精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
     Cyril was a small town. The houses there were all made of wood; almost everything in the houses were made of wood, too. And all the houses faced south. The town was never peaceful. Fire broke out once
a week on summer afternoons. People were puzzled who was the real firebug (纵火犯).
     One day a big fire broke out. It was said that a Negro(黑人) had jumped out of the house on fire, so
the police arrested all the Negroes in the street. However, there were fires breaking out when the Negroes were in prison.
     Mauson, a physics teacher, didn't believe that the Negroes were the firebugs, and decided to find out
who the real firebug was. One day, he was invited to drink in a pub and happened to notice that many
bottles and plastic plates were baked by the hot sunrays. Suddenly he realized what the actual fact was.
He dashed out of the pub to his friend's house nearby, which also faced south. He made an experiment
there to prove his idea.
     The next Saturday afternoon, Mauson asked some policemen to come to the house. They were told
that the real firebug would be shown there. At that time, the sun was shining full into the house and it
became hotter and hotter inside the room. "Now," said Mauson, "this house will soon catch fire." People
looked at each other in surprise. Mauson asked them to look at the bottles and focus on the table cloth.
After a while the cloth gave off a burning smell and began to catch fire!
     The mystery of fire was discovered, but the police wouldn't believe him and insisted that Negroes had
been the firebugs. Instead they arrested Mauson and put him into prison. But Mauson said he would never turn against science.
1. The town was never peaceful, for fire broke out ________.
A. on Sundays  
B. on summer afternoons    
C. at any time  
D. on winter mornings
2. Why did the police arrest all the Negroes?
A. Because one of them had been seen to set on a fire.
B. Because they were suspected to be the firebugs.
C. Because the police hated the Negroes.
D. Because the Negroes knew something about the fires.
3. Drinking in a pub, Mauson realized ________.
A. he needed to leave the pub
B. he needed to back the bottles
C. it was too hot in the pub          
D. who was the real fire bug
4. By making an experiment, it was proved that the real firebug was ________.
A. the Negroes    
B. bottles      
C. sunrays      
D. plastic plates
5. What happened at the end of the story?
A. The Negroes were set free.
B. The police arrested the real firebugs
C. Mauson was arrested too.
D. Mauson made friends with the Negroes

科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省西工大附中2011届高三第八次适应性训练英语试题 题型:050


  It was about 11∶15 pm on the passenger ship California.The night was freezing cold and the water was filled with ice from the North Pole, making it difficult for the ship to sail on.

  In the radio room, ship California’s operator Cyril Evans listened to the radio-talk between a nearby passenger ship and the telegraph station on the Canadian island of Newfoundland.Evans interrupted it and said, “We’re stopped and surrounded by ice.Be careful as you pass through these waters.” The radio operator on the nearby ship replied, “I’m too busy to talk now.I have many messages to send to the telegraph station.” Twenty minutes later, as he turned off his radio and went to bed, Evans could still hear the ship sending its passengers’ telegrams.

  Earlier in the evening the California’s captain, Stanley Lord, had seen another ship approaching.It looked about the size of his own, but attempts to contact the ship failed.It lay dark and mysterious about 10 miles away.At 00∶40 am there appeared a sudden flash of light just over the mystery ship.Captain Lord, thinking the ship might need help, ordered his officers to signal the ship by lamp.There was no reply.Three more rockets then exploded, none appeared to go higher than halfway up the mast(桅杆)of the mystery ship.Then at about 2∶00 am it turned and slipped into the darkness.

  In the light of the dawn there was no mystery ship, but 20 miles away was the scene of a great disaster.Unfortunately, the mystery ship had stopped directly in front of the California, preventing people on board from seeing clearly.If this ship had not been there, Captain Lord would have recognized that the rockets were SOS rockets that came not from the mystery ship but from a more distant ship which the California could not see.If Cyril Evans had kept his radio on for just 30 minutes more he would have heard SOS signals coming from that distant ship he spoke with the night before.That ship was the Titanic which was sinking fast, leaving 1,500 of its passengers dead.It was April 14, 1912.


Why were the rockets really fired?

[  ]


To celebrate the journey.


To signal for help.


To contact the Titanic.


To warn other ships.


What is the main function of the last paragraph of this passage?

[  ]


It shows how unlucky the Titanic was.


It describes how the Titanic sank.


It indicates that the people on the California were careless.


It lists how many people died in the disaster.


How many ships are mentioned in the passage?

[  ]










From the passage we know that _________

[  ]


the rockets were fired from the mystery ship


Cyril Evans worked on the mystery ship that night


the Titanic started sinking at dawn the next day


the Titanic sent out many telegrams that night


科目:高中英语 来源:0113 期末题 题型:阅读理解

     Cyril was a small town. The houses there were all made of wood; almost everything in the houses such
as cupboards, tables and chairs were made of wood, too. And all the houses faced south. The town was
never peaceful. Fire broke out once a week on summer afternoons. People there were puzzled who the real
firebug was.
     One day a big fire broke out. It was said that a black had jumped out of the house on fire, so the police
arrested all the blacks in the street. However, fire never stopped to breaking out when the blacks were in
prison. Watson, a physics teacher didn't believe that the blacks were the firebugs, for he really knew about
those blacks. He made up his mind to find out who the real firebug was.
      One day he was invited to drink in a pub and happened to notice that many bottles and plastic plates
were baked by the hot sunrays. Suddenly he realized what the actual fact was. He jumped with joy, saying,
"I've got the answer!"
      Watson dashed out of the pub to his friend's house nearby, which also faced south. He made an
experiment there to prove his idea.
      The next Saturday afternoon, Watson asked some policemen and newsmen to come to the house. They
were told that the real firebug would be shown there. At that time the sun was shining full into the house and
it became hotter and hotter inside the room.
     Someone wanted to draw the curtains together, while another was going to use a bottle to drink water,
but neither got permission from Watson, who wanted to let the firebug in.
     "Now," said Watson,"this house will soon catch fire." People looked at each other in surprise. Watson
asked them to look at the bottles and focus on the table cloth. After a while the cloth gave off a burning
smell and began to catch fire!
     The mystery of fire was discovered, but the police wouldn't believe him and insisted that blacks had
been the firebugs. Instead they arrested Watson and put him into prison. But Watson said he would never
turn against science.
1. The town was never peaceful, for fire broke out _____.
A. in the afternoon
B. in prison
C. at any time
D. at night
2. Why did the police arrest all the blacks?
A. One of them had jumped out of the home on fire.
B. They were thought to be the firebugs.
C. The police hated all the black people.
D. The blacks knew something about the fires.
3. Drinking in a pub, Watson realized what the actual fact was _____.
A. by experiment
B. by backing the bottles
C. through the hot sunrays
D. by accident
4. By making an experiment, they knew the real firebug was _____.
A. the blacks
B. bottles
C. sunrays
D. plastic plates
5. Watson was put into prison, because _____.
A. he had told a lie though a teacher
B. he had fund out the real firebug
C. he had turned against science
D. he had made friends with the blacks


科目:高中英语 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     It was about 11:15 pm on the passenger ship California. The night was freezing cold and the water was
filled with ice from the North Pole, making it difficult for the ship to sail on.
     In the radio room, operator Cyril Evans listened to the radio-talk between a nearby passenger ship and
the telegraph station on the Canadian island of Newfoundland. Evans interrupted it and said, "We're stopped
and surrounded by ice. Be careful as you pass through these waters." The radio operator on the nearby ship
replied, "I'm too busy to talk now. I have many messages to send to the telegraph station." Twenty minutes
later, as he turned off his radio and went to bed, Evans could still hear the ship sending its passengers'
     Earlier in the evening the California's captain, Stanley Lord, had seen another ship approaching. It looked
about the size of his own, but attempts to contact the ship failed. It lay dark and mysterious about 10 miles
away. At 12:40 am there appeared a sudden flash of light just over the mystery ship. Captain Lord, thinking
the ship might need help, ordered his officers to signal the ship by lamp. There was no reply. Three more
rockets then exploded, none appeared to go higher than halfway up the mast of the mystery ship. Then at
about 2:00 am it turned and slipped into the darkness.
     In the light of the dawn there was no mystery ship, but 20 miles away was the scene of a great disaster.
Unfortunately, the mystery ship had stopped directly in front of the California, preventing people on board
from seeing clearly. If this ship had not been there, Captain Lord would have recognized that the rockets
were SOS rockets that came not from the mystery ship but from a more distant ship which the California
could not see. If Cyril Evans had kept his radio on for just 30 minutes more he would have heard SOS signals
coming from that distant ship he spoke with the night before. That ship was the Titanic which was sinking
fast, leaving 1 500 0f its passengers dead. It was April 14,1912.
1. From whose point of view is the story told?
A. People on the Titanic.
B. People on the California.
C. People at the telegraph station.
D. People on Newfoundland.
2. Why were the rockets really fired?
A. To celebrate the journey.
B. To signal for help.
C. To contact the Titanic.
D. To warn other ships.
3. What is the main function of the last paragraph of this passage?
A. It shows how unlucky the Titanic was.
B. It describes how the Titanic sank.
C. It indicates that the people on the California were careless.
D. It lists how many people died in the disaster.
4. How many ships are mentioned in the passage?
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
D. Four.
5. From the passage we know that _____.
A. the rockets were fired from the mystery ship
B. Cyril Evans went to bed earlier than usual that night
C. the Titanic started sinking at dawn the next day
D. the Titanic sent out many telegrams that night

