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You look not a bit older than you did five years ago. How do you______ so young?

A. change    B. grow    C. become     D. stay



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


M: Well, Stella? Why do you look (44) u_________?

W: Oh, Bill, I have just had a quarrel with Mr. Philips.

M: Mr. Philips! What on earth was it (45) a_____?

W: Well, I have made three bad (46) m_____ so far this week. Today I (47) f_________ to give him an important message, so he got really angry with me.

M: But I don’t understand. You are usually very careful and (48) n_____ make mistakes.

W: I’m just so tired, I don’t know (49) w______ I am doing.

M: Why? Have you been going to bed late these days?

W: No, I’m usually in bed by about eleven. But I keep being (50) w______ up by half past four every morning. And then I cannot go back to sleep.

M: Why?

W: It’s my (51) n_____, the milkman next door. He has to get up at half past four and he always turns the radio on (52) l_____.

M: Ask him to turn it down then.

W: It’s difficult. I don’t know him yet.

M: If you don’t want to see him, write him a letter.

W: Do you think it’s a good idea?

M: Yes, I do. I’ll help you (53) w______ the letter.

W: OK, let’s try.

(44) ________

(45) ________

(46) ________

(47) ________

(48) ________

(49) _______

(50) _______

(51) ________

(52) ________

(53) _______


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省苍南中学09-10学年度高一下学期期中考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Dear Carol,
I wear braces (牙箍) and I know I look just terrible in them. Is there anything I can do to improve my appearance until they come off?
Connie N.
Philadelphia, PA
Dear Connie,
Start by thinking about how good you are going to look when your braces come off. If you are negative about your appearance, people will pick that up right away about you. In the meantime there are several things that you can do to lift your spirits:
Change your hairstyle. Be sure to get a good cut so that the shape of your hair will be flattering to your face and also good for your type of hair (fine, thick, straight, curly, etc.) Choose a hairstyle that draws attention away from your face. Hair pulled back into a pony-tail or into a ball on top or slightly off-center can be attractive and practical for this purpose.
Keep skin clean. If you choose to wear makeup(化妆品), it should look natural. Blusher(腮红) and lip gloss(润唇膏) in light tones of peach or pink are best.
Be well-groomed(打扮). Neatness really counts. People see a total look about you before they ever become aware of your braces. And first impressions are lasting ones!
68. Why did Connie write to Carol?
A. Because she really cared about her clothes.
B. Because she cared much about her appearance.
C. Because her teeth were not good.
D. Because she didn’t know how to make up.
69. Carol’s idea about one’s appearance is that ___________.
A. change your hairstyle and you will look beautiful
B. wear your make-up and you will look good
C. neatness is not important
D. if you yourself don’t think you look smart, neither will people
70. Carol tries to let Connie know that ___________.
A. the deepest impressions one leaves on others is the first ones
B. spirits are important when we talk about one’s appearance
C. there are some practical ways to draw people’s attention away from where you don’t feel good 
D. all of the above
71. The underlined word “count” means “___________” in the last paragraph.
A. say numbers in order        B. be of importance           C. not include        D. be accepted


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河北省高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空


I had a very special teacher in high school many years ago and suddenly her husband died of a heart attack. One day, about a week after her husband’s       , the teacher said, “Before class is over, I would like to share with all of you a (n)        in life that is unrelated to this class, but I feel it is very       .”

 “Each of us is put here on        to learn, share, love and appreciate. None of us knows when this fantastic        will end. It can be        at any moment. Perhaps we must make the most out of every single       .” Her eyes beginning to       , she went on, “So I would like you all to make me a(n)       . From now on, on your way, find something beautiful to       . It doesn’t have to be something you see—it could be a sweet smell or it could be the sound of the      leaves. Please look for these things, and cherish (珍视) them.”

The class was completely quiet. We all        our books and got out of the classroom       . That afternoon, I noticed more things on my way home from        than I had that whole term. Every once in a while, I think of that teacher and        what she had said, and I try to appreciate all of those things that        we all ignore.

Take notice of something special you see on your lunch hour today.      on the beach at sunset. Stop off on the way home tonight to        an ice cream. For as we get       , it is not the things we did that we often feel       , but the things we didn’t do.      

1.A. death          B. illness              C. news                D. birthday

2.A. plan   B.answer           C. lesson                     D. suggestion

3.A. clear       B.sweet             C. different                          D. important

4.A. foot        B.earth                C. business                    D. holiday

5.A. game      B.experience               C. story                 D. party

6.A. taken away       B.worked out           C. put off           D. held up

7.A. place      B.word                 C. bill             D. day

8.A.dry           B.open     C. water             D. roll

9.A.exam  B.promise C. date                D. trip

10.A.notice            B.eat  C. learn              D. carry

11.A.dead             B.dirty         C. growing                   D. falling

12.A. turned over       B.brought in           C. picked up              D. passed on

13.A. carefully       B.quietly              C. patiently                    D. happily

14.A. school           B.hospital             C. factory                      D. church

15.A. hear              B. write             C. remember            D. understand

16.A. finally           B. never              C. unusually              D. sometimes

17.A. Walk              B. Live      C. Work              D. Study

18.A. spare             B. get        C. make              D. smell

19.A. closer           B. taller      C. older              D. stronger

20.A.excited           B. surprised                    C. proud                     D. sorry



科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省09-10学年度高一下学期期中考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Dear Carol,

I wear braces (牙箍) and I know I look just terrible in them. Is there anything I can do to improve my appearance until they come off?

Connie N.

Philadelphia, PA

Dear Connie,

Start by thinking about how good you are going to look when your braces come off. If you are negative about your appearance, people will pick that up right away about you. In the meantime there are several things that you can do to lift your spirits:

Change your hairstyle. Be sure to get a good cut so that the shape of your hair will be flattering to your face and also good for your type of hair (fine, thick, straight, curly, etc.) Choose a hairstyle that draws attention away from your face. Hair pulled back into a pony-tail or into a ball on top or slightly off-center can be attractive and practical for this purpose.

Keep skin clean. If you choose to wear makeup(化妆品), it should look natural. Blusher(腮红) and lip gloss(润唇膏) in light tones of peach or pink are best.

Be well-groomed(打扮). Neatness really counts. People see a total look about you before they ever become aware of your braces. And first impressions are lasting ones!

68. Why did Connie write to Carol?

A. Because she really cared about her clothes.

B. Because she cared much about her appearance.

C. Because her teeth were not good.

D. Because she didn’t know how to make up.

69. Carol’s idea about one’s appearance is that ___________.

A. change your hairstyle and you will look beautiful

B. wear your make-up and you will look good

C. neatness is not important

D. if you yourself don’t think you look smart, neither will people

70. Carol tries to let Connie know that ___________.

A. the deepest impressions one leaves on others is the first ones

B. spirits are important when we talk about one’s appearance

C. there are some practical ways to draw people’s attention away from where you don’t feel good 

D. all of the above

71. The underlined word “count” means “___________” in the last paragraph.

A. say numbers in order        B. be of importance           C. not include        D. be accepted



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年山东省高三第三次定时练习英语试题 题型:阅读理解

“Everybody loves a bargain.” Is a well-known saying. One person’s useless, ugly, or broken object can be another person’s bargain. That is why so many Americans do not throw things away.  They put them outside their house.  They put on a "For Sale" sign.  And, as simple as that, they have a yard sale.

The sellers put a paid announcement in a local newspaper.  It tells when and where the yard sale will take place. These sales are very popular during weekends in spring, summer, and autumn.

Early in the morning, all the things to be sold are carried out of the house. Then they sit all day in the sunlight -- like tired guests at a party -- waiting for someone to take them home.

Just about anything can be sold at a yard sale. Sometimes, there are more clothes than anything else. Cooking equipment is also popular. So are old toys, tools, books, tables, and chairs. Then there are objects called "white elephants."  A white elephant is something you think is extremely ugly or useless. It may be an electric light shaped like a fish. You feel a sharp pain whenever you look at it. To someone else, however, it might be a thing of beauty and joy.

Some people go to yard sales to find a special thing that they collect. It may be old toy trains, for example, or paintings of dogs. Experts say more Americans are collecting old things now than ever before. Most people who go to yard sales, however, are not looking for anything special.  They might buy an object simply because it costs so little.  They enjoy negotiating over prices, even if they really do not need the object.  Later, they may hold their own yard sale to sell all the things they have bought.

1.What kind of things will go to a yard sale?

    A.Cheap and ugly things.                            B.Things people no longer use.

    C.Things out of season.                             D.Things of great value.

2.A white elephant refers to ______ .

    A.something that can cause n feeling of pain

    B.something disliked by the owners while appreciated by others

    C.something sold at the lowest price

    D.a toy shaped like a fish

3.Most people go to yard sales to ______ .

    A.find Valuable paintings                            B.look for something special

    C.find a bargain                                     D.kill their time

4.Which of the following is NOT true about a yard sale?

    A.It may not be held when the weather is very cold.

    B.It can last for a whole day.

    C.It is usually held with a party.

    D.It is held outdoors.

5.We can infer from the last paragraph that ______ .

    A.people may find something of great value on a yard sale

    B.yard sales only attract those who have a low income

    C.things on a yard sale can cost people a lot

    D.most people who go to yard sales want to make money


