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注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。


The Internet is playing a important part in our day life. On the net, They can learn about news both in home and abroad and some other informations as well. We can also made phone calls, send messages by e-mail, go to net schools, and learn foreign languages by ourselves. Beside, we can enjoy music, watch sports matches, and play the chess or cards. The net even help us to do shopping, have a chat with others and make friend with them. In a word, the Internet has made our life more easier.


2.day→ daily

3.They →We

4.in → at

5.informations→ information

6.made →make

7.Beside →Besides

8.help →helps

9.friend→ friends

10.more → much


试题分析: 本文为论说文,论述了网络在我们日常生活中作用:通过网络,我们可以了解国内外新闻,打电话、发邮件、足不出户学外语、听音乐、看球赛、打扑克、下棋;另外,我们还可以网上购物、聊天、交友,总之,网络使我们生活更便捷。

1. 考察冠词。元音音素前应用不定冠词an而important为元音音素开头。

2. daily考查形容词。日常生活应为“daily life.” daily为形容词。

3. →We 考察人称代词。文章前后指代须一致。

4. → at 考察短语搭配。在国内外应为 “at home and abroad”

5. information 考察名词。信息information为不可数名词。

6. →make 考察动词。情态动词后应接动词原形。

7. →Besides 考察连接词。 表示递进关系应用besides (in addition/moreover/what’s more beside 表示在。。。旁边

8. →helps 考察主谓一致。 主语the net 为单数,谓语动词也须用单词的谓语动词。

9. friends 考察固定短语搭配 “交朋友”应为“make friends with”。

10. → much 考察副词。修饰形容词比较级,表程度多用much,不能用more



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏宿迁剑桥国际学校高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The experts have given some practical advice ______ the problems that most people are concerned about in food safety.

A. in charge of B. in honor of

C. in favor of D. in regard to


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江第一高级中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

The 1. (finally) event in 2. Olympics is the marathon. It is also usually 3. (excite). As the leader comes 4. the stadium 5. (run) the last few metres of the 42-kilometre race, the crowd rises to its 6. (foot) to shout and cheer. The name of the race 7. (come) from a battle in Ancient Greece. According to the story, a soldier ran from the scene of the battle, Marathon, 8. Athens, to bring the news of a Greek victory 9. the Persians. He died just after 10. (arrive).


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东中山杨仙逸中学高二上第一次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达















参考词汇: 经济economy (n.)

Dear Bob,

It’s very kind of you to write to me and let me know about your beautiful city. Now I’d like to tell you something about my hometown Hui Zhou.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东中山杨仙逸中学高二上第一次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A young woman carrying a three-year-old child got on a bus. The conductor hurried to give her a warm welcome and then kindly asked the other passengers to make more room for the woman and her child. On seeing this, people began to talk. "You know this conductor used to be very rude. Now suddenly he has changed his bad behavior , "said a middle-aged man.

"Yes, he should be praised and we must write a letter to the company," said a second passenger. "That's right," another lady said, "I wish a newspaper reporter were here so that more people could learn from this conductor."

Just then a gentleman who looked like a teacher turned to the conductor and said, "Excuse me, but can I know your name, please? Your excellent service must be praised..."

Before he could open his mouth, the three-year-old child sitting on the young woman's lap interrupted, "I know his name. I call him Dad."

1. The passengers were ________ to see the conductor's kindness to the woman and the child.

A. excited B. pleased

C. interested D. surprised

2. One passenger suggested writing a letter to the comp­any to ______ .

A. make a demand for more buses

B. thank the conductor for his good service

C. criticize the conductor for his rude behavior

D. invite a newspaper reporter to write about the conductor

3. What was the gentleman?

A. A teacher.

B. A newspaper reporter.

C. Not known from the story.

D. The conductor's friend from his company.

4. The word "he" in the last paragraph refers to _______.

A. the gentleman B. the conductor

C. the middle-aged man D. the three-year-old child

5. It is clear from the story that the conductor ______.

A. has changed his attitude towards his work

B. has now been kind and polite to all passengers

C. has not changed his rude behavior to passen­gers

D. has now been kind and polite to women with children


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃武威第六中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A beautiful woman took a plane on business. She found her seat and sat down next to a young man. The man was just thinking of making a few dollars on the plane. When he saw the woman, he got an idea.

“Hey! Would you like to play a game?” he asked the woman. “No, thank you. I just want to take a nap (打盹),” the woman answered.

“It’s really easy. All you have to do is to answer the questions that I ask you. If you don’t know the answer, you give me five dollars. If I don’t know the answer to your question, then I’ll give you five dollars.”

“No,” the woman still refused.

“OK. If I don’t know the answer to your question, I’ll give you five hundred dollars. How about that?” the man said. Then the woman became interested and decided to join in the game.

“OK. How many moons does Jupiter (木星) have?” asked the young man. The woman reached into her purse and took out a five-dollar bill.

“What goes up the mountain with three legs and comes back with four?” the woman asked. Then the young man took out his computer and searched the Internet for an answer. Minutes later, the young man handed five hundred dollars to the woman.

After a few hours, the young man really wanted to know the answer to the question. So he asked the woman, “What is the answer to your question?” The woman reached into her purse and handed the young man a five-dollar bill.

1.Why did the man ask the woman to play a game?

A. He wanted to show his kindness.

B. He wanted to have a pleasant journey.

C. He wanted to earn some money from it.

D. He wanted to make friends with the woman.

2.How much did the woman get at the end of the story?

A. $ 500. B. $ 5. C. $ 10. D. $ 490.

3.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. The woman told the man the answer to her question.

B. The woman gave the man’s money back to him.

C. The woman asked the man another question.

D. The woman didn’t know the answer, either.

4.We can learn from the story that the woman is ______.

A. clever B. friendly

C. polite D. honest


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃武威第六中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The boy looked very ______; he must have seen something _____ on the way to school.

A. frightened ; frightening

B. frightened ; frightened

C. frightening ; frightened

D. frightening; frightening


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建莆田第八中学高一上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Life is often like a game of cards—you can’t help the hand you’re dealt, but you can help the way you play it. It’s easy for us to do something without careful thinking, but it’s hard for us to take back what we have done.

There was once a who repeated a bit rumor(谣言) about a neighbor. Within a few days the whole community the story. The person it concerned was deeply and annoyed. Later, the woman responsible for the rumor learned that it was completely . She was very sorry and went to a old man to find out what she could do to the damage.

“Go to the marketplace,” he said, “and a chicken, and have it . Then on your way home, pluck its feathers and drop them along the road.” surprised by this advice, the woman did she was told.

The next day the wise man said, “Now, go and collect all those you dropped yesterday and them back to me.”

The woman the same road, but to her disappointment, the wind all the feathers away. After searching for , she returned with only three in her hand. “You see,” said the old man, “It’s easy to drop them, it’s impossible to get them back. So it is with rumor. doesn’t take much to spread a rumor, but you do, you can never completely make up for the wrong.”

1.A. boy B. man C. woman D. chicken

2.A. knew B. found C. realized D. recognized

3.A. wounded B. hurt C. injured D. attacked

4.A. collecting B. sparing C. spreading D. sharing

5.A. polite B. untrue C. suitable D. illegal

6.A. wise B. famous C. stupid D. noble

7.A. do B. ruin C. cause D. repair

8.A. provide B. charge C. bargain D. buy

9.A. bought B. dropped C. killed D. flown

10.A. one by one B. all in all C. day by day D. step by step

11.A. As B. Although C. Despite D. Instead

12.A. that B. it C. what D. which

13.A. feathers B. words C. action D. rumors

14.A. bring B. keep C. hold D. break

15.A. copied B. followed C. had D. instructed

16.A. blew B. should blow C. had blown D. blown

17.A. days B. times C. hours D. periods

18.A. but B. so C. and D. thus

19.A. He B. This C. That D. It

20.A. unless B. once C. until D. whether


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建宁德五校教学联合体高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


Once, there was a young man who liked travel-ling. One day he found a spring of sweet water unexpectedly. He f 1. his leather container in order to bring some back to his old teacher. After the long journey, the young man 2. (赠送,献给) the old man with the water. His teacher took a deep drink, smiled, and 3. his student very much for the sweet water. The young man went home 4. a happy heart.

After the student left, the teacher let a 5. student taste the water. He spit it out,6. (说) it was awful. Obviously, it was no longer fresh. He asked his teacher, “ Sir, the water was awful. 7. did you pretend to like it?”

The teacher replied, “You tasted the water. I tasted the gift. The water was simply the container for an act of 8. (仁慈)and love. Nothing could be sweeter.”

The lesson is that when we receive gifts of love from children, 9. it is cheap or priceless, the proper response is appreciation. We love the idea within the gift r 10. than the thing.

