We are what we eat£¬so healthy eating plays an important role in our daily life£®

·ÖÎö We are what we eat£¬so healthy eating plays an important role in our daily life£®

½â´ð As we all know£¬we are what we eat£®Therefore£¬healthy eating is of great significance in our successful life£®
It was not until I witnessed my classmate Wanghui that I realized how important it is to keep a healthy diet£®Wanghui is a distinguished student in my class and always highly spoken of by our teachers£®However£¬faced with the pressure of the national college entrance examination£¬she had been working hard£®Sometimes£¬she even went to school without breakfast or lunch£®Day by day£¬she got weaker and weaker£¬resulting in her feeling sleepy in class£®Yesterday£¬it's a pity that she should fail in the English exam£®To make matters worse£¬she was diagnosed with a terrible disease and had to stay in hospital for treatment£®
From the above example concerning with Wanghui£¬we may safely draw a conclusion that only if we keep a balanced diet will we have a healthy body to achieve our goals£®

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17£®Actually£¨ÊÂʵÉÏ£© all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other£®


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18£®People need to seek out new foods because the world has so many mouths to feed£®As of
2015£¬there are more than seven billion people on Earth£¬according to the United Nations£®
And by 2100 that number may double£®Feeding all of these people means not only improving the way food is grown£¬but also finding new sources of nutrition£®
And that quest is becoming ever more urgent.1f nothing changes£¬within 35 years£¬the
world's appetite will be greater than the amount of food produced£®That's according to a report released last year£®It was prepared by the Global Harvest Initiative£¬a private agriculture group based in Washington£¬D£®C£®
Global warming£¬too£¬is changing food production£®Scientists predict that rising
temperatures will reduce the growth of important crops like wheat£¬corn and soybeans£®Low-income developing countries will be hit the hardest£®When harvests fall£¬crops become more expensive£®And since those foods are also used to feed animals like cows and pigs£¬meat prices too£¬will rise£®
All over the world£¬researchers are racing against the clock to figure out how best to feed more people in a fast-changing world£®And some surprising ideas have begun to come up£®WO years ago£¬scientists introduced the first burger made from meat grown in a lab£®
the project cost more than $ 300£¬000£¬but it's a start£®Other researchers are developing seeds that can survive high temperatures and drought£®Still others are finding ways to improve the genes of meat animals so they produce more meat and can stand the heat£®
gloomy £¨±¯¹ÛµÄ£© forecast for the planet isn't the only reason to study foods for the
future£®It P s a creative quest that will inspire people who can think in new ways about existing plants and animals even insects£®These researchers have used their talents in ways that even they never would have predicted£®
28£®What do the underlined words"that quest"in paragraph 2 refer to£¿A
A£®The research on food£®
B£®The increase of population£®
C£®The variety of nutrition£®
D£®The change of appetite£®
29£®How does global warming affect low-income developing countries£¿D
a£®Increase meat prices£®b£®Raise the temperature£®
c£®Reduce the growth of crops£®d£®Lead to the high cost of life£®
e£®Cause a higher price for crops£®
A£®d¡úa¡úc¡úd¡úe           B£®c¡úa¡úb¡úd¡úe
C£®d¡úe¡úc¡úa¡úb           D£®b¡úc¡úe¡úa¡úd
30£®What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 4£¿C
A£®New ways of farming£®
B£®Some great researchers£®
C£®Progress in food research£®
D£®Achievements in lab experiments£®
31£®What will be discussed in the following paragraph£¿A
A£®Examples of successful food researchers£®
B£®Different opinions about the future food£®
C£®Methods of dealing with global warming£®
D£®Possibilities of feeding the present population£®


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

15£®Last week£¬I was invited to a doctor's meeting at the Rush Hospital£®In one of the rooms a patient£¬an old man£¬got up from his bed and moved slowly towards me£®I could see that he hadn't long to live£¬but he came up to me and placed his right foot close to mine on the floor£®
"Frank!"I cried in surprise£®He couldn't answer£¬as I knew£¬but he tried to smile£¬all the time keeping his foot close to mine£®
My thoughts raced back more than thirty years-to the dark days of 1941£¬when I was a student in London£®The scene was an air-raid shelter£¬in which I and about a hundred other people slept every night£®Among them were Mrs£®West and her son Frank£¬who lived nearby£®Sharing wartime problems£¬we got to know each other very well£®Frank interested me because he was not normal£®He had never been normal£¬ever since he was born£®His mother told me he was 37then£¬but he had less of a mind than a baby has£®Mrs£®West£¬then 75£¬was a strong£¬able woman£¬as she had to be of course£¬because Frank depended on her completely£®
One night a policeman came into our shelter and told Mrs£®West that her house had been all destroyed£®That wasn't quite true£¬because the West went on living there for quite some time£®But they certainly lost nearly everything they owned£®
When that kind of thing happened£¬the rest of us helped the unlucky ones£®So before we separated that morning£¬I stood beside Frank and measured my right foot against his£®
They were about the same size£®That night then£¬I took a spare pair of shoes to the shelter for Frank£®As soon as he saw me£¬he came running-and placed his right foot against mine£®After that£¬he always greeted me in the same way£®
21£®How did the writer know that the patient was Frank£¿B
A£®He was told that Frank was in the hospital£®
B£®Frank greeted him in a special way£®
C£®He recognized Frank immediately
D£®He was invited to study Frank's illness£®
22£®Why did the writer say that Mrs£®West had to be a strong£¬able woman£¿C
A£®She lost nearly everything in the war£®
B£®She was over 75years old£®
C£®She had to give care and thought£®
D£®She needed all the attention of a baby£®
23£®The"unlucky ones"mentioned in the fifth paragraph wereA£®
A£®those whose homes were destroyed in air-raid
B£®those who slept in the air-raid shelter£®
C£®those who suffered from illness
D£®those who were killed in the war
24£®The writer placed his foot against Frank's before he left the shelterD£®
A£®to be friendly towards Frank
B£®to see if Frank's feet were normal
C£®to teach Frank to greet people in a special way
D£®to find out if fitted Frank his shoes£®


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¦µ What do you want to invent for the future life£¿
¦µ What is it like£¿
¦µ Why do you want to invent it£¿
Dear Reed£¬
I have read your last letter about our future life£®            
Best wishes£¬
Li Hua£®


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÊéÃæ±í´ï

Making friends is easy but keeping ever-lasting friendship calls for our continuous efforts£®


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Have you duang-ed today£¿"It seems that everyone's duang-ing and I still don't know what it means!"said a Weibo user£®
Actually£¬the character"duang"is so new that it does not even exist in the Chinese dictionary£®But it has already spread like wildfire online in China£¬appearing more than 8million times on China's micro-blogging site Weibo£¬which drew 312£¬000discussions among 15£¬000users£®On China's biggest online search engine Baidu£¬it has been looked up almost 600£¬000times£®More interesting is that it's been noticed in the West too£¬with Foreign Policy seeing it as a"break the internet"£®Because in recent years£¬some new buzz words have caught on in China and spread around the globe£¬such as"Tuhao"and"Dama"£»"No zuo no die"and"You can you up"£¬etc£®Therefore£¬such hot words are extremely popular in the internet used by netizens£¬especially in the microblog£¬Wechat and even in the students'examination paper£®
Though many people think it cool and trendy to use internet buzz words£¬some still feel puzzled since some of them are limited in certain condition and more or less meaningless£®Some parents even worry that with the increasing popularity of online buzz words£¬students tend to apply non-standard expressions and usage£®Worse still£¬they may develop an inaccurate habit of using language£®


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¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÊéÃæ±í´ï

1£®Children in kindergarten are learning social skills£®For this reason£¬it's important to tell the children what will make them become good citizens when they grow up£®It's up to parents£¬teachers and all others involved with a kid to teach these skills£®
Teaching kids to pick up things by themselves is a good way to teach them not to throw things on the ground£®For example£¬if a class has to make paper cutouts £¨¼ôϵÄͼÑù£©£¬after cutting£¬have the children pick up the wastepaper and place it in the wastebasket£®
The golden rule of good citizenship should be taught at this age£®The rule is"One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself"£®Teachers should ask their students how they want to be treated£®There are many answers£¬such as not being treated in bad manners£®The teacher should explain that others don't like to be scared£¬so you should not scare £¨Ê¹¾ª¿Ö£© others either£®
Following the laws is good citizenship£¨¹«ÃñÒåÎñ£©£®Proper games can be played in the classroom£®Games have rules£¬and all students in the class should follow the rules of the games£®If a child doesn't want to follow£¬it is up to the teacher to explain them to the child£®Teaching children about following rules should help them understand the need to obey the law when they become adults£®
1£® ÒÔÔ¼30¸ö´Ê¸ÅÀ¨Õâƪ¶ÌÎĵÄÄÚÈÝÒªµã£»
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