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— The Coca-Cola company is one of the     of the match.
— No wonder there are many Coca-Cola pictures around the sports field.

A.players B.visitorsC.sponsorsD.judges


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The man who invented Coca-Cola was not a native Atlanta, but on the day of his funeral every drugstore in town shut up the shop in honor of him. He was John Styth Pemberton, born in 1833 in Knoxville, Georgia, eighty miles away. Pemberton was a chemist, sometimes known as Doctor, who, during the Civil War, became an officer and led a cavalry troop. He settled in Atlanta in 1869, and soon began making such patent medicines as Triplex Liver Pills and Globe of Flower Cough Syrup.

In 1885, he registered a trademark for something called French Wine Coca-Ideal Nerve and Tonic Stimulant. A few months later, he formed the Pemberton Chemical Company, and hired an accountant named Frank M. Robinson, who had not only a good head for figures, but, attached to it, so unique a nose that he could judge the ingredients of a batch of syrup merely by sniffing it.

In 1886 --- a year in which, as contemporary Coca-Cola officials like to point out, the English writer Conan Doyle made Sherlock Holmes known publicly and France found the truth about the Statue of Liberty --- Pemberton invented a syrup that he called Coca-Cola. It was a change of his French Wine Coca. He had taken out the wine and added a bit of caffeine, and, when the end product tasted awful, had thrown in some cola nut oil and a few other oils, mixing the mixture in a three-legged iron pot in his back yard and swishing it around with an oar.

He distributed it to soda fountains in used beer bottles, and Robinson, with his elegant account’s script, instantly designed a label, on which "Coca-Cola" was written in the style which is still employed. Pemberton looked upon his mixture less as a drink than as a headache cure.

One morning in 1886, a man suffering from a headache dragged himself into an Atlanta drugstore and asked for a bottle of Coca-Cola. According to usual practice, druggists should pour a teaspoonful of syrup into a glass of water, but at that time, the man on duty was too lazy to walk to the fresh-water tap. Instead, he mixed the syrup with some soda water, which was closer at hand. After drinking it, the suffering customer cheered up almost at once, and word quickly spread that the best Coca-Cola was a fizzy (冒泡泡的)one.

According to the passage, which of the following about Pemberton is wrong?

A. He was highly respected by Atlantans because of his great contribution. 

B. Medicines like Triplex Liver Pills and Globe of Flower Cough Syrup are his patent products.

C. During the Civil War, he was an officer of a cavalry troop, a chemist and a doctor.

D. Coca-Cola which is very popular now was invented by him.

Why do contemporary Coca-Cola officials especially like to mention the year 1886?

A. Because Conan Doyle contributed to Pemberton’s Coca-Cola invention.

B. Because France sent the Statue of Liberty to America and Pemberton loved it.

C. Because they are still proud of Pemberton’s invention.

D. Because Pemberton made more money for the company this year than in any other year.

What does the passage tell us about Frank M. Robinson?

A. He helped his boss and began making patent medicines together with his boss in 1869.

B. He had a special nose with an acute sense of smell and especially was good at drawing.

C. When he found the end product tasted awful, he threw in some cola nut oil and other oils.

D. He designed a label “Coca-Cola” for the Coca-Cola Company with his elegant handwriting.

How did Pemberton change French Wine Coca formula to make it taste delicious?

A. He mixed it with several oils instead of water.         

B. He put some beer into the mixture.

C. He added more coffee into the mixture than before.     

D. He added some cola nut oil and a few other oils.

According to the passage, what was Coca-Cola intended for at first?

A. It was intended for the children as a soft drink.  

B. It was intended for a substitute for French Wine Coca

C. It was intended for a cure for the common headache        

D. It was intended for the need of the war


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省南昌市2010届高三下学期第二次模拟测试英语试卷 题型:完型填空

The following is a true story. It shows that potential discovered may lead to success. A young, man traveled by train. As it was running across a  _36_ passengers looked out of the_37_  idly and aimlessly.When the train came near a bend it _38_ and then an unadorned (简陋的)house came into _39_ .It was so obvious _40_ the deserted landscape that everybody on the train began to “ _41_ ” it with their eyes wide open.Some passengers  _42_ began a discussion about it.
The young man was also _43_ by the scene.On his return he  _44_ the train at the nearest station and found his _45_ to the house.Its _46_ told him that troubled by the _47_ of the train he wanted to sell the house but  _48__would buy it.
Soon after the young man __49__three thousand dollars for the house, regarding it as a _50_ site for advertisement.It was facing the railway _51_ where the train had to slow down and the _52_ passengers would cast their eyes at the house to _53_ themselves.He managed to get  _54_ to big companies and tried his best to convince them of the advantage of the place for  _55_ .Finally the Coca Cola Company took a lease on(租用) it to put up promotion signs.The young man was paid 180 thousand for a three - year rent.
36.A.city          B.station         C.tunnel         D.wilderness
37.A.windows     B.houses         C.rooms          D.planes            
38.A.broke down     B.turned down     C.slowed down   D.put down
39.A.being              B.view           C.use           D.effect
40.A.against        B.on            C.for           D.to           
41.A.enjoy          B.hear         C.inspect         D.see
42.A.ever         B.even           C.still          D.yet   
43.A.excited        B.expressed     C.shocked       D.impressed
44.A.got in          B.got out        C.got off        D.put off 
45.A.way          B.path         C.road        D.means
46.A.loser         B.employer     C.boss         D.owner
47.A.sound          B.noise          C.voice         D.saying
48.A.nobody       B.none         C.nothing        D.someone
49.A.cost          B.paid         C.spent          D.took 
50.A.favorable      B.wrong         C.best          D.just         
51.A.station         B.track         C.carriage      D.bend
52.A.tired           B.excited        C.moved         D.delighted
53.A.express        B.enjoy         C.refresh        D.seat
54.A.close         B.access         C.down         D.up           
55.A.promotion          B.production          C.sale          D.advertisement


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年甘肃武威六中高二12月模块学习学段检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— The Coca-Cola company is one of the     of the match.

— No wonder there are many Coca-Cola pictures around the sports field.







科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The Coca-Cola Company ___________ wiser to leave the old Coke alone and introduce New Coke as a brand extension. 【黑龙江省哈市五县2011年高考模拟试卷英语卷(22)】【情态动词及虚拟语气】                                

A. might have been        B. can’t have been

C. must have been        D. can have been



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



The following is a true story. It shows that potential(潜力)discovered may lead to success.

A young man traveled by train. As it was running across a  36 , passengers looked out of  37   idly and aimlessly. When the train came near a bend it  38  and then an unadorned (简陋的)house came into  39  . It was so obvious  40  the deserted landscape that everybody on the train turned to “  41  ” it with eyes wide open. Some passengers  42  began a discussion abut it.

The young man was also   43  by the scene. On his return he   44  the train at the nearest station and found his 45 to the house. Its  46 told him that troubled by the  47  of the train he wanted to sell the house but   48  would buy it.

Soon after the young man   49  thirty thousand dollars for the house, regarding it as a 50 site for advertisement. It was facing the railway   51 where the train had to slow down and the  52  passengers would cast their eyes at the house to   53  themselves.

He managed to get   54  to big companies and tried his best to convince them of the advantage of the place for   55  . Finally the Coca Cola Company took a lease on(租用) it to put up promotion signs. The young man was paid 180 thousand for a three-year rent.

36.A.city   B.station      C.tunnel      D.wilderness 

37. A.windows       B.houses      C.rooms       D.planes            

38.A.broke down     B.turned down     C.slowed down   D.put down 

39.A.being       B.view        C.use    D.effect

40.A.against     B.on     C.for    D.to           

41.A.admire     B.hear  C.inspect      D.see 

42.A.ever  B.even        C.still   D.yet   

43.A.excited     B.expressed  C.shocked    D.impressed

44.A.got in       B.got out     C.got off     D.put off 

45.A.way B.path  C.road  D.means     

46.A.loser B.employer  C.boss  D.owner

47.A.sound       B.noise       C.voice D.saying 

48.A.nobody    B.none  C.nothing     D.someone

49.A.cost   B.paid  C.spent       D.took        

50.A.favorable        B.wrong      C.best   D.just         

51.A.station      B.track C.carriage   D.bend 

52.A.tired        B.excited     C.moved      D.delighted

53.A.express     B.enjoy C.refresh     D.seat 

54.A.close B.access      C.down        D.up           

55.A.promotion       B.production       C.sale          D.advertisement    

