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But ____ the reports of some, we have had a plan here right from the beginning.      
[     ]
A. contrary to                  
B. to contrary        
C. on the contrary                
D. just contrary

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Yi So-yeon, an engineer from Seoul, returned to Earth on Saturday after 11 days aboard the International Space Station (ISS), along with Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko and US astronaut Peggy Whitson.

A technical problem turned a routine (常规) return to Earth into a sharper than usual descent (下降) that tested the group members' stamina and courage. They landed in the Kazakh steppes ( 大草原)  about 420km  (260 miles) wide of their target.

“During the descent there was some kind of fire outside the Soyuz capsule because we were going through the atmosphere,” Yi said.

“At first I was afraid, but the two other guys looked okay, so I tried to look okay too.”

Yi smiled and joked her way through a 10-minute news briefing at Star City, the wooded Soviet era cosmonaut training centre on the edge of Moscow. However, Malenchenko and Whitson looked tired and thin after nearly six months in space. Their answers were short and Whitson needed support to balance when she walked. The 29-year-old Yi has become famous in South Korea since the take-off but she brushed this aside and said she has had little contact with friends or family since returning.

“In fact, they are the heroes right now,” Yi said, referring to Malenchenko and Whitson. “I'm just a beginner and a little ashamed to say that I am a hero.”  She did, though, relate a more light-hearted incident on the ISS.

“I sang Fly Me to the Moon” Yi said about the 1950s pop song. “It's my favorite song from university although at that time I didn't know I would be an astronaut.”

The capsule's so-called “ballistic” re-entering made the group members face twice the usual pull from the centre of the earth.  The flames Yi described may have been caused by friction (摩擦) heating the capsule as it fell through the atmosphere.

Whitson told reporters that Saturday's ballistic landing, was irregular but not an emergency.

“The Soyuz has been through its history very reliable and there has obviously been some issue in the last couple of descents which went ballistic, but I'm sure the engineers will determine what the problems are and get them fixed,” she said.

In October, a Soyuz capsule carrying Malaysia's first space tourist touched down about 200 km (125 miles) off_course in a similar ballistic landing caused by a technical problem.

The Soyuz is the world's longest-serving manned space capsule.  An early version of the craft, the Vostok, carried the first person into space in 1961.

Whitson, 48, has become the American with the longest amount of time in space with 377 days.

1. What's the main idea of the passage?

A. Flight in space is very dangerous

B. Not everybody can go into space

C. Fearful landing tests the Korean astronaut

D. Yi didn't know she would be an astronaut when she was young

2. The reason why Yi So-yeon felt afraid at first was that ________.

A. a fire was caused by the friction

B. she had no such experience before

C. she was not brave enough

D. the other two didn't help her

3. From the passage, we can learn that ________.

A. Yi So-yeon, a space tourist came from South Korea

B. Whitson became energetic when they landed on earth

C. the two other guys were not afraid during the descent

D. the Soyuz, an unmanned space capsule, had a long history

4. The underlined phrase in this passage means ________.

A. out of work            B. out of control  

C. in the wrong direction   D. in danger

5. We can conclude from this passage that ________.

A. experience is very important for astronauts to ensure safety

B. Yi So-yeon will never return to the space station

C. people are not willing to experience the space flight

D. we should draw a lesson from the accident


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届福建尤溪一中高三上期入学考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

 It's common for parents to feel emotional when the moment comes for their child to leave home and go to university. Even parents who don't speak about the event are likely to feel a sense of sadness because it’s the end of an era where you and your family were at the centre of your child's world. As a parent you’ll probably continue to support your child in different ways, but the main job of raising your child is over. It's a huge change for everyone involved.

   There are a few things that you can do to make the transition easier. Plan carefully for your child's departure and think about how you can help. Many parents take their child to university for the first time. If you decide to do that, be ready to feel a real wrench when the time comes to say goodbye. Your child will probably be as nervous as you are about the moment when you finally say goodbye – but that might not show!

   Be positive and cheerful about the choice your child has made to continue studying, and plan to leave once you've unpacked the car and looked around your child's new living accommodations. If you can, save your tears for the car – you'll make things easier on your child and yourself.

   The more you've invested in being a parent, the more you'll feel a sense of loss, so the sadness you feel now is a sign that you've been a good mom or dad. Remind yourself that parenting is all about raising an independent and confident child who functions well without you. If your child quickly settles and starts enjoying himself, you should congratulate yourself.

   It's also only fair to allow yourself some time to grieve(悲痛). Don't expect to pick yourself up and move on straight away. But you may decide to find a hobby or sport to fill your extra time. Perhaps you've always wanted to learn a new language, go to yoga classes or take up swimming. You may decide to spend more time with family and close friends, who are likely to be feeling the absence of your child as well.

   Agree on the best approach to staying in touch before your child leaves, and stick to your agreement. Try not to panic if your child doesn't respond immediately – remember, they're starting a new and busy life.

1.Why do parents feel sad when their child leaves home for college?

A. Because the absence of their child makes them feel lonely.

B. Because their children will start a new life in college.

C. Because it means the end of love between parents and their child.

D. Because they are no longer the main focus of their children’s life.

2.The underlined word “wrench” in Paragraph 2 means a feeling of ________.

A. sorrow                  B. regret               C. anger                D. love

3.What does good parenting consist of?

A. Supporting your child in different ways all the time.

B. Congratulating yourself when your child goes to college.

C. Preparing your child to stand on their own feet in the future.

D. Investing as much as possible in the growth of your child.

4.What’s NOT advised as the way to recover from your child’s departure?

A. Developing a new hobby or sport

B. Learning a new language.

C. Spending more time with close friends

D. Staying in touch with your child.

5.What would be an appropriate title for the whole passage?

A. Staying in Touch with Your Child

B. Preparing to Say Goodbye to Your Child

C. Dealing with Your Child Leaving Home for University

D. Life after Your Child Has Left Home for University



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省宁波市鄞州区高三5月适应性考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

We like to think our intelligence is self-made; it happens inside our heads, the product of our inner thoughts alone. But the rise of Google, Wikipedia and other online tools has made many people question the impact of these technologies on our brains. Is typing in “Who has played James Bond in the movies?” the same as our knowledge about the names like Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig? Can we say we know the answer as long as we know how to rapidly get the information on Google?

Here the question is about how we define intelligence itself. The answer appears to be interesting, because the evidence from psychological studies suggests that much of our intelligence comes from how we coordinate ourselves with other people and our environment.

An influential theory among psychologists is that we're cognitive misers(认知吝啬者). This is the idea that we are unwilling to do mental work unless we have to. We try to avoid thinking things fully when a short cut is available. If you've ever voted for the presidential candidate(总统候选人) with the most honest smile, or chosen a restaurant based on how many people are already sitting in there, then you are a cognitive miser. The theory explains why we'd much rather type a zip code into Google Maps than memorize and recall the location of a place – it's so much easier to do so.

Research shows that people don't tend to rely on their memories for things they can easily access. Buildings can somehow disappear from pictures we're looking at, or the people we're talking to can be changed with someone else, and often we won't notice – a phenomenon called “change blindness”. This isn't an example of human stupidity – far from it, in fact – this is an example of mental efficiency. The mind relies on the world as a better record than memory.

Philosophers have suggested that thinking is really happening in the environment as much as it is happening in our brains. The philosopher Andy Clark called humans "natural born cyborgs(电子人)", those naturally capable of absorbing and combining new tools, ideas and abilities. In Clark's view, the route to a solution is not the issue – having the right tools really does mean you know the answers, just as much as already knowing the answer.

Rather than being forced to rely on our own resources for everything, we can share our knowledge. Technology keeps track of things for us so we don't have to, while large systems of knowledge serve the needs of society as a whole. I don't know how a computer works, or how to grow vegetables, but that knowledge is out there and I can get to benefit. The internet provides even more potential to share this knowledge. Wikipedia is one of the best examples – an increasingly large database of knowledge from which everyone can benefit.

So as well as having a physical environment – like the rooms or buildings we live or work in – we also have a mental environment, which means that when I ask you where your mind is, you shouldn’t point toward the centre of your forehead. As research shows, our minds are made up just as much by the people and tools around us as they are by the brain cells inside our skull.

1.Why did the writer raise the questions in Paragraph 1?

A.To find out who has played James Bond in the movies.

B.To introduce the topic to be discussed in the passage.

C.To show that he knows the answer to the questions.

D.To attract readers’ attention by mentioning James Bond.

2.What is the writer’s attitude towards the rise of technologies like Google and Wikipedia?

A.Supportive        B.Objective          C.Indifferent         D.Neutral

3. Which of the following might the philosopher Andy Clark agree with?

A.Intelligence is something that is made by one’s brain itself.

B.Intelligence is something that only happens inside one’s head.

C.Intelligence is the product of one’s inner thoughts alone.

D.Intelligence is a mixture of the environment, people and one’s brain cells.

4.It is true about the phenomenon called “change blindness” that human beings____.

A.are stupid not to notice the changes

B.are efficient in mental work

C.are blind to changes around them

D.rely on memory when dealing with things

5.According to the text, how do technologies like Google, Wikipedia affect us?

A.They make us much more intelligent.

B.They make us lazier and more stupid.

C.They have little to do with our intelligence.

D.They have a negative effect on our intelligence.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江西省赣州市十一县(市)高三上学期期中考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Some students get so nervous before a test, they do poorly even if they know the material. Sian Beilock has studied these highly anxious test-takers.

Sian Beilock: “They start worrying about the consequences. They might even start worrying about whether this exam is going to prevent them from getting into the college they want. And when we worry, it actually uses up attention and memory resources.I talk about it as your cognitive horsepower that you could otherwise be using to focus on the exam.”

Professor Beilock and another researcher, Gerardo Ramirez, have developed a possible solution. Just before an exam, highly anxious test-takers spend ten minutes writing about their worries about the test.

Sian Beilock: “what we think happens is when students put it down on paper , they think about the worst that could happen and they reappraise the situation. They might realize it’s not as had as they might think it was before and, in essence(本质上), it prevents these thoughts from popping up when they’re actually taking a test.”

The researchers tested the idea on a group of twenty anxious college students. They gave them two short math tests. After the first one, they asked the students to either sit quietly or write about their feelings about the upcoming second test.

The researchers added to the pressure. They told the students that those who did well on the second test would get money. They also told them that their performance would affect other students as part of a team effort.

Professor Beilock says those who sat quietly scored an average of twelve percent worse on the second test. But the students who had written about their fears improved their performance by an average of five percent.

Next, the researchers used younger students in a biology class. They told them before final exams either to write about their feelings or to think about things unrelated to the test.

Prefessor Beilock says highly anxious students who did the writing got an average grade of B+, compared to a B- for those who did not.

Sian Beilock: “What we showed is that for students who are highly test-anxious, who’d done our writing intervention, all of a sudden there was no relationship between test anxiety and performance. Those students most likely to worry were performing just as well as their classmates who don’t normally get nervous in these testing situations.”

But what if students do not have a chance to write about their fears immediately before an exam or presentation? Professor Beilock says students can try it themselves at home or in the library and still improve their performance. 

1.What may happen if students have the problem of test anxiety?

A.Test anxiety can improve students’ performance to some degree.

B.Students’ attention and memory resources run out when worried.

C.Students may not be admitted into their favorite college if worried

D.Test anxiety is sure to cause students to fail the test.

2.Which of the following if TRUE?

A.In the first math test, students who sat quietly performed better.

B.In the second math test, students who wrote about their feelings did worse.

C.Some college students are highly anxious test-takers while others are not in the tests.

D.The result in the math test agrees with that in the biology test.

3.What does the underlined phrase “popping up” mean?

A.Giving out         B.Fading away        C.Becoming clearly    D.Appearing suddenly

4.what is most probably Sian Beilock?

A.A psychology professor.                  B.A philosophy researcher.

C.A politics professor                      D.A tutor

5.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.It is a common practice for students being worried before a test.

B.Being worried before tests does harm to students’ performance.

C.Anxious students overcome test anxiety by writing down fears.

D.It is important for students to overcome test anxiety.



科目:高中英语 来源:2011年浙江省高考名校名师新编“百校联盟”交流联考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

The English are famous for their manners. The phrase, “Manners maketh the man” was coined by Englishman William of Wykeham back in 1324, but they’re just as important today. Books are written on the subject, advice columns in magazines tell people how to behave, and “finishing schools” still exist to ensure that young girls become young “ladies”.

   The best example of English manners is in their mastery of the art of forming a queue. It is a popular joke in England (the land of sporting failures) to say, “if only queuing was an Olympic sport, we’d win hands down” No one knows exactly how and when it started, but queuing plays an important role in the English social make-up. School children are taught to queue for roll-call, assembly and lunch, and English people across the land form orderly queues at shops, banks, cinemas and bus-stops every day. The English obviously aren’t the only people who queue, but they seem to do it better than anyone else. As one visitor said, “I have travelled across Europe, the Middle and Far East and nowhere have I seen the single-file queues which are formed in England.”

   The English are also famously polite when it comes to language. Whereas many other notions are more direct in their communication, the English prefer a more indirect form of asking for things. For example, an American who wants to talk to a colleague might say, “Got a minute?”; however an English person will often use a more indirect means might of requesting the chat, “Sorry to bother you, but would you possibly have a minute or so to have a quick chat if you don’t mind, please?”

   The English also love to apologize for things. When squeezing past someone, people say “sorry”. And they will apologize if you bump into them, “whoops! Sorry! My fault.” In fact, no one seems to say “sorry” as much as the English: “sorry I’m late. /Sorry I forgot to call you last night./I’m sorry you didn’t get the e-mail.” And so on. They also like to use “please” and “thank you” a lot. In a shop, they will say, “I’d like a packet of crisp, please. Thanks.” British students thank their lectures, and bosses often thank their employees for doing their jobs.

1. Why does “finishing schools” still exist to help young girls become “ladies”?

   A. Because the English mind their manners very much.

   B. Because the English parents want to marry their daughters to the royal family.

   C. Because the English girls are so rude that they need to be taught to be polite.

   D. Because the English government ensures their existence.

2.The underlined sentence in paragraph2 implies ________________.

   A. The English love the Olympics very much.

   B. The English spend nothing winning an Olympic medal.

   C. The English are best at queuing.

    D. The English prefer to queue with their hands down.

3. According to the passage, if Americans say “Waiter! Could I have another fork, please?” how will the English express such a meaning?

    A. Excuse me! Give me another fork, please!

    B. Excuse me! I have to be a bother, but would you mind awfully changing this fork, please?

    C. Hi! Would you mind giving me another fork?

    D. Waiter! Come here and change the fork!

4.According to the passage, why do the employers often thank their employees for doing their jobs?

    A. The employees can bring them a lot of benefits.

    B. The employees finish their jobs perfectly.

    C. The English employers’ good manners lead them to do so.

    D. The employers do it as a result of the company’s regulation.


