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The suspect      __to the police that the hammer still   ___ where he had   ___ it.
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A. lay; lay; lain  
B. lay; lied; laid  
C. lied; lay; laid  
D. lied; laid; lain

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Your cell phone holds secrets about you. Besides the names and numbers that you’ve programmed into it, traces of your DNA remain on it, according to a new study.

   DNA is genetic material that appears in every cell. Like your fingerprint, your DNA is unique to you --- unless you have an identical twin. Scientists today usually analyze DNA in blood, saliva(唾液), or hair left behind at the scene of a crime. The results often help detectives identify criminals and their victims.

   Meghan J. McFadden, a biologist at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, heard about a crime in which the suspect bled onto a cell phone and later dropped the device. This made her wonder whether traces of DNA remained on cell phones --- even when no blood was involved. To find out, she and a colleague collected flip-style(翻盖式) phones from 10 volunteers. They collected invisible traces of the users from two parts of the phone: the outside, where the user holds it, and the speaker, which is placed at the user’s ear.  

   The scientists scrubbed(meaning “cleaned”) the phones using a liquid mixture made mostly of alcohol. The aim of washing was to remove all detectable traces of DNA. The owners got their phones back for another week. Then the researchers collected the phones and repeated collecting traces on each phone once more. They discovered DNA that belonged to the phone’s owner on each of the phones.

   Surprisingly, DNA showed up even in swabs that were taken immediately after the phones were cleaned. That suggests that washing won’t remove all traces of evidence from a criminal’s cell phone. So cell phones can now be added to the list of clues that can help a crime-scene investigation.

McFadden decided to find out whether people leave their DNA on their cell phones when she ____ .

       A. got her cell phone lost by chance        

       B. found a cell phone with blood on it

       C. heard about a crime involving a cell phone 

       D. did research on cell phones

The scientists allowed the volunteers to keep their cell phones for a week in order to____.

      A. let them leave their traces on their phones 

              B. avoid keeping their cell phones too long

              C. give them a chance to get rid of their secrets

              D. find out who is responsible for the crime

The last paragraph mainly tells us that cell phones ____ .

              A. do harm to people  B. should be often cleaned

              C. disclose people’s secrets       D. help deal with crimes

Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

              A. The reason for collecting the phones from volunteers.

      B. The technique of collecting DNA on the phones.

      C. The method of removing traces of DNA on the phones.

      D. The purpose of washing the cell phones.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届浙江省杭州外国语学校高三9月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单选题

The police set about arresting the suspect ______ they found enough evidence to prove him guilty.

A.immediateB.as long asC.the momentD.as far as


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届湖北省武汉市武昌区高三上学期期末调研测试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

A policeman was questioning 3 blondes who were training to become detectives. To test their skills in recognizing a suspect, he shows the first blonde a picture for5 seconds and then hides it.
“This is your suspect, how would you recognize him?"
The first blonde answers, "That's easy, we'll catch him fast because he only has one eye!" The policeman says, "Well...uh...that's because the picture shows his profile."
Slightly confused by this ridiculous response, he flashes the picture for 5 seconds at the second blonde and asks her, "This is your suspect, how would you recognize him?"
The second blonde giggles, flips her hair and says, "Ha! He'd be too easy to catch because he only has one ear!"
The policeman angrily responds, "What's the matter with you two? Of course only one eye and one ear are SHOWING because it's a picture of his profile!! Is that the best answer you can come up with?"
Extremely frustrated at this point, he shows the picture to the third blonde and in a very testy voice asks "This is your suspect, how would you recognize him?" He quickly adds, "Think hard before giving me a stupid answer."
The blonde looks at the picture intently for a moment and says, "Hmmmm…the suspect wears contact lenses."
The policeman is surprised and speechless because he really doesn't know himself if the suspect wears contacts or not. "Well, that's an interesting answer...wait here for a few minutes while I check his file and I’ll get back to you on that." He leaves the room and goes to his .office, checks the suspect's file in his computer, and comes back with a beaming smile on his face. "Wow!  I can't believe it...it's TRUE! The suspect does in fact wear contact lenses. Good work! How were you able to make such an acute observation?"
"That's easy," the blonde replied. "He can't wear regular glasses because he only has one eye and one ear."
【小题1】Why did the policeman show a picture to the three blondes?

A.To inquire about their relationship with the suspect.
B.To test their potential of being detectives.
C.To train them as qualified police officers.
D.To show the skills in recognizing a suspect.
【小题2】What's the policeman's attitude towards the first blonde's answer?
【小题3】What did the second blonde think of the task?
【小题4】How did the third blonde know that the suspect wore contact lenses?
A.By coincidence.
B.By random guess.
C.By logical and reasonable analysis.
D.By checking the file in the computer.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届内蒙古高二下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

There are many rights to make sure that people will be treated fairly when they are suspected or accused of a crime. Sometimes these rights are called "due process of law". In using these rights, a person should have the help of a lawyer.

You have a right to protect against unreasonable searches and seizures. The police generally may not search you or your home, or take things you own, without a "warrant". A warrant is a paper which states, very exactly, the place to be searched and the things to be taken. Sometimes, however, the police will not need a warrant to search you or your property. If an officer sees you committing a crime, or if he has a good reason to believe you have committed a serious crime, he may arrest you and search you and the area right around you without a warrant.

If you invite a police without a warrant to come into your house and he finds proof of crime, the evidence may be used against you in court. If you do not want an officer to search you or your home and he does not have a warrant, tell him that you do not give him the right to search. However, if the officer will not listen, do not try to stop him. It is dangerous to resist and it may be illegal to do so. Any evidence which a policeman gets during an unlawful search and seizure cannot be used against you.

Police officers must act reasonably and fairly at all times. They should use physical force only when it is needed to arrest someone to enforce a law. They may not use physical violence to "teach someone a lesson".

1.According to the passage, a "warrant" is______.

A.an identification card                    B.an official written order

C.a special license                        D.an access card

2.The police can use physical force only when _______.

A.they want to teach the habitual thief a lesson

B.the criminal resists arrest

C.they catch the criminal on the spot

D.the suspect talks back

3.The passage centers around _______.

A.the rights of citizens                     B.the importance of warrants

C.the duty of the police                    D.criminal cases



科目:高中英语 来源:2012届浙江省温州市十校联合体高三期中联考英语题 题型:单项填空

The police set about arresting the suspect ______ they found enough evidence to prove him guilty.

 A. immediate       B. as long as           C. the moment       D. as far as


