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Man must keep in mind that it will be years ______ the earth recovers from the damage he makes to it.         

A. when                        B. before                   C. since                D. until


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Here are some of the best movies you like. I believe they can accompany you to spend your dull weekend.

The Matrix

In this story a computer hacker searches for the truth behind the mysterious force . In the 22nd century it turns out that the world is controlled by a magic computer system called the Matrix and people live in an unreal world. The computer hacker and his comrades overcome much difficulty and at last find the way to take over the Matrix and save the world.

Men in Black

      This comedy is about J and K, agents in a top secret agency , and they fight bravely with the alien to save the galaxy from a bad-tempered alien “bug” and save the Earth from being destroyed .

Harry Potter

    Harry has lived under the stairs at his aunt and uncle’s house. But on his 11th birthday, he learns he’s a powerful wizard——with a place waiting for him at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There, he uncovers the truth about his parents’ deaths and about the bad man who’s to blame .

Andromeda Strain

      When a satellite crashes in New Mexico, the Air Force sends two men to reach it. To their horror, they discover that the probe carries an alien virus that’s already killed all but two of the residents of the town where it landed. Now, scientists must stop the virus from spreading .

12 Monkeys

      In the year 2035, James Cole is forced to be sent back to 1996 by scientists to discover the origin of a virus that wiped out nearly all of the earth’s population. When Cole is mistakenly sent to 1990, he’s arrested and locked up in a mental hospital, where he meets the son of a famous virus expert.

In which film secret agents fight with the bad creature from outer space?

A. The Matrix    B. Men in Black    C. Andromeda Strain  D. 12 Monkeys

Harry Potter _________.

A. does’t know he’s a powerful wizard until he is 11 years old

B. has a happy and pleasant childhood with his aunt and uncle

C. hates to stay at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

D. Knows how his parents died before he goes to the Hogwarts school

Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Men in black is a comedy.

B. The Matrix is a mysterious force which is later taken over by a group of computer hackers.

C. The alien virus killed all the residents of the town where it landed.

D. James Cole is sent back to 1990 mistakenly and is kept in a mental hospital.

   The author writes the passage in order to ________.

A. let readers know more about the latest movies

B. increase the income of the cinemas of the city

C. tell readers some interesting summaries of movies

D. help readers to choose the best movie they like


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

To son, Cecil,

       Just a quick note before I start in earnest. When I wrote this, you were 8, still a little boy. In 2002, I was called to active duty in the Marine Corps in the war on Terrorism (恐怖主义). On the 11th of September 2001 when America was attacked, I knew that I would eventually have to go and I was filled with a deep sense of sadness. That night as you and Keiko were asleep, I looked at your little faces and couldn’t help but fight the tears. I knew it would be hard for you because I had a similar experience. When I was a little boy aged 6, my dad, your Grandpa Cawley, was sent to Vietnam during the war there. I remember how much I missed him, too. But now unfortunately I have come to realize just how rough it must have been for Grandpa to be away from his children for a year. Thinking about this, I wanted to put my thoughts and feelings down for you and your sister. I am so sorry that I had to leave for such a long time. There is no place I would rather be than with you and Keiko. You two are the lights of my life. I have known no greater joy than in the few years since you two were born. I hope to have many more years with you. If this doesn’t happen, then know that I love you more than words can express. If for some reason I don’t make it home, I will need you to take care of your little sister and your Mom. You will be the man of the Cawley family. Be good my son and God will watch over you as he has me. I will be waiting impatiently for the time when we can all be together again.

The writer of the letter may be ______.k*s5*u

A. an American soldier in the battle field           

B. an American policeman

C. a soldier in the Vietnam War                        

D. a postman working far away from home

Keiko is the ______ of the writer.

     A. wife                        B. son                          C. daughter                          D. sister

One of the experiences the writer and his son had in common is that ______.

A. they both experienced the Vietnam War 

B. their fathers had to leave them and fight abroad.

C. they used to study in the same school

D. they were both eight when the fathers had to leave them

We can infer(推断) that ______.

A. the writer was a devoted son        

B. the writer was a brave soldier

    C. the writer realized he might die in the battle field

D. the writer’s wife was suffering from a terrible illness.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年重庆市高三第一次月考(英语) 题型:阅读理解

The word “conservation” has a thrifty meaning. To conserve is to save and protect, to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such a good condition that others may also share the enjoyment. Our forefathers had no idea that human population would increase faster than the supplies of raw materials: most of them, even until very recently, had the foolish idea that the treasures were “limitless” and could “last forever”. Most of the citizens of earlier generations knew little or nothing about the complicated and delicate system that runs all through nature, and which means that, as in a living body, an unhealthy condition of one part will sooner or later be harmful to all the others.

  Fifty years ago, nature study was not part of the school work; scientific forestry was a new idea; wood was still cheap because it could be brought in any quantity from distant woodlands; soil destruction and river floods were not national problems; nobody had yet studied long-term climatic cycles in relation to proper land use; even the word “conservation” had nothing of the meaning that it has for us today.

  For the sake of ourselves and those who will come after us, we must now set about correcting the mistakes of our forefathers. Conservation should be made part of everybody’s daily life. To know about the water table in ground is just as important to us as a knowledge of the basic math formulas. We need to know why all watersheds (上游集水区) need the protection of plant life and why the running current of streams and rivers must be made to give their full benefit to the soil before they finally escape to the sea. We need to be taught the duty of planting trees as well as of cutting them. We need to know the importance of big, grown trees, because living space for most of mans fellow creatures on this planet is figured not only in square measure of surface but also in cubic (立方体的) volume above the earth. In a word, it should be our goal to restore as much of the original beauty of nature as we can.

1.The author’s attitude towards the use of natural resources is _________.

A. positive         B. uninterested     C. optimistic           D. critical

2.According to the author, the greatest mistake of our forefathers was that _________.

  A. they had no idea about scientific forestry

  B. they had little or no sense of environmental protection

  C. they were not aware of the importance of nature study

  D. they had no idea of how to make good use of raw materials

3.To avoid repeating the mistakes of our forefathers, the author suggests that ______

  A. we plant more trees

  B. natural sciences be taught to everybody

  C. environmental education be directed toward everyone

  D. we return to nature

4.How can you understand the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?

A. Our living space on the earth is getting smaller and smaller.

B. Our living space should be measured in cubic volume.[来源:Z。xx。k.Com]

C. We need to take some measures to protect space.

D. We must preserve good living conditions for both birds and animals.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年黑龙江省高二上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Here are some of the best movies you like. I believe they can accompany you to spend your dull weekend.

The Matrix

In this story a computer hacker searches for the truth behind the mysterious force . In the 22nd century it turns out that the world is controlled by a magic computer system called the Matrix and people live in an unreal world. The computer hacker and his comrades overcome much difficulty and at last find the way to take over the Matrix and save the world.

Men in Black

      This comedy is about J and K, agents in a top secret agency , and they fight bravely with the alien to save the galaxy from a bad-tempered alien “bug” and save the Earth from being destroyed .

Harry Potter

    Harry has lived under the stairs at his aunt and uncle’s house. But on his 11th birthday, he learns he’s a powerful wizard——with a place waiting for him at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There, he uncovers the truth about his parents’ deaths and about the bad man who’s to blame .

Andromeda Strain

      When a satellite crashes in New Mexico, the Air Force sends two men to reach it. To their horror, they discover that the probe carries an alien virus that’s already killed all but two of the residents of the town where it landed. Now, scientists must stop the virus from spreading .

12 Monkeys

      In the year 2035, James Cole is forced to be sent back to 1996 by scientists to discover the origin of a virus that wiped out nearly all of the earth’s population. When Cole is mistakenly sent to 1990, he’s arrested and locked up in a mental hospital, where he meets the son of a famous virus expert.

1. In which film secret agents fight with the bad creature from outer space?

A. The Matrix    B. Men in Black    C. Andromeda Strain  D. 12 Monkeys

2.Harry Potter _________.

A. does’t know he’s a powerful wizard until he is 11 years old

B. has a happy and pleasant childhood with his aunt and uncle

C. hates to stay at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

D. Knows how his parents died before he goes to the Hogwarts school

3. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Men in black is a comedy.

B. The Matrix is a mysterious force which is later taken over by a group of computer hackers.

C. The alien virus killed all the residents of the town where it landed.

D. James Cole is sent back to 1990 mistakenly and is kept in a mental hospital.

4.    The author writes the passage in order to ________.

A. let readers know more about the latest movies

B. increase the income of the cinemas of the city

C. tell readers some interesting summaries of movies

D. help readers to choose the best movie they like



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年湖北省武汉市高二上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:完型填空

The park bench was deserted as I sat down to read beneath the long branches of an old willow tree.   31   at life, I have a good reason to frown, for the world was intent on   32   me down.

And if that weren't enough to ruin my day, a young boy out of breath   33  me, all tired from play. He stood   34   in front of me with his head tilted down and said with great excitement, "Look what I found!" In his hand was a   35  . What a pitiful sight, its petals were all worn - not enough rain, or too little light. Wanting him to take his dead flower away and go off to play, I   36   a small smile and then looked away.

But instead of   37   , he sat next to my side and placed the flower to his nose and   38   loudly with certainty, "It sure smells pretty and it must be beautiful, too. That's why I picked it; here, it's for you." The weed before me was dying or dead, not vibrant of   39  , orange, yellow or red. But I knew I must take it, or he might never leave. So I  40  for the flower, and replied, "Just what I need." Again,  41   placing the flower in my hand, he held it mid-air without reason or plan. It was then  42  I noticed for the very first time that the boy could not see: he was  43 .

I heard my voice trembling. Tears shone like the sun as I thanked him for picking the very best one. "You're welcome," he smiled, and then ran off to play, not realizing the  44  he'd had on my day. I sat there and wondered how he managed to see a  45   woman beneath an old willow tree. How did he 46  my self-indulged plight(困境)? Perhaps he'd been  47  with true sight from his heart by God.

Through the eyes of a blind child, at last I could see, the problem was not with the world; the problem was me. For all of those times I myself had been blind. I decided to see beauty, and  48  every second that belongs to mine.  49  I held that dead flower up to my nose and breathed in the  50  of a beautiful rose , I smiled as that young boy. Another flower in his hand was about to change the life of an unsuspecting old man.



A. Disappointed

B. Delighted

C. Excited

D. embarassed


A. slowing

B. making

C. letting

D. pressing


A. stopped

B. supposed

C. informed

D. approached


A. absolutely

B. definitely

C. right

D. rightly


A. leaf

B. branch

C. weed

D. flower


A. exposed

B. showed

C. managed

D. tried


A. leaving

B. answering

C. reacting

D. responding


A. whispered

B. shouted

C. spoke

D. declared


A. styles

B. sizes

C. colors

D. shapes


A. left

B. handed

C. reached

D. held


A. in pace of

B. in addition to

C. instead of

D. in return


A. where

B. before

C. when

D. that


A. deaf

B. blind

C. cripple

D. dumb


A. impression

B. appearance

C. power

D. influence


A. self-satisfied s

B. elf-respecting

C. self-educated

D. self-pitying


A. approve of[来源:Z#xx#k.Com

B. convince of

C. inform of

D. know of


A. presented

B. crowded

C. blessed

D. equipped


A. appreciate

B. treasure

C. spend

D. admire


A. As

B. Though

C. Unless

D. Since


A. sight

B. shade

C. fragrance

D. flavor


