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【题目】 Sarah hopes to become a friend of _____ shares her interest.

A. no matter who B. no matter whom

C. whoever D. whomever



试题分析:C考查关联词。whoever无论谁,这里引导一个宾语从句,作介词of的宾语,且whoever在从句中作主语。而whomever是宾格形式,不能用作主语。no matter who在引导让步状语从句的时候等于whoever.,但no matter who不能引导像宾语从句、主语从句这样的名词性从句。no matter whom也只能引导让步状语从句,不能引导像宾语从句、主语从句这样的名词性从句。句意:Sarah希望交到一个有共同爱好的朋友。故选C。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I'm getting married next Monday. Would you like to attend my wedding?

__________ Id like to.

A. Good luck.

B. Have a good time.

C. Have fun.

D. Congratulations.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】最近新华中学高三(10)班同学开展了一场“司机醉驾是否应该处罚乘客”的讨论。请你根据下表提供的信息, 给报社写一封信, 介绍讨论的情况, 并发表你的看法。





2.不乘坐醉酒司机的车,不仅是对自己负责, 也是对司机和路人负责


2.即使乘客知道司机饮酒, 如果司机不听从乘客的劝诫, 处罚乘客是不公平的



Dear Editor,

I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we’ve had about whether passengers who ride in a car driven by a drunken driver should be punished.




Yours sincerely,

Li yan


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】He has worked __________ the maths problem for nearly an hour but he simply can't work it __________.

A. on;at

B. on;out

C. at;up

D. for;out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】They should be Britain’s gilded (镀金的) youth, enjoying opportunities to study, travel and start exciting careers in a way older generations could only dream about. But instead they are the “Ipod” generation “Insecure, Pressured, Over-taxed and Debt-ridden”according to a study by a group of experts who provide advice and ideas on social issues.

“We thought that each generation would be better off than its predecessors (前辈),” said Professor Nick Bosanquet of Imperial College London, one of its authors. “But young people today have more duties and it is much more difficult for them to raise their incomes and create wealth. This really is a very big issue for the country.”

According to the report, today’s youth don’t have enough confidence and ability to build on the economic foundations created by post-war baby boomers (生育高峰期出生的人) . Because they are in debt, they are also reluctant to take risks. Levels of entrepreneurship (企业家精神) among Britain’s youth are lower than in America, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland and have fallen over the past decade. Many choose the jobs which offer a good amount of money after they retire. Others have to take any job that is available to try to pay off their debts.

“I borrowed a lot of money from the bank to pay for my education at university, which is the biggest chain around my neck now,” said Phil Grech, 22, from Cumbria, who has a degree in maths from the University of Reading. “I’m only doing a temporary job at the moment to pay the mounting bills. I haven’t really thought about the long term. Many people think that when you leave university you can get a good job, but it’s no longer like that.”

While older generations enjoyed higher education funded by taxpayers, young people today face university tuition fees and a decreasing “return” in the salary advantage they will get from their degrees.

【1】What is the text mainly about?

A. Britain’s gilded youth.

B. The “Ipod” generation in Britain.

C. The challenges faced by the British today.

D. The career choices Britain’s youth have.

【2】What’s the biggest problem in Phil Grech’s life?

A. Low income.

B. The debt.

C. Not having a good college degree.

D. Not having job opportunities.

【3】We can infer from the text that the “Ipod” generation __________.

A. doesn’t have much determination

B. doesn’t want to have a full-time job

C. lives a harder life than the older generations

D. hasn’t realized the importance of saving money

【4】Which of the following words can best take the place of the word “reluctant” in the third paragraph?

A. Unwilling. B. Foolish.

C. Quick. D. Sorry.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Im very glad I had the opportunity to meet Chris. He moved into the house next to 【1】 two years ago. Usually he 2 (dress) in some kind of tight-fitting multicolored suit which makes him look like 3 super hero of comic books. He is very polite, 4 (friend) and genuinely caring, always remembering my birthday and 5 (bring) me chicken soup or Chinese tea if I’m ill. Chris will help us 6 he possibly can and is willing to listen to everyones problems.

At work he is much appreciated and he has many colleagues 7 ask for his advice each time they have problems 8 (solve). His work includes 9 (communicate) with people. He has the power to make it. Although Chris could never be described as ordinary, I enjoy having him 【10 a neighbor. Life is never boring when you have someone like him living next door.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


【1】We have a very communicative ______ (方法) to teaching languages.

【2】Though he owned a car, he hardly used it , ______ (更喜欢) to take subway .

【3】Move the ______ (把手) to the left and the door will lock.

【4】Walking outdoors is ______ (有益) to our health .

【5】All the children listened to his ______ (经历) in Africa with eager attention.

【6】_____(就个人而言) , I think playing computer games is a waste of time.

【7】We are in ______ (竞争) with other students for higher scores in the English.

【8】Did she ______ (低语) in your ear at the meeting?

【9】Don't allow evil thoughts to ______ (毒害) young people's minds.

【10】Jenny certainly won't go to swimming---once ______ (咬), twice shy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】We can say __________ that their work is on the path of sound development.

A. on good evidence

B. on good proof

C. on a good evidence

D. on a good proof of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】He is the last man __________ lies.

A. telling

B. told

C. to tell

D. to be told

