精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
1.Make a comparison and you will find that the same shirt in this clothing store________as in that
shopping mall.(cost)
2.________many times, cultivating diverse interests is of great importance to your career development
in the future.(stress)
3.The old man's evidence can't be accepted-he________anyone enter the victim's room that day,
because he is blind.(see)
4.Jack was so worried about the drowning dog that the dived into the lake________.(stop)
5.Meteorologists were trying to find out______contributed to bitter cold weather in Europe at the
beginning of 2012.(it)
6.With________,we should take relative measures immediately to ensure that our goals can be
achieved successfuly.(clarify)
7.The earthquake is reported________more than 300 live in Indonesia.(claim)
8.Though a lot of difficulties are awaiting me, I wish I ________the new environment as soon as
9.Honestly speaking, I have no idea________the driving test at the first attempt.(pass)
10.Only when he thought of his lovely daughter________a little relieved during the hard days.(feel)
1.costs twice as much
2.As has been stressed
3.couldn't/can't have seen
4.before anyone could stop him
5.what it was that
6.the situation clarified
7.to have claimed
8.could adapt to
9.whether I can pass
10.did he feel

科目:高中英语 来源:志鸿系列训练必修一英语北师版 北师版 题型:022

Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases in the box in their proper forms.


1.His name is Johnson but we all ________ him Tom.

2.This film is ________ moving ________ I want to see it again.

3.We have three more men.Is there ________ room for them?

4.That’s the ________ man ________ asked me for money yesterday.

5.I think ________ rockets will be able to go anywhere in space.

6.The cinema is ________ the city.

7.I ________ basketball; but my brother prefers football.

8.My hometown is very ________ here.

9.We have been working for two hours.Shall we ________?

10.He has lost his job and has nothing to do ________.

11.The farmers are growing wheat ________.

12.Turn off the TV and do your homework ________.

13.________ that the door is locked when you leave.

14.I can’t go there with you because I’m ________ now.

15.Don’t worry about me.I can ________ myself.


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省厦门六中2011-2012学年高一上学期期中英语试题 题型:022


1.I have ________ my clothes; I’m ready to go on holiday.

2.My grandmother has ________ a strange headache since last week.

3.The police asked him to ________ what he had seen in a report.

4.He has ________ to go into business when he leaves college.

5.________, I slept late that Saturday morning.

6.The houses across the street are ________, but they were in good condition a few years ago.

7.All his money was ________ setting up some schools for poor children.

8.It’s more useful to learn modern languages, ________ English and German, than Latin.


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省模拟题 题型:翻译题

1. I'm afraid I can't attend your birthday party at 5 P.M.next Monday.I      (已乘飞机) to London
    long before then.(fly)
2. The technology is reported ____ (应用到)architecture in other countries for a long time, but it
    was not introduced into China until two years ago.(apply)
3. He escaped ____ (丧生) in the explosion because he had not gone to work.(kill)
4. So ____ (天气好) that all of us want to go on an outing. (day)
5. It was only when the accident took place ____ (他才意识到) the importance of careful driving.(realize)
6. Jenny has been criticized by the teacher for using the cellphone in class. I would rather you     (没借)
    it to her. (lend)
7. One more step backward, ____ (你会掉进) the pool.(fall)
8. English, as well as all other subjects, ___ (很重要).So we must learn it well to be more
9. I am proud of what I did.But I was just helping to do        (他本该做的).(do)
10. Last week, only two people came to look at the house.     (两个都不想) to buy it. (want)


科目:高中英语 来源:天津月考题 题型:翻译题

1. I’m ______________________(盼望着)hearing from you soon.
2. What’s your _________________(对……态度) this problem?
3. The students in our class__________________(分成) six study groups.
4. We should listen to our teachers carefully in class and ________________(避免出错) when doing our homework.
5. The other day, they boy student _________________(承认玩了电子游戏) deep into the night the day before.
6. The man  ______________________(刚才提到的) has left .
7. I _______________ work in the countryside______________ work in the city.(宁愿……而不)
8. I’m sorry. But your ticket ___________________(过期了)
9. Ads ____________________(缩写) advertisement.
10. We are not children now. We ________________(不应该再玩了。)


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. The m_____________ are against the plan, so it can't be got through.
2. I m__________ in literature, which I use as a leisure of my  spare time.
3. Chinese, maths and English are three m__________ subjects for students in high schools.
4. The nation wants peace; only a m__________ want the war to continue.

