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5.The activity is concerned           our interests.(  )

分析 这项活动跟我们的兴趣有关.

解答 答案:C,考查介词的搭配,be concerned about/for…"关心",be concerned with…"与…有关",根据语境应是"活动与我们的兴趣有关",故答案为C.

点评 考查介词的辨析,在平时的学习中要对这些短语进行积累,再根据具体的语境确定答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

15.B 38.Tom is studying Chinese medicine in China.He is interested in the traditional art--paper cutting.
A 39.Emily got interested in China and lion dances of the country and hopes to attend any event related to her interest.
D 40.Dave is a student learning in China and hopes to learn more about the ancient philosophy of China such as Taoism.
C 41.John is a boxing fan.He is now having a trip in China with his parents who are on a business tour in China.

A.Traditional festival fairs
Sales of paintings and calligraphy,antiques,children's toys,seasonal fruit and vegetables,variety shows(杂耍),cross-talk,traditional lion dances,stilt dances,rickshaw,folk wedding performances and much more besides.
B.Ditan Temple Fair
Folk flower fairs,acrobatic shows,Quyi (story telling with music and performance),Beijing snacks,traditional handcrafts like dough sculpture,paper cutting and shadow play.
C.Longtan Temple Fair
Visitors can compete with national-level athletes at judo,taekwondo,wrestling and boxing.Diabolo displays,face changing and some Guinness World Record attempts will also be featured.
D.Dongyue Temple Fair
An exhibition about"Fu"(happiness) culture (including a walk on a"Fu"road,hanging a"Fu"plate,circling a"Fu"tree and drawing on a"Fu"canvas),and a folk-custom show featuring various traditional folk activities.There will also be other activities,including a Taoist music performance and sports competitions.Various artwork,books and snacks will also be available.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Inspite of all that has been said,the tourists have beenpicking leaves and cutting their names on the tree-trunk.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Have your parents ever caught you misbehaving--fighting with peers,coming home late or playing computer games when you were supposed to be doing your homework?How did they react?Did they try to talk to you or just yell at you?
Parents used to rely on physical punishments like pushing or spanking(打屁股)to control their children's behavior,which has been proven to be very harmful.Therefore,most parents now choose to simply yell,thinking that language probably won't hurt as much.But is that really so?
Using harsh words such as"lazy"or"stupid"to insult teenagers is just as harmful as hitting,according to a new study carried out at the University of Pittsburgh,US."It cannot reduce or correct their problem behavior,"said Professor Ming-Te Wang,leader of the study."On the contrary,it makes it worse."
The study's subjects were 976 two-parent families with teenage children.Researchers asked the kids about their behavior problems while questioning parents about how often they had cursed (咒骂)or yelled at their kids.
Nearly half of the parents admitted that they'd shouted at their children in the past year.Researchers noted that the kids whose parents used more harsh words experienced more behavior problems afterwards,including fighting,stealing,lying as well as symptoms of depression (抑郁).
"Adolescence is a very sensitive period when kids are trying to develop their self-identities.When you yell,it makes them feel they are not capable,that they are worthless and useless,"Wang said."This may explain why so many parents say that no matter how loud they shout,their teenagers don't listen."
While harsh yelling can stop bad behavior in the moment,it doesn't teach children to behave how parents want them to.What parents need to do is praise their children for good behavior.If parents really need to punish their kids,they should try things like taking away smart phones and reminding them that good behavior will get them back.
67.What does the underlined word"It"in Paragraph 3 refer to?D
A.Punishing teenagers.
B.Controlling children's behavior.
C.Talking to children.
D.Using harsh words.
68.We can know from Professor Ming-Te Wang's study thatA.
A.kids often shouted at won't change their problem behavior
B.kids are unwilling to listen to whatever parents say
C.parents should make a list of their kids'misbehavior
D.kids from two-parent families get more harsh words
69.Why does harsh words have negative effects on kids?C
A.Because they make kids more sensitive when they grow up.
B.Because they make kids tend to yell or curse others.
C.Because they make kids doubt their values and lose confidence.
D.Because they make kids eager to be praised.
70.The last paragraph is chiefly concerned aboutB.
A.how to praise children's good behavior
B.how to deal with children's misbehavior
C.the importance of stopping harsh yelling
D.the way to encourage children to correct mistakes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.We're considering students'request ______the school cafeteria should provide more kinds of food.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.Our bodies are ________ by working out.Similarly,our minds are developed by learning.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.That was the first time thathe had fallen in love with a girl.(fall)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.According to the latest report,human beings are _____ for the abnormal climate around the whole world.(  )
A.to be blamedB.to be blamingC.to blameD.Blaming


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.He asked us to          him ______ carrying through their plan.(  )
A.assist; toB.assist; byC.assist; ofD.assist; in

