the lesson was clear.We did need a sign.Last fall,we had a larger crop of pomegranates.We posted a sign that read,"If you'd like one,please knock and introduce yourself and we'd be happy to cut one off the tree for you.Cutting saves the branches and promotes future growth so we can continue to share with new friends like you."
[4]While one pomegranate was taken,most others were left to new friends.This year,we won the Kindness Contest award,so we planted three new fruit trees-a peach,a pear and a plum.Before they fruit,I'll add a big sign to the yard to encourage sharing.Today,I am happy to role model generosity for my young sons and to have been blessed with the opportunity to provide an edible(可食的)front yard for others.
66.What does the underlined word"it"in Paragraph I refer to?(no more than 5 words)
67.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words.(no more than 5 words)
were all gone/were all lost/were all missing
68.Explain the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4.
Although one pomegranate was stolen,the rest remained for others.
69.What does the author encourage us to do through the story?(no more than 10 words)
share what you have with others.
70.List three wolds to describe what kind of person the author is.
①generous②kind/warm-hearted ③wise/smart.

分析 文章讲述了一对夫妇,在自家的院子里种了果树,但在果实成熟时,却发现被偷了.于是他们便做了一个牌子,上面写了如果想吃果实可以跟他们说.因为在他们看来,好东西是要和大家一起分享的.

解答 答案:66.Planting fruit trees.猜测词意题.句中I wondered why neighborhoods didn't plant fruit trees to build community说我想知道为什么没人种果树,后面说我和丈夫找到了解决问题的办法,决定我们自己来做这件事,it指的是种果树.
67.were all gone/were all lost/were all missing 补全句意题.句中stolen in the middle of the night说半夜被人偷了,当然是到收获的时候,树上的果子都不见了.
68.Although one pomegranate was stolen,the rest remained for others.句意理解题.划线句子前面说If you'd like one,please knock and introduce yourself and we'd be happy to cut one off the tree for you.Cutting saves the branches and promotes future growth so we can continue to share with new friends like you如果你想要一个,可以敲门告诉我们,我们会很高兴给你一个.这样来年会有更多的果实可以和别人分享.
69.share what you have with others.推理判断题.文章最后说Before they fruit,I'll add a big sign to the yard to encourage sharing.Today,I am happy to role model generosity for my young sons and to have been blessed with the opportunity to provide an edible(可食的)front yard for others我们很高兴能和人分享果实.

点评 阅读表达题是考查语篇理解能力和语言表达能力.解题时,要在读懂文章的基础上,学会从文章中提取关键信息;同时,组织语言要正确,符合文章原意.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.It is normal for students to feel_____ before the examination even though they have prepared well.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.Learning English well is important to our future.
Learning English well isof importance to our future.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

stress    suffer    personal    injury    use    celebrate    contribute
57.Personally,I don't think it right to give children whatever they want.
58.Some people couldn't stand thestressful lifestyle in big cities,so they returned to their hometown.
59.They held a party tocelebrate their graduation.
60.He feels uncomfortable because he issuffering from headache.
61.He couldn't get involved with the basketball match because of his seriousinjury.
62.Theycontributed a lot of money to charity last year and helped people in need.
63.It isuseless to complain.Instead,you had better do something to solve the problem.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.independent,curious,take charge of,gift,topic,reason,put off
57.The article covered a lot of interestingtopics.
58.The kid looked at mecuriously as if I came from another planet.
59.The notice says the matchwill be/is/has been put off until tomorrow because of the bad weather.
60.Having a job gives you financialindependence.
61.Man is the only creature that isgifted with speech.
62.The restaurant is popular for its delicious food andreasonable price.
63.The boss asked me totake charge of the company when he was on holiday.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

7.I beheve in the power of forgiveness.It gives a chance,for some,to (11)B for their previous mistakes.I have come to learn the true (12)D of forgiveness over the years through a    personal(13)A  of mine.
I was riding with my friend's family in their car when we were hit by a driver,Eddy Jo    who was so drunk.(14)C,everyone survived,although I came away from the  (15)D badly    injured.Nearly a decade later I am still in pain every day.In count,the judge  (16)C Eddy    to twenty-five years in prison.I didn't (17)Athe full extent of this when I was thirteen.I was (18)B about how the ignorance of him had changed my life forever.
As time went by,I began to think of Eddy in jail,away from his family,and how he    must feel.I received letters from him,stating his (19)D for his actions,and yet I couldn't    bring myself to answer.I was so overwhelmed with so many different emotions that I didn't know what to say.I have now (20)C Eddy in my heart and have the courage to write to him.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

14.The song that has meant the most to me is called"I Believe I Can Fly"by R-Kelly.I chose this song because every time I listen to the song it (16)B me that as long as I believe,I can be or do whatever I want in life with a (l7)C.I didn't know much of what the song (18)D a long time ago.But as I grew older,I still loved the song and started lo listen to the (19)A more and more.Every time I listen to it,I think about all the difficulties I have(20)A.
     When I was little,I had to use a wheelchair and a walker (21)BI have a disability named Cerebral Palsy(唐氏综合症).The doctors told my mother I had a slim(22)C of ever  walking but I was determined to walk.I knew that I had to believe in(23)C to accomplish my goal to walk someday.
      One day the doctor told my mother that he could do a(24)D that would help me walk.So when I was three and one-half,I had my first surgery.
      I disliked the cast(石膏)because it was a half body cast,with a bar in the middle of my (25)D,and it was very itchy(痒).I was a very (26)B kid so being in a bed for six weeks,not being able to(27)A,felt horrible.I knew after all the (28)A and the crying it would be worth it in the long run.
     Finally,at the age of four,I got my cast off and I felt (29)B when I finally went through all the therapy(治疗)and learned how to (30)C.
    The song says,"I see me running through that open door."That's (31)C I felt like;I believed I could fly just like the song says.That day it felt like I was on cloud nine (32)D  my wings.
    I've always believed I can touch the sky.I still have more obstacles to overcome,(33 )DI will always believe I can fly,as long as I believe.The song (34)B me so well that I feel like the song was written for me.As the years (35)A,I am going to continue to spread my wings and believe.
20.A.overcomeB.touchedC.seenD. beaten
21.A.whenB.becauseC.so thatD.in case
23.A.the doctorB.my mumC.myselfD.them
35.A.go byB.go outC.go upD.go for


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.South Korea's sunken ship drowned 288 passengers,       16 more still missing.(  )
A.leftB.leavingC.having leftD.to leave


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.If the government ______ the public investment(投资) between big cities and rural areas,farmers will not leave their homes and families to go to the big cities.(  )

