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    Scientists are studying new information about storm activity in the Atlantic OceanWeather experts say the North Atlantic had more storms this past year than during most yearsThe area had a record of five major hurricanes with wind speeds of one- hundred- ninety kilometers an hour or greater.

    Researchers also note an increase in the number of areas setting new records for high and low temperatures.

    More severe storms have been reported in some areasOther areas have suffered from a severe lack of rain.

    Alex Green of the University of Florida believes a general warming in Earth’s atmosphere is to blameThis warming is commonly called the Green-house Effect.

    Scientists believe it is caused by burning fuels such as oil and coalMany scientists say the pollution released by burning the fuels enters the atmosphere and may lead to higher temperatures on Earth.

    Professor Green says the more carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, the more extreme weather systems we can expect.

    But not all researchers agreeTom Ross is a weather expert with the National Climatic Data Center in North CarolinaMister Ross says what is happening now could become less of an issue at a future dateHe notes that only twenty years ago some scientists were warning about the start of a new ice age.

    Mister Ross says more information needs to be collected before scientists can blame current weather conditions on the Greenhouse EffectHowever, Mister Green says that by the time scientists agree about the problem it may be too late to do anything about it.

1The number of areas setting new records for high and low temperature which have suffered from a severe lack of rain or more severe storms is ________;



Cunder three

Dabove three

2 The underlined “the Greenhouse Effect” means ________.

Aa general warming in Earth’s atmosphere

Bthat the more carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, the more extreme weather systems we can expect

Cburning fuels such as oil and coal

Dthat the pollution released by burning the fuels enters the atmosphere

3What is your opinion after reading the last paragraph? My opinion is that ________.

Aall the scientists can blame current weather conditions on the Greenhouse Effect

Bnot all the scientists agree about the Greenhouse Effect

Cit is never too late to do anything almost Greenhouse Effect

Dit maybe too late to do anything about Greenhouse Effect

4many Chinese are anxious to go to the United States

BAmerica is not a great country, compared with China

CChina too, is a great country and his friends don’t always see that

Dbeauty in one’s own backyard is some times taken for granted

4From this passage we can learn ________.

Apeople sometimes made stupid mistakes

Bpeople sometimes take a one- sided view of things

Cpeople must look at things from all sides

Dbeauty lies in love’s eyes


;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB'>.The main idea of this passage is ________.

Astorms and the environment

Bthe pollution caused by burning the fuels

Cthe change of the environment and study

Dthe Greenhouse Effect



1.       Researchers also note an increase in the number of areas setting new records for high and low temperatures. More severe storms have been reported in some areas.Other areas have suffered from a severe lack of rain. 从这几句中的词如 the number of, in some areas, other areas, 推断出多于三个地方

2.       见文中…a general warming in Earth’s atmosphere is to blame.This warming is commonly called the Green-house Effect.

3.       从文中可见科学家们对温室效应有着不同的意见

4.       本文主要讨论了气候环境的变化以及对它们的研究



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Batteries can power anything from small sensors to large systems. While scientists are finding ways to make them smaller but even more powerful, problems can arise when these batteries are much larger and heavier than the devices themselves. University of Missouri(MU) researchers are developing a nuclear energy source that is smaller, lighter and more efficient.

“To provide enough power, we need certain methods with high energy density(密度)”,said Jae Kwon, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at MU. “The radioisotope(放射性同位素) battery can provide power density that is much higher than chemical batteries.”

Kwon and his research team have been working on building a small nuclear battery, presently the size and thickness of a penny, intended to power various micro / nanoelectromechanical systems (M/NEMS). Although nuclear batteries can cause concerns, Kwon said they are safe.

“People hear the word ‘nuclear’ and think of something very dangerous,” he said, “However, nuclear power sources have already been safely powering a variety of devices, such as pace-makers, space satellites and underwater systems.”

His new idea is not only in the battery’s size, but also in its semiconductor(半导体). Kwon’s battery uses a liquid semiconductor rather than a solid semiconductor.

“The key part of using a radioactive battery is that when you harvest the energy, part of the radiation energy can damage the lattice structure(晶体结构) of the solid semiconductor,” Kwon said, “By using a liquid semiconductor, we believe we can minimize that problem.”

Together with J. David Robertson, chemistry professor and associate director of the MU Research Reactor, Kwon is working to build and test the battery. In the future, they hope to increase the battery’s power, shrink its size and try with various other materials. Kwon said that battery could be thinner than the thickness of human hair.

Which of the following is true of Jae Kwon?

A. He teaches chemistry at MU.

B. He developed a chemical battery.

C. He is working on a nuclear energy source.

D. He made a breakthrough in computer engineering.

Jae Kwon gave examples in Paragraph 4_________.

A. to show chemical batteries are widely applied.

B. to introduce nuclear batteries can be safely used.

C. to describe a nuclear-powered system.

D. to introduce various energy sources.

Liquid semiconductor is used to _________.

A. get rid of the radioactive waste

B. test the power of nuclear batteries.

C. decrease the size of nuclear batteries

D. reduce the damage to lattice structure.

According to Jae Kwon, his nuclear battery _______.

A. uses a solid semiconductor

B. will soon replace the present ones.

C. could be extremely thin

D. has passed the final test.

The text is most probably a ________.

A. science news report  B. book review

C. newspaper ad    D. science fiction story



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The fact has worried many scientists ______ the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years.

A. what          B. which         C. that       D. though


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    People diet to look more attractive. Fish diet to avoid being beaten up, thrown out of their social group, and getting eaten as a result. That is the fascinating conclusion of the latest research into fish behavior by a team of Australian scientists.

The research team have discovered that subordinate fish voluntarily diet to avoid challenging their larger competitors. “In studying gobies we noticed that only the largest two individuals, a male and female, had breeding(繁殖) rights within the group," explains Marian Wrong. “All other group members are nonbreeding females, each being 5-10% smaller than its next largest competitor. We wanted to find out how they maintain this precise size separation."

The reason for the size difference was easy to see. Once a subordinate fish grows to within 5-10% of the size of its larger competitor, it causes a fight which usually ends in the smaller goby being driven away from the group. More often than not, the evicted fish is then eaten up.

It appeared that the smaller fish were keeping themselves small in order to avoid challenging the boss fish. Whether they did so voluntarily, by restraining how much they ate, was not clear. The research team decided to do an experiment. They tried to fatten up some of the subordinate gobies to see what happened. To their surprise, the gobies simply refused the extra food they were offered, clearly preferring to remain small and avoid fights, over having a feast.

 The discovery challenges the traditional scientific view of how boss individuals keep their position in a group. Previously it was thought that large individuals simply used their weight and size to threaten their subordinates and take more of the food for themselves, so keeping their competitors small.

While the habits of gobies may seem a little mysterious. Dr. Wong explains that understanding the relationships between boss and subordinate animals is important to understanding how hierarchical(等级的) societies remain stable.

The research has proved the fact that voluntary dieting is a habit far from exclusive to human.”As yet, we lack a complete understanding of how widespread the voluntary reduction of food intake is in nature," the researchers comment. “Data on human dieting suggests that, while humans generally diet to improve health or increase attractiveness, rarely does it improve long-term health and males regularly prefer females that are fatter than the females' own ideal."

65 When a goby grows to within 5-10% of the size of its larger competitor, it ______.

A. faces danger       B. has breeding rights

C. eats its competitor     D. leaves the group itself

66. The underlined words “the evicted fish" in Paragraph 3 refer to _____.

A. the fish beaten up       B. the fish found out

C. the fish fattened up     D. the fish driven away

67 The experiment showed that smaller fish ____.

A. fought over a feast        B. went on diet willingly

C. preferred some extra food  D. challenged the boss fish

68. What is the text mainly about?

A. Fish dieting and human dieting.

B. Dieting and health.

C. Human dieting.

D. Fish dieting. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

What makes a person a scientist? Does he have ways or tools of learning that are different from those of others??The answer is“no”.It isn't the tools a scientist uses but how he uses these tools which makes him a scientist .You will probably agree that knowing how to use a power is important to a carpenter(木匠).You will probably agree,too, that knowing how to investigate(调查),how to discover information ,is important to everyone. The scientist ,however ,goes one step further ;he must be sure that he has a reasonable answer to his questions and that his answer he gets to many questions is into a large set of ideas about how the world works.?

The scientist's knowledge must be exact .There's no room for half right or right just half the time. He must be as nearly right as the conditions permit .What works under one set of conditions at one time must work under the same conditions at other times. If the conditions are different ,any changes the scientist observes in a demonstration(实证)must be explained by the changes in the conditions. This is one reason why investigations are important in science .Albert Einstein ,who developed the Theory of Relativity ,arrived at this theory through mathematics. The accuracy(正确性)of his mathematics was later tested through investigation. Einstein's ideas were proved to be correct .A scientist uses many tools for measurements .Then the measurements are used to make mathematical calculations(计算)that may test his investigations.

1.What makes a scientist according to the passage??

A.The tools he uses.

B.His ways of learning.?

C.The way he uses his tools.

D.The various tools he uses.?

2.“...knowing how to investigate ,how to discover information ,is important to everyone.”The writer says this to show_______.?

A.the importance of information

B.the difference between scientists and ordinary people?

C.the importance of thinking

D.the difference between carpenters and ordinary people?

3.A sound scientific theory should be one that_______.?

A.works under one set of conditions at one time and also works under the same conditions at other times?

B.leaves no room for improvement?

C.doesn't allow any change even under different conditions?

D.can be used for many purposes?

4.What is the main idea of the passage??

A.Scientists are different from ordinary people.?

B.The Theory of Relativity.?

C.Exactness is the core(核心)of science.?

D.Exactness and way of using tools are the keys to making of a scientist.?



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年河北省邢台一中高二第三次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单选题

Nowadays,scientists are working hard to find a best way of treating addictions ________ drugs.


