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              A  ★★★☆☆

    Last summer I was fortunate enough to be able to spend a month in France. It was the most exciting time of my life. I stayed with a family in Montpellier. It was very different from my life in the United States. Every morning we bought fresh bread from the bakery (面包店) and had coffee in a bowl instead of a cup. The milk came in bottles fresh from the dairy (牛奶场) .These differences were skin-deep,however,I soon discovered other more important ones.

    Back home in Winnetka,Illinois,I wouldn’t think anything of taking a ten-minute shower every day,or even twice a day in summer. In my French host family,we showered only once every two days and used far less water. First you turn the water on to get wet,then turn it off and soap yourself up,then you turn it on again to rinse the soap off,so the water is only on for about maybe two minutes. Although it was pretty hot there in summer,I’d never taken showers in cold water!I couldn’t imagine what it was like in winter.

    I also noticed that although the'family had a car,they hardly ever used it. The father took the bus to work in the morning and the mother rode her bicycle when going on short trips. The family was well-off rather than poor,but they tried to drive less. As Americans,however,we are quite used to taking long showers and driving everywhere,using much more energy than French people.

    Living in Montpellier and seeing people’s frugal life there,I get angry thinking of the resources wasted in the United States. When I came home,I was much more energy-conscious. I didn't drink coffee out of a bowl anymore,but I started riding my bike to school and turning the thermostat down at night.

1. According to Paragraph 1 ,Americans and the French are different in

   A. their eating habits

   B. their morning exercises 

    C. the way of cooking

   D. their attitude to breakfast

2. What can we learn about taking showers in Montpellier?

   A. People take showers every day.

   B. People use a small amount of water.

    C. People usually spend ten minutes showering.

   D. People are used to taking cold showers.

3. We know from Paragraph 3 that the French family

   A. lived a poor life

   B. made full Use of their car 

    C. enjoyed taking short trips

   D. had environmental awareness

4. The underlined word “frugal” in the last paragraph probably means .

   A. quiet   

    B. simple

    C. busy   

    D. private 

1. A 2.B 3.D 4.B



1. A. 细节理解题。由第一段中的Every morning we ... of a cup. The milk came in bottles fresh from the dairy可知,法国人的用餐习惯和美国人不同。

2.B. 推理判断题。由第二段第二、三句可知,蒙 彼利埃市的居民洗澡时用水很少。

3.D. 推理判断题。由第三段第一、三句可知,作 者的寄宿家庭有很强的节能环保意识。

4.B. 词义猜测题。通过上文可知,蒙彼利埃的 居民过着节俭的生活,故可推断frugal在本句中意为“简朴的”。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课程 > 第33期 2015-2016学年高一新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Li Hua and I were neighbours and we went to same school. We always went to school together. We were good friend and had a great deal to share with every day. However,one day,Li Hua copied my homework,which made me such angry that I did not want to be friends with him any long. Then on Monday morning I ran downstairs without realize it was raining,but there was no time to return home to fetch an umbrella. It happens that Li Hua was just around the corner and he offered to share her umbrella with me. He made an apology to me in a gently voice. I forgave him but gave him a hug.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


               Volunteer teaching ?n Sur?n,Thailand

    Surin,the heart of Thailand,is well-known for its beautiful sight and friendly local people. To the north of Surin is the valley of the Mun River,and to the south is the great Dongrek mountains. For those who want to escape to a much simpler way of life,Sunn is the best choice.

    Our hands-on teaching volunteer experience gives you the chance to help children through teaching. You* 11 be given all the necessary training to have an exciting and educational lesson. Your working place will be in a Thai government school. The school day starts at 8:30 am and ends at 3:30 pm,which means that you’ 11 have plenty of free time in the evening to relax or explore the local area.


. Day 1 Arrive in Bangkok 

Touch down in Bangkok and head to your guesthouse on the famous Khao San road. Have a guesthouse on the famous Khao San road. Have a rest and then do some local exploring until you meet the rest of the volunteers in the evening.

. Day 2  Bangkok tour

Explore some of the city’ s  most famous places such as temples and palaces. Tour the Klongs of Bangkok on an exciting boat ride.

. Day 3  Go to Surin 

Take a train to Surin,live in yòur volunteer home and then get all the information about the volunteer project.

. Day 4  Meet the students

Yo? will get the chance to meet everyone an 4 introduce yourself to everyone at the school you will be volunteering at.

. Day 5-7 Teaching time,8. 30 am - 3. 30 pm,Monday - Thursday 

Teach English in a Thai government school and provide the children with valuable life skills and learn about Thai life at the same time. A truly interesting experience!

. Day 8-10 Free time in Surin 

Relax during your time off by exploring Surin or visiting nearby Cambodia on the weekend.

13. What do we know about Sunn according to Paragraph 1 ?

   A. It is a poor place.

   B. It is located in the south of Thailand,

   C. The local people live a simple life.

   D. There are many rivers and mountains there.

14. When may the volunteers travel around Surin during weekdays?

   A. At night. B. In the morning,

   C. At noon. D. In the late afternoon.

15. How will the volunteers explore the Klongs of Bangkok?

   A. By bus. B. By train,

   C. By boat. D. On foot.

16. On which day can the volunteers visit Cambodia?

   A. Day 1.   B. Day 3.

   C. Day 6.   D. Day 9. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                A ★★★☆

A Trip with Grandma 

    Little Sprout is a lovely hamster (仓鼠) ,who is about to go on his first overnight trip with his grandmother and sister,but the thought of being away from his parents makes him nervous. Thankfully,Sprout has brought along a stuffed animal. Gradually,he finds himself having more fun. This hamster will help your child find the courage to take his first trip away from home.

Lately Lily 

    Lily is a brave girl whose parents are travel writers. She is travelling the world with her parents and her best friend Zeborah. Together,they explore the world and make new friends. The bright colours of the illustrations(插图) bring the wonders of travelling to life. The book focuses on the exciting exploration and will encourage readers to venture into the world. There is also a fun App offered to feature Lily on a tour of Paris.

Greetings from Kiwi and Pear 

    Kiwi and Pear are two little monkeys who start an adventure around the world. They send readers a postcard from each place they visit. The monkeys visit some of the most famous places,including the Eiffel Tower and the Taj Mahal. The book comes with a map that shows all the stops on their journey. Readers can track the monkeys’ trip as they travel the world,giving kids a chance to learn some geography.

Not For Parents series 

   Lonely Planet is the largest travel guide book publisher in the world. It started a series designed for young travellers. Today,the series totals more than 20 books about the wonders of the world,how to be a world explorer and even how to search for dinosaurs. The humor of the books will attract children and make it easy for them to remember what they are reading.

1. Why does little Sprout feel upset?

   A. He has lost his stuffed animal.

   B. His grandmother treats him badly.

    C. He is unwilling to travel with his sister.

   D. He will be separate from his parents for some time.

2. What do we know about Lily?

   A. She is a courageous girl.

   B. She wants to be a travel writer.

    C. She makes a new friend called Zeborah.

   D. She makes use of an App to guide her trip.

3. Which of the following contains a map that shows the stops of the trip?

   A. Lately Lily.

   B. Not For Parents series,

    C. A Trip with Grandma.

   D. Greetings from Kiwi and Pear.

4. Both Lately Lily and Greetings from Kiwi and Pear.

   A. use humorous words

   B. are about adventurous stories

    C. tell science fiction stories 

   D. teach kids to love their family 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

           B  ★★★★☆

    Sperm whles (抹香鲸) talk to each other in (短而尖的声音) .“There's a lot of debate if culture is exclusive to humans or if you can find it in animals,too,” says Mauricio Cantor,a biologist. Earlier research has suggested that dolphins,birds and a few other wild animals have it too.

    Sperm whales can make som? of the deepest dives among all the animals in the sea. They usually swim in small units of 12 or so,moms,grandmas,aunts and friends. These units are part of larger groups of 30 to 300 whales,or a clan (家族) . Individuals in each clan talk to each other using different patterns of clicks. These varying patterns are similar to dialects in human speech. Females do most of the talking.

    Cantor and his colleagues wanted to know how the whales got their unique dialects. They recorded the whales’s behavior. Back in their lab,the scientists loaded all of these data into a computer. The research showed that the whales had to learn their dialects from other whales around them. 

    Scientists refer to this as social learning. a Social ;learning is the foundation(基础) of culture,” Cantor says. Because sperm whales learn their dialects from their families,there are cultural differences between  clans .

    Luke Rendell in Scotland points out that the new findings are based on a computer model of how the sperm whale dialects come to be. "Like all models,they may be wrong,but the?v,are also usefill. They may help improve more researchN on cultural processes in non-human societies,” he says.

5. The underlined word “exclusive” in Paragraph 1 means

   A. important 'v   B. limited 

    C. meaningful   D. common

6. What do we know about sperm whales from Paragraph 2 ?

   A. Males talk a lot.

   B. They fail to understand each other,

    C. They can understand human speech.

   D. Each family has its own communicative pattern.

7. How do sperm whales get their dialects?

   A. They copy other whales.

   B. They are bom with them.

    C. They create them themselves.

   D. They learn them from visitors.

8. What does Rendell think of the new findings?

   A. They are inspiring. 

    B. They are successful,

    C. They are misleading. 

    D. They are meaningless.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    When people hear about my past and know what I have gone through,I’m usually told I’m strong,I’ve 21 had a hard time believing this. Today that 22 and I now believe it.

    My first bom son,nearly four years old,was a 如(发脾气) .I was 23 and wanted to just walk away. But I decided to deal with the situation 24 this time. I hugged him and asked what was wrong. He told me he just wanted to be 25 I was a bit thrown off by his 26 .

    In my mind,I 27,what made him say such a thing. Did he think he was 28 ? I also wondered if my kid had the same 29 as I did. Anyway,30 these kinds of questions couldn’t be answered,I just brushed them off and said to mv 31 , “But you are strong." He then replied, “No,Mom,I just want to be strong like you." I couldn’t 32 my tears. I felt in that moment,time stood still. My heart melted 33 that from my own baby. All my stress,doubts and 34 melted away. I held his 35 in my hands,wiping away his tears with my fingers,looked into his blue eyes 36 told him I am only strong because I 37 him. Without him and his sisters,I wouldn’t be strong at all. By then,my girls had heard what we said and were 38 on each side of US. I 39 them all. Holding them all in my arms,I felt 40 for having my beautiful babies and my life.

21. A. always   B. still   C. never   D. seldom

22. A. followed   B. changed  C. returned   D. fixed \

23. A. concerned   B. surprised  C. curious   D. angry

24. A. proudly   B. busily   C. differently   D. crazily

25. A. honest   B. active   C. patient   D. strong

26. A. reply   B. advice  C. secret   D. rule

27. A. believed   B. questioned   C. designed   D. proved

28. A. weak   B. brave   C. clever   D. tired

29. A. records   B. thoughts  C. dream   D. ability

30. A. regretting   B. hoping  C. remembering   D. knowing

31. A. mother   B. father   C. boy   D. girl

32. A. feel   B. explain  C. wipe away   D. hold back

33. A. collecting   B. hearing    C. receiving   D. expecting

34. A. happiness,   B. love   C. worries   D. beliefs

35. A. cheeks   B. hands   C. toys   D. presents.

36. A. or   B. but   C. and   D. so

37. A. visit   B. have   C. miss   D. trust

38. A. standing   B. relaxing   C. drinking   D. reading

39. A. raised   B. found   C. caught   D. hugged

40. A. nervous   B. eager   C. grateful   D. light


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

         A  ★★★☆☆

    Teachers from Matthew Jago elementary school in Sewaren,New Jersey,took a group of students in the school's (自闭症) classes to Jose Tejas Restaurant on May 6 ,in honor of Teacher Appreciation Day.

    The 21 teachers and 26 children enjoyed a good meal. When it came time to pay the bill,the manager told them it had already been paid for by another diner. “We couldn’t believe it. We were all speechless the moment we heard the news,” said Jeannette Gruskowski,one of the teachers.

    The meal was supposed to be paid for by the teachers and the children's parents,and the group was impressed by the kindness of the complete stranger. The manager told US that she’s a grandparent of a child with special needs,” Gruskowski explained. And she was so touched by US being there with the kids on Teacher Appreciation Day.”

    The woman chose to remain anonymous. The teachers were told that the woman frequently visited the restaurant,so the group put together a heartfelt thank-you card in the hope that it would reach her.

    “we don’t know who you are. There are no words to express how grateful we are to you,” read the card. “Your act of generosity will forever remain in our hearts."

    Greg,manager at Jose Tejas., confirmed that the card was given to the anonymous woman. He said that she was very appreciative,but still insisted on anonymity.

    Gruskowski and the other teachers also sent a note to the kids’ families to let them know what had happened. “The parents were deeply touched,” she said.

1. Why was the group of children taken to the restaurant?

   A. To make new friends.

   B. To celebrate a special day.

    C. To help waiters in the restaurant.

   D. To make a meal for their teachers.

2. How did the teachers and students feel on hearing the manager's words?

   A. Surprised. B. Proud,

    C. Doubtful. D. Concerned.

3. The underlined word “anonymous” in Paragraph 4 can best be replaced by .

   A. calm   B. friendly

    C. nameless   D. selfless

4. What did the kids do after the dinner?

   A. They paid a visit to the woman.

   B. They made cards for their family,

    C. They repaid money to the woman.

   D. They expressed their thanks to the woman. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Five of us went off to Amsterdam late last summer for a week. We finished our holiday jobs and thought we deserved a break. We got a cheap flight to Amsterdam,took a bus into town,and went to see the sights. .

   None of US knew the place,so it was a bit of an adventure,and we got completely lost at one point.

My friend Dave nearly fell into ? canal when we were crossing a bridge because he wasn,t looking where he was going!But we managed to find the Van Gogh Museum,where we had to queue for two hours. There were so many people!While we were waiting there,I met an old friend from school. The world is a small place!

   We stayed in a travellers’hostel(招待所) ,and met some friendly Italians who were staying there too. The hostel was cheap and clean. Ten people in one dormitory can be a problem!And for food,we generally ate in fast food restaurants. Did you know the Dutch have mayonnaise (蛋黄酱) with their chips? But on my birthday we had a special meal at an Indonesian restaurant.

   Anyway,public transport is good,so it's easy to get around the city. A lot of people rent bikes,but we preferred to go by bus. You have to be careful though. You get your ticket from a machine,not from the driver. When we were going to the Vondelpark on Friday,two of the boys didn’ t have any money to buy a ticket,and an inspector caught them. They had to pay five times the fare!They tried to say they were foreigners,but the man didn' t accept that. The rest of us just laughed. In the end,we all had a great time and would love to go back to Holland.

1. Why did the author decide to go to Amsterdam?

   A. To visit his friends.

   B. To find a holiday job. 

    C. To take a business trip.

   D. To enjoy a summer holiday.

2. What happened to the author after he arrived in Amsterdam?

   A. He fell into a canal.

   B. He came across his old friend.

    C. He had a quarrel with his friends.

   D. He couldn' t  find the Van Gogh Museum.

3. What was the author's problem according to Paragraph 3 ?

   A. There were too many people in one room.

   B. The local people were not very friendly.

    C. The meals in fast food restaurants were bad.

   D. He had to clean the room while living in a travelers,hostel.

4. What did the author think of his stay in Amsterdam?

   A. Boring.     B. Exciting.

    C. Tough.      D. Disappointing.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. Nowadays I can choose online courses and study by.

   A. I   B. me

    C. my   D. myself           (2015 上海)

