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The lawyer suggested that the problem worth paying attention_____ at the next meeting.

A. to be discussed B. to being discussed

C. being discussed D. be discussed



试题分析:考查固定短语和虚拟语气。句意:律师建议这个值得注意的问题(应该)在下次会议上进行讨论。pay attention to的宾语是the problem,“worth paying attention to”是定语,做题时不要受思维定势的影响而误选了B项;suggest意为“建议”时,后面的宾语从句用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形,should可省略,故选A。



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建闽清高级中学等四校高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

He won the FIFA World Player of the Year award,though _____ of the fans seemed to agree.

A.each B.every

C.not all D.no one


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏宿迁沭阳银河学校高二12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Fish have ears. Really. They’re quite small and have no opening to the outside world carrying sound through the body. For the past seven years, Simon Thorrold, a university professor, has been examining fish ears, small round ear bones called otoliths.

As fish grow, so do their otoliths. Each day, their otoliths gain a ring of calcium carbonate (碳酸钙). By looking through a microscope (显微镜) and counting these rings, Thorrold can determine the exact age of a young fish. As a fish gets older, its otoliths no longer get daily rings. Instead, they get yearly rings, which can also be counted, giving information about the fish’s age, just like the growth rings of a tree.

Ring counting is nothing new to fish scientists. But Thorold has turned to a new direction. They’re examining the chemical elements (元素) of each otolith ring.

The daily ring gives us the time, but chemistry tells us about the environment in which the fish swam on any given day. These elements tell us about the chemistry of the water that the fish was in. It also says something about water temperature, which determines how much of these elements will gather within each otolith ring.

Thorrold can tell, for example, if a fish spent time in the open ocean before entering the less salty water of coastal areas. He can basically tell where fish are spending their time at any given stage of history.

In the case of the Atlantic croaker, a popular saltwater food fish, Thorrold and his assistant have successfully followed the traveling of young fish from mid-ocean to the coast, a journey of many hundreds of miles.

This is important to managers in the fish industry, who know nearly nothing about the whereabouts of the young fish for most food fish in the ocean. Eager to learn about his technology, fish scientists are now lending Thorrold their ears.

1.What can we learn about fish ears from the text?

A. They are small soft rings.

B. They are not seen from the outside.

C. They are openings only on food fish.

D. They are not used to receive sound.

2.Why does the writer compare the fish to trees?

A. Trees gain a growth ring each day.

B. Trees also have otoliths.

C. Their growth rings are very small.

D. They both have growth rings.

3.Why is it important to study the chemistry of otolith rings?

A. The elements of the otoliths can tell the history of the sea.

B. Chemical contents of otoliths can tell how fast fish can swim.

C. We can know more about fish and their living environment.

D. Scientists can know exactly how old a fish is.

4.How would you understand “fish scientists are now lending their ears”?

A. They are very interested in Thorrold’s research findings.

B. They want to know where they can find fish.

C. They lend their fish for chemical studies.

D. They wonder if Thorrold can find growth rings from their ears.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏宿迁沭阳银河学校高二12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

After the students put up New Year decorations, the classroom ________ a holiday appearance.

A. put on B. turned on

C. took on D. carried on


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏宿迁沭阳银河学校高二12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The good thing about children is that they ________ very easily to new environments.

A. adapt B. appeal

C. adopt D. apply


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏宿迁剑桥国际学校高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题



I went on an recently, but my trip took me than I expected.


He could not keep pace the game, and as a result his careless playing we lost.

3.虽然可能有点尴尬, 但是如果她真是你最好的朋友,你应该为责怪她而向她道歉。

it may feel awkward, if she really is your best friend you should apologize for her.


When about the company’s future, the manager responded without that he remained optimistic.


Forest fires are often caused by glass or by cigarette ends which people throw away.


If you take consideration the money you’ll spend on , this house is a little bit expensive.


They think of businessmen from their responsibilities, and only worrying about money.

8.后来,我假装很开心,但汉娜还是觉察到哪儿有点不对劲 。

Afterwards, I to be cheerful, but Hannah something was wrong.


Their opinions each other on this matter.


In of all that has been said, the tourists have been leaves and cutting their names on the tree-trunk.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏宿迁剑桥国际学校高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Mike, our team will play against the Rockets this weekend. I am sure we will win.


A. Congratulations B. Cheers

C. Never mind D. Good luck


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏东台三仓中学高二12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

I used to be the messiest person alive.Over the years, through watching others and by trial and error, I have finally found ways to come up with plans, organize them and follow through with them.

Make an outline of everything you need to have and do to make your plan happen.Make a list of all of the steps that need to be accomplished and think about what needs to be done.

Detail everything thoroughly and read over it so you can start coming up with some mental solutions of how to carry out your plans.

You should ensure that if for some reason way one doesn’t work, you have way two and way three to lean back on.Therefore, different ways are needed at hand.It’s just a matter of being organized.Chances are that there is always more than one way of doing things, and chances are that if one of those ways doesn’t work, one of the other ones will.

Committing yourself to finishing at least part if not all of your plan at once is also necessary.It will show that you not only have initiative to get things rolling, but that you are interested in the results obtained with making the move to get everything done.

If you make a commitment to finish before a specific time, make sure that you carry that out, and be sure to do everything in the way you said you would, within the time-frame you set for yourself.

Don’t try to tackle more things all at a time.All that does is delay your progress, distract you and make you lose your interest, motivation and energy.

Carrying out an effective plan requires being as organized as possible.You will only achieve this by sticking to the order of the plan and not deviating or trying to do more at a time.

Last but not least, you should never abandon things mid-project.It will only annoy everyone around you including yourself.Unfinished plans are a waste of time, energy and, in some cases, even money.

So, don’t be afraid of organization.The older we get, the more necessary it becomes to have the skills to follow through with confidence and to be able to carry through plans in an organized and manageable way.It pays to be organized, after all.

Title: Tips on how to be1._____________ in your life




3.________ down your plan

◆List everything you need

◆List the4.__________ you will follow

To make your plan happen

Prepare three

5.__________ ways to carry out your plan

To6. _________ that you can have some other choices when one way doesn’t work.

7.__________ to finish at least part of your plan if not all

Do everything8.____________ your own time-frame

To show yourself you are determined to get things started and caring about the results.

Do one thing at once

Stick to the order of your plan

To save your interest, motivation and energy

Finish what you have started

To get your plan 9.__________out thoroughly.


You shouldn’t be afraid of organization because it’s really worthwhile.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年河北唐山开滦第二中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

假定你是李华,从互联网上得知一个国际中学生组织将在新加坡举办夏令营,欢迎各国学生参加,请写一封电子邮件申请参加 。100词左右。


1,自我介绍(包括英语能力 );


3,希望获准 。

