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Last Saturday,our school had organized an activity to visit the children at a local orphanage.As one of the volunteer,I took part in it.We took many books as well many kinds of school supplies and toys for the children.They were delighted to receive the gifts.In the morning,we played some games with them when we used to play in our childhood.Then we cooked and had lunch here.In the afternoon,we gave them some performances.Before leaving the orphanage,we had photos take with them and gave them our contact details so that they could keep in touch with one another.Each of us had a happily time.We gave the children our care and help,but in return,they gave us their smiles and love.

分析 本文主要介绍作者学校组织学生们去孤儿院和孩子们玩耍,度过了一段快乐的时光.

解答 Last Saturday,our school had organized an activity to visit the children at a local orphanage.As one of the volunteer,I took part in it.We took many books as well∧many kinds of school supplies and toys for the children.They were delighted to receive the gifts.In the morning,we played some games with them when we used to play in our childhood.Then we cooked and had lunch here.In the afternoon,we gave them some performances.Before leaving the orphanage,we had photos take with them and gave them our contact details so that they could keep in touch with one another.Each of us had a happily time.We gave the children our care and help,but in return,they gave us their smiles and love.
1.去掉had 考查动词时态.根据句中时间状语last Saturday表示过去时间,用一般过去时态.
2.volunteer改为volunteers 考查名词复数.one of意为"…之一",后接名词用复数形式.
3.加as 考查固定搭配.as well as意为"也,还",是固定搭配.
4.to改为for 考查介词.take sth.to sb.意为"给某人带某物",是固定搭配.              
5.what改为that/which 考查定语从句.分析句子结构可知这是一个定语从句,先行词games指事,作play的宾语,用关系代词that/which.              
6.here改为there 考查副词.根据句意:我们在那儿煮饭.用here.
7.taking改为taken  考查过去分词.photos与take之间是动宾关系,用过去分词作宾语补足语.                  
8.they改为we 考查代词.根据句意:以便我们相互联系.用代词we.
9.happily改为happy 考查形容词.time是名词,用形容词修饰.          
10.but改为and 考查连词.前后两个单句表示并列关系,而非转折关系.

点评 高考短文改错题的形式有说明文,短文故事,书信等,具有很强的实用性.短文的内容和语言都符合高中学生的实际,从表面上看类似一篇学生习作.首先,通读全文,了解短文大意,把握全篇的时态、人称及行文逻辑,在通读全文时把一些容易的错误先改好,再进行逐句改错.其次,要进行逐个句子的改错.这是要对文中的词法、句法和语篇着重分析和特别注意.最后把改好的短文再阅读一遍,检查答案是否正确,感觉是否还有不妥之处,最终形成定稿.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.The government will guidethe country through the difficulties ahead.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

Many years ago the poor man grew an orange tree.On the tree there were much fine oranges.One day he found one of them was so big as a football.He took it to the king.The king was so happily that he gave the poor man lots money.When a rich man heard of it,he said for himself,"I'll take my gold cup to the king but he will give me much money."The next day the king received the cup.The king is very fond of the cup and he told the rich man,"I have an orange.It's beautiful than the cup,so I have decided to give it to him as the reward instead of money."


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

    I was sitting at my favorite table in a restaurant last Sunday and wait for the food I had ordered to arrive.I suddenly found that Lin Ling,one of my classmate,worked like a waitress there.Honest speaking,it was great surprise for me to find her working there.As far as I know,she's from a richer family.What was it that made her to work there?I walked up to her and asked her the reason.When asking,she said,"I just want to earn some pocket money so that we can help some children in poor areas go back to school."How a good girl!I should learn from her.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.The Internet brings us many advantages.With the Internet,people can send and receive e-mails.On the Internet,people can skim over news.Using the Telnet,the user anywhere on the Internet can log into any other machine on which he has an account.It is possible to use the FTP program to copy files from one machine on the Internet to another.
    But the Internet also brings us troubles.Internet use seems to cause a fall in psychological (心理的) health,according to research at Carnegie Mellon University.Even people who spent just a few hours a week on the Internet experienced more depression and loneliness than those who logged on less often,the two-year study showed.And it wasn't that people who were already feeling bad spent more time on the Internet,but that using the Net actually seemed to cause the bad feelings.
    Researchers are puzzling over the results,which were completely opposite to what they had expected.They expected that the Net would prove socially healthier than television,since the Net allo ws users to choose their information and to communicate with ot hers.
    The fact that Internet use reduces time used for family and friends may be the reason for the drop in health,researchers said.Faceless,bodiless"virtual"(虚拟的) communication may be less psychologically satisfying than actual conversations,and the relationships formed through it may not be so deep.Another possibility is that exposure to the wider world through the Net makes users less satisfied with their lives.
"But it's important to remember this is not about the technology; it's about how it is used,"said one of the researchers."It really points to the need for considering social factors (因素) when you design new inventions."
28.What would be the best title for this passage?B
A.The Internet can bring people many advantages
B.The Internet use may cause psychological problems
C.The Internet users are not satisfied with their lives
D.We shouldn't use the Internet
29.Why are the researchers puzzling over the results?A
A.Because the results were completely different from what they had thought.
B.Because the Net proved socially healthier than television.
C.Because the Internet users were all healthier.
D.Because the Internet users experienced less dep ression and loneliness.
30.What does the underlined part in the last paragraph mean?D
A.We should remember to learn how to use computers.
B.This passage is not about the technology but about how it is used.
C.We should remember to learn about the technology.
D.What matters is not the technology but how it is used.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

Recently,many people have participated about a heated online debate over whether to send the old to nursing homes.People differ in their opinion.Here list the ideas of those who in favor of it.
Living in nursing homes,which they say,old people can enjoy more benefits than staying at home.
For one aspect,they can have more chances of communicate with each other,as they have common topics and similar hobbies.However,they can do many things together and don't feel alone.Some old people prefer living in a nursing home to live at home,saying"We may quarrel with ourselves children because of the generation gap".Another aspect,which is highly valued,is that the old people can have regular professional medical care from doctors.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Do you want to go out of town for a bit of rest and relaxation?Before you start packing,visit these best travel sites for vacationers.In my opinion,they help people deal with common problems that pop up during a trip.
Based on the advertised photos,the hotel you are considering appears to be clean and modern.Take a second look through the eyes of Oyster.com.Their representatives inspect resort areas and post the real images uncovering marketing lies.You see ACTUAL pictures of the rooms,attractions and beautiful beaches.
Are you planning to travel on a budget?Discover the best deals for flights,hotels and car rentals at Skyscanner.net.They offer reasonable and comprehensive travel comparison.The best part is that their services are free.You don't have to sign up,provide personal information or go through a social network.
Chat with someone other than a travel agent about a location.At Virtualtourist.com,fellow travelers and locals talk about their experiences in specific areas.This site is set up like a forum(论坛),so you can ask questions and get answers in the comfort of your own home.Find out where to eat,play and get pleasure in a place without getting food poison or robbed by criminals.
Unfortunately,Americans get into trouble abroad sometimes.Prepare for possible emergencies by visiting Travel.state.gov.There,the Bureau of Consular Affairs offers advice on how to handle the bad things that happen to good people in other countries.You learn what to do in the case of child abduction(绑架),a lost passport and illness.In addition,these officials post travel warnings regarding dangerous regions and why foreigners should avoid them.
Are you ready to do your homework?Prepare for your departure by checking out these best travel sites for vacationers.Learn what you need to know before walking out of the door.
28.What is the characteristic of Oyster.com?C
A.It offers you a lot of travel information.
B.It tells tourists where the cheap hotels are.
C.The photos on the site are really reliable.
D.The representatives of Oyster.com are enthusiastic.
29.What is the biggest benefit of your visiting Skyscanner.net?A
A.You can accept their services for free.
B.You can book the most modern hotels.
C.You can make many friends through the social network.
D.You can find the cheapest tour description and direction.
30.We can learn from this passage thatB.
A.Virtualtourist.com gives you a chance to chat with a travel agent
B.you'll get answers to your travel questions at Virtualtourist.com
C.the Bureau of Consular Affairs is in charge of Travel.state.gov
D.if you lose your passport you'll get help from Virtualtourist.com.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.He has got both corresponding education and talents and is by all means_______ this job.(  )
A.equalB.equal toC.equal forD.equal of

