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  My brother Martin is really for the birds! He has pictures of birds on the walls of his room. He reads books about birds. He even goes on bird-watching trips. I used to think that was pretty silly.

  Martin decided we needed more birds in our yard. He began building bird feeders. He built them out of wood, jar lids, plastic bottles, tinsyou name it! Our yard was full of bird feeders.

  After a while, a surprising thing happened. I started watching the yard more and more. It was so much fun to see the different birds coming and going! I liked to hear them sing, too. Pretty soon, I started running to Martin when I wanted to know the name of a new bird. Before I knew it, I was a bird watcher, too ! If you want to bring birds to your yard or apartment windows, here are a couple of easy bird feeders you can make.

  1)Pop some popcorn. Take a needle and thread. String the popcorn onto the thread. Tie a knot at each end. Hang it out for the birds.

  2)Find a pine cone. Tie a string around one end. Spread peanut butter on the pine cone. Stick sunflower seeds into the peanut butter.

(1)What is the author's purpose in the last paragraph?

[    ]

ATo tell a funny story.

BTo tell why you should feed birds.

CTo give information about how to make a bird feeder.

DTo tell many kinds of birds need feeding.

(2)Which of these would be the best title for the story?

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A"For the Birds"

B"The Story of Martin"

C"The Surprising Thing"

D"To Save the Birds"

(3)Martin likes birds because ______ 

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Ahe likes birds in his yard to eat insects

Bhe likes to observe them

Che likes to listen to them

Dthe birds can sing many songs

(4)Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

[    ]

AMartin knows many names of birds.

B"I" never like birds.

CWe can make birds feeders with many things.

DYou have to spend time on it if you want to watch birds.

(5)From the story we know ______. 

[    ]

Awe can never change our ideas

Bbirds always get food from bird watchers

Cwe must take good acre of birds

Dinterest is easy to have but you've got to put your heart into it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


  Dorking police are still looking for the driver of a Ford truck which didn’t stop after causing an accident on the No. 24 Road between Beare Green and Capel. The accident involved(涉及) three other cars, a Cortina, an Austin Princess and an MGB.

  The driver of the Cortina, 18-year-old Nicola Stacey from Dorking, was taken to hospital for an operation to save her eyesight.

  Dr. James, driver of the Austin Princess, was on his way to   He said, “I was keeping my distance behind the   when I saw a truck coming very fast in the opposite direction on the wrong side of the road.”

  Miss Heather Inness, driver of the  , said, “When I saw the truck overtake(超越) me and the other car coming, I drove to the left to get out of the way. So we were not hurt.” Mis Inness was on her way to Heathrow Airport with Mr. Peter Walford. She added, “the worst part of it was that I missed my plane.”

(1)Dorking police are still looking for the driver of ______.

[  ]

Athe Ford truck      Bthe Cortina

Cthe Austin Princess    Dthe MGB

(2)How many vehicles(机动车) did the accident involve?

[  ]

AOne.   BTwo.   CThree.   DFour

(3)From the news we know ______ was badly hurt in the accident.

[  ]

AMr. Walford    BMiss Stacey

CMr. James     DMiss Inness

(4)According to Dr. James and Miss Inness, ______ hit each other.

[  ]

Athe Cortina and the MGB

Bthe Cortina and the Ford truck

Cthe Austin Princess and the MGB

Dthe Ford truck and the Austin Princess

(5)Where was the Ford truck moving when the accident happened?

[  ]

ATo London.      BTo Capel.

CTo Beare Green.   DWe can't learn from the article.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


  Most dog owners feel that their dogs are their best friendsAlmost everyone likes dogs because they try hard to please their ownersOne of my favorite stories is about a dog who wanted his owner to please him

  One of my friends has a large German shepherd(牧羊狗) named JackEvery Sunday afternoon, my friend takes Jack for a walk in the parkJack likes these long walks very much

  One Sunday afternoon, a young man came to visit my friendHe stayed a long time, and he talked and talkedSoon it was time for my friend to take Jack for his walk, but the visitor didn't leaveJack became very worried about his walk in the parkHe walked around the room several times and then sat down directly in front of the visitor and looked at himBut the visitor paid no attentionHe continued talkingFinally, Jack couldn't stand it any longerHe went out of the room and came back a few minutes laterHe sat down again in front of the visitor, but this time he held the man’s hat in his mouth

  German shepherds aren't the only intelligent dogsAnother intelligent dog is a Seeing Eye dogThis is a special dog which helps blind people walk along the streets and do many other thingsWe call these dogs Seeing Eye dogs because they are the “eye” of the blind people and they help them to “see”Seeing Eye dogs generally go to special schools for several years to learn to help blind people

1The writer tells the story about the dog Jack to show that ______

[  ]

Ait, like many other dogs, always tried to please its owner master

Bit, unlike many other dogs, always wanted its master to please it

Cit was more intelligent than many other dogs

Dit was the most faithful dog of his friend’s

2Jack came to sit in front of the visitor in order to ______

[  ]

Aplease him

Bbe pleased

Cask him to leave immediately

Dinvite him for a walk

3The sentence “Finally, Jack couldn't stand it any longer” Means ______

[  ]

AJack could no longer put up with the visitor

BJack could no longer stand but the might sit down

CJack was very tired and wanted a rest

DJack was very angry with the visitor

4Seeing Eye dogs ______

[  ]

Aare more intelligent than German shepherds

Bhave only one eye

Chelp blind people go to special schools

Dhelp and see for blind people

5Which of the following titles would be the best for the passage?

[  ]

ADogs-A Great Help to People

BDogs-Our Faithful Companions

CAn Introduction to Dogs

DFamous Dogs in Germany


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


  Nothing was going right for DrTurner at the hospitalHe made a mistake while operating on a patientHe felt sure he was no longer trusted and decided to change his jobOne day he learned from the paper that a doctor was looking for a partnerThe doctor, whose name was Johnson, lived in Thorby, a small town in the north of England

  A few days later DrTurner went to Thorby, and arrived at DrJohnson’s home early in the afternoonThough old and a little deaf, DrJohnson still had a good brainHe kept talking to the visitor about the town and its peopleWhen they turned to the question of partnership, it was already seven in the eveningDrJohnson invited DrTurner to have dinner with him in a restaurant before catching the train back go LondonDrTurner noticed that DrJohnson was fond of good food and expensive winesThey had an excellent mealWhen the bill was brought, DrJohnson felt in his pocket“Oh, dear,” he said“I've forgotten my money“That’s all right,” DrTurner said“I'll pay the bill”As he did so, he began to wonder whether DrJohnson was worth of trust

  partner nperson who takes part with another person in some acivity

1DrTurner decided to leave his present job because ______

[  ]

Ahe had never been trusted

Bit demanded too great skills

Che believed it offered little hope for his future

Dhe thought the hospital would like him to leave

2The two doctors spent most of the afternoon talking about ______

[  ]

Athings of no interest to DrJohnson

Bthings of no importance to DrTurner

Chealth matters

Dfood and drink

3The story suggests that ______

[  ]

ADrJohnson did not like DrTurner

Bthe two doctors would become friends

Cthe two doctors would not work together

DDrTurner decided to stay at his present job

4The words did so in the last sentence mean ______

[  ]

Acaught the train back to London

Bfelt it his pocket

Cpaid the bill

Dsaid those words


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054


  The old man rested in the sun.He thought of his violin which he loved dearly.He remembered buying it in 1931 from a stranger who needed money.He had paid him 250

  “Uncle Sanchez, a telegram(电报)for you!”a boy shouted.

  Slowly the man opened it.First he smiled,then he laughed.

  “What is it?”the boy asked.

  “From the American who saw my violin at Christmas.”He remembered that the stranger had looked inside the violin as if he were looking for gold.”He says my violin was made by Stradivari.He will buy it for 100000.”

  Sanchez was not the first person to learn that his violin was a treasure(财宝).He is just one of the most recent.Stories like this could be told in different parts of the world.Some of Stradivari’s violins have been carefully protected,others have been harmed by carelessness.

  Almost nothing is known of Stradivari’s early life.But we do know he was born in a small village in Italy in 1644.As a boy of twelve,he began to learn violin making from Amati,Who was famous all over Europe for his fine violins.However, it was not until after Amati’s death in 1684 that Stradivari began making his own violins.He never made poor violins,but he made some that were much better than all the others.Luckily Stradivari’s great skill was noticed.Top prices were paid for his works from the time he began to sell them.

  Today it is thought that Stradivari made violins that are better than any made ever since.Many of the world’s best violinists have chosen Stradivari’s violins.But few now can have a lot of money to collect them.some of the most beautiful are kept in museums.There,they can be seen by everyone or lent to famous artists for concerts.

1Who was the maker of the violin owned by Sanchez?

[  ]

AA stranger who needed money.


CAn American.


2when Stradivari was ______ years old,he started to make his own violins.

[  ]

A40   B44   C56   D72

3Violinists like to play Stradivari's violins because ______.

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Ahis violins are very expensive

Bhe was the first person in the world to make violins

Chis violins are all well kept

Dhis violins are best made

4One of the facts we can find in the passage is that ______.

[  ]

AAmati taught Stradivari to make violins

BStradivari was Amati’s workmate

CAmati was also a well-known violinist

DAmati did not permit Stradivari to play his own violins

5Which of the follwing is NOT true according to the passage?

[  ]

ASanchez bought his violin at a very small price.

BSanchez learned that the American wanted to buy his violin.

CSometimes Stradivari made very poor violins.

DFamous artists may get a chance to give concerts with Stradivari’s violins.

