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Jane sat in the sofa and picked up the remote (Ò£¿ØÆ÷)and turned the TV. It is 6 o'clock and the news was on three channels. However, she didn't want to see the news, what was usually about accidents and murders. There was too many bad news on the TV. Emily found the talk show to watch. It was Ellen, who was a comedian£¨Ï²¾çÑÝÔ±£©, and she told of good jokes and sometimes gave expensive gift to her fans. This show was a rerun, because Ellen's "live" show was usual on at 4 o'clock. But that didn't matter for Emily, because all he wanted to do was relax.


Jane sat in the sofa and picked up the remote (Ò£¿ØÆ÷)and turned ^the TV. It is 6 o'clock and

                                                     on       was      

the news was on three channels. However, she didn't want to see the news, what was usually about


accidents and murders. There was too many bad news on the TV. Emily found the talk show to

                                                        much                                                a

watch. It was Ellen, who was a comedian£¨Ï²¾çÑÝÔ±£©, and she told o\f good jokes and sometimes

gave expensive gift to her fans. This show was a rerun, because Ellen's "live" show was usual on

             gifts                                                                                               usually

at 4 o'clock. But that didn't matter for Emily, because all he wanted to do was relax.
                            To               she


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Hi Susan£¬
I'm sorry that I wasn¡¯t able to return to your bike on time yesterday£®I mean to give it back to you before four in the afternoon£¬and I was held up on my way back£®Just before I turned corner of Park Street, I happened to seeing an accident£®A little girl was hurt and his mother needed help£®So I helped them going to the nearest hospital£®I stayed here for one and a half hour and made sure that the girl was right£®When I got back, it were already 6 pm. I hope you understand£® 
Thank you!  
Li Ling


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÉÂÎ÷Ê¡ÑÓ°²ÖÐѧ2010½ì¸ßÈýÏÂѧÆÚµÚÈý´ÎÄ£Ä⿼ÊÔ ÌâÐÍ£ºÌî¿ÕÌâ

As everyone knows, the global financial crisis has caused a great effect in the development of the global economy. What shall we do face the global challenge?
I quite agree with what the President Hu Jintao said at the 7th ASEM summit. Nothing is important than confidence. Only if we have confident and hold together can we get through a variety of difficulty. For example, after the terrible earthquake in Sichuan Province, all the Chinese held together and bravely fight against the disaster with great confidence, what won the admiration of the world.
In my opinion, facing with the present global financial crisis, we should keep calmly and not be in a panic. Believe in both our Party and country, or we will certainly live through the crisis.


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One cold winter day in 1900, a small boy calling Charlie Chaplin walking along the street in London.  He did not have breakfast and lunch. He wanted to buy some bread, but he didn't have some money. His father dead when he was very young. His mother was often very sick, so she can not take care of Charlie or his brother. All of them had to work to help their sick mother. He was a small boy but his dream was not very big. He wanted to be great man in the world of film. So he works very hard to sing and dance well.  


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My family has been going through hard times late£®I don¡¯t let that to get me down£®So Istartedworking in my spare times£®One weekend I was going to buy a pair of new shoes by the money I¡¯dsaved£®That same weekend my mom was upset because my grandparents needed some money forone of their bills£®So she didn¡¯t have enough money to give them£®So I got a envelope and wrotemy grandparents a letter, say I love them and I would send them the money£®It made my mom crytears of joy after learning of that I had done£®It makes my grandparents crytoo because they didn¡¯t know a teen as me could care so much


